An American form of Idolatry and Blasphemy – Lies of Elijah and Farrakhan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين الذي بعونه تتم الصالحات

والصلاة والسلام على رسوله المصطفى الأمين وآ له وصحبه

ومن أتبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين

All praises for Allah, Lord Master and Absolute Sovereign of the Universe, for only by His aid are all good deeds completed, and may the salutations of Allah and His peace and blessings be upon the Messenger Muhammad, the Trustworthy One, and upon his family and companions, and those that follow them and their way until the Day of Judgment.

اللهم صلّ على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد

O Allah may the prayer (for all good) be upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you have given your prayer (for all good) upon Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem, – Verily you are Praiseworthy, Glorious. And bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you have Ibraheem and the family of Ibraheem – Verily you are Praiseworthy, Glorious.


Before reading the foolish lies below of Elijah and Farrakhan about “Allah” (God) coming in the flesh of a man called “Fard,” please read the following explanation about….

Allah the Almighty and Majestic :

About the word “Allah” and its meaning

Thank you.


Also visit this informative website below for in-depth investigate research, and testimonials from those who were caught in the cult for a while


Below you will see a humble effort – as a sincere advice for guidance and salvation for those that will be guided and saved – to inform the public about an issue that I thought was fading away and dying out its natural death. Then when the CAAM group made their national press club statement in October 2010, as you will read and see below, it hit me like a load of bricks. I said to myself, Wow, the Muslim brothers in prison know very well  that the so called “Nation of Islam” followers of Louis Farrakhan are not Muslims because they call a man named Master Fard as their divine god and they call a man named  Elijah as their final prophet and messenger…etc etc … but these leaders do not know this? But wait a second… they DO KNOW very well! What’s going on?  How can this be happening? How can there be so much confusion about the most essential principle of Islam? How can there be a mix up about the simple straightforward truth of the strict monotheism of Allah, about the testimony of faith that there is no god except Allah, the one and only Almighty Creator and Lord and God of the universe,  and that Muhammad is His Messenger, and that he is the final Prophet and Messenger, peace and blessing be upon him and his family and companions?    I was shocked and dumbfounded by the sheer audacity of the time we live in. To use the expression, I had the “ah ha” moment when I realized how critically important this issue has become since many people have allowed it to become clouded and shrouded in uncertainty and in ambiguous politically motivated statements. I realized that there was the dire need for absolute clarity and definitive proofs.  I realized that the sanctity of the Shahadah was being repeatedly violated and defiled by outlandish idolatry and blasphemy, by an American form of a  false idol and a false prophet, and those that promote and facilitate these lies to be perpetuated among the ignorant masses.

Thus, you will see below the beginnings of an effort to make some very clear statements about Farrakhan and the NOI, and to provide some very definitive proofs  from their own speeches,  from their own written publications and from their own official websites, and so forth.

We will  prove below without a doubt that this large organization of the so called nation of Islam,  whose leader for decades has been Louis Farrakhan, firmly believe and openly proclaim to this day that their god whom they worship reverently came to Detroit USA in the flesh in the name of a man called WD Ford son of Alfonso, whose name was later changed to  “Master Fard Muhammad,” and that this man took a another man called Elijah Poole, whose name was later changed to “Elijah Muhammad” to be his prophet and messenger, receiving special divine messages and revelations. This is their claim to this very day in Hijri 1431, CE 2010, which they have been claiming for more than 80 years, nonstop 24/7.

I was shocked when I realized the gravity of this violation to our religion of Islam, and it may be that you will be shocked by what you see and read below about the false idol and false prophet and the propagators and facilitators.

Please bear with me as I paste material up in a somewhat preliminary, hasty and unorganized manner to the best of my limited abilities, for purposes of study, comparison and investigation.

Later we hope to organize and present it all in a more appropriate manner, insha-Allah wa bi-aunihi, (God willing and by His help).

Help us and pray for our success in defending the Shahadah that there is no god except Allah and His Messenger is Muhammad, May Allah be Glorified and may the salutations of peace and blessings be upon the last and final Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.


News Flash on this subject of Farrakhan’s participation of the CAAM initiative

(To be updated periodically)


There are many forms of idolatry among the  American people just as there are among Asia and African and Europeans and other peoples, and below I will discuss one particular and peculiar form that portrays an Islamic garb, and confuses many people in America and abroad…. .  

Update – December 18, 2010

Last night I had a conversation with Imam Saraj Wahaj in his hotel room after the fundraiser of Dar-us-Salaam, al-Huda School, December 18, 2010, College Park Maryland

It was a candid talk wherein he presented to me his history and the history of the CAAM event, and his relations with the NOI, and after leaving the NOI his subsequent efforts to call them to Islam. I presented my reasons for writing the editorial I wrote (and brother Idrees) about the CAAM event, which he respected and appreciated, stating that considering the facts known at the time, it was a very legitimate concern.

He explained how basically the CAAM meeting was misrepresented to him, for he had thought that it was to going be a mixed event of various concerned community leaders, voices of Afro American Muslims and non Muslims, speaking out against rampant bigotry against Muslims in the media.  He had thought that there would not be any representation of Farrakhan as a Muslim leader.  This is why he left the ad hoc organization after he was stunned by the turn of affairs at the media event in which Farrakhan was included as a CAAM member.

We spoke about approaches to the Da’wah (invitation) work in America, and basically agreed to disagree about certain details, about the details of the gradual approach of learning and accepting the basic articles of faith of Islam and rejected falsehoods and idolatry,  respecting within limits each other’s approaches to call people to Islam, to the eternal truth that there is no god except the Allah (the One God), the Amlmighty and Majestic, and that Muhammad is the Final Messenger of Allah,  and that all other gods, deities and idols taken as objects of worship are false gods, and that all other prophets and messengers after the Final Prophet Messenger of Allah, Muhammad ibn Abduallah, peace and blessings be upon him, are false prophets and messengers, spreading deviation, destruction and malice.



Nov 13 2010

assalaam aalikum

I just spoke to Khaleefah  Basha who knows the respected Imam Saraj Wahaj personally and  he informed me that he spoke to Imam Saraj  and that Saraj did not know the Atlanta event was Sufi oriented, and we are hoping for the best about all these concerns about Farrakhan and extremist Sufim, inshallah, from the respected Imam, to protect Tauheed and Sunnah.


Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1431 | November 11, 2010

We have been trying to contact the respected Imam Siraj Wahaj to communicate our concerns personally to him about this issue of the CAAM Press Club announcement, presenting Farrakhan as a legitimate Muslim leader.

Meanwhile, we have found this announcement by one of the MANA officials Imam Talib ‘Abdur Rashid (as below) on a blog “The Singular Voice of Abdur-Rahman Muhammad”.

Yet it is curious that this grave issue is posted here on this BlogSpot because Imam TAlib has had some harsh words about Abdur Rahman Muhammad in other posts accusing him of dubious reporting, name calling, and some slander, and Allah knows best to the truth of the matter, since I am only mentioning this since it pertains to the CAAM Fraakhan issue, and therefore we need to verify its contents of the accusations of these two antagonists.

See Imam Al-Hajj Talib ‘Abdur-Rashid’s blogs dated

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Thursday, October 28, 2010


Here at his blog

And see the posting  of Imam Talib ‘Abdur Rashid (as below) on the blog “The Singular Voice” of Abdur-Rahman Muhammad in reaction to the reprinting of A. Idress Palmers’ article in THE MUSLIM LINK newspaper link , as below:

Imam Talib Abdur-Rashid says:

October 23, 2010 at 12:31 pm

ASA Dear Concerned Believers:

MANA leaders have already spoken with Imam Siraj and others about our own concerns surrounding the image and execution of the CAAM event. We were informed that it was not originally conceived as it ended up. Amir Siraj’s reccomendation had been for Imam Zaid Shakir (who conceived the idea) to take the lead in the initiative and program, which was to have been a coalition of both Muslim and non-Muslim African American religious leaders. He did not realize that this wasn’t the case until he arrived for the event. Imam Siraj felt compelled to make a statement at the time because of the gravity of the situation (religious intolerance, ethnic bigotry, and “Islamophobia”) but he has since withdrawn from CAAM as an organization. May Allah forgive all of our shortcomings and errors, guide us all, and grant us victory over the Unbelievers, amin.

I respond this posting, as follows:

As mentioned before concerned brothers are trying to make contacts with these CAAM brothers to explain the extreme folly and damage to the Dawah to Tauheed and the Sunnah by association with NOI and Farrakhan, presenting him as a Muslim leader.

Why have the CAAM leaders not made public their displeasure about the events during their very public event at the prestigious National Press Club , if they are indeed displeased?

If you make a very public mistake, the eminent Islamic scholars say you must make a very public repentance to correct that mistake, especially if you are a leader with many followers who will follow you in the same mistake, which is the case here exactly.

Some murky rumors with no documentation or recording, or obscure postings on an dubious obscure blogs, is not enough is a huge community affair like this.

Where is their public denouncement of CAAM leaders of Farrakhan and his NOI lies?

To believe in a false god (Fard) and a false prophet (Elijah), as Farrakhan and the NOI has for decades,  as compared to believing in the true God, Allah Almighty and Majestic and true Prophet Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him, is not difficult to understand, and it is not rocket science: one may “convert” or “revert” in moments as hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters who were in this travesty of NOI disbelief, have done with sincerity, and as Malcolm X – Malik Shabazaz, did with sincerity, and they all are our brothers in Islam.

Some Muslim brothers mention that they are calling the NOI by a secret private step by step process, of coming to Islam faith and belief incrementally.

One wonders why this incremental approach and the secrecy, if they are sincere, for Allah will protect those that fear Him and no other false gods  and polytheists.

Maybe it is because they fear the consequences like loss of job, of money, of prestige, or possibly they fear violence from NOI thugs who may engage in criminal actions to protect the status quo of their fiefdoms and their ideological and ground reality turf? Allah knows best.

Shirk (polytheism and idolatry) and Kufr  must be renouncing absolutely and completely upon taking the shahadah, and avoided completely thereafter,  and if ever one returns to any form of clear open Shirk or Kufr,  he is a Kaafir (disbeliever) and if he pretends to be Muslim, like Farrakahn and his NOI crowd,  then they are called  Munafaq (Hypocrite) of the kind which is theological (and not the kind which is partial relating to laziness in action or bad character, which most of us all have lapses into, etc) or Zindeeq and this is why I am seeking to prepare a prepare a paper proving Farrakhan to be a Zindeeq  and a Kafir (hypocrite kind since he says good things to Muslims and then sings the song of shirk and kufr of his god and prophet – Fard/Elijah- to the choir boys) by his own words and those of his closest followers, up until 2010 inshallah wa bi aunihi.

This foolishness of the so called Muslim leaders whereby they accept Farrakhan and NOI and others like them in Bid’ah Mukaffarah (innovation containing disbelief) has to be exposed to protect the Dawah to Tauheed and Sunnah, and it has to be made very public so people will know the truth and have a clear choice to choose either Islam or the various foolishness.

If anyone has a number so we can talk to the respected Imam Saraj Wahaj and the other leaders of CAAM, please give it to us jazakumallah khairan, since we have tried some published numbers but to no avail, or if you have any email which he and the others of CAAM will actually read and respond to, please inform us.

Nevertheless, since the CAAM event was nationally publicized and recorded and is used by  Farrakhan on his various propaganda machines to promote his leadership as a legitimate American Muslim and even a spokesman for their affairs,  we find it necessary to publish the following information to counter the foolish lies of Farrakhan and the NOI, as recorded below in detail, until the general public realizes with absolute clarity that Farrakhan is in no way a Muslim as long as he continues to worship and believe in a false god (Fard) and promote the foolish teachings and of a false prophet (Elijah). Only when he denounces and renounces unequivocally, openly and clearly, with electronic and written documentation, and says the Shahadah with sincerity, will he begin to be a Muslim, and then we will see his actions which speak louder than words.

As we have mentioned, when Farrakhan speaks about certain affairs, like race relations in America, the need for self reliance and hard work to better our conditions, USA domestic policy injustices, USA foreign policy injustices, hypocrisy of Muslim leaders fearing America more than Allah, etc, he may speak much truth, but unfortunately that is usually mixed up with and poisoned by his mention of “Master” Fard  (as his god) and “Honorable” Elijah (as his prophet) and thus he requires our continual and unrelenting disparagement of his speeches until he renounces and repudiates all false gods and prophets.

To be continued inshallah


An American form of Idolatry and Blasphemy :

The Lies of Elijah and Farrakhan

(and the dangers of facilitators and collaborators)

Written by

Abu Salman Deya ud-Deen Eberle

( أبو ســـلمان ضياء الدين ابرلي )

The Liars Ahmad Qadiyani, Elijah Muhammad, and Louis Farrakhan

Friday, Dhul-Qa’idah 14, 1431|October 22, 2010

The name Ghulam Ahmad Al-Qadiyani is usually not mentioned except along with the epitaph “the Liar” and “the False Prophet.”  This is to the great credit of the many Indo- Pakistanis who worked diligently for decades to expose the great lie of Ghulam Ahmad, the liar who claimed that he was a prophet who received revelation from Allah, and who maintained this great lie until his dishonorable death.  Anyone who believes that Ghulam Ahmad is a prophet invalidates the second part of the testimony of faith in Islam: “There is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”  It is to the credit of the Supreme Court of Pakistan that they realized this grave threat to Islam and they formally declared the avowed followers of Ghulam Ahmad to be apostates from Islam for this reason, and that the stamp “Non-Muslim” should be placed on their papers to identify them as Non Muslims and avoid confusion among any vulnerable Muslim who do not know the details of this Qadiyani Movement.

We American Muslim have not lived up to the challenge about two great American liars: specifically, Elijah Muhammad, and Louis Farrakhan. This is to our great shame and discredit, and it perpetuates a danger that appears to be growing even stronger.   These two great liars, especially the latter, have received the spotlight in the media and have done irreparable damage to the image of true Islam in America by their grand deceptions and shenanigans.

Elijah Muhammad’s beliefs are know and documented , and the details are in his books “Message to the Blackman” and “The Fall Of America” and his speeches and other writings.  His declared beliefs include, among others, that:

1.     The “Hereafter” is in the here and now, not in a life after death and resurrection.  All great events happen here, and there is no real Paradise and Hellfire.

2.     All black men are angels, and all white men are devils. Blacks were originally “moon people,” and that a (UFO) “mother wheel” piloted by 13 youths perpetually orbited the earth, waiting to unleash global destruction on all whites, while rescuing all blacks.

3.     He, Elijah Muhammad, was the “Messenger of Allah” sent to teach and guide all black men and women and to save them.

4.      “Allah” was a man named ‘Master’ Fard Muhammad, (the father of Fard was named Alfonso and his Jewish mother’s name was Baby Gee) who appeared in human form on the streets of Detroit, Michigan in July of 1930. According to Elijah Muhammad’s “Doctor Yacub History” about (UFO) starships from space etc, full of angels, one of these angels (remember that all black men are angels), was named “Allah.”

5.     And so on and on.

May Allah be Exalted High above the falsehood and blasphemy!

What laughable foolishness, but as it is said: the worst calamity is what makes you laugh.

Anyone who believes that a man called Fard Muhammad is Allah (God), and that Elijah Muhammad is a prophet, invalidates BOTH parts of the testimony of faith in Islam: “There is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”  This is far worse than the Qadiyani issue above.

Any Muslim who doesn’t not understand why these false claims invalidate the testimony of Islam, does not begin to understand that testimony of faith in Islam, and therefore his claim to be a Muslim is invalidated by the clear and definitive ignorance of the first and core principle of Islam: Tauheed; Shahadah.

“Nation of Islam” leader, Louis Farrakhan, up to this day, teaches the same doctrines as Elijah Muhammad his hero, mentor, prophet, and messenger, and we can briefly present some irrefutable evidenced:

1.     Pages 45-52 of Farrakhan’s study guide on his official website, confirms the Elijah Muhammad teachings about ‘Yacub’s History’ and his man/angel named “Allah” and his “messenger” Elijah Muhammad, etc.

[see: ]

2.      On the official “Nation of Islam” website of Louis Farrakhan, the ‘Muslim Program’  page  concerning “What The Muslims Believe,” reads in point No. 12: “We believe that Allah (God) appeared n the person of Master Fard Muhammad July 1930: the long awaited “Messiah” of the Christians and the “Mahdi” of the Muslims.” [See ]

3.     At the time of the 1995 Million Man March, Farrakhan alleged he had a “vision of being swept into a UFO that took him to a larger mothership.” While in the UFO he claimed to have spoken to the late Elijah Muhammad before being beamed back to earth. [The Washington Post, Sept. 18, 1995, p. D3].

4.     On nationally televised “Meet the Press” Tim Russert questioned Farrakhan about Yacub’s History and the UFO concept, to which Farrkhan replied: “I subscribe to every word the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us.” [April 13, 1997].

5.     Even in his CAAM address in 2010 against “bigotry and Islamophobia”  there is nothing that goes against his basic beliefs according to Elijah Muhammad and  Fard Muhammad.

6.     Note that NOI still advertises the Qadiani Quranic translation, exegesis (commentary) and beliefs on their NOI website, since it has a natural affiliation with NOI doctrines.

Is this the image of Islam you want presented to the world and among Americans!

We seek refuge in Allah from such terrible blasphemy!

Sister Amatullah Evans, may Allah reward her, in a letter to Muslim Link [October 8, 2010 (I could not find it in the online version)], pointed out some of these travesties, put we wanted to emphasize the great danger we face, and that out continued effort to expose the great lies of Liars is needed.

This is a core and “existential” danger about Islam in America:  many Muslims are ignorant about the lies of these liars, and about the danger of these lies to their Testimony to Faith in Islam.

An even a greater danger is that the leaders of the Coalition of African-American Muslims (CAAM), including -among others,Zaid Shakir, Mahdi Bray, Abdul Malik, and Siraj Wahhaj – who certainly are not ignorant about the lies of Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, shared the spotlight with Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam to make a joint statement about some current political concern of bigotry and Islamaphobia.

Many gullible Muslims may think that Farrakhan is a legitimate leader by association with these respected leaders of CAAM. This is a terrible shame, and this discredits all us Muslims in America.  Now we must work diligently not only to expose the great Liars, but also to expose the great collaborators.

If these ‘leaders’ are ignorant about Elijah Muhammad and Farrakhan, we would have a big problem. But they are not! Because they are not ignorant, then we have an even more dangerous problem which is an existential threat to the practice of our religion of Islam here in America.

Farrakhan has used this CAAM initiative to propagate his own legitimacy as an important ‘Muslim” leader as seen on another of his official websites,  What Islam is he the leader of?  Is this the Islam you want to be published and propagated?]

Abu Salman Deya ud-Deen Eberle

Article Link

[For more on these outrageous blasphemous NOI beliefs of idolatry you can search yourself and see with your own eyes on a NOI search engine of their books and printings: ]

[NOTE: Some information for this article was taken from brother Idress Palmer, may Allah reward him, who has conducted extensive research on this group under its various names and disguises, from its early history until its metamorphosed present. ]


Some relevant responses and correspondences, for further information:

A concerned brother, one of the most beloved of young brothers to me for the sake of Allah and His religion of Islam, contacted me about the article, and advised me to watch the following video of Imam Siraj giving a detailed explanation of his meeting with Farrakhan at a Saviors Day event. This video is called

“My Story” – Imam Siraj Wahaj

My response to his request is below:

Assalaam alaikum

The video is a personal story of  Saraj’s conversion, for he was in NOI and FOI and thus he knows full well the realities of their terrible lies. This is why this is all so dangerous.

The very fact that Saraj went to “Savior’s Day” tells us where his serious mistake was. It would have been better to go to the million African Americans march in DC since it was so various in nature and scope.

Do you know what “Savior’s Day” celebrates??

Elijah is their savior!!!!

And he remains their savior and that’s why they celebrate it!

This was their event all staged to get promotion and authenticity and legitimacy! And Saraj and others give it to them. WHY?

What did Saraj say in that Khutbah there on “Savior’s Day”?  Was he brave enough to say the truth about Elijah and Farrakhan: that they were and they remain GREAT LIARS!!

With Lies that destroy the Shahdah of LA ILAHA ILL-ALLAH?

Did he say that Elijah and Farrakhan are two Dajjals (Dajjalain) leading other astray to Hellfire.

And that they continue to this day leading other astray to Hellfire.

Imam Wallace changed his name to Warith-Deen, as Saraj mentioned in the video, but did he renounce his father as a LIAR and fraud? De he really change much?

Saraj mentions that in 1975, white people were able to come into movement, but they kept teaching esoteric and foolish doctrines, and not true Islam, and this is a documented by those that follow these things carefully.

All you have to read is the book (master’s thesis) of Dr. Bilal Philips about “Talbees Walees” [Wallace’s Trickery] to know about this trickery of Wallace for decades, and Idreess Palmer can fill you in a lot more with all documentation about the dates after Bilal’s book.

Saraj mentions the Dua about the two Umar’s, but what about the ending: that Abu Jahl remained kaafir and refused to renounce the kufr of his fathers. Take a lesson for this.

Every people who enter into Islam have their particular tribal and group false gods, idols and Tawagheet that they must specifically deny and disbelieve in, and in which they must openly renounce in order to come into Islam correctly, and this is the meaning of the first part of the Shahadah for them particularity. Do you get this point and its relationship to these American deviants?!

I think you read my book being prepared for publication,

“A pillar of Tauheed is Rejecting Taaghoot and avoiding it”

Or “Taaghoot & Rejecting Tawaagheet”

ركن التوحيد هو الكفر بالطاغوت واجتنابه

اوالطاغوت والكفر بالطواغيت

And you read the hadeeth about “kufr” of other gods. We all must disbelieve and disavow the worship of all others besides Allah, and this is “Kufr” of those others, meaning denial, disbelief, and absolving yourself of them.

As the Prophetic narration, peace be upon him, says:

مَنْ قَالَ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَكَفَرَ بِمَا يُعْبَدُ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ حَرُمَ مَالُهُ وَدَمُهُ وَحِسَابُهُ عَلَى اللَّهِ

“Whoever says LA ILAHA ILLALLAH and disavows (Kafara) what is worshiped other than Allah, will have his blood and property protected and sanctified, and his account will be with Allah, the Almighty and Majestic.” [Reported by Muslim]

Now Tell Me openly!!!!

What things have Farrakhan and the NOI changed, when they keep the faith point no. 12 [as above] on their newspaper and website for all to see?!  And they repeat it always?

Did you read it?

Is not faith point no. 12 a “Munkar” (evil thing) to be changed by either our hands or tongues or hearts?

Of course it is the Biggest of all possible Lies and Munkar!

And so much more etc etc that they must denounce openly to be Muslims, but let’s just remain on this point.

Do you remember the so called DC sniper and that he was a 5 percenter? And all the Muslims  screamed that he was not a Muslim. OK what’s the significant difference between the beliefs of the 5 percenters and the beliefs of Farrahkan and the NOI?

Let me remind you that the brother who gave me Shahadah in 1976  was a follower of Elijah and was a 5 percenter for awhile, and he fully renounced this garbage openly and became a good faithful Sunni Muslim.

And the very fact that Farrkhan can get a million African Americans is the VERY PROBLEM we are talking about.

How many people came to the ILMFEST? [Baltimore 2008]

Of course Saraj is not carrying the banners of the Fruit of Islam, since he knows about them VERY WELL, but we are talking about the fact that many people do not know the danger of this ideology, and this CAAM proclamation and other groups and events are indeed legitimating Farrakhan, by rubbing shoulders and associating with him, promoting him as part of the group of American Muslim leaders, since those that know the dangers of these lies DO NOT SPEAK OUT about the FALSEHOODS at these events!!!! They miss the golden opportunity to expose the lies of Elijah, Farrakhan NOI etc.

How can someone represent Orthodox Islam when they do not expose the FALSEHOOD of Elijah and Farrahkan and the Fard Muhammad foolishness, when the golden opportunity arises? Rather they gloss over the blasphemy and the apostasy and the deviancy for some small political and financial and promotional gain.

We all know that Farrahkan and his “fruit” goons are behind the murder of Malcolm X.  This is well documented. Why did the FBI and these goons  kill Malik Sahabazz after his Hajj: because he came to know the truth and he converted to the real Islam, and as a dynamic sincere speaker he was going to expose the lies of Elijah and to call all people to Islam, and for this reason all disbelieving America was scared of that threat, so the FBI and the FOI collaborated in eliminating Malcolm X (Malik Sahabazz) may Allah have mercy on him, to squash the Dawah in America, to this day it is being squashed by all sorts of lies.

Do you want details?

Did you see the part of my letter about the “reconciliation” of Farrakhan and Warith Deen Mohammad  in 2000, and what WD said?

Know that the decedents of Malcolm X (Malik Sahabazz) were furious about this  so called “reconciliation” because they know that Farrkhan and his goons are implicated in the murder of their father.

Did you see that Farrakhan has this CAAM event on his website etc?


To promote himself and his agenda as a American Muslim leader.

This is a big problem: Farrakhan promoting himself, like calypso dancing showboat that he is, loving the limelight, getting his message out.

But the bigger problem is the very fact that some people belittle the enormity of the monstrous lies of Elijah and Farrahkan about Allah the Exalted, and about His Prophet and Messenger, peace and blessing be upon him.

This is a vital danger to our Shahadah, and it shows how dangerous this all is for the message of Islam here in America, Especially in these times of the Islamaphobia, Fox news etc.

More can come, but let this suffice here.

Assalaam alaikum

Abu Salman


A. Idris Palmer’s wrote

a commentary and response to the letters above it as follows, may Allah reward him with all goodness.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

All praise is due to Allah, and salat wa salam be upon His last and final Messenger to all mankind, Muhammad ibn Abdullah,

To proceed:

I must first commend my brother Abu Salman for his timely replies to this important issue in defense of Islam, and may Allah reward him, ameen. Commemoration of NOI activities and apologetics for its figureheads is the most serious violation of Tawheed in modern times. And as few Muslims today seem aware of these matters, I wish to add a correction and some minor details to Abu Salman’s points.

First, the NOI practice of ‘Savior’s Day’ is not a commemoration of Elijah as a savior. Nay, it is far worse; for it’s a day of commemoration of Elijah’s teacher and god, Wallace Dodd Ford.

Elijah’s portrayal of Ford as a mysterious rug and silk peddler from Mecca who taught him and other Detroit blacks the rudiments of Islam is among a number of enduring myths circulated regarding the origins of the god of the Nation of Islam.  I’ve included some excerpts below from my unpublished research on this issue which inshaAllah, should clarify this important and serious matter.

A careful observation of Elijah Muhammad’s words in ‘Message to the Blackman in America,’  specifically indicate that he is aware that his teachings are in conflict with Islamic beliefs:

• “If Allah would warn America and the poor slaves who have been blinded and made deaf and dumb by their masters, should not that messenger be one of the so-called Negroes instead of a so-called Negro trying to learn from what Muhammad said to the Arabs nearly 1,400 years ago.(p. 251) … My mission is to give life to the dead. What I teach brings them out of death and into life. My mission as the Messenger, is to bring the truth to the world before the world is destroyed. There will be no other Messenger. I am the last and after me will come God Himself.” (p. 306)

• “To stop the teaching that I have received from Allah to give to the the American so-called Negroes is not in the power of any Orthodox Muslim or non-believer. But answer to such an attempt, I will say that neither Jeddah nor Mecca have sent me! I am sent from Allah and not from the Secretary General of the Muslim League. There is no Muslim in Arabia that has the Authority to stop me from delivering this message that I have been assigned to by Allah… I am not taking orders from them, I am taking orders from Allah (God) Himself.” (p. 329, see also Muhammad Speaks, August 2, 1963, p. 4.)

Secondly, Abu Salman is absolutely correct in labeling Elijah taghoot, as according to Islamic belief, all intercession, supplication, hope, fear, etc., is in Allah alone. He is the only intermediary. Those who turn to other than Allah as an intermediary are no different than the astray Christians or the mushriks in the time of the Prophet (SAAWS).

Elijah Muhammad on the other hand, ordered his followers to the worst type of shirk and kufr in absolute opposition to what was taught by the Prophets, i.e. tawheed. Observe Elijah’s statements in his book, The Fall of America:

• “I am the Door. By no means can you get by except you come by me. Your prayers will not be heard unless my name is mentioned in them. I am saying that you cannot get a prayer through to Allah (God) unless you mention me in your prayer. Try it and see. I am satisfied that those who know this will bear me witness… ”

•  “I have the key to your salvation, and I have the key to your hell. I can, if you will let me, pull you out of hell and set you into heaven. Then I can keep you in heaven; or I can keep pushing you and push you into the punishment of hell until you acknowledge that there is no God but Allah Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever and that Elijah Muhammad is His Servant.There is no escape for you today. The only way is through me to Allah (God). Me first, for you cannot get to Allah (God) without getting to me first.” (p. 205)

Thirdly, while the NOI is world famous for ‘article 12’ of ‘what the Muslims believe’ that they have openly brandished for more than a half century, few have examined or noticed some of the other ‘articles’ of their beliefs, such as point 6- a denial of the physical resurrection of the dead. (see

Indeed, as I’ve stated before, there is NO ideology on the face of the earth which could be farther from Islam than that of Louis Farrakhan. And what I’ve revealed so far is but ‘the tip of the iceberg’.

As for the claim that Farrakhan and other NOI people have “repented” and recited shahadah, this is simply inaccurate. There is no proof whatsoever, to indicate any repentance, retraction or remorse, either openly or secretly, from beliefs he has held for over 55 years. As for those who allege that he has “repented”, they are asked to bring forth their documented PROOF, yet this will be difficult for them, as none exists.

In conclusion, the true prophets of Allah, like Musa, Isa and Muhammad, alayhimus salam, came with obedience, truth, guidance, uprightness and justice in whatever they said, did, ordered or prohibited; not to mention their unprecedented miracles, clear evidence and overwhelming proofs.

On the other hand, Elijah Muhammad like every other claimant to prophethood, did not enjoin good nor forbid evil, except by way of hypocrisy and with the objectives of lies and depravity in his speech and actions, thereby having more in common with Iblis, Pharoah and Musailima.

It is therefore not permissible to praise him, to analogize him with the righteous, or to ask Allah to forgive him his sins and grant him Paradise, nor to honor or esteem him in any way. One cannot fabricate the past in the hope of making the future safe for fabricators. Indeed, one cannot be obedient to Allah while at the same time honoring false prophets and their supporters, even if they are one’s own family.

Wa sal Allah ala Muhammad wa ahlihi wa salam, wa salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

A Idris Palmer

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” – James Madison


Another brother commented:

“….Our CAAM leaders clapped for Farrakhan. Some of the highest profile leaders their gave him a STANDING ovation. (watch the video). Farrakhan DOMINATED the press conference and was by far the one who spoke the longest before and during the question and answer.

I am disappointed, but sadly this is the direction most of our “leaders” are going. Political expediency, media friendliness, and forming coalitions has a higher value than speaking the truth about who Allah is, and who the Prophets of Allah are. We aren’t talking about the direction of the qibla or hijab or if suicide bombings can be justified. We are talking about: Is Allah a man who lived in New York? Did Allah have a father and mother? Was there a Prophet in Harlem who lived after the Prophet Salallahu ‘alyhi wa sallam ?
If these are not “important issues” do to the “times we live in” …. then when are they important?…”


An older letter for comparison by Idress Palmer, may Allah protect him and reward him with blessed goodness, for your background information:

Letter to

The Islamic Society of North America


TEL: (317) 839-8157  FAX: (317) 839-1840  E-MAIL:

July 8, 1997


Muslim Will Watch Farrakhan Transformation

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has welcomed the decision of

Imam Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam to declare their allegiance to

Islam and join the Islamic mainstream.

ISNA Secretary General Dr. Sayyid Muhammad Syeed welcoming Imam Farrakhan’s announcement said that Imam Farrakhan had announced joining the mainstream Islam in 1990 in Chicago. “Now Muslims will observe how he transforms his organization in keeping with his declaration of true Islam,” said Dr. Syeed.The Secretary General added that not only Muslims but students of Islam i America will be keenly watching as Imam Farrakhan puts in print and practice  the total rejection of old racist and un-Islamic beliefs and practices that are a unfortunate legacy of the old ‘Nation of Islam’.

Dr. Syeed said that Islam has no church or pope and Muslims chose as leaders

those whose words and deeds reflect the true adherence to Islam. The

Secretary General said that Imam Farrakhan has the charisma for leadership

and by carrying out a genuine transformation he will come to gain acceptance

as a Muslim leader.  >>

Assallamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

It is with great dismay that I read this, as it is not a matter to be rejoiced, but rather to be analyzed and from which can lessons be extracted. The release mentions the Sept. 1990 Chicago Muslim World League conference. I have in my possession, the tape from that conference which featured Farrakhan, WD Mohammed and ISNA’s Sayyid M. Syeed. What the press release fails to mention, is that after Dr. Syeed’s invocation, Farrakhan used his legendary showman/con-man skills, to exploit audience adversity to the entrance of US military personnel in Saudi Arabia at the onset of the Gulf War, whereby Farrakhan elicited audience cheers and takbirs, all the while using it as a cover for his grand finale, i.e., extolling to their face, the racist NOI doctrine of “Yacub’s History”! All of this obviously went completely over Dr. Syeed’s head.

In 1993, Dr. Bilal Philips revealed in a Chicago lecture, that following the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X, officials from ISNA (known then as MSA), fearing an NOI/Sunni clash, held a private meeting with Farrakhan’s teacher, the late Elijah Muhammad, formally agreeing to never openly criticize the NOI. This policy has persisted to this very day. It just so happens that today, the new ISNA is obviously out of touch regarding the NOI’s long-standing record of “playing Sunni muslim”, whenever the NOI felt money or recognition was the payoff.

Likewise, it is a grave error to presume that kafir Gene Walcott Farrakhan and his crew of NOI con-men will someday “repent” and that Muslims can thereafter benefit from his so-called, “oratory skills.”

We need only refer to Gene Walcott Farrakhan’s words spoken at his ne plus ultra “Million Man March”, where he opened with the following invocation, “I am so grateful to Allah for his intervention in our affairs in the person of Master Fard Muhammad the Great Mahdi, who came among us and raised from among us a divine leader, teacher and guide, his messenger to us the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”

If anyone is in doubt regarding the beliefs and direction of tFarrakhan and the NOI- which has remained largely consistent for more than 60 years, let us observe the words of Farrakhan himself.

On Dec. 11, 1988, Farrakhan, speaking from his Chicago headquarters, said:

“You’re right Muslims, the Christians have made a mistake, they made the same mistake that the Jews made. The Jews reject Jesus, then the Christians reject Muhammad-now who do you Muslims reject?  Just because you believe that Prophet Muhammad is the ‘Seal of the Prophets’ now you feel that the door to divine revelation is closed-what a fool you are!…so what do we the Muslims believe? Point number 12, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said: ‘We believe Allah (God) appeared in the person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July 1930, the long-awaited Messiah of the Christians and the Mahdi of the of the Muslims…”

As late as Feb. 25, 1990 Farrakhan restated the above belief at his annual “Saviors Day” rally in Chicago, a day celebrated by his group in commemoration of the birthday of their god “W. Fard Muhammad.” At that same rally he blasted the Muslim scholars of Mecca for questioning his belief during his December 1989 trip to Saudi Arabia. Moreover, Farrakhan’s spokespeople share his belief fully. For instance,  Tynetta Muhammad, whom Farrakhan referred to on Feb. 25, 1990 as “Sister Instructress Extraordinaire” wrote in her 1982 book, “The Divine Light”, that Elijah Muhammad is “Jesus” [pp. 6, 12-13], that the “nine planets are made according to the woman” [p.4] that “opposition from the orthodox Muslim world…must cease” [p. 9.] and that Muslims who reject Elijah Muhammad as a Messenger are “Ignorant and blind” [p. 9]. These last statements of Tynetta Muhammad on page 9 of her book are directly parallel to those of her teacher, Elijah who said:

“The Orthodox Muslims will have to bow to the choice of Allah. Allah will bring about a new IslamxThere will be no more signs to be watched for the coming of God and the setting up of a new world of Islam. We are seeing this change now and entering into it. The devils oppose this change, and the Orthodox join them in opposing us because of their desire to carry on the old way of Islam. ” [Message to the Blackman, pp. 49-50]

Tynetta continues by interpreting Surah 4, verses 157-159 of the Qur’an to mean that Elijah Muhammad is Jesus and is still alive!

“He is the one mentioned in the Holy Qur’an who was made to appear to the people as if he were dead and about which there are differing opinions and doubts concerning his death. The Holy Qur’an says that they killed him not for certainxyou are told to look for the coming of one in the last days after Muhammad who would not be an Arab, but one of the same people or Nation as Jesus Christ, who was a Black Man.” [p. 10-11]

Bernard Cushmeer, {Jibril Muhammad} wrote in his book, Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive?


It is for this reason that every recent issue of Farrakhan’s newspaper, The Final Call states: “He Lives” printed under “The Muslim Program.

This is the same Tynetta Muhammad who was amongst the followers of Farrakhan invited by the World Muslim League to participate in Hajj in 1985. I agree with Farrakhan, Tynetta is indeed “Sister Instructress Extraordinare”-in kufr that is!!

Farrakhan’s wife, Betty, speaking in Chicago on Sept. 1, 1985 after her return from Mecca, where she accompanied her husband on Hajj that same year, began her speech with the statement “In the Name of Allah, in the name of His True Servant and His Last Apostle, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I greet you”  Thereafter, Farrakhan stated during the same speech that while making tawaf around the Ka’ba in Mecca, he had loving thoughts about the glorious Prophets Muhammad, Abraham, Ismaeel, and “my father the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”

Really, Dear Reader, can you imagine the pious Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), or for that matter, any pious Muslim having loving thoughts about the Prophets and righteous servants of Allah along with Shaytaan, Pharoah, and Musailima al-Kadhab while making tawaf around the Ka’ba!? But this is simply “the calm before the storm” because on Oct. 24, 1989, and February 28, 1990, Farrakhan declared that he traveled to the “top of a sacred mountain in Mexico where he was taken in a UFO to a “mother wheel” containing the late Elijah Muhammad” [Washington Post, Oct. 26, 1989; p. B4; and March 1, 1990, page A1] Furthermore, in an interview held on December 24, 1989 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, he still maintained that he accepted Islam in 1955 under the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, and that Fard Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad’s teacher was:

“a means through which Allah presented himself to Elijah Muhammad in the same manner as the Angel Gabriel was a means through which Allah presented Himself to Muhammad (pbuh) in the form of a man”

Upon his return to the United States, Farrakhan boldly defended why he believes that “Allah came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad.” Finally, at the time of the assassination of Malcolm X in 1965, Farrakhan was the #2 man in Elijah’s paramilitary group “the Fruit of Islam” (F.O.I.). After Elijah’s death, Farrakhan became the head of the “F.O.I.” I stress this fact of his being in the leadership for the simple reason that soldiers and officers in a military organization don’t act without orders or license from their military superiors. The assassination of Malcolm X as well as the killing of other Muslims and families of Muslims in the U.S. by members of the “F.O.I.” could not have been done without Farrakhan’s knowledge-in the form of witnessing Elijah Muhammad’s order or related discussions to kill Malcolm X, or ordering it himself, or giving license to hurt, maim or kill Muslims who opposed Elijah’s teachings by letting his troops know that he would be pleased if such and such a person or people were dead. The above is proven from the same interview held in Jeddah when he responded “yes” to a question regarding whether it was right for Malcolm X to have been killed for publicly renouncing Elijah Muhammad.

Let us just say, for the sake of argument, that Farrakhan eventually rejects Elijah, and fulfills the aforementioned conditions of repentance, do you think that all of his ministers, etc., would be willing to do likewise? Would Farrakhan and his ministers be willing give up their positions and admit for the first time that they are not real Muslims and that they have no right to be referred to as Muslims nor to speak about what they themselves know nothing about, i.e. ISLAM!? Let us read what “Sister Instructress Extraordinare”, i.e. Tynetta Muhammad says concerning the goals of Elijah Muhammad’s followers:

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad comes as a fulfiller, to cut off all relationships with anyone who is not a Believer. His being the Seal or the End of the Prophets also carries with it the Finality of the Office of the Great Mahdi one the one hand and confirms the Advent of the Second Coming of Jesus who becomes the Christ and the Crusher of the wicked and the infidels at the End of the World. The Last Messenger comes to fold up and to close out the Old World order of Islam and to usher in God’s New World Kingdom of Islam that will not be mixed or tampered with by devils, but will be established upon the principles of Truth and Justice.” (pp. 20-21)

Just read what Farrakhan himself says about any notion of him or his followers abandoning their beliefs:

“It is the law of self-preservation that we must prepare others to take our place-those of us in leadership go to the rear and guide from the back-there is no such thing as retirement, we die on our post!” (Chicago, March 29, 1987)

Dear Reader, I need not elaborate further.


Another older article from Idrees Palmer

Louis Farrakhan: Liar Extraordinaire.
A. Idris Palmer
Louis Gene Walcott Farrakhan is not a Muslim, nor is his doctrine Islaam. Farrakhan is the leader of a black racist cult called “the Nation of Islaam,” (NOI) founded in Detroit, Michigan in the 1930’s. While the group calls its followers Muslims, in reality, they have very little to do with the faith of Islaam. Islaam believes in the total transcendence of Almighty God (called in Arabic, Allaah), the NOI teaches that black people are angelic gods. Islaam maintains universal brotherhood, the NOI says that Islaam is for blacks only. Islaam teaches that Prophethood ended with Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, more than 1400 years ago. The NOI teaches that Farrakhan’s teacher, Elijah Muhammad, is the last prophet. Islaam teaches principles of spiritual and moral decorum such prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, etc, Elijah Muhammad cast these out or altered them beyond recognition.
Yet, it is an error to oversimplify the issue by denouncing Farrakhan’s racist diatribes while playing down Farrakhan’s God-is-a-man and Prophet-after-Muhammad beliefs. Racism has very little to do with the issue. Sure, racism is contrary to Islaamic principles and Islaam rejects it. However, the deviation of Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan are MUCH more serious than racism. It is the sin which Allaah DOES NOT forgive. If Farrakhan would leave his man-is-god and prophet-after-Muhammad beliefs, but was still a raving racist, he would be much better off than the other way around! Let me say very clearly, that there is NO ideology on the face of this earth which could be farther from Islaam than that of Louis Farrakhan. NONE!
The NOI’s origins are found in
(a) Two black self-improvement movements that began shortly before World War I: the “Moorish Science Temple of America,” founded in 1913 by Timothy Drew, and the “Universal Negro Improvement Association,” founded in 1914 by Marcus Garvey.
(b) The NOI was also shaped by a Depression-era con-man, and convicted drug dealer, Wallace Dodd Ford. Upon Ford’s 1929 release from California’s San Quintin Prison, he moved to Detroit to start a new life. Ford used a number of names, including Wali Farad and Master Fard and claimed to be from Mecca, Arabia. Being that Ford’s parentage was a mixture of white and South Pacific Maori, he used his skin color and his prison con skills to pass himself off to blacks as a “mystic” and a “prophet” from the Middle East.
Working as a door-to-door rug salesman by day, Ford blended the ideas of Garvey and Drew along with a smattering of Islaam, to form what would later become the Nation of Islam. Among his first students was an unemployed Georgia migrant worker, Elijah Poole, who Ford renamed “Elijah Muhammad.” In later years, Ford disappeared and Elijah assumed leadership of the NOI which he held until his death in 1975.
Elijah developed an convoluted belief system based on ideas extracted from everything from Christianity to Masonry to Islaam. He elevated Ford’s status to that of the Creator of the heavens and earth, and he developed a myth which he dubbed, “Yacub’s History.” This racist doctrine is still maintained by Louis Farrakhan.
In brief, the doctrine states that the first humans, a race of black people, whom the NOI calls ‘the Original Man,’ created white people in a genetic experiment 6,000 years ago. Elijah claimed that they (the whites) would rule the world for 6,000 years and then be destroyed at the ‘end of their time’ by the blacks. He said that ‘Judgement Day’ means that at the ‘end of time’ the Gods (i.e., blacks) would destroy the entire white race (devils) and then establish a Paradise (nation) on this earth ruled forever by the blacks (i.e., Gods).
For a number of years, Farrakhan has managed to present himself as a champion for the oppressed masses, this also is a distortion. Like his teacher, Farrakhan has for more than 35 years engaged in hoodwinking blacks out of money in the name of black self improvement. The only self-improvement however, that has taken place has been for Farrakhan’s family and their associates.
Additionally, his entire inspiration for the “Million Man March” is based on his alleged, “vision of being swept into a UFO that took him to a larger mothership.” While in the UFO, he claims to have spoken to the late Elijah Muhammad before being beamed back to earth. (The Washington Post, Sept. 18, 1995, p. D3).
What many do not realize, is that Farrakhan has repeated this doctrine for more than 35 years! Indeed, Farrakhan’s UFO “vision” is an inseparable, doctrinal link to the heretical claims of Elijah Muhammad. Elijah explained that blacks were originally, “moon people” and that the UFO “mother wheel” was piloted by 13 youths who perpetually orbited the earth, waiting to unleash global destruction on whites, while rescuing all blacks. Farrakhan to this day, teaches this same doctrine- his inspiration for the Million Man March. The Million Man March in fact, was planned with the following goals in mind:
(a) To hold it in Washington, and aim for a turnout of one million, so as to surpass the number of attendees at Martin Luther King’s 1963 March on Washington, and thereafter be promoted as being greater than Dr. King and Malcolm X.
(b) By being mentioned in the same context with Dr. King, Farrakhan hopes to be remembered likewise as a charismatic, messianic black figure who commands a large and politically significant following among US blacks.
(c) To remove the cloud of suspicion which still surrounds Farrakhan regarding his involvement in Malcolm X’s assassination.
(d) Most importantly, Farrakhan has to find a new way to pay for his and his family’s ornate palaces in Chicago and Phoenix, his Lexus, Mercedes, Rolls Royce and Lincoln Town Cars, a Mexican villa, a new 77-acre Michigan estate and over $1.5 million dollars in unpaid back taxes. This is the reason he had an $11 registration fee, a $3.99 per minute 900 number for call-in registration (Average call is three minutes), a $700 vendor’s fee, (reduced from $1000), and even ads in his newspaper soliciting for “donations” to “help defray the astronomical costs of the march,” in exchange for listing the donor’s name and city under appropriate categories (Platinum, Gold, etc.): $1000 or more (Platinum), $500 or more (Gold), $100 or more (Silver), $25 or more (Patron) not to mention $2 “special issues” of his ‘Final Call’ newspaper. Louis. A true high-tech con-man. You want to see Louie’s real vision?: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
It is thus impossible for anyone to try to make a distinction between Farrakhan and his UFO inspiration, or “endorse the goals of the march without endorsing Farrakhan,” or say that Farrakhan is greater than Malcolm X. Malcolm’s greatness was as a result of his renouncement of Elijah’s false teachings, and his acceptance of true Islaam, factors which Farrakhan has yet to achieve….





The edited versions of Abu Salman Eberle’s and A. Idress Palmer’s articles  were printed in the TML (The Muslim Link) Newspaper on Hijri 17 Dhul Qaedah 1431, CE October 22, 2010, as below:

Muslim Link Newspaper Headlines

Oct 22, 2010 –27 Dhul Qaedah 1431

A Huge Mistake Aligning With Farrakhan

A Huge Mistake Aligning With Farrakhan

I ask Allah to reward any Muslim for taking a stance against ‘bigotry and Islamophobia’ …

Read more…


God Was Born and Lived in Detroit | The Lies of Louis Farrakhan

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Editor’s Desk Opinion
Written by Abu Salman Eberle
Thursday, 21 October 2010 14:37
The name Ghulam Ahmad Al-Qadiyani is usually not mentioned except along with the epitaph “the Liar” and “the False Prophet.”This is to the great credit of the many Indo-Pakistanis who worked diligently for decades to expose the great lie of Ghulam Ahmad, the liar who claimed that he was a prophet who received revelation from Allah, and who maintained this great lie until his dishonorable death.Anyone who believes that Ghulam Ahmad is a prophet invalidates the second part of the testimony of faith in Islam: “There is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”  It is to the credit of the Supreme Court of Pakistan that they realized this grave threat to Islam and they formally declared the avowed followers of Ghulam Ahmad to be non-Muslims.We American Muslims have not lived up to the challenge about two great American liars: the late Elijah Muhammad and his successor Louis Farrakhan. This is to our great shame and discredit, and it perpetuates a danger that appears to be growing even stronger.   These two great liars, especially the latter, have received the spotlight in the media and have done irreparable damage to the image of true Islam in America by their grand deceptions and shenanigans.

Elijah Muhammad’s beliefs are know and documented , and the details are in his books “Message to the Blackman” and “The Fall Of America” and his speeches and other writings.  His declared beliefs include, among others, that: the “Hereafter” is in the here and now, not in a life after death and resurrection; there is no real Paradise and Hellfire; all black men are angels, and all white men are devils; Elijah Muhammad was the “Messenger of Allah” sent to teach and guide all black men and women and to save them; and “Allah” was a man named ‘Master’ Fard Muhammad who appeared in human form on the streets of Detroit, Michigan in July of 1930.

May Allah be Exalted High above the falsehood and blasphemy! What laughable foolishness, but as it is said: the worst calamity is what makes you laugh.

Anyone who believes that a man called Fard Muhammad is Allah (God), and that Elijah Muhammad is a prophet, invalidates BOTH parts of the testimony of faith in Islam: “There is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”  This is far worse than the Qadiyani issue above. When the Shahadah (testimony of faith) is invalidated there is no Islam.

“Nation of Islam” leader, Louis Farrakhan, up to this day, teaches the same doctrines as Elijah Muhammad his mentor and prophet. The evidence is ample in his writings and speeches, and in the official newspaper of the NOI, called the “Final Call”. On October 17, 2010, just over a month after Farrakhan appeared at the Coalition of African-American Muslims (CAAM) press conference alongside some of the most prominent African-American Muslim leaders in the nation as reported in the Muslim Link newspaper’s September 24, 2010 issue, he gave a speech in Tampa, Florida covered by the “Final Call”:

“He talked about how injustice in America had reduced and injured Blacks to such a degree that God Himself would have to come, and has come, to deliver a suffering people and judge the mighty nation they were forced to serve.

“When a government gets so beyond the pale that humans cannot correct it, Divine intervention comes into play and God has intervened in America, appearing as the Great Mahdi, a powerful human being imbued with the power and wisdom of the Almighty, he said. That Mighty One, Master Fard Muhammad, taught and raised the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from a spiritually dead nation and raised him to the position of Christ, one anointed with power to crush the wicked, said Min. Farrakhan.”  – From “Farrakhan takes Tampa!”, the Final Call, published October 19, 2010 by Final Call staff writers

We need to emphasize the great danger we face, and that out continued effort to expose the great lies of Liars is needed. This is a core and “existential” danger for Islam in America.

But an even a greater danger is that the leaders of CAAM, including some highly respected and well known local and national figures who are not ignorant about the lies of Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, shared the spotlight with Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam to make a joint statement about the bigotry and Islamaphobia surrounding the “ground zero mosque” project in New York.

Many gullible Muslims may think that Farrakhan is a legitimate leader by association with these respected leaders of CAAM. This is a terrible shame, and this discredits all the Muslims in America.

If these ‘leaders’ are ignorant about Elijah Muhammad and Farrakhan, we would have a big problem. That our leaders are aware of Farrakhan’s deception is an even worse danger. Farrakhan used this CAAM initiative to propagate his own legitimacy as an important ‘Muslim” leader, and our leaders went along with it. What Islam is he the leader of?  Is this the Islam you want to be published and propagated? The Muslim leaders of CAAM are complicit in this dangerous deception. All the Muslim leaders who took part in the CAAM press conference, or signed the press release, should publicly disassociate Islam from Farrakhan, and should clearly state that he is not a Muslim, or a Muslim leader.

Abu Salman Deya ud-Deen Eberle
The writer is a student of knowledge and doctoral candidate at the Islamic

University of Medina

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Comments (7)

Y-m-d H:i:s | bigahk tks  – smh

this dont make no burns me up till this day when people confuse us with them..uuuuugh!

Y-m-d H:i:s | DC  – Who was there?

Can we have a list of the Imams, Sheyks and other speakers that chose to share the stage at CAAM, who chose to sit by while Louis Farrakhan defamed our religion? We should know who these speakers and leaders are.

Y-m-d H:i:s | concernforprogress  – BETTER USE OF PRESS

I think it is a bigger mistake for the Muslim Link to print this brothers long thesis on this poorly planned event AND THE MINISTER.

The muslim organizers should have just controlled the flow and clarified the Nation’s role at the beginning.

Muslim’s been protesting and marching with every body and everything for years and no one complains.

We been through the language of the brother’s article (about the Nation’s article of faith) 20 plus years ago and DON’T NEED TO GO BACK THERE!

I had concerns with the event but not enough to dig up sins of people.

Y-m-d H:i:s | Anonymous

If Muslim leaders choose to share the stage with Farrakhan, with the purpose of cooperating on the good, they should make it an explicit point in their public remarks – every time the stage is shared – to define and distinguish true islam from the NOI. The distinguishing statement does not have to be impolite or belabored, but it should be clear, true, and unwavering.

The comment was made the “Muslim’s been protesting and marching with every body and everything for years and no one complains.” That is true. We can’t cherry pick – we need to proclaim islamic values clearly, in every venue. We may need and want to make alliances with those whose values and beliefs run contrary to Islam, or even blasphemous, but conveying the message of Islam must trump political expediency and social discomfort.

As I said, it doesn’t mean we have to be impolite or belabor the point, but we – and particularly the leaders who claim to represent us – need to persistently assert our difference and uniqueness vis a vis others in a respectful way, so as to not betray our duties to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and our fellow human beings in calling to the real message of Islam.

Y-m-d H:i:s | Tricia  – Too afraid to say “no” to Farrakhan?

Those who participated included Zaid Shakir, Siraj Wahhaj and Mahdi Bray. Very disappointing. :o( We should not sell our souls by allowing Farrakhan to be passed off to the American public as a Muslim, just to take a stand for one segment of the community.

Y-m-d H:i:s | Abu Abdillah  – An Example of When Silence Is NOT Golden

As-Salaaamu ‘Alaikum,

The author and Muslim Link are to be commended. If Islam means anything and if the TRUE Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, brought ANY message that he repeated over and over, and if the Qur’aan itself is built upon any principle, it is that the TRUTH about Allah MUST be emphasized. How can Muslim LEADERS sit and remain silent about a man who claims Islam but believes in its opposite? To Concernforprogress: The fact that Louis Farrakhan could sit at such an event at all is PROOF that we need to be reminded and informed about the REALITY of Farrakhan until such time as it is NOT the case. It is not a matter of digging up sins of people or going back there, it is a matter of upholding the very foundation of Islamic belief – the shahaadatain!

Y-m-d H:i:s | Zainab Abdul Kareem  – It is long overdue for Muslims to speak the truth

It is long overdue for Muslims to speak the truth about the lies that Louis Farrakhan has been telling the world every time he opens his blasphemous mouth and defames the religion of Islam.

Louis Farrakhan is a deceiving, opportunistic man who knows the truth about Allah and he continues to speak lies about Allah because he does not fear Allah, he does not believe in the Day of Judgment, and he does not believe that he is going to be held accountable for the way that he has lived his life spreading lies about Allah and the religion of Islam.

When Allah, Who is The Creator and Sustainer of All the Seen and Unseen in All of the Worlds, decides to punish Louis Farrakhan for telling lies about Him, will Louis Farrakhan be able to call on Elijah Muhammad or Master Fard Muhammad to save him? NO!

When Louis Farrakhan finally stands before Allah on The Day of Accountability, NO ONE AND NOTHING WILL BE ABLE TO PROTECT HIM FROM ALLAH!

Louis Farrakhan you can continue to lie and pretend as though you don’t really know Who Allah Is, and the day will come when it will be too late for you to repent and beg of Allah to have mercy on your soul. Woe to you Louis Farrakhan, Woe to you!!!


A Huge Mistake Aligning With Farrakhan

A Huge Mistake Aligning With Farrakhan PDF Print E-mail

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Editor’s Desk Opinion
Written by A. Idris Palmer
Thursday, 21 October 2010 14:36
All praise is to Allah, and may prayers and peace be upon his final Messenger, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, and upon all those who strive upon his path until the Day of Judgement, ameen.To proceed:I ask Allah to reward any Muslim for taking a stance against ‘bigotry and Islamophobia’ as they should be congratulated for showing integrity and courage in the face of this onslaught (See “African-American Muslim Leaders: Opposition to Masjid Is Racism” in the September 24, 2010 issue of the Muslim Link) . I hope that Allah guides them in their endeavors. Yet as an independent researcher who has chronologized the near 90 year history of the Nation of Islam cult, and who quite frankly knows this group better than many members of the Nation themselves know, I was surprised to read about the CAAM meeting and their inclusion of Minister Louis Farrakhan.Watching the CAAM broadcast, I could not help but notice that NOI dominated the microphone. Thus I am obliged to reply by way of naseehah- for the sake of Allah, His Messenger, and the Ummah of believers.

Someone commented that, ‘globally the attempts to undermine Islam in Muslim lands will fall flat, as Islam is too firmly entrenched there; yet here in America, due to a weak foundation on the part of Muslims in issues of belief, along with a strong social undercurrent of secular humanism, Islam can be controlled, manipulated and changed.’

The CAAM meeting and press conference vividly displays how far issues of basic belief have now become a distant memory in much of North America. The participants appear to have placed the dead philosophy of secular interfaith politics above the vibrant and dynamic future of Islam.

Indeed, by allowing Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan to be a member of and the featured speaker for their coalition and moreover having his people dictate the venue, they have opened a Pandora’s box which they will discover is impossible to close. It is an issue much graver than taking a stand as Pakistan did years ago with the Qadianis. As American Muslims, we stand by the shore awaiting a tsunami. News travels quickly in the 21st century – do not think other groups have not taken notice of this meeting. The door is now wide open to accept not only the Qadianis but also the Ismailis, Bahais etc. as ‘brothers in faith’. This is not an outlandish possibility, since the NOI still advertises the Qadiani translation, tafseer and aqeedah on their website.

What some people do not realize, is that Farrakhan is not a Muslim, but rather he is a heterodox, esoteric Batini who for over 55 years has masqueraded as a Muslim. He publicly maintains the same pantheistic, esoteric doctrines as that of his teacher, Elijah Muhammad, and uses any opportunity he has to restate his conviction to Elijah’s teachings- including his speech before CAAM!

It was Elijah Muhammad, who declared up to his death in 1975, that he was, ‘the Messenger of Allah,’ and that Allah was a man. According to Elijah, Allah had a father named Alfonso and a Jewish mother named Baby Gee. Elijah said the Hereafter is now and all black men are angels. One of these angels he claimed, was named Allah, who appeared in human form on the streets of Detroit, Michigan in July of 1930. Farrakhan to this day, teaches this same doctrine- ‘Yacub’s History’ as is evidenced on pages 45-52 of his study guide on his website.

Elijah explained this concept in detail in his books, “Message to the Blackman” and “The Fall Of America.” He taught that blacks were originally “moon people” and that a UFO “mother wheel”, piloted by 13 youths perpetually orbited the earth, waiting to unleash global destruction on whites, while rescuing all blacks. The UFO inspiration doctrine even caught the eye of mainstream media. At the time of the 1995 Million Man March, Farrakhan alleged he had a, “vision of being swept into a UFO that took him to a larger mothership.” While in the UFO, he claimed to have spoken to the late Elijah Muhammad before being beamed back to earth. (The Washington Post, Sept. 18, 1995, p. D3). On nationally televised Meet the Press, Tim Russert questioned Farrakhan about Yacub’s History and the UFO concept, to which Farrakhan replied, ‘I subscribe to every word the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us.’ (April 13, 1997)

Years ago a brother said, “Farrakhan’s ideology is the same as Pharaoh. This is not part of Islam, a form of Islam or anything which could move incrementally toward Islam. This is the din of Shaitaan. It is absolutely diametrically opposed to the very foundation of Islam. In fact, the Nation of Islam is the move on the part of the Kuffar against Islam ever developing a foothold in the US. You seriously underestimate your enemy. They are much deeper and more clever than most of us who react to events on a very shallow level without any understanding of the fundamentals of Tauhid on which all of Islam is based.”

It is thus impossible for anyone to try to make a distinction between Farrakhan and his UFO inspiration, or stand against bigotry while aligning oneself with Farrakhan. Neither Farrakhan nor his personnel make a distinction, why then should we Muslims make a distinction? Moreover, it is an error to oversimplify the issue by denouncing Farrakhan’s racist diatribes and playing down Farrakhan’s God-is-a-man and Prophet-after-Muhammad aqeedah. In fact, Farrakhan ignores the basic precept of the shahada- that is, it is a NEGATION and THEN an affirmation. One must first NEGATE (LA ILAHA), before affirming belief (IL ALLAH). To invert this basic precept as some have done, is unheard of even among the most lax of the Muslims. Thus when he remarks in his opening CAAM address, ‘..we believe in all of His prophets, and make no distinction between them.’ Since Farrakhan is an esoteric Batini, he is by default INCLUDING Elijah AMONG those prophets. Only by ignoring the aforementioned principle can Farrakhan and his like slip by unnoticed and manage to camouflage themselves as Muslims.

In the end, bigotry and ‘Islamophobia’ have little to do with the issue. Surely, bigotry is contrary to Islamic principles and Islam rejects it. However, the deviation of Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan and those who follow them are MUCH more serious than racism. It is the sin which Allah DOES NOT forgive.  “Inna Allah laa yaghfiru an yushraka bihi, wa yaghfiru maa duna dhalika li may yashaa” (Sura Nisa:116). If Farrakhan would leave his man-is-god and prophet-after-Muhammad aqeedah, but was still a raving racist, he would be much better off than the other way around! Let it be said very clearly, that there is NO ideology on the face of this earth which could be farther from Islam than that of Louis Farrakhan. NONE!

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Comments (7)

Y-m-d H:i:s | Aishah

As Salaam Alaikum,

Alhamduliah Rabbil Al’Meen, I am so grateful for this article. I was quite perturbed at the distastefulness of having Louis Farrakhan holding a seat in any committee pertaining to Islam. He is not a Muslim, he is racist, preaches hatred, and WORST associate deities with Allah(swt). It’s disgraceful to allow him to even sit among us, as stated: he “ignores the basic precept of the shahada- that is, it is a NEGATION and THEN an affirmation.”

We as Muslim adhering to the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed (swas) must be very careful with the company we keep and who we invite into our functions. I’m no rocket scientist but this is not a light matter to be swept under the carpet. As a Umrah, we must take a stand or we’ll suffer the consequences indeed.

May Allah(swt) guides on true path to Islam and let us not forget who the enemies are and protect us from them. Amin

Y-m-d H:i:s | DC  – Islamo-confusion

As Salaam Alaikum
I am not sure if Louis Farrakhan has renounced his previous beliefs or still clings to the confusion that was the basis for the foundation of the NOI. I mention this because Elijah Muhammad’s grandson has apparently renounced his affiliation with the lies of the NOI and is now on the straight path. I can see from the photo attached to the article however, that the NOI seems to be playing the same image games; bodyguards wearing dark sunglasses, followers dressed uniformly in bow ties, etc. The “shock” value of has simply ceased to exist and if the statistics are right, the NOI has seen a steady decline in membership since the mid 1970’s. I am deeply, deeply disturbed hat Sunni Muslims would share a podium with Louis Farrakhan. don’t they know what message this sends to the rest of America and the world? what sort of message does it send to new converts…..that our North American “version” of Islam is one that allows racists and heretics to openly align themselves with our leaders? I will make a note not to attend any future conferences with the other speakers and will not spend money on projects they endorse. At a time when our religion is facing so many attacks from the outside, this certainly seems like a peculiar move from some of those on the “inside.”

May Allah (SWT) have mercy on of all – and – Allah knows best.

Y-m-d H:i:s | Maurice Muhammad  – Farrakhan

As Salaam Alaikum

One thing is for sure all those who claim that Minister Farrakhan is not a Muslim. Who gave you that right to make that claim. We are taught that when Muslims disagree we take it to Allah and His Messenger. We are also taught that we make no difference between his Prophets. That goes for us everyday Muslims as well. Look at our Muslim world so weak and lost scared to stand up to America and the other Nations. Farrakhan has been standing up to America speaking truth to power for over 40 years so please shut up. Where is your works? You claim to be Muslims but you have no understanding of Islam because if you did you would not be writing stupid stuff about Farrakhan. We are taught that you are not a Muslim unless you want for your brother what you want for yourself.

Y-m-d H:i:s | Kashif  – About time

assalaamu alaikum

Its about time that someone stood up and spoke the truth and wasn’t swayed into sweeping fundamental differences under the carpet for the sake of political correctness, or not wanting to offend someone.

I hope we get more commentary from the author in coming weeks and months.

Y-m-d H:i:s | Abdul-Malik Al-Musaafir  – Continued ignorance

Salaamu aliakum,
I honestly am not surprised that a group of muslims of African-American decent are grabbing at straws looking for a means of bring some form of unity to the mode of thought here in America. I can understand why they would go to the likes of ***** ****** of the ******* ******** for support in protesting the obvious racist and bigoted sentiment toward the building of a masjid near “Ground-Zero”. But to seek support, assistance, backing, and/or credibility from the likes of ANYONE in league with the Nation of Islam; let alone their grand-puba is just plain stupid in its totality. Seriously; if you were a typical W.A.C., (white, American, Christian) who through most of your life have had silent fear and loathing for all non-white foreign looking people; this gives not only fuel to your bigotry, but now justifies it. There is no good in the Nation, from the Nation, about the Nation. It probably would have helped CAAM’s cause if they gained support from any Branch Davidians or Hale-Bop followers. Seriously; this was just a really dumb and bad move.

Y-m-d H:i:s | Tricia  – Lack of media attendance was bc of Farrakhan, not

I ABSOLUTELY agree and have been saying this since Day One. This group is known for playing both sides of the fence. They are all too happy to have their picture taken with Sunnis if it grants them legitimacy, but after that it’s back to crazy talk again. I attempted to get in touch with one of the participating imams to express my disappointment, but so far no success. As a white Muslim (and as a Muslim in general!) I was deeply offended that our leaders allowed Farrakhan to participate and pass himself off as Muslim. If Shaykh Hamza Yusuf made a political alliance with a white supremacist, we would be up in arms and rightfully so!

Maurice Muhammad: in light of the blatantly unIslamic views he continues to say and publish on the NOI website, this absolutely disqualifies him from being Muslim.

I admire those who left NOI. This has little to do with the validity of their teachings. Farrakhan had no place on that stage.

The African-American imams allowed their valid viewpoints to be completely submerged by the outrageous and hateful presence of Farrakhan: and automatic discredit to their cause in the eyes of the public.

Y-m-d H:i:s | Ibn Nazim  – Shocking to say the least

“A time will come upon the people when a person among them practicing his religion with perseverance will be like one clutching onto a cinder. [Tirmidhi]”

What is the world coming to!!!

May Allah guide the Nation of Islam becasue they are for sure Mis-guided. One simply needs to look at the facts and of’course the life the NOI greatest pubic figure whom converted to sunni islam MALCOM X, The answers are there but some are “deaf, dumb & blind” to the truth




The article that precipitated the editorials above is provided below,

along with some background information about the CAAM event .

African American Muslim Leaders: Opposition to Masjid is Racism PDF Print E-mail

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Community News – Community News
Written by Farkhunda Ali Muslim Link Staff Reporter
Wednesday, 22 September 2010 13:06
A newly formed group of conscientious Muslims formed the Coalition of African American Muslims (CAAM) to call their first press conference at the National Press Club on September 2nd at 1PM in order to address the controversy of the Park 51 Project.Coalition members said the source of this disagreement is not new.  It is an extension of the overall racism imminent toward people of color in the US.  While this public discourse has its peculiarity, it is sharing the same inflammatory rhetoric used previously for different minority groups.This was the first time that Muslims from different sects of Islam unanimously addressed the ground zero Islamic Center discourse.According to Imam Johari Abdul-Malik, member of CAAM, and outreach director of Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Northern Virginia, this is a “complex” issue which is more than racism.Abdul-Malik said this coalition will reach out to Afro-Americans in general.  Coalition members share a common legacy from slavery with the loss of their ancestry religion and return to their faith, he said.
“This arising tide of racism exists in this country whether it is directed toward immigrants to the later South, or people of the Middle East or just people who are different,” added Abdul-Malik.The New York Islamic Center opposition is a symptom of a deeper disease which manifests in America as a nation, said Imam Zaid Shakir, Co-founder of Al Zaytuna Institute. “We commit ourselves to work with anyone regardless of race or religion as a nation to address this disease.  We as people can do better,” said Shakir.

This coalition represents a broad spectrum of Afro-American Muslims who claim Islam as their religion and way of life.  CAAM leaders said this group will share the missing perspective of Afro-Americans on emerging national issues.

CAAM members said there are no other ethnic groups in the US more equipped to speak on issues of bigotry and racism but Afro-Americans.  Historically, their perspective, which is based on experience with America’s societal context, has long been overlooked, said Mahdi Bray, member of the coalition, and executive director of Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation.

“We are for the Muslims building this mosque wherever they want,” said Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Minister Farrakhan said a nation’s greatness is measured according to its “righteousness,” not skyscrapers, or industrialization.  “America is a great nation, but we want to make it good,” he said.
America started wrong with slavery and dehumanization of people lasting over three hundred years, according to the Minister.

During a time of affliction, Muslims need to get prepared for a “duty” they need to perform, he added.
“This is our time not to be down in spirit,” said the Minister.
CAAM said there were Muslims among the Americans who died during 9/11 attacks as well as first responders.  Muslims from all over the world poured their condolenses to the American people after 9/11.  They also claim Muslims were equal victims of 9/11 just as other members of society.
American people of good will know Quran is the guiding light of the Muslim’s life.  Minister Farrakhan said there should not be any problems for Muslims trying to establish a center which serves people who worship the creator of the world.

He satirically said along hallowed ground, one can’t fail to see a strip club, and a sex shop. “But they have a problem with an Islamic Center,” said the Minister.

Bray said American politicians need to focus on education, decreasing unemployment, and healthcare issues.  The ground zero debate derives from the same “toxic soup” of hatred existing in America for many centuries but manifesting in a different way, he said.

Coalition members reminded audience that America’s greatness is exposed through its people.  CAAM claimed that Americans are being awoken to the truth about Islam.  Their biggest concern is how America shapes the future perceptions of the younger generations.   This coalition is advocating a fair representation and treatment of Muslims.

“We are on Muslim lands to protect our freedom and then we desecrate Muslims from getting their religious freedom,” said Imam Abdul Malik, initiator of Jummah on Capitol Hill.

Imam Siraj Wahhaj, vice president of Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the largest grassroots organization of Muslims in the US, said this “hatred against Muslims is good.”

Wahhaj pointed to the history of Islam where Muslims became stronger during times of struggles.  He said Muslims are coming together to organize, and mobilize.  This debate has caused Muslims to do what they should have been doing. “We want justice and we want peace,” said Wahhaj.

“We are glad that Muslims are learning to stand up for themselves,” said Imam Abdul-Alim Musa of Masjid Al-Islam in SE DC. Imam Musa is internationally known for his opposition to the government’s evasive foreign policies affecting Muslims.

“We love the irony of it happening during Ramadan, because Allah has used the haters to bring Muslims close, and to cause people of good will to speak up more and with the Muslims.  We love it,” said Hodari Abdul-Ali, executive director of Give Peace a Chance Coalition (GPAC).

Shakir said Americans should not tolerate the ideas or public-speaking of burning of any religious texts.  “It will not be too long until we hear talks about burning people,” said Shakir.

“Islam can’t be removed from people’s heart no matter how many books are burned,” said Asma Hanif, member of the coalition.

The coalition will expand its work to be the voice for all those who have been silenced.  Members said they will network with other organizations and reach out to address other problems in American  society.



Coalition of African-American Muslims(CAAM) hold press conference at National Press Club in Washington, DC

By Ashahed M. Muhammad -Asst. Editor- | Last updated: Sep 3, 2010 – 12:09:29 PM

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Photo by Mikal Veale

WASHINGTON ( – The newly formed Coalition of African Muslims held a press conference on September 2, 2010 at the prestigious National Press Club in Washington DC to address the controversy regarding the proposed building of an Islamic Center near Ground Zero in New York. The coalition members believe that the voice of Black American Muslims has been left out of the discussion.
The speakers were: Abdul Jalil Muhammad, Akbar Muhammad , Nisa Islam Muhammad, Imam Zaid Shakir of the Zaytuna Institute, Mahdi Bray executive director of Muslim American Society Freedom, Asma Hanif, Imam Abdul Malik of Islam on Capitol Hill, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, amir of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA) and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam.

“Muslims are here. We are not terrorists,” said Minister Farrakhan. “We will not allow anyone on our watch to do some silly act to deprive an innocent human being of their life. And if we see it, we’ll stop it. We will arrest them.” he said.

View press conference video @



Coalition of African American Muslims (CAAM) Respond to Controversy Surrounding Park 51 Project

News Advisory For Immediate Release

Nisa Islam Muhammad

What: Press Conference

When: Thursday September 2, 2010 1:00 pm

Where: National Press Club 529 14th Street NW Washington, DC 20045

Why: The controversy over the Park 51 Project (Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan) is indicative of a general rise in racist bigotry towards people of color in this country. While the issue has its particular and unique distinctions, it cannot be separated from the rising violence against African Americans and Latinos, or the increasingly inflammatory rhetoric and exclusionary politics driving the national debate on immigration.

As African-American Muslims, we feel our unique perspective has been missing from an emerging national discussion. We wish to join that discussion by first of all affirming that among our forbears are Muslims who have lived peacefully and productively in this country since its inception. They, and others among our people have sacrificed too much, both in enduring the horrors and brutalities of chattel slavery, and during the long march to freedom, civil and human rights for us to silently accept a return to Jim Crow exclusionary practices and policies that relegate either ourselves or our co-religionists from other ethnic backgrounds to second-class citizenry.

We commend all of those Jews, Christians and members of other faith and ethnic communities who have raised their voices in defense of the constitutional rights of all Americans. We also laud the work that other Muslim organizations have done in response to the current situation. We add our voice to theirs and will work for a country that reflects the diversity of its people and extends full and equal rights to all.

CAAM Will:

  • Work to expose the underlying foreign and domestic agenda being served by the ongoing demonization of Muslims;
  • Be a voice for those who have been intimidated into silence;
  • Establish networks between organizations representing those elements of the population, regardless of race or religion who are suffering as a result of the politics of fear and exclusion.
Coalition Members
Abdul Jalil Muhammad
Imam Abdul Malik
Amir Muhammad
Asma Hanif
Hodari Ali Imam
Johari Abdul Malik
Attorney Kareema
Al-Amin Imam Khalid Griggs
Minister Louis Farrakhan
Imam Nadim Ali
Nisa Islam Muhammad
Imam Siraj Wahhaj
Imam Talib Deen
Imam Umar Ibn Khattab
Imam Yahya Cason
Imam Zaid Shakir

Note: This is a partial list of initial endorsers.



Press Conference Archive
Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

Click here for Windows Media Version of Press Conference

A Coalition of African American Muslims (CAAM) held this press confence, Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

The controversy over the Park 51 Project (Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan) is indicative of a general rise in racist bigotry towards people of color in this country. While the issue has its particular and unique distinctions, it cannot be separated from the rising violence against African Americans and Latinos, or the increasingly inflammatory rhetoric and exclusionary politics driving the national debate on immigration.

As African-American Muslims, we feel our unique perspective has been missing from an emerging national discussion. We wish to join that discussion by first of all affirming that among our forbears are Muslims who have lived peacefully and productively in this country since its inception. They, and others among our people have sacrificed too much, both in enduring the horrors and brutalities of chattel slavery, and during the long march to freedom, civil and human rights for us to silently accept a return to Jim Crow exclusionary practices and policies that relegate either ourselves or our co-religionists from other ethnic backgrounds to second-class citizenry.



Black-American Muslims Speak Out Against Intolerance


Final Call, News Report, Ashahed Muhammad , Posted: Sep 09, 2010

WASHINGTON ( – The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan recently joined several Black American Muslim leaders to address the controversy surrounding the proposed building of an Islamic center near Ground Zero in New York, as well as the general attitude of mistrust and intolerance toward followers of Islam.

The members of the Coalition of African American Muslims, which included the Minister, urged a rejection of anti-Islam hatred and religious intolerance, while connecting the disdain for their faith to America’s old history of hate. But, they said, out of the negative attacks on a beautiful way of life comes an opportunity to teach and spread the truth—despite severe opposition.

“This world is not ignorant to the beauty of Islam,” said Minister Farrakhan. “The fear is that Islam will change the religion of the slave that they took it from and make him a bright light of a brand new civilization,” he said at a Sept. 2 press conference held at the prestigious National Press Club and broadcast live worldwide via Internet webcast.

Imam Abdul Malik of Islam on Capitol Hill, a youth advocacy group, agreed saying Islam is under attack by bigots who fear that which is different. “Islam does not mean terrorism,” said Imam Malik. “The real issue is the rise of Islam,” he added.

There are an estimated 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide. Minister Farrakhan pointed out that in close proximity to where the Islamic center is to be built, there are sex shops, peep shows, strip clubs and other immoral activities not being protested by those who say the Islamic center will violate hallowed ground and disrespect the memories of who died in Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. Those who oppose the center contradict the very principles outlined in the United States Constitution which guarantee freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly, the Minister said.

International media outlets such as PressTV, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting and the India Globe and Asia Today newspapers asked questions and observed as the leaders decried the atmosphere of intolerance created by extremist right wing media talk show hosts, unscrupulous special interest groups, ill-motivated politicians and prominent conservative evangelical leaders.

Opponents have made plans for the center a major political and social question, holding protests at the proposed site, and quizzing political leaders from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to President Obama about their positions on the issue. Violence has also erupted: A Muslim cab driver in New York survived a vicious, bloody knife attack as the debate has grown vitriolic, contemptuous and falsely condemned Islam as a religion of hate and enemy of America. Mosques and Islamic centers in different parts of the country have been vandalized and a site for a center in Tennessee was torched. One pastor has announced plans to publicly burn copies of the Holy Qur’an—the book of scripture of Muslims—on Sept. 11.

“We know when people start burning books, it’s not a great leap for them to begin burning people. History has shown us that,” said Islamic scholar Imam Zaid Shakir of the Zaytuna Institute. An entire industry has developed which profits from fostering the Islamophobic climate in America today, said Imam Shakir.

“I think what we have to realize is that there is a lot of money first of all that’s been spent to create that climate of fear and suspension and mistrust towards Muslims,” said Imam Shakir. “The books have been cranked out and there are major media outlets that are behind that effort of demonizing Muslims.”

Islam is a force for good, liberation

Asma Hanif, chair of the Washington D.C.-based Council of Muslim Organizations, spoke about her difficult experience as a Muslim woman raising children and interacting with family members who have heard media misreports about Muslims.

“As I stand here, I think about the fact that I’m an African American Muslim woman born and raised in this country. I think about all of the family members that I have who are listening to the words that are being said about me personally, because they know I am their daughter; I am their sister; I am their mother; I am their niece; I am all of these things. But, if you listen to the media, they say I’m a terrorist, or I’m oppressed, or I’m a bad person,” said Ms. Hanif. “I’m not oppressed! I dress this way because I love it!” Ms. Hanif continued. “In fact, if the truth be known, the only oppression I have ever seen was growing up Black in North Carolina! Islam liberated me as a Muslim woman!”
The severe economic crisis along with the sensationalized coverage of the “underwear bomber” in Detroit, the Ft. Hood shootings, the alleged Times Square attempted car bombing and other highly publicized alleged terrorist plots have contributed to fear mongering and hatred.

The controversy, however, is also creating curiosity and inspiring others to learn more about Islam, observed Imam Shakir and Imam Siraj Wahhaj, amir of the Muslim Alliance in North America, agreed.

“That which is happening right now and across the country with hatred against Muslims, I’m telling you, there’s good,” said Imam Wahhaj. “All over America people are asking ‘Teach me about Islam.’ ”

Coalition wants to help bring solutions to problems

The Coalition of African American Muslims, a group formed within the last month, sees offering solutions to these problems and giving a voice to the growing number of Blacks in America who are followers of Islam as part of its mission. The coalition said it was willing to work across racial, ethnic, religious and other divisions to combat rising hatred in America and help steer the country onto a proper course.

Islam has deep roots within the Black community, in fact, a significant number of followers of Islam in America are Black people who came to Islam as a result of the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. In later years, due to the influence of prominent representatives such as Malcolm X, the late Imam W.D. Mohammed and Minister Farrakhan, Blacks have continued to embrace Islam.

Coupled with America’s legacy of racism, slavery and Jim Crow laws, Blacks have undergone an experience that has prepared them for leadership roles in a society still suffering from bigotry, racism and inequality present at the birth of the nation, said the Muslim leaders.

“We’re not new to this. This is the same toxic soup of hatred and bigotry, just served in a different bowl,” said Imam Mahdi Bray of the Muslim American Freedom Society. The rights advocate described how he endures “Driving While Black” and “Flying While Muslim.”
“This is not the climate in which we want to operate,” said Mr. Bray.

Nisa Islam Muhammad, who has spearheaded outreach and education efforts regarding the religion of Islam and was one of the lead coordinators of the press conference, said its time has come. “It’s a great day to be a Muslim,” said Ms. Muhammad, who is also a staff writer for The Final Call.

Lessons for world present in America

Minister Farrakhan said the world is looking to America for leadership, and watching to see how America handles this particular religious issue. A nation’s highways, bridges and roads do not determine its greatness; a nation’s greatness is determined by its righteousness, he observed.

“She (America) started wrong. Slavery was wrong. The trans-Atlantic slave trade was not right. The dehumanization of an entire people was not right,” said Min. Farrakhan. “One-hundred and fifty years of Jim Crow was wrong. How do you right a wrong like that?”

“When we go to the cause of all causes, we can’t blame the agents of God’s cause—we have to look at God and ask him why he permitted it,” said Min. Farrakhan.

If Black people rise above emotion into God’s thinking, they will see persecution was preparation for a future mission and duty to humanity after trial in the furnace of affliction, the Minister said.

“We have a unique historical prospective in terms of being people who have fought against racism in this country, bigotry, and attempts to relegate us to second class citizens for centuries,” added Imam Shakir. “That bequeathed in our genes a certain resilience and a certain combativeness that is really lacking from this current discourse. I think bringing that voice to bear will be for the service of our brothers and sisters. Not as an alternative voice, not that we have all the answers, but saying that we have a unique perspective and I think that unique perspective will be galvanizing for the overall Muslim community.”

“I personally think that the Muslims in America have a great role to play not only in Islam in America but really Islam all over the world,” said Imam Wahhaj. “We have to show our brothers and sisters and the rest of the Muslim world how to deal with differences. How to have doctrinal differences and yet sit together at the table and have discussion and have dialogue and not bloody each other’s noses, not kill each other.”

Discussing the sectarian violence going on in many places of the world, between Muslims, Imam Wahhaj said he is disheartened when he hears about it.

“It sickens me when I hear about a masjid (place of worship) blowing up and 60 or 70 people dying, it just doesn’t make sense and it is so hard for me to imagine that these are really Muslims doing it,” said Imam Wahhaj. “I think our brothers and sisters in the East and the rest of the Muslim world could learn a lot from African Americans in the United States.”


September 03, 2010

African-American Muslims respond to NY Mosque controversy

Much has been said about the controversy surrounding the proposed construction of the “Ground Zero Mosque.” Frankly, it has become outrageous.

Another voice has officially joined the national dialogue…the African American Muslims in America. As a young Muslim, it was a joy for me to witness this.

The unified Coalition of African American Muslims (CAAM) held a press conference on Sept. 2, 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

Prior to the press conference, the coalition released this statement in part:

“The controversy over the Park 51 Project (Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan) is indicative of a general rise in racist bigotry towards people of color in this country. While the issue has its particular and unique distinctions, it cannot be separated from the rising violence against African Americans and Latinos, or the increasingly inflammatory rhetoric and exclusionary politics driving the national debate on immigration.
As African-American Muslims, we feel our unique perspective has been missing from an emerging national discussion. We wish to join that discussion by first of all affirming that among our forbears are Muslims who have lived peacefully and productively in this country since its inception.

We commend all of those Jews, Christians and members of other faith and ethnic communities who have raised their voices in defense of the constitutional rights of all Americans.”

During the press conference, various speakers spoke on behalf of the coalition including Akbar Muhammad, Imam Abdul Malik, Nisa Islam Muhammad, Mahdi Bray, Imam Zaid Shakir, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, and Minister Louis Farrakhan.

“It’s a great day to be a Muslim,” said Nisa Muhammad, who has organized the Ramadan Tsunami Prayer line the past five years, bringing together Muslims from across the globe.

Imam Shakir, who lectures at Zaytuna College in Berkeley, CA., said that he sees the opposition to the Park 51 project as “symptoms of a deeper disease. That deeper disease manifests itself in nooses being hung in places like Jena, Louisiana…that deeper disease is called fear monger. That deeper disease is called hatred. It is called bigotry.”

Mahdi Bray,the Executive Director of MAS Freedom, said “We’re here as a coalition of African American Muslims because we have a unique perspective on bigotry and hatred. This is the same toxic soup of bigotry and hatred–served in a different bowl. I live in a country where I have to worry about driving while Black and flying while Muslim.”

“No matter how many books they burn, they do nothing with Islam–because Islam is in your heart. The Qur’an is in your heart. They can’t burn that out of me,” said Asma Hanif.

Sister Asma also emphasized “As a Muslim woman I am not oppressed. I dress this way because I love it! The only oppression I have ever seen is growing up Black in North Carolina. Islam liberated me.”

“The people of intelligence know that Islam is not the enemy. Islam represents one of the greatest paths to salvation. My concern is for the future of America. I’m not worried about Islam–Islam will prosper. Whether they burn the Qur’an or seek to destroy mosques, we will only print more and build more,” said Imam Abdul Malik.

Imam Siraj Wahhaj said “The hatred towards Muslims right now is good. All over America people are asking “Teach me about Islam”.

The final speaker was Minister Farrakhan who stated “The ground where the World Trade Center was–I like the fact that it is called hallowed. Because on Sept. 11, the World Trade Center, in which there were representatives of the entire world, there were Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists–people from practically every nation on this earth. When that building was destroyed, the whole world felt it…Among those sending condolences were Muslims from all over the world.”

“Why then should a mosque–a cultural center–not be constructed a few blocks away? Well let’s see what’s around it,” said Min. Farrakhan.

Min. Farrakhan then quoted from an article by Nicolaus Mills of the Christian Science Monitor wherein he writes, “But the World Trade Center neighborhood is also filled with eyesores. When I walked from Park Place on the north side of the World Trade Center to Rector Street on the south side, what I encountered were a string of bars, betting parlors, and fast-food restaurants. And within this cluster of buildings, especially noticeable were two strip clubs, the New York Dolls Gentleman’s Club and the Pussycat Lounge, plus Thunder Lingerie and More, a sex shop with a peep show.”

To further emphasize that “Ground Zero” is hallow ground to African Americans, Min. Farrakhan referenced the 1991 discovery of 415 graves with bones of some 20,000 African slaves buried underground ten minutes away from the spot where the WTC once stood.

“We will not allow anyone–on our watch–to do some silly act to deprive an innocent human being of their life. And if we see it, we’ll stop it. If we see the person, we will arrest them because they are not only an enemy to Islam–they are an enemy to us and all of the American people,” said Min. Farrakhan in regards to acts of terrorism.

I am for and we are for building that mosque or cultural center wherever they want to. Wherever they want,” said Min. Farrakhan to a question from the media.

The coalition also addressed the controversy surrounding Pres. Obama being called a Muslim and the state of education in this country. To view the entire replay of this press conference click:

All photos are still shots taken from the video



Here is the recent printed article in that infamous magazine “Final Call” with Farrakhan saying clearly who he worships and who he calls God, for him meaning that mysterious man called “Master Fard.”

Farrakhan said:

to quote: When a government gets so beyond the pale that humans cannot correct it, Divine intervention comes into play and God has intervened in America, appearing as the Great Mahdi, a powerful human being imbued with the power and wisdom of the Almighty, he said. That Mighty One, Master Fard Muhammad, taught and raised the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from a spiritually dead nation and raised him to the position of Christ, one anointed with power to crush the wicked, said Min. Farrakhan.” end of quote

He said that!!!

See it yourself on their website as follows

Farrakhan takes Tampa!

By Richard B. Muhammad and Ashahed M. Muhammad Final Call Staffers | Last updated: Oct 19, 2010 – 9:24:48 AM

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The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan greets crowd at 15th anniversary of the Million Man March. Photo: Ansar El Muhammad (Right) First Lady of the Nation of Islam Mother Khadijah Farrakhan Photo: Mikal Veale

TAMPA ( – The huge floor of the convention center was so full that members of the Fruit of Islam rushed to set up extra chairs as thousands turned out to hear the leader of the Nation of Islam speak in an area known for sunny weather, palm trees, waterways, lush greenery and vacations.

But Sunday, Oct. 17, was no day off: It was devoted to a keynote address by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to mark the 15th anniversary of the Million Man March, which drew nearly two million Black men to the nation’s capitol, and a Holy Day of Atonement built on the principles of atonement, reconciliation and responsibility.

“This is a beautiful city,” Min. Farrakhan told the crowd of 8,000 people assembled inside the Tampa Convention Center. “There are beautiful buildings, beautiful bridges, pretty sand, all of the things that really fascinate the eye but the ugliness is not the beautiful buildings, the ugliness is ignorant, underdeveloped human beings.

“Every human being has the possibility of reflecting God. Every human being has the possibility of achieving unlimited heights during the time of our life on this planet. Every human being should be afforded that human right to know, for whenever a human being is deprived of knowledge, they’re deprived of that which evolves them to be what God created them to be…” he said.

The Minister explained that the Bible says God created the heavens and the earth with wisdom, and the Holy Qur’an, the Islamic book of scripture, introduces God saying “I Allah (God) am the Best Knower.”

Photo: Mikal Veale

“How can anyone serve God in ignorance?” the Minister asked. “Ignorance is the enemy of God. Knowledge will make us the friend of God and it will allow us to befriend one another, therefore all of the prophets taught us to get knowledge,” he said.

“No human should be afraid to know more. No human being should feel threatened by one who possesses knowledge,” said Min. Farrakhan. “So much ignorance exists that all of us who know whatever degree of knowledge we have, we have a responsibility to those who do not know to share that knowledge not seeking to make them our followers or slaves but share knowledge to improve them spiritually (and) mentally that they may improve themselves socially, politically, economically and otherwise,” he said.

“The Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us that the brain cells are created by God to think rightly and everything you see of God’s creation is truth,” said Minister Farrakhan. “To think right, the mind must be fed with truth, with facts, with reality.”

Part of the reality addressed by the Minister were harrowing conditions facing Blacks in the area—from high school dropout and incarceration rates, to disproportionate disciplinary rates among Black children to often jobless Black men, who rely on women for support.

He talked about how injustice in America had reduced and injured Blacks to such a degree that God Himself would have to come, and has come, to deliver a suffering people and judge the mighty nation they were forced to serve.

When a government gets so beyond the pale that humans cannot correct it, Divine intervention comes into play and God has intervened in America, appearing as the Great Mahdi, a powerful human being imbued with the power and wisdom of the Almighty, he said. That Mighty One, Master Fard Muhammad, taught and raised the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from a spiritually dead nation and raised him to the position of Christ, one anointed with power to crush the wicked, said Min. Farrakhan.

Blacks in America, who have been in bondage and oppression for over 400 years, fit the biblical description of the children of Israel, he explained. God has chosen Black people as his own people, Min. Farrakhan added.

But, he said, when God chooses a people, the first thing that people must do is shed fear and understand that no one deserves to be feared or worshipped but God.

It is time for Blacks to accept their own destiny and to become responsible for their own future, he said.

All human beings should seek increased knowledge to come closer to the mind of God and gain freedom from ignorance, false ideas and concepts, to excel and grow, said the Minister.

International audience for major message

His message was delivered to thousands inside the center, and thousands more viewed it via Internet webcast. His theme of atonement, reconciliation and responsibility matched the theme of the historic Million Man March, which took place on October 16, 1995.

It was the largest public rally in U.S. history, despite opposition and controversy.

After a rousing and spirited introduction by Rasul Muhammad, a son of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad who also serves as the Seventh Regional representative of the Nation of Islam, which covers Florida and parts of the Caribbean, Minister Farrakhan spoke into the hearts of an electrified audience.

“I make no excuse for my love for Black people. I don’t apologize. All my life, my love was for God and for you.” said Minister Farrakhan. With the Million Man March, the Minister said he was focused on two things, God and Black people. In a personal way, Min. Farrakhan explained how his strong faith and connection to the Creator was forged: He spoke about how his mother tried to abort him three times using very crude methods, and after the third try, she gave up and grew closer to God through prayer.

“Her prayers were forming me for God,” said the Minister. “This is what you’re looking at. And if you can’t understand your brother, then when you really want to understand something, you go back to the beginning. You go back in the womb and see what went down because the womb is so sacred; the womb is so precious that whatever happens in the womb or on the womb marks the child.”

His father was a follower of Marcus Garvey and that movement inspired his mother as well. This caused her to ensure that her son learned about the struggle of Black people. This deep love of Black people and God guides the Minister’s actions today.

“I was nurtured not on my pain, but I was nurtured on your pain. And it was your pain that ached my heart. It was your suffering that shaped me,” he said. “I came to give my life for you and for the freedom of our people, and I cannot wait to prove that to the world.”

Speaking directly to his detractors, and critics, he discussed some of the drama surrounding the Million Man March. For many, it was difficult to believe that God was with Minister Farrakhan’s call until they looked out on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and saw a sea of Black men assembled.

“Black men shoulder to shoulder! Black men bolder and bolder!” said the Minister.

This impressed many world leaders, but it made some of those who were already envious and jealous of his ability to draw large enthusiastic crowds angrier. It also caused the enemies of the rise of Black people to fear him more, continually working to destroy him, and the Nation of Islam, but they have failed.

“The enemy is upset with Farrakhan because he can’t make me afraid,” said Min. Farrakhan as many in the crowd jumped to their feet and cheered. “I speak what I want to speak to whom I want to speak it, when I want to speak it and don’t give a damn about consequences!”

“If it is God in whom you put your trust, then the fear of men will leave you. If it is God in whom you put your trust, then nobody is bigger than God,” said Min. Farrakhan. “When a Black man, who has been the victim of oppression, can make a call for a million and two million men show up, see that’s an army. God was behind that call and God put it in the hearts of those men to answer that call.”

Lessons from the Million Man March

The late singer Michael Jackson donated $100,000 to the men’s march, which was funded by Black dollars, showing the power of unity and commitment—and a promised accounting report was issued following the gathering, said Min. Farrakhan.

The late Rosa Parks, the late Betty Shabazz, the late Dr. Dorothy Height and Maya Angelou were all present on that day, despite the “hard-hearted Hatties” who had negative words to say because Black men were the focus of the march, recalled the Minister.

But the image of Black men was being used to justify a war on the Black community so the problem with the men had to be solved first, he said.

There were even some White people at the march, Min. Farrakhan noted. But, it was a day of love and peace and no one was mistreated and there was no crime in the District of Columbia that weekend, he said.

The Minister described how the day of the Million Man March, then President Bill Clinton left town and the government shut down. A military response was also planned if the men at the march got out of hand, said Min. Farrakhan.

But the Muslim leader told his security that day, he would not take any escape route and if there was danger or death, he would die on the National Mall with this people.

Despite having a powerful voice and powerful oratory, the Minister pointed out how he has never retaliated against others who have spoken ill of him or unjustly wronged and attacked him. Min. Farrakhan said he could excite passion in his audience but he has never misused his gift—or targeted anyone with harsh words.

“Make no mistake about it, if I start talking about killing folks, there’s a whole lot of folks that are going to die but I will not use my power in a negative way. I have restrained myself and taken all kinds of abuse and never have I responded with violence. Never! And some of my enemies, if I said the word tonight they’d be dead in the morning!” he said.

“But the lives of our people are sacred to me, so I can take your abuse, and the only time you’ll get a reaction from me and from us, is when you come to attack us, then you will find out the power that is with us, and that goes for the government of the United States as well.”

The audience was struck by the message and often interrupted the Minister with applause and cheering. “I’ve heard so much about this man that I just had to come and hear him for myself. People told me he was racist and a bigot but I didn’t hear that at all. If I just went by the naysayers I would have missed something beautiful and wonderful.I’m so glad I followed my own mind and didn’t listen to them. We need the eight steps of atonement. I have some atoning to do myself,” said Sonia Jamerson.

Peter and Annette Blackerby, Tampa residents, heard the Minister in Tampa. The husband had heard Min. Farrakhan earlier this year in Rosemont, Ill., for the first time. The couple listened carefully to the message. “I was very impressed with the Honorable Minister with the way he was able to talk from the heart; the way he spoke about issues from the Bible, the Qur’an and he wove the truth in the way that was very easy for me to understand,” he said. “It clarified a lot of misconceptions that I had about the Nation of Islam. I had some media ideas that were incorrect and I came away with a different viewpoint. It is a viewpoint of peace. I heard references to things like the ‘White devil’—which in context, it makes perfect sense and it didn’t make me say ‘hey,’ well maybe I am in the wrong room,” he noted. “It was like ‘hey,’ I totally got the references and things like that. So it is a very enlightening time for me,” he said.

While Muslims came from across the country to enjoy the weekend, others in the audience did the same traveling from places like South Carolina, driving for hours from Georgia and other points South to hear Min. Farrakhan live for the first time.

Reginald Latson made the drive from Georgia with a friend, both were happy they did. “I saw (Min. Farrakhan) in Atlanta deliver ‘The Real Children of Israel’ and I was so impressed that I decided to come down and see him in Tampa, so it’s the second time live.What affected me the most was his saying to take into account your own actions,” he said.

Laquasia Clinkscales lives in Melbourne, Fla., but is a New York native. She found out Min. Farrakhan would be in the area through the Internet. “His message for Tampa does what it does for all of us. It’s inspiring.It’s not a new message. It’s one that those of us who have been following the Minister for a long time, we already know, if you’re a believer. It inspires us to remember the things that we need to do. For me, it’s just remembering and inspiring us to continue along the path, because things get hard and rough, but we have to remind ourselves of what the goal is and the goal is freedom. The goal is independence. The goal is to walk as God would have us walk and uplift our people and ourselves, of course,” Ms. Clinkscales said.

“I’m ready to be a Muslim right now. I want to get with this program. I love the way the brothers look and take care of business. I’m down with Farrakhan,” added an excited Jamal Robertson, a thirty-something-year-old Tampa resident.

(Charlene Muhammad, Nisa Islam Muhammad and Eric Muhammad contributed to this report.)

Source on Final Call website HERE

And here below:

This speech is dated Sunday October 17, 2010,

to mark the 15th anniversary of the Million Man March. Be Aware.



The Historic Return of Minister Louis Farrakhan

Nation of Islam Announces Saviours’ Day Weekend Highlights
and Historic Return of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan

Detroit, MI ( February 22, 2007 — The Nation of Islam will hold a press conference in the Cobo Arena on Friday, February 23 at 9:30am to announce highlights of this weekend which include:

  • Minister Louis Farrakhan leader of the Nation of Islam making his first public appearance in seven months on Sunday, February 25, in Ford Field 2:00 pm in Detroit Michigan.
  • The satellite feed from His Excellency, Omar El-Bashir, President of the Republic of Sudan. President El-Bashir has agreed to answer questions on Dahfur for the press and concerned citizens.
  • Leadership Forum with keynote speaker Rev. Al Sharpton, National Action Network. Rev. Sharpton will discuss the next Presidential election.
  • Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Amir of MANA will deliver the Jumah Khutbah on Friday, Febraury 24.

More details and information on the weekend program and activities will be distributed at the press conference.

Saviours’ Day is the annual commemoration of the birth of the Nation of Islam’s founder, Master W. D. Fard Muhammad. The convention is normally held in the city of Chicago, headquarters of the Nation of Islam, but this year thousands will convene to celebrate the Nation’s 77th Year Anniversary, in its founding city of Detroit, MI.

The convention kicks off on Wednesday February 21, 2007 with an historic exhibit at the Charles H. Wright Museum. International Islamic scholars and Muslim clergy will gather for an interfaith dialogue between Muslims, Christians and Jews on Friday, February 23, along with one of the largest Jumu’ah (congregational) prayer services.

Workshops and conferences will be held through Saturday at the Cobo Convention Center on a variety of subjects including youth empowerment, male/female relationships, health, financial literacy, and religious tolerance. The convention will culminate with the keynote address at Ford Field, by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on Sunday, February 25 at 2pm. Nation of Islam officials are expecting an estimated 65,000 people to attend.

Saviours’ Day Convention details including registration, keynote address tickets, webcast and more information is available online at the official Saviours’ Day 2007 website,

Additional Saviours’ Day coverage will be available online News.


Some Background  on Imam Saraj Wahaj’s participation in Saviors Day event with Farrakhan and the NOI, may Allah guide the Imam Saraj to correct this mistake and take a clear stand against idolatry and blasphemy, to help the true Dawah (invitation to Islam) here in America and the world over.

Siraj Wahhaj: My Story (Part 2)

The video for this transcript can be found by clickinghere.

The Nation of Islam, Then and Now

As the night and speech was coming to a close, Imam Siraj shed more light on the Nation of Islam, then and now.

After the death of Elijah Muhammad in 1975, his son Wallace Muhammad was appointed as leader.

Wallace introduced the Nation of Islam to Sunni Islam, and the first thing he taught was that W.D. Fard was not God, and that his father Elijah Muhammad was not a messenger of Allah, and that Prophet Muhammad, sal’Allahu alahi wa salam, is the Last Messenger of Allah. Wallace brought so many people out of absolute shirk and pointed them in the direction of Allah. Wallace did thatas a Sunni Muslim, and while wearing a Nation of Islam Fruit of Islam uniform.

After the death of Elijah Muhammad, from 1975 to 1977, Minister Louis Farrakhan, in fact, taught orthodox Islam. In 1977, Farrakhan again started the movement of the Nation of Islam.

During 1975, Shaykh Jafar Idris came and taught twenty-five ministers of the Nation of Islam, Imam Siraj Wahaj being one of them.

When Shaykh Jafar recited the Qur’an, that was the first time in his life that Imam Siraj had heard it. Imam Siraj even has it is on tape. In the background you can hear his voice saying, “That’s the greatest thing I’ve ever heard in my life, I’ve got to learn THAT!

Shaykh Jafar also taught them to fast in Ramadan, and not during the month of December as the Nation of Islam did. He then took thousands of his followers to Mecca to make pilgrimage.

Imam Siraj said that up to that point during his time in the Nation of Islam, from 1969 to 1975, he had also never made salaat once. He had prayed, but not as the Prophet sal’Allahu alayhi wa salam had prayed. And it was Imam Muhammad who taught them.

The Breakdown

Imam Siraj was actually invited to speak at the Million Man March in 1995. And even though other imams had disagreed with him and criticized him, since he had the opportunity to do dawah, Imam Siraj still refused to attend, for Allah, because he did not want to make it legitimate.

Last year, Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam had their annual Savior’s Day convention in Detroit.

For that event, Minister Farrakhan and his top staff from the Nation of Islam called Imam Siraj to come to Detriot and lead thousands of their followers in salaatul Jumuah.

Imam Siraj invited imams he respected to take shura with them, and they talked about changes that needed to be made in the Nation. They witnessed that changes were occurring, and that things were getting closer to orthodox Islam. So they made the decision that he should go and give khutbah there.

Imam Siraj said that you can be of opinion that he should not have gone there, that’s ok.  He thought about it a lot himself and waited. In this case, he decided to go, for Allah, and he thought that he could somehow help to bring them closer.

After the khutbah, many of the leaders of the Nation of Islam came to Imam Siraj and asked him to teach in their cities. In fact and already, one of the biggest ministers of the Nation of Islam has already taken his shahada and is in the Nation teaching right now. Other ministers in the Nation are also ready for Islam.

Imam Siraj said that Imam Muhammad, son of Elijah Muhammad, was the one who first brought them to Islam in massive numbers, and pointed him in the direction of the Qur’an and Sunnah. And because of that, Imam Siraj believes that some of the credit of the work he does will also be given to Imam Muhammad on the Day of Judgment.

Final Words and Advice

In closing, Imam Siraj asked Allah to bless Imam Muhammad, to continue to help him grow and help his community, and asked Allah to guide minister Farakhan to Islam.

He recalled the dua of the Prophet, sal’Allahu alayhi wa salam, for Allah to strengthen Islam with Abu Jahl Ibn Hisham or Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be please with him. Umar accepted Islam, and the rest is history.

He finished by saying one of the biggest lessons we learn in the Qur’an and Sunnah is that it is not how you begin the race that counts – everyone is born Muslim – but your deeds shall be judged by your last deeds.

Imam Siraj said he will continue to work with all the Muslim groups he can, and try to bring them closer to Islam, and that in that attempt he takes the position of Shafi, may Allah have mercy on him:

I believe that I’m right, with the possibility that I might be wrong. And I believe that you’re wrong, with the possibility that you might be right.

“May Allah bless you brothers and sisters, and keep on learning and keep on growing, and keep having patience with one another… Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatallah”, Imam Siraj ended.

– Special thanks to the author for allowing us to post this from the Nurayn site, and to Nihal Khanfor taking these pictures for us.



Note that speeches given by Imam Saraj Wahaj include the following, which prove that he knows about the lies of the NOI and Farrakhan.

Elijah Muhammad- A Trial For The Muslims

Minister Louis Farakhan & The Sunni Muslims

Some background information below about:
MANA – Muslim Alliance of North America
Common Interest – Religion & spirituality
MANA is a national network of masjids, Muslim organizations and individuals committed to work together to address certain urgent needs within the Muslim community. These needs include the great social and economic problems that are challenging Muslim communities especially in the inner city; the need for the involvement of masjids and Muslims in community service projects which are aimed at improving society as a whole; the need for systematic and effective dawah programs to help bring more… (read more)
Privacy type:
Open: All content is public.

Contact Details

P.O. Box 910375

Recent news

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Imam Siraj Wahhaj discusses the roots of Masjid Taqwa and the current state of MANA. – 2nd Annual MANA Conference will be held November 2008 in Philadelphia, insha Allah ————————————-New Event: THE STATE OF THE BLACKAMERICAN MUSLIM COMMUNITYImam Siraj Wahhaj
Imam Zaid Shakir
W. Deen Mohammad
Dr. Sherman Jackson
Imam Johari Abdul Malik
Rami Nashashibi
Aminah McCloud
Imam Ihsan Bagby and many more!

Update – Mar. 14, 2007————————————-

Imam Siraj Wahhaj will be in the Bay Area on Saturday, March 17 for an ICNA Dawah event. For more details:

Update – Mar. 9, 2007 ————————————–

Imam Siraj Addresses Nation of Islam

DETROIT–Feb. 23.
With wisdom and beautiful teaching Imam Siraj, Amir of MANA, addressed a crowd of 10,000 assembled for Jumah prayer at the Nation of Islam’s “Saviour’s Day,” in Detroit’s Cobo Arena. While acknowledging positive aspects of the NOI, Imam Siraj pointed to the truth of Islam with clear arguments from Qur’an; and ended his admonition with an appeal to the NOI and the Sunni community to continue dialogue to come closer together.

Highlights of Khutbah

“This ummah of yours is one ummah and I am your Lord, so worship me.” Using this ayah as his pivot, Imam Siraj spoke to the issue of one Islam–an ancient Islam–and to the oneness of the prophethood, beginning with Adam (as) and ending with Muhammad ibn Abdullah (saws) “We follow the example of Ibrahim…Allah said to Ibrahim (AS), “This day I have perfected your religion.” “All the prophets were brothers… they all brought the same message… Islam is not new… prophethood is not new…fasting is not new. There has been no major change in Islam. This is the Islam that all the followers of Muhammad (saws) follow.”

Afro-Islamic Influence on US Diaspora

“Reflections on the Persistence and Transmission of African-Islamic Identity Construct and Its Influence on Enslaved Africans in the American Diaspora”
By Muhammad Shareef, The Sankore’ Institute of Islamic- African Studies
For more than 9 centuries, the Turudbe’ Fulbe’ have been the purveyors of Islamic social reform and nation formation throughout the entire region of the bilad ‘s-sudan… during the period of African enslavement in the West, the Turudbe’ Fulbe helped produce some of the most dynamic leaders of reform and change in the African American struggle for freedom and justice–men like Frederick Douglas, Denmark Vesey and David Walker.

Rise and Fall of Salafi Dawah

The Rise and Fall of the Salafi Dawah in the US Parts I-III.
By Umar Lee,
In the early to mid 90s, we witnessed a period in which lots of people were becoming Muslim after the new interest in Malcolm X brought on mostly by Spike Lee’s X hats and the movie. This brought on a short period of revived black consciousness… There was so much hope that ‘knowledge of self’ would finally bring blacks out of the rut they’d fallen into. This “hope” is what leads African- Americans into different movements. I cannot understand it as well as a black person, but I do know what this yearning is like. This point is important because many of these new Muslims from the influx would find that their next “great hope” was in the salafi dawah.

Is Hip-Hop Dead?

Bad rap, or is Hip-Hop Music on the Way Out?
By Nekesa Mumbi Moody (AP)
NEW YORK – Maybe it was the umpteenth coke- dealing anthem or soft-porn music video. Perhaps it was the preening antics that some call reminiscent of Stepin Fetchit. The turning point is hard to pinpoint. But after 30 years of growing popularity, rap music is now struggling with an alarming sales decline and growing criticism from within… Rap insider Chuck Creekmur, says, “A lot of people are sick of rap … the negativity is just over the top now;” and Rapper Nas, considered one of the greats, challenged the condition of the art form when he titled his latest album Hip-Hop is Dead.

Hip-Hop and Islam

Traditional Islam for the Hip-Hop Generation
By Zaid Shakur, Southern California InFocus, Mar 3.
SAN DIEGO – In the heart of San Diego’s inner-city, just blocks away from “the Four Corners of Death,” … nestled unceremoniously between a martial arts dojo and a neighborhood grocery store is the Logan Islamic Community Center (LICC). LICC serves a Muslim congregation that is small yet incredibly diverse…Filipinos, Africans, African- Americans, Caucasians, and Latinos. The most striking characteristics of this up-and- coming community is the fact that it is made up entirely of reverts to Islam…the average age a tender 26 years. It is precisely this youthful energy that one feels pulsating through the masjid and fueling its impressive list of programs, activities, and services.

Should Women Sit on Majlis Ash-Shura?
Dr. Sherman Jackson, Prof. Islamic Studies, Univ. Michigan
Pursuant to the request to record my preliminary view on the issue of women’s participation in and serving on a Majlis ash-Shura, I am sending the following. Please note that this is not a fatwa nor an attempt to treat this topic exhaustively. It is, again, my preliminary reaction to the question based on insights gained from my limited training here and abroad over the past two decades. Let me begin by stating that the issue of women’s competency, particularly their mental competency, has been debated among the fuqaha, from virtually the beginning. I am sure most of you are aware of the debates on issues like woman’s testimony and women serving as judges. Some of this debate has been based purely on the jurists’ interpretations of Quran and or Sunnah. Other views, unfortunately, have been overly and unjustly influenced by individual jurists’, (or that of the cultures out of which they operated) views about and biases towards women. This is an unfortunate tendency that MANA -and any other organization that purports to be Islamic -must take every precaution to avoid. We must remember the words of Allah “And if you differ regarding a matter, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day.

UPDATE: Imam Jamil’s Hearing

Update on Imam Jamil’s February 23 hearing: Unlike his trial, Imam Jamil was able to testify in the hearing, and the previously excluded confession of Otis Jackson was allowed into evidence. The hearing will continue and the next date will be within the next 4 months. There continues to be a great need to raise funds for Imam Jamil. If you are organizing a fundraiser for Imam Jamil, please pass information about it to: so that it can be widely distributed.
Jazaka’ Allah Khairun

The Confession By: El-Hajj Mauri’ Saalakhan, Peace and Justice Foundation
The following is the verbatim transcript of an FBI document based on one or more interviews with a 26 year old black male, who appears to be of the same approximate height and weight as Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin.
…The Memorandum reads in part: “When booked into the Clark County Detention Center, Jackson indicated to the Officer that he had been involved in a shooting/murder of an Officer, when he was in Georgia. The Detention Officer did not investigate the statement …

MANA’s 1st Annual Convention: “The State of the Blackamerican Muslim Community,” a conference of lectures and workshops, will be held Friday-Sunday, November 2-4 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Confirmed Speakers include: Siraj Wahhaj, Zaid Shakir, Sherman Jackson and Ihsan Bagby. Mark your calendar–you don’t want to miss it! Watch this space for updates and registration information.

If you believe in the goals of MANA, support MANA by becoming a member and inviting MANA to visit your community or organization to explain MANA’s programs and to talk about how you can get involved. We welcome your input and contributions. May Allah bless all efforts in His cause.

Update – Feb. 20, 2007 ————————————–

Subject: The Latest Newsletter from MANA – *WITH UPDATES*
Message: A Public Statement of Notice and Intention

For immediate release Feb. 20, 2007


“Invite (all) to the Way of Thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious. For Thy Lord knows best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.” (Quran 16:125)

(Lexington, KY, Feb. 20, 2007) The Amir of MANA, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, has accepted an invitation from Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, to deliver the Salah al-Jum’ah Khutbah this Friday, Feb. 23rd, as part of that organization’s “Savior’s Day” activities.

Commenting on this historic event, Imam Siraj Wahhaj stated:

“A prime aspect of MANA’s mission to humanity is da’wah (calling or inviting all of mankind to the Way of Allah), which Allah tells us in His Book to do with ‘wisdom and beautiful preaching’. Further Allah makes it clear that those who in faith take one step toward Him, He will take several toward them, and that He knows best who has strayed and who receives guidance. SEE:

“We of MANA are encouraged by the incremental increase in knowledge and clarity of ‘aqeedah (binding Islamic beliefs), which continues to come to the indigenous Muslims of America. We see it as being part of our responsibility to our people to contribute to that process, whenever and wherever we can clearly do so. We seek the pleasure of Allah.

“To that end and after taking naseehah (consultation) with Muslim leaders of the Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah in America generally, and those of the MANA Executive Committee in particular, I have chosen to accept the Minister’s invitation to deliver the Khutbat al-Jum’ah (Friday worship sermon). We pray that nothing but good will come from it.”

Members of the Diwan (Executive Committee) of MANA and others met within the past month with senior leadership of the Nation of Islam. At that meeting we addressed forthrightly our position and concerns on issues of ‘aqeedah and their primacy in Al-Islam. Those present agreed to continue dialogue towards clarification and resolution of any existing differences in that regard.

MANA’s ‘aqeedah is that of the Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah (The people of the prophetic practice of the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad [May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him], and the Unified Community). We do not endorse nor support any views that are not consistent with those of our illustrious predecessors from the Salaf (early Muslims from the first three generations) or the Khalaf (those who follow their Path).

We have evaluated the pros and cons of our decision, and have decided that if we must err (and we pray that we have not) that it should be on the side of mercy and good intentions.

And Allah knows best.

Insha’Allah, the Khutbah will take place at 1 p.m. on February 23 in Cobo Arena, 1 Washington Blvd, Detroit, MI.

Contact information:
Ihsan Bagby, General Secretary, MANA, 859-494-3743 or

The event went well at the Saviors Day event. Imam Siraj extended a hand to the Nation of Islam and they responded very well. Some came up to him afterwards and asked if he could come to their unit to talk about Islam. Alhamdulillah!!

Introduction —————————————————

What are the goals of MANA?
The primary goals of MANA are to (1) strengthen masjids to better address the needs of social services, economics, family, youth, Islamic training and education, (2) empower masjids to develop community service projects such as low-income housing, halfway houses, job training and medical clinics, (3) develop and implement effective national and local dawah programs aimed at non-Muslims, (4) develop local and national new Muslim programs that will facilitate their transition into Islam, and (5) address issues of justice and oppression in North America and abroad.

Who started MANA?
The idea of MANA emerged virtually independently in different conversations among various Muslim leaders including Siraj Wahhaj, Zaid Shakir, Hamza Yusuf, Talib Abdur Rashid, Asim Abdur Rashid, Ihsan Bagby, R. Mukhtar Curtis, Abdul Hakim Jackson, Amir al-Islam and many others. A meeting was held in Philadelphia, PA where Imam Siraj Wahhaj was elected as the Amir of MANA. Although the planning of MANA started much earlier, MANA finally started working in late 2005.

Source from official MANA Facebook page
More Revelant Information Below


Ihsan Bagby Warith Deen Mohammed and Siraj Wahhaj at the MANA conference


MANA: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

By Hodari Abdul-Ali

Special to The Muslim Link

Alhamdulilah, the 1st national convention of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA) in Philadelphia during the first weekend of November, was by every standard of measure, an overwhelming success. The attendance of about 2000 people from all over the country exceeded the anticipation of the organizers. Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, suburban Maryland and Baltimore were well represented.

The workshops were informative, and recordings of most sessions are available via the MANA website. The banquet sold out and the bazaar overflowed with good products. Most importantly, “The City of Brotherly Love” lived up to its reputation as a good host. The conference exuded a feeling of hope and love among the attendees. For the record, Philly has the largest number of African-American Muslims in the country.

As a member of MANA’s Majlis ash-Shura, and as someone concerned with Muslim community affairs, I’ve attended dozens of Islamic conferences over the years in several cities, including this year the ICNA conference in New Haven, the Riyaadah (under Imam Jamil Al-Amin’s community) in Atlanta, and the ISNA and The Mosque Cares meetings in Chicago. Most of the time, attendance at workshops is sparse on the last day as folks are often more interested in shopping at the bazaar or returning home. However, at the MANA convention on the last day Sunday, folks were there bright and early and in large numbers to work on conference resolutions and to commit themselves to helping with the follow up tasks.

This goes to the heart of what I wish to convey — that MANA is an idea whose time has come! The conference reflected the overwhelming sentiment that the African-American community in general and the African-American Muslim community in particular, has been marginalized, disrespected and neglected in too many instances. There was a prevailing feeling that we must do more to help ourselves if we are to be helped at all. We must also become more involved with issues affecting the non-Muslim African-American community as well and show leadership!

I for one, am not ashamed to acknowledge the early influence of the Nation of Islam upon my accepting Islam. Al Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) and Muhammad Ali were my top two heroes. Elijah Muhammad was not I repeat, was not “all wrong” in what he conveyed and what he did to help the African-American community. His slogan “Do for Self and Kind”, is still quite relevant today. The prevailing “vibe” at the MANA conference was that it is past time that there be an organization designed to put the interests of the African-American Muslim community FIRST, as opposed to being an afterthought.

The fact that Imam W.D. Mohammed came and spoke and exchanged respectful comments with Imam Siraj Wahhaj, the Amir of MANA, was very significant and historic. MANA wisely presented him with its first “Lifetime Achievement Award”. The fact is that historically, he led the largest “mass conversion” of Muslims in the United States, when he sheparded his followers from the Nation of Islam doctrine to following the Quran and Sunnah specifically.

In an interview last month on my radio show on WPFW 89.3 FM, I asked Imam Siraj whether the phrase “charity begins at home”, is a legitimate Islamic concept. He said, “absolutely yes”, and related how our Prophet (saws) said “the best sadaqa money one could spend was on his family”.

It is important for Muslims, whose recent origin is from other lands, to know that many of us feel shunted when we, whose descendents have been here for 400 years, are often overlooked when conferences, television programs and publications are put together and the contributions of African-American Muslims are underrepresented or ignored altogether.

I would highly recommend an excellent book, “Servants of Allah”, by Sylviane Diouf, because it documents the fact that a significant percentage of the Africans who were captured and enslaved in the Americas were Muslim, and many struggled valiantly to hold onto their faith. This is why folks like myself consider ourselves “reverts” and not “converts” to Islam. This is important, because we no longer want to be looked down upon as “babies” in the Deen. We want to be respected more as the “ansars”(i.e. the ones who were already in Medina) and who assisted the “muhajjaroon” (i.e. the Muslims who migrated there with Prophet Muhammad (saws).

am not “mad” at ICNA, ISNA, MAS, CAIR, the large suburban masajid, etc. I have many friends in all of these places and feel welcomed wherever I go, alhamdulilah.There are good people in all of these groups, and of course, African-Americans are involved with them. The reality, however, is that these organizations prioritize their work and resources to serve primarily the immigrant Muslim community.

Clearly, there is a need for the African-American part of the Ummah to “step up to the plate”, because we have our own set of priority issues. That is why MANA is an idea whose time has come! We have far more “family” issues, far more “prison” issues, far more “economic” issues, etc. InshaAllah, these are among the areas that MANA has begun to focus on. For the record as well, MANA began over six years ago and got off to a slow start. We did publish several issues of a newspaper called “Grassroots”, and held a series of “Meet MANA” meetings around the country, including here in the DC area at Howard University, Masjid Al-Islam, Dar Al-Hijrah and ADAMS.

We’ve held several Shura meetings as well, often at UMM (United Muslim Masjid) in Philadelphia. A highlight of one meeting, for example, was when we had Imam Jamil Al-Amin on speaker phone talking to us from his Georgia prison. MANA and its members have raised and donated several thousands of dollars to his family and legal defense team. Imam Jamil has recently been transferred to a “supermax” prison in Colorado, and we ask that you make du’a for him.

It is not easy, “building unity” in the African-American community, in part because of issues still present from “slavery days”, when we were inculcated to mistrust each other and actually rewarded for betraying one another. A significant book that I recommend on this topic is, “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome”, by Dr. Joy Degruy Leary.

Another major challenge, to be quite candid, is the struggle for leadership. Too many folks take the attitude that it is “my way or the highway”. Some state that if you aren’t “down with us”, you aren’t really “down with the deen”. This is a very counterproductive attitude. The excitement of this 1st MANA convention makes it crystal clear that we MUST find the common denominator if we are to make progress.

Intelligent people, such as those in successful partnerships and happy marriages, accept the fact that two or more people are not going to agree all the time on everything. The key is a willingness to enhance the areas of agreement, and not get “bent out of shape” about ununanimous issues. Also key, is sticking to the principle that if you do not have something good to say about someone else, especially another Imam or leader, it is better not to say anything at all. I recall a saying from Elijah Muhammad, if I may paraphrase him again, that one does not have to “bad mouth” the “dirty glass”, just hold up a clean glass next to it!

In 2008, MANA plans to hold a series of mini-conferences around the country leading up to its 2nd national convention scheduled for next November in Philadelphia. Cities such as Richmond, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, and San Francisco are already on tap, and here in Washington, DC we plan to have one during the weekend of August 22-23. Now is the time to get involved to help solve some of these crisis issues we are facing. Visit to join or contact local members such as Dr. Altaf Husain (Howard University), Imam Johari Abdul-Malik (Dar Al-Hijrah), Jihad Abdul-Mumit (Richmond,Va), this writer (Dar Es Salaam Books/Health Center) or others if you’d like to do your part with MANA.

Hodari Abdul-Ali is the Executive Director of the Imam Jamil Action Network (IJAN). He can be reached at He hosts “Freedom Sounds” each Wednesday from 5-8 am on WPFW 89.3 FM



CAIR-Chicago Joins Imam W.D Mohammed in Address to Chicago Muslims
October 24, 2005
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Yaser Tabbara, and Director of Communications, Ahmed Rehab, addressed the “Mosque Cares” congregation after the Friday sermon and prayer in Homewood, IL, last Friday.

Imam W. D. Mohammed, Founder of Mosque Cares, introduced the two who spoke about CAIR-Chicago’s mission statement and its services.

“CAIR-Chicago is just one of many expressions of the ‘new Muslim rising’ that Imam W.D. Mohammed spoke about in his address to you,” said Rehab to the audience who exceeded a thousand. “There are those who are working fulltime to discredit Islam and Muslims, they have the serious resources and commitment. We too need an organization that can depend on fulltime commitment and resources if we are to fight bigotry and ignorance and stand up for our rights.”

“We are not only here to make an occassional announcement,” said Tabbara, “We are interested in systemizing our outreach to this great community and permanently availing our services to you. We are interested in knowing the leaders and activists of your community and working with them closely.”

Imam W.D. Mohammed praised CAIR-Chicago for its work and its contributions to Chicago’s Muslim communities.

The Mosque Cares congregation is predominantly composed of African-American Sunni Muslims who, under the leadership of Imam W.D. Mohammed, have managed to forge a model American Muslim community that practices and preaches a healthy interpretation of Islam, one that calls for embracing science, local business, community activism, and spiritual conciousness in word and action.

CAIR had awarded Imam W.D Mohammed with a lifetime achievement award a few weeks back.

See Link:


Some interesting news about some of the so called Muslim leaders in America, as reported below:

U.S. Muslims meet with Iran’s President Ahmadinejad

By News | Last updated: Sep 28, 2010 – 12:18:53 PM

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( – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in the United States for the 65th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. On September 20, 2010 at the Warwick Hotel in New York, he met with over 100 Muslim leaders from across the country. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was among the leaders.In the top photo, Minister Farrakhan speaks as Iranian President Ahmadinejad (2nd from right) and others listen. To President Ahmadinejad’s right is Iranian Foreign Affairs Minister Manouchehr Mottaki and to his left is Mohammad Khazaee, Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

The next photo shows (L-R), Mustapha Farrakhan, Supreme Captain of the Nation of Islam, Minister Farrakhan, President Ahmadinejad, Joshua Farrakhan, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, amir of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), an unidentified Iranian official, and Mohammad Khazaee, Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

Photo Courtesy of the Office of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Photo: Askia Muhammad



Note that Imam Saraj Wahhaj and Farrakhan were among those who attended the Janazah (funeral prayer) of Wallace (Warith ad Deen )  son of Elijah Muhammad.

Life and ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed remembered

By Ashahed M. Muhammad
Assistant Editor | Last updated: Sep 21, 2008 – 9:13:00 AM

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Imam W. Deen Mohammed

CHICAGO ( – Sympathetic thoughts and prayers have poured in from all over the country after the death of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, one of the most influential Muslim leaders and scholars in the United States.Imam Mohammed, a son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad died at the age of 74 at his home in Markham, a southern suburb of Chicago on September 9.

During his outreach spanning over three-decades in working for religious and racial tolerance, the life and ministry of Imam Mohammed is credited with moving thousands of Black people towards Islam with the predominant Muslim World.


Thousands came to pay their last respects to Imam W. Deen Mohammed on Sept. 11, 2008.

While moving away from some of the spiritual and historical teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Imam Mohammed continued to emphasize business development and self-reliance—a primary characteristic of his father’s teachings.One of those independent entities setup by Imam Mohammed was The Muslim Journal.

Speaking at the newspaper’s administrative offices where family members held a press conference on Sept. 10, Mr. Mohammed’s daughter Laila Mohammed told The Final Call that because her father kept a low profile and didn’t seek the spotlight, many people misunderstood him thinking that he did not care about things like politics and just prayed all the time.

“He never did press conferences on political issues, but he was balanced,” said his daughter, who also worked on behalf of his foundation, The Mosque Cares. “He was political, he was spiritual, he was an educator, he was a businessman, he had balance and because there was no extremeness in him, sometimes, people thought certain attributes didn’t exist, but he was a well-rounded person that Allah inspired,” she added.

Rami Nashashibi, executive director of the Chicago based Inner City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) said he was shocked to hear of the passing of Imam Mohammed because he was with him just a few days earlier at a program on Sept. 6 at Navy Pier in Chicago.


Imam Mohammed�s children and grandchildren spoke fondly of him. Photos: Kenneth Muhammad

“While we never dispute with the wisdom of our Creator, it is undoubtedly from our perspective and enormous loss,” said Mr. Nashashibi. “He forged forward with a meaningful and dignified path of both being Muslim, American and human and he set the standard for many of us. It was an honor and a privilege to get to know him and to be in the company of an absolutely beautiful human being,” Mr. Nashashibi added.On Sept. 11, thousands gathered at the Islamic Foundation in Villa Park, Illinois to participate in Janazah prayer for the late Imam Mohammed.

Thousands impacted by the life and teachings of Imam Mohammed traveled from across the United States to pay their last respects to the man who did much to educate them regarding the principles of the religion of Islam.

The Janazah prayer service was delayed for close to an hour as the huge crowd that had assembled could be organized and situated. Though slightly overcast, the atmosphere was peaceful and serene as many Muslims who had not seen each other for years embraced. Some quietly offered personal prayers during quiet moments of reflection, others shed tears, while still others talked of their favorite experiences with Imam Mohammed.

Present were many influential Muslim leaders and scholars representing many of the most prominent Islamic organizations.

“Imam Mohammed’s spiritual leadership will be greatly missed by the American Muslim community, but his legacy will live on in all those who benefited from his knowledge and guidance,” said Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). “CAIR’s board and staff nationwide are particularly grateful for Imam Mohammed’s wisdom and support over the years and we offer our heartfelt condolences to his family,” Mr. Awad added.

The Amir of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Dr. Khurshid Khan said that he had lost a close friend and a mentor. “It is a very sad day today for the American Muslims. Imam W.D. Mohammed was a great leader and Da’ee of Islam. He will not only be missed by his family but by all the Muslims of America,” said Dr. Khan.

Radio talk-show host and foreign affairs commentator Akbar Muhammad told The Final Call that on February 13, 1960, he had gone to the mosque in New York to hear Malcolm X speak. Malcolm had gone out of town and Imam W. Deen Mohammed was brought in from Philadelphia to speak in his place. After hearing him speak, Brother Akbar accepted Islam.


Minister Farrakhan, family members and Nation of Islam laborers at the memorial tribute held for Imam Mohammed on Sept.13.

“This Janazah prayer begins a process of healing because everyone regardless of what community or group they belong to feel the pain of his loss,” said Brother Akbar. “Everyone was touched in one way or another by the Imam and he made us see the oneness of these communities,” Brother Akbar added.Referring to Imam Mohammed as “one of the greatest bridges” to religious tolerance as a voice of reason, understanding and wisdom during a time when the view of Islam has been distorted, misunderstood and attacked, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Amir for the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA) said Imam Mohammed’s Janazah demonstrated that even in his death, he was still bringing divergent groups of people together.

Imam Wahhaj also told The Final Call that he and Minister Farrakhan spoke, embraced for a “real moment” and made a commitment to sit down in the “very near future” to discuss the development of Islam in America.

“Minister Farrakhan holds the key to the development of (Islam) in this country—so we’re going to talk about where we go from here, let us now continue the process so that we can move even further on toward the development of Islam in America because the attack is against Islam and they don’t ask you the question (are you) Sunni or Shiite, (are) you with the Nation (of Islam) or what? No. We have to recognize that the enemies of Islam are united against us,” said Imam Wahhaj.

Brother Ishmael Muhammad reflected on the life of his older brother Imam Mohammed saying the thousands in attendance at the Janazah and burial really represent “only a fraction” of those within the Muslim community nationally and internationally who respect and honor Imam Mohammed. In his work as Minister Farrakhan’s assistant for close to two decades, Brother Ishmael told The Final Call that he has learned much in his observance of the lives of men of consequence.

“The thing that I’m learning and realizing is that men of consequence, men that are used by God as His servants in His cause are never understood, often misinterpreted by their contemporaries and misjudged because we are so limited in our understanding of God and His divine plan,” said Brother Ishmael.

Alif Muhammad, who recently lost his father, Jabir Herbert Muhammad, Imam Mohammed’s brother, less than a month ago, reflected on the life of his uncle, who he said was always sharing the wisdom of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. He said the family has appreciated the support shown over the last few weeks.

“We as family are very pleased with the outpouring of love that our community has shown the Imam and our family, the love and appreciation for us and the support and prayers. We pray that Allah blesses the community of Imam Mohammed to be safe and to keep them in our prayers and the family in our prayers,” said Brother Alif.


Muslims from many different Islamic communities and locations were present for Imam Mohammed�s Janazah prayer service and burial.

At a community memorial service on Sept. 13, at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Forum, hundreds came out despite heavy rainstorms. Imam Mohammed was described as a modest and humble man with a great sense of humor who lived a simple life in his efforts to please Allah.With a backdrop of the flag designed by Imam Mohammed during the first few years he came into leadership of the Muslim community and a slideshow of pictures from various stages of his life on both sides of the stage, Ayesha K. Mustafa, editor-in-chief of The Muslim Journal said Imam Mohammed was an excellent example for all.

“He was a devout follower and the best example of being a follower of Muhammad the Prophet and we would always say if our Muslim world would strive to follow the Prophet the way Imam Mohammed followed The Prophet, we would be light years ahead of the situations and circumstances we find ourselves in today,” said Ms. Mustafa.

Though unable to attend, a proclamation from Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) was read as well as statements from numerous other political officials and organizations including the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago led by Cardinal Francis George.

In an historic moment of healing, the Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan addressed those in attendance to celebrate the life of Imam Mohammed.

Minister Farrakhan said it was at Imam Mohammed’s home in Philadelphia, that he first learned how to perform salat. Min. Farrakhan also said Imam Mohammed influenced him in his writing of the play “Orgena.” He said the community of Imam Mohammed must remain strong though their leader and teacher is no longer physically among them.

“The winds of emotion must never be allowed to shake this house, and we who are left behind are not left with nothing, we are left with the majesty of the words and wisdom that he taught, that we have in our possession,” said Min. Farrakhan. “I must say in truth that I thank Allah for the whole Muhammad family and wherever there is Islam in America today, we have to honor that family through whom so much has come of Islam to the United States of America and has even been inspiration to bring those who were born into Islam back to the straight path of God,” Min. Farrakhan added.

72 year-old Imam Darnell Karim and Imam Mohammed were lifelong friends and classmates in the first high school graduating class of the Muhammad University of Islam in 1953.

He described Imam Mohammed as “a man with a conscience who loved people and never liked seeing another human being hurt, no matter what color,” said Imam Karim. “He was an example for us even when we were children,” Imam Karim added.


i.e.  from Farrakhan’s website


An Interesting piece about LARRY?

We do not know the validity of this piece of information, and its validity needs confirmation, and therefore we will be grateful for any none that can clarify for us the news reported in this article.

Who Invited LARRY to the Party?!

Posted: November 10, 2007 by Abdur-Rahman Muhammad in Tawheed
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“Hello Larry!”: Larry pictured along with Siraj Wahhaj

While attending the MANA Conference last weekend, I went to the event which featured W. Deen Muhammad, and to my surprise, Larry (pictured above) shows up.

Who is Larry you ask? … That would be Larry 4X Prescott, known these days as “Akbar Muhammad”, Louie Walcott Farrakhan’s man in Africa. I think to myself: What the heck is a man that OPENLY says that “Fard Muhammad” is his god who appeared in Detroit in the 1930′s (for those wanting proof of their current beliefs it is here) and that a “Messenger” came after Muhammad ibn Abdullah (pbuh), doing here on a panel for Muslims that believe in tawheed and the finality of Prophethood and Messengership? I mean this is a man who believes that a UFO piloted by 13 Japanese youth is circling the earth and that Elijah is alive inside this ship!!

This was a tragic and completely avoidable sore point of the MANA Conference Weekend. I must also admit that I was appalled and saddened that Imam Siraj referred to Elijah as “Honorable”. It was all very disappointing and I was hurt to witness this spectacle.

While much has been made recently of the decline of the 1990′s salafi movement in the US, one cannot deny its contribution in heightening the sensitivities of Muslims with regard to matters of tawheed. Larry’s invitation (coupled with Siraj’s repeated references to the false Messenger as “Honorable”) clearly represents a setback in our growth and understanding. If we return to the days wherein we lacked clarity regarding tawheed and shirk, we will certainly accomplish nothing even if we solve the many undeniable social problems plaguing us.
If we continue to pay homage to figures who promote shirk, kufr and their motley mix of bizarre, anti-Islamic dogma, then what have we really accomplished? I liken Larry’s invitation to the conference to offering a starving man a plate of food then sprinkling it with cyanide.

Perhaps just as troubling is the hair-brained rationale for why this outrage was allowed to take place; obstensively a strategy which began at the NOI’s last Savior’s Day, to convert the NOI to Islam after Farrakhan spins off his mortal coil. While some may view this as a noble strategy, it is only good strategy when you invite them to tawheed and not allow them to think that they are Muslims.

Sadly, in the end, Siraj lent legitimacy to an irrelevant and illegitimate (not to mention weird) movement. (For those that want to see what I said at the time about this outrage, they can read it here) Siraj’s attendance at “Savior’s Day” and then inviting Larry to the MANA conference only lowers his (and MANA’s) stature. I personally like Imam Siraj and had high hopes for MANA. However it hurts me to see him doing this because we really have some major issues to solve in our communities without adding the madness and confusion of the NOI.

Finally, I can only imagine how alienated white Muslims must have felt with the invitation of a man who believes that whites were created in a laboratory by a big headed scientist.

This is why I feel that allowing Larry to speak did nothing but set the entire program back. However, I am hopeful that the brothers at MANA will see the error in this and correct this colossal blunder before it discredits the entire program.

Is Elijah supposed to be up there???

Larry believes white people were created by a big headed scientist



To see some more of their amazingly foolish myths and beliefs about the man they call “God” – “Master Fard Muhammad,” the Twenty Four Scientists’, the Stranger in Detroit,’ THE NEW WORLD KING, etc, etc, see this link below:


A curious picture to investigate further:

above: for further investigation


Also  for further investigation, below

Farrakhan Killing Confession – Malcolm X Assassination!

In this YouTube clip , we see Farrakhan’s hot rhetoric against Malcolm, and we see the widow of Malcolm X (Malik Shabazz, may Allah be merciful upon him) implicates Farrakhan in the murder of her husband.


Also see this curious article for further study

Farrakhan exposed: Who really assassinated Malcolm x?


Also for investigation:

Farrakhan Admission On Malcolm X

(CBS) Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan admits in a 60 Minutes interview broadcast Sunday and reported on Wednesday’s CBS Evening News that his incendiary rhetoric played a role in the 1965 assassination of civil rights leader Malcolm X.

Farrakhan makes the statements to Malcolm X’s daughter, Atallah Shabazz, and 60 Minutes Correspondent Mike Wallace.

“I may have been complicit in words that I spoke leading up to February 21 [1965],” Farrakhan tells Shabazz and Wallace. “I acknowledge that and regret that any word that I have said caused the loss of life of a human being.”

Shabazz later issued a statement thanking Farrakhan for acknowledging his role and said: “I wish him peace.” However, she did not forgive him.

Malcolm X was only 39 years old when he was killed. This month, he would have been 75.

The former Malcolm Little was Farrakhan’s mentor in the Nation of Islam?for a time, they both believed that the white man was evil and that the black and white races should live separately.

In 1964, Malcolm X revealed publicly that Elijah Mohammed, the leader of the Nation of Islam, was guilty of impregnating several of his teenage secretaries, in direct violation of his own preachings against sex outside of marriage.

Farrakhan was outraged. He called Malcolm X a traitor and wrote, two months before the killing, that “such a man is worthy of death.”

Three men with ties to the Nation of Islam were convicted in the slaying in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem on Feb. 21, 1965.

Shabazz, then 6, witnessed the shooting, as did Malcom X’s wife and other children.


Please also check out this video for study

Former NOI | Imam Siraj Wahhaj – Brief History of Nation of Islam – NOI


Below for your knowledge is an article from the “FinalCall” magazine of Farrakhan describing the history of so called “Savior’s Day” Read it carefully to understand this man and his theology.

15th Anniversary of the Million Man March

Saviours’ Day: A Timeline and Brief History
By Ashahed M. Muhammad
Assistant Editor
Updated Feb 24, 2008 – 11:59:00 PM What’s your opinion on this article?
Printable page

Saviours’ Day is an annual Nation of Islam commemoration of the birth of Master Fard Muhammad, the Great Madhi of the Muslims and the Messiah, of the Christians who appeared in North America on July 4, 1930 and declared that the 400 years of bondage Blacks served in America had ended. His coming and declaration fulfills many scriptures, however, perhaps most notable is fulfillment of the promise God made to Abraham that his descendents would endure bondage in a strange land among a strange people—before God Himself would deliver Abraham’s seed and judge the nation they served. Master Fard Muhammad was born February 26, 1877 in the Holy City of Mecca.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan designated Oct. 7 as Saviours’ Day to mark the birth anniversary of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who was taught by Master Fard Muhammad and labored over 40 years to resurrect the spiritually, mentally, morally and economically dead Black Man and Woman in America, and to act as a divine messenger and warner to America about the judgment rendered by God in Person.

Min. Farrakhan announced the Rebirth of the Nation of Islam, which had been destroyed with the 1975 departure of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, in 1981 in Chicago. (See related story this page.) In 1983, during the Saviour’s Day address in Gary, Ind., Min. Farrakhan announced that Black men and women must be the “saviours” of themselves and their communities. He also announced that the spelling of the commemoration would change to “saviours,” in the plural form to represent that responsibility.

It was also a theme shared in his 1981 Saviour’s Day address and recounted in the booklet, “The Meaning Of F.O.I.”

“It is written in the scriptures, ‘I will send Saviours, plural, after them.’ Who is the ‘I’?

“The ‘I’ who is doing the sending is the one who is the Christ. He says He raises up disciples and He sends them. He is raised and, and then he becomes a sender of Saviours,” wrote Min. Farrakhan, in “The Meaning Of F.O.I.”

Saviours’ Day has been a time for inspiration, instruction and continued focus on redeeming a nation of destroyed people. It has included insightful lectures, announcements of national programs and initiatives, strong statements in defense of Black people, oppressed groups or communities under assault, divine warnings to the United States government and American society to refrain and repent from evil, prayers for hope and healing, calls for a united front and a time to reflect on Almighty God (Allah) and the blessings bestowed upon us. The following timeline captures elements of each Saviours’ Day for the past 27 years of Min. Farrakhan’s rebuilding effort.

1981 “Rebirth of A Nation”

February 22, 1981, thousands joined the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago, Ill., for the first Saviour’s Day gathering since he stood to rebuild the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1977.

His subject for Saviour’s Day 1981 was “A Saviour is Born for the Black Man and Woman of America.” Joining him on the dais was an impressive list of Black scholars and thinkers covering the entire spectrum of Black thought in the Black liberation struggle including Lu Palmer, Haki Mahdubuti, Hannibal Afrik, Rev. Al Sampson, Howard Saffold, Renault Robinson, Prince Asiel Ben-Israel, Dr. Charles Knox, Wali Saddeek, Father George Clements and Queen Mother Moore.

“The Nation of Islam is not an exclusive order. It is inclusive of every Black man, woman and child in America and throughout the world,” Minister Farrakhan said.

Min. Farrakhan also announced to the world that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was in fact physically alive. Later in his message, Min. Farrakhan added, “You may laugh and make mockery of this announcement, but the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is alive, and he and God are together, and His return is eminent.”

1982 “Black Survival in These Uncertain Times”

Nearly 7,000 Muslims, Nationalists, Christians, Hebrew Israelites, Socialists, and Pan-Africanists voiced their support of Minister Farrakhan’s historic efforts to raise up the Black man and woman of America during the three day convention held Feb. 26 through 28 at the Conrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago, Ill. The theme of Saviours’ Day 1982 was “Black Survival in These Uncertain Times” and the title of Minister Farrakhan’s keynote on February 28, 1982 was “God’s Judgment on America.”

Kwame Ture, formerly known as Stokely Carmichael, joined Minister Farrakhan on the dais and shared words of solidarity and support.

1983 “Methodology for Liberation and Salvation”

Saviour’s Day 1983 was historic for a variety of reasons. First, it was held in Gary, Indiana where there was a Black mayor, Richard Hatcher. Secondly, this was the first Saviours’ Day celebration held outside the city of Chicago. The theme of Saviours’ Day 1983 Convention was “Methodology for Liberation and Salvation”

Min. Farrakhan’s keynote message delivered on February 27 was heard by thousands as he spoke on the subject “A Saviour is Born for the Black Man and Woman in America.” He also announced the Blacks were saviours, plural, of one another and changed the spelling to reflect that reality.

1984 “Unity: A Weapon More Powerful Than Nuclear Bombs”

Over 12,000 joined Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam to celebrate Saviours’ Day 1984 in Chicago at the McCormick Inn and at the Richard L. Jones Armory. The Richard L. Jones Armory was the site of the last public Saviour’s Day address delivered by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on February 26, 1974. The 1984 Saviours’ Day convention is remembered for the establishment of the unity between freedom movements and independence struggles worldwide as well as coming at a time of increased tension and controversy with members of the Jewish community regarding Minister Farrakhan’s support of the historic presidential run of Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Minister Farrakhan’s message was titled “Unity: A Weapon More Powerful Than Nuclear Bombs.”

Joining Minister Farrakhan were Kwame Ture, longtime Native American rights activist Russell Means, Dr. Al Colon, Imari Obadele, co-founder of the Republic of New Afrika, Sehio Tajiri of the Japanese Afro-American Society, Dr. Acklyn Lynch, Prince Asiel en Israel, Jitu Weusi of the National Black United Front, Palestinian activist Ali Baghdadi and Salih Jumah of the Libyan Jamahiriya as well as economist Francisco Campbell of the Nicaraguan Embassy in Washington D.C., Dick Gregory and Ernie Longwalker. All shared views on the unification of worldwide liberation struggles.

The Minister spoke at the “Rally for a Unified Political Strategy” during the Saviours’ Day convention, where over 8,000 had gathered at the Richard L. Jones Armory.

“Whether you know it or not there have been over 100 real threats on this man’s life already, and several people are in jail for planning to do harm to this brother,” he said. “What has he done to merit this kind of thinking in the American public? What has he done? I will tell you what he has done. He has freed the minds of these young Black boys and girls who will never again think that Black people cannot rule themselves and go to the top. This is what he has done. What has he done? He stands up for the poor and the oppressed and the locked out.”

Earlier that year, Minister Farrakhan had registered to vote and was a vocal supporter of Rev. Jackson’s run for president. As a result of the death threats, Minister Farrakhan sent members of the Fruit of Islam to the Jackson home in Chicago to protect him and his family.

“Let me express my delight at how good God has been to me and to all of us, and how grateful I am for my friend and brother, Minister Louis Farrakhan for his kindness, for his care, for his love, and for his generosity. We have traveled together as brothers, around this nation and across the world. We went to Syria together, and there we fasted and prayed until we found relief and brought Lt. Robert Goodman home,” said Rev. Jackson.

“We have a power. We must not forget. It is the power of being morally right,” he added.

1985 “Power, At Last … Forever”

On February 24, 1985, Minister Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam convened an International Saviours’ Day at the Richard L. Jones Armory in Chicago, Ill. “POWER, AT LAST…FOREVER” was the theme as the Minister called “the entire Black nation to economic rebirth.”

Highlights included remarks from Algeria’s Ahmed Ben Bella, Ghana’s President Flt. Lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings and Col. Muammar Ghadafi of the Libyan Jamahiriya. Ghadafi said he desired to help Blacks in America throw off the chains of bondage and oppression and would assist in providing the means for armed struggle if desired. Minister Farrakhan refused the offer for weapons, saying he would produce a revolution with the word of God and the Holy Qur’an.

1985 “P.O.W.E.R.:
People Organized and Working for Economic Rebirth”
By Abdul Wali Muhammad
The Final Call On October 7,1985

The sidewalks around Madison Square Garden were transformed into a pulsating mass of men and women: young, old, professional, unemployed, students, White and poor, as thousands amassed at the Garden to hear the message of Minister Louis Farrakhan on October 7 in New York City.

Billed as the last lecture of the P.O.W.E.R. (People Organized and Working for Economic Rebirth) tour in North America, the event had been the center of controversy in New York for more than a week, and the turnout of over 50,000 people proved that Minister Farrakhan had ascended to a position with Black people unmatched in Black leadership circles.

Hundreds of New York Police, on foot and horseback began assembling around the Garden several hours before the doors were scheduled to open, and the scene was reminiscent of the urban battlefields, which Black communities had become during the civil rebellions of the ’60s.

Although police on bullhorns and the loudspeakers system of the Garden prematurely broadcast that no tickets were available, by the time the lecture began two hours late, of the 50,000 people gathered, nearly 30,000 got inside the Garden and the adjoining Felt Forum where the lecture broadcast on giant video screens.

The scene at the doors to the Garden was chaotic. People pushed and shoved to ensure that they would get in. When told that they could not take cameras or tape recorders inside, people actually threw them away rather than lose a place in line.

A chant of “Farrakhan, Farrakhan, Farrakhan,” began and the crowds actually surged right through the doors, tearing them off the hinges. Yet, there was no fighting or arguing among the people. The common goal was to get inside to hear the message of P.O.W.E.R. At Last Forever.

Joining Minister Farrakhan among an array of dignitaries were Russell Means, of the American Indian Movement and Ernie Longwalker of the Four Seasons, Kwame Ture (formerly Stokely Carmichael) of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party, Zarikat Said representing the Palestine Liberation Organization, songstress Chaka Khan, Lenora Fulani of the National Alliance Party, Queen Mother Moore, and many more representatives of the national and international community.

1986 “A Tribute to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad”

Nearly 9,000 people gathered at the Pavilion of the University of Illinois at Chicago on the 89th birthday of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to honor him for his tireless efforts to uplift Black people in America and the World.

“I would never have known of the Qur’an. I would never have known the name ‘Allah.’ I would never have known Muhammad if I did not hear the call from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,” said Minister Farrakhan.

Sister Ava Muhammad, who at that time, was the general counsel for the Nation of Islam read a proclamation from Chicago Mayor Harold Washington declaring October 5, 6 and 7 as “Tribute to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Days in Chicago.”

A surprise appearance by Imam Warith Deen Mohammed, son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, ensured that this tribute to the Messenger would be one to remember.

1988 “The Overwhelming Event”

On October 9, 1988, over 12,000 gathered under the tent on the grounds of the National Center of the Nation of Islam in Chicago to hear Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day message titled “The Overwhelming Event.”

“When I drove up on this lot and saw what I saw, I could not hold the tears back. I was weeping so back in the little holding area that I didn’t think I would be able to come out, because this is something a man envisions, and when you see what you envisioned come to reality… I could not help but shed tears of joy…we are back where we belong,” said Minister Farrakhan.

The Muslims had embarked on a massive and rapid fundraising drive to repurchase the mosque and school at 7351 S. Stony Island Avenue and another property built by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. Minister Farrakhan wanted to ensure every detail was just right, not just the external edifice of the building, but also those who would worship within the doors of the edifice.

“I would like to say to all of the members of the Nation of Islam past and present, we cannot return to that house until the wounds of the Nation have been healed, until the personal wounds suffered by each of us who followed the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Imam Warith Deen Mohammed have been healed, and our hearts reconciled, and families brought back together again … . We cannot go back until we make a commitment to resolve the discord, the disharmony, and replace it with the bond of brotherly love and unity because our people await our rise,” said Minister Farrakhan.

Tawana Brawley was welcomed as a guest during the 1988 Saviours’ Day convention. The 16-year old from Wappinger Falls, N.Y., was found on Nov. 28 1987 curled up in a plastic bag in a semi-conscious state with the words “nigger” and “KKK” scrawled on her upper torso with dog feces smeared on her body. She told authorities six White men abducted and raped her.

NFL great and community activist Jim Brown served as the Master of Ceremonies for a $100 a plate banquet held on Oct.7 to launch Saviours’ Day weekend. Performing that night were hip hop pioneers Public Enemy, Big Daddy Kane and the Skinny Boys as well as jazz great Roy Ayers and the rhythms of Noel Pointer.

The opening of the National Center was rescheduled for February 1989.

1989 “The Dawn: A New Beginning”

On February 26, 1989, Minister Farrakhan dedicated the repurchased and renovated mosque at 7351 S. Stony Island Avenue with a royal ceremony and inspired address matched only by the lofty purpose for which the building was destined.

Over 15,000 gathered at the National Center for the dedication of Mosque Maryam, a former Greek Orthodox church designed with influences of the great mosques in Turkey. The edifice had been transformed into a center for retraining and reeducation of the Black man and woman of America.

The National Center was originally purchased in 1972 by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and repurchased by the Nation of Islam under the leadership of Minister Farrakhan pursuant to a contract signed with the American Muslim Mission under the leadership of Imam Warith Deen Mohammed on January 16, 1988.

The dedication ceremony began with a processional which served as a living testament to the order and process by which Minster Farrakhan had began to rebuild the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad beginning with his meeting with Brother Jabril Muhammad in September of 1977.

Sheikh Ahmed Tijani Ben-Omar, in Arabic, and Min. Abdul Allah Muhammad, in English, recited Surah 110 of the Holy Qur’an titled, “The Help.” An honor guard and flag bearers marched into the mosque down the center isle.

After Minister Farrakhan entered to the applause, cheers and shouts of those assembled, he explained that there is a white carpet in the mosque representing the fact that not one drop of blood had been shed in the reacquisition of the edifice. His Saviours’ Day 1989 message was titled: “The Dawn: A New Beginning.”

Minister Farrakhan, wearing an emerald, ruby, sapphire and diamond bejeweled robe that was a gift from Pakistani Muslims, and designed with the help of his wife Mother Khadijah Farrakhan said that Mosque Maryam would be a center for the recitation of God’s word.

“Though this House is specifically set up to defend the defenseless Black man and woman in America, it will represent a Light, by the Grace of Allah, to all who will accept the Light emanating from it,” said Minister Farrakhan. “As pure gold is in the dome of this house, let the pure knowledge and wisdom of God flow from us.”

Saviours’ Day 1989 “Stop the Killing”On October 23, 1989, Minister Farrakhan delivered the “Stop the Killing” message to a capacity crowd of over 12,000 at the Washington, D.C. Armory.

As the scriptures declare that God would vex the powerful by a “foolish nation,” Minister Farrakhan asked rhetorically, “Isn’t it fitting, and an act of poetic justice, that in a city where drugs, death, violence, murder, mayhem, chicanery, deceit, machination of all kinds on a worldwide level are taking place, that in this city, one of the children of the slaves would come and offer a solution, to the nation to stop the killing?”

Present with Minster Farrakhan were Father George Stallings of the Imani Temple, Rev. Willie Wilson of the Union Temple Baptist Church, Rev. Al Sharpton as well as the mother and father of Yusuf Hawkins, the 16-year-old Black youth slain by a mob in the White Bensonhurst section of Queens, N.Y. Tawana Brawley and her family were also present.

On October 24, 1989, Minister Farrakhan spoke to the media at a press conference at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington D.C. and told the world about the experience that he had on The Wheel.

1990 “Stop the Killing” Detroit

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan returned to the birthplace of the Nation of Islam to a rousing welcome as he addressed 20,000 people. The welcome mat was rolled out by Mayor Coleman Young who issued a proclamation designating October 7th, the 93rd birth date of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as Hon. Elijah Muhammad Day. Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day message titled “Stop the Killing” was delivered at the historic Joe Louis Arena.

1991 “Who Is God?”

On February 24 at Christ Universal Temple in Chicago, Ill., Minister Farrakhan delivered a message dealing with Point #12 of What the Muslims Believe which states: “We believe that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long awaited “Messiah” of the Christians and the “Mahdi” of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides Him there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.”

1991 “The Black Man Must Do For Self, or Suffer the Consequences”

A deafening roar rose to the rafters of the University of Illinois Pavilion in Chicago, Ill., as 10,000 people jumped to their feet to welcome the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to the stage during the Oct. 7 Saviours’ Day Tribute to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

After thanking the audience for their overwhelming support, Minister Farrakhan shocked the audience by revealing that he recently had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

In his Saviours’ Day message titled, “The Black Man Must Do For Self, or Suffer the Consequences” Minister Farrakhan reminded Black people of the emphasis of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on Black people beginning to fulfill their own needs and launched the 3-year Economic Savings Plan as a model for Black economic development.

Minister Farrakhan also presented the book “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” compiled by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam, which documented Jewish involvement in the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

1992 “Black and White: A Solution to the Race Problem”

On February 23, Minister Farrakhan delivered his keynote message for Saviours’ Day 1992 titled “Black and White: A Solution to the Race Problem.”

Four-thousand listeners were at Christ Universal Temple in Chicago to hear the message in person, while another 4,000 were turned away because of lack of space.

1992 “A Torchlight for America”

Thousands of followers and supporters of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam gathered on October 18, 1992 for the annual commemoration of the life and teachings of a Black man who left an indelible mark on the Black community and America’s psyche.

Minister Farrakhan’s appearance in Atlanta was surrounded by controversy sparked protests by Jewish organizations that pressured Mayor Maynard Jackson and Governor Zell Miller for ceremonial letters welcoming Min. Farrakhan and participants in the weekend’s activities. Both letters were rescinded in response to the outcries of the muscular Jewish lobby.

Despite that, outdrawing a game of the World Series taking place on the same day, 55,000 came to the newly built Georgia Dome to hear the Minster deliver a message titled “A Torchlight for America.”

1993 “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X –28 Years Later: What Really Happened?”

On February 21, the exact day of the assassination of Malcolm X some 28 years prior, and at the height of the controversy surrounding the release of the film “Malcolm X,” Minister Farrakhan spoke on “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X – 28 Years Later: What Really Happened?”

Ten-thousand listeners at the University of Illinois Pavilion, in Chicago, were enlightened as Minister Farrakhan defended the integrity of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his personal life. Minister Farrakhan explained the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s divinity and the scriptural underpinnings of his actions. Wives of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, some for the first time, publicly spoke about their husband and his honorable behavior towards those women he married.

1993 “Healing the Wounds”

On October 9, 1993, Min. Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam held Saviours’ Day in Los Angeles, California. Minister Farrakhan came to the West Coast to speak on “Healing the Wounds.” Sixteen-thousand came to the Los Angeles Sports Arena to celebrate a truce among many of the most notoriously violent gangs who had been trying to hold the peace treaty together.

“My real reason for being here is to personally pay tribute and honor to almighty God for putting his spirit in the Bloods and the Crips who have initiated a truce by the power of God himself.”

1994 “The Guide and the Guidance for These Troubled Times”

Controversy surrounded the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day 1994 message “The Guide and the Guidance for These Troubled Times” on Feb. 27.

The previous night, Minister Farrakhan had appeared on The Arsenio Hall Show. Under tremendous pressure from irate Jewish organizations and television industry executives, Arsenio Hall welcomed Minister Farrakhan to the show to allow the late-night viewers to hear directly from Minister Farrakhan instead of listening to what others say about him.

In a bizarre series of events, the Simon Wiesenthal Center actually tried to pressure television stations not to air the show.

Mr. Hall told The Final Call that he had received death and bomb threats as well.

After a tremendous snowstorm in Chicago, Minister Farrakhan arrived on stage at the University of Illinois Pavilion to the cheers of over 10,000. Minister Farrakhan’s face was on the cover of Time magazine.

Minister Farrakhan held up the magazine emblazoned with his picture with the headline “Ministry of Rage.”

“According to the dictionary, rage is ‘fury, violent venom, violent speech, uncontrolled anger.’

“Is this the ministry of Louis Farrakhan? Can violent speech filled with acrimony, animosity and bitterness transform human life? The words that Farrakhan speaks go into the prisons and take hardened criminals and softens their hearts to the word of God and changes their lives around,” said the Minister. “This is not a ministry of rage, this is a ministry of love and a ministry of divine truth.”

1994 “Fulfilling the Vision of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad”

The Saviours’ Day Convention of 1994 fulfilled the vision of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as an audience of 30,000 in Black Star Square in Ghana, and a satellite audience viewing internationally numbering in the millions saw Black people in America make the Saviours’ Day “pilgrimage” to celebrate the first International Saviours’ Day in Accra, Ghana.

President Jerry John Rawlings welcomed his longtime friend Minister Farrakhan and 2,000 Blacks from America as they returned to the Motherland from whence their ancestors were stolen.

“Whatever we don’t have, our brother in South Africa, in Namibia, in Uganda in Tanzania, in Rwanda has it. All Africa needs is real unity, but you can’t get real unity as long as you are saddled with the vision of your former colonial masters. We have to shed that vision and take on a new idea that will bring up a new vision, then we will ultimately evolve into the United States of Africa,” said Minister Farrakhan on Oct. 9.

1995 “Jesus Saves: Who Will Save the Black Man?”

On February 26, 1975, members of the Nation of Islam gathered at the International Amphitheater in Chicago to mourn the departure of their leader, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Twenty years later, Minister Farrakhan delivered a message titled “Jesus Saves: Who Will Save the Black Man?” in preparation for the upcoming Million Man March to the 15,000 who had gathered there to hear him.

“Twenty years ago this very day, at this very hour, the poor followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had to accept the news that was given,” Min Farrakhan said. “Twenty years later, in 1995, we stand in this very place to say to the world that God has blessed us to restore his name, to restore his word, to restore his people, to restore our souls.”

The four-day celebration included several highlights: The New Salaam Restaurant and Bakery complex opened with a full service dining area, take out and bakery service center. The first National Vanguard graduation and awards celebration was held. Minister Farrakhan announced an economic plan aimed at repurchasing the 1,600 acres of farmland once owned by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam and he also officially announced the planned Oct.16 Million Man March.

1996 “Guidance and Instruction For the Year 2000 and Beyond”

Thousands gathered at the University of Illinois Pavilion on Feb. 25 as Minister Farrakhan defended his recent 16-nation World Friendship Tour that was characterized by critics as “cavorting with dictators” and was condemned by the U.S. Government because the tour included five African and Middle Eastern nations considered “outlaw” or “rogue” governments.

The 38-day tour took him and the 35-member delegation throughout most of Africa and the Middle East—including Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Malaysia—the U.S. State Department took exception to the visits to Iran, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Sudan and Syria.

“My job was to connect the Nation of Islam and Black America to Africa, the Middle East and the world,” Minister Farrakhan told a capacity crowd at the main location and 2,500 more watching across town at the National Center along with thousands viewing his speech titled “Guidance and Instruction For the Year 2000 and Beyond” via satellite. “I know you (U.S. government) want to kill me, but I just raised the price,” he added.

Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) and Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.) had threatened to push for a probe of Minister Farrakhan’s travel and visits to nations they consider “rogue regimes.” They also threatened to force Minister Farrakhan to appear at a congressional hearing and register as a foreign agent of the Libyan government. Minister Farrakhan said he would gladly accept their challenge to appear before Congress.

“Bring me before Congress. It’s time for a showdown anyway. God wants to show you something. … You will never defeat what Allah has revealed to me through the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,” said Minister Farrakhan. “I want you to bring me before Congress and ask me to register as a foreign agent, then I’m going to call the roll of how many congressmen are honorary members of the Israeli Knesset. Every year you give Israel billions of the taxpayers’ money and you haven’t asked the taxpayers one damned thing. Who are you an agent of?”

1997 “Obey God”

Thousands poured into the University of Illinois Pavilion with thousands more filling the Amphitheater across town as Minster Farrakhan delivered a message that will forever be remembered for the admonition to “Obey God.”

A parade of African and Islamic Heads of State spoke via satellite to those at the 1997 Saviours’ Day convention. Cuba’s Fidel Castro and political leaders in Jamaica and Dominica sent congratulatory greetings read by Brother Akbar Muhammad. Colonel Muammar Gadhafi of the Libyan Jamahiriya, Sani Abacha of Nigeria and Flt. Lt. John Jerry Rawlings sent greetings via video that were played for those who had gathered for this spectacular event.

1998 “What is Islam?”

Despite logging nearly 60,000 miles of air travel to 37 countries in close to 85 days, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan flashed a triumphant smile to the 20,000 who gathered at the McCormick Convention Center on February 22 to hear his Saviours’ Day message, “What is Islam?”

Minister Farrakhan had just returned from his World Tour III as he stepped on stage dressed in an emerald green robe trimmed in gold embroidery, a matching fez and shoes.

“Will American democracy as you know it survive the War of Armageddon, or will Islam survive the War of Armageddon? Which one? Because now, this day, I set before you two signs. You have to make a choice now, whether you are going to obey God or whether you are going to follow Satan. The war is now on. It is not a hot war yet. It’s a war of words, a war of ideas. It is truth against falsehood. It is right against wrong, and the people are being divided based upon their decisions.”

Minister Farrakhan proceeded to uncover the layers of manipulation, deception and control used to dominate global realities.

Among the countries visited by Minister Farrakhan and his delegation were Nigeria, Niger, Mali, South Korea, Cuba, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Russia, Palestine and Iraq.

In Dagestan, within the former Soviet Union, Minister Farrakhan told the crowd of the instructions from a radio tower air traffic controller that if followed by the pilot would have resulted in their aircraft crashing into a mountain and certain death for those on the plane.

“It’s true, they tried to kill us. But God made the pilot to know that there was something wrong with the instructions from the tower,” said Minister Farrakhan.

The plane landed four hours late, but White Muslims from the Caucasus Mountains were waiting with weapons to protect Minister Farrakhan and his delegation.

Minister Farrakhan was joined by longtime friend Kwame Ture and Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt who was released from prison on bail last year after serving 27 years for a murder he did not commit. He also welcomed Muhammad Aziz, a man wrongly imprisoned for over 20 years for the murder of Malcolm X.

1999 “An Apologia”

After explaining his recovery from an illness which caused him to lose 20 pounds in just eight weeks which medical doctors could not accurately diagnose, the Minister delivered a passionate speech which contained a theological defense of Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s methods and message to Black people in America.

It was an “Apologia” presented to the 20,000 gathered at the McCormick Center in Chicago, Ill. Minister Farrakhan spoke directly to Point #12 of “What the Muslims Believe” which is published in every issue of The Final Call.

2000 “A Celebration of Family”

On February 27 many of those gathered at the United Center in Chicago, Ill., witnessed an incredible sight: Imam Warith Deen Mohammed and Minister Farrakhan together speaking at Saviours’ Day. Both men embraced in a demonstration of unity before a crowd of 25,000 marking the reunification of the Nation of Islam.

“I wanted to say that the Imam and I will be together until death overtakes us and we will work together for the cause of Islam. We will work together for the establishment of Islam. Not only among our people, but to establish Islam in the Americas,” said Min. Farrakhan.

2001 “Make Straight in the Desert a Highway for Our God”

Minister Farrakhan appeared Feb. 25 before a standing room only crowd of 4,000 at Christ Universal Temple in Chicago. Thousands more watched via satellite as he warned of God’s Judgment against America. “To claim the Messiah, to claim the presence of God, there is a work that has to be done. It’s a time now that the little man, the poor, the weak have to be lifted up; and it is the Day of Vengeance. Most of us like to see God and His Christ in milquetoast terms. We like a God that will tolerate us and will not chastise us. I don’t represent that kind of God and if you preach the Gospel, you don’t represent a God like that because there is an end to grace and there is an end to mercy,” he said, in his “Make Straight in the Desert a Highway for Our God” message.

2002 “Healing the Wounds to Bring About a Universal Family”

America’s “insatiable appetite” for oil is pulling the country into ruin, Minister Farrakhan told more than 14,000 people at the Great Western Forum in Los Angeles during his February 17 World Saviours’ Day 2002 address titled “Healing the Wounds to Bring About a Universal Family.”

Some of the notable personalities present were NBA great Shaquille O’Neal, former NBA forward now television commentator John Salley, Congressional Black Caucus member Maxine Waters and Native American activist Wauneta Lonewolf.

This Saviours’ Day also featured a West Coast Gang Summit hosted by radio and TV personality Steve Harvey. It brought together many of the leaders of LA’s most well-known street organizations. During the two-hour meeting in Watts, they echoed Minister Farrakhan’s call for peace and vowed to reach other youth involved in destructive activities.

There was also a West Coast Hip Hop Summit at the Four Season’s Hotel in Beverly Hills bringing together many of the notable artists from the West Coast such as DJ Quik, Marion “Suge” Knight, Mack-10, The D.O.C and Kurupt. Russell Simmons and the Hip Hop Summit Action Network worked to bring the voices of West Coast Hip Hop together in an effort to urge the rappers, label executives and music moguls to promote peace.

The weekend featured a spellbinding performance of “The Beethoven Violin Concerto” by Minister Farrakhan at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts. Minister Farrakhan told the audience that he intended to perform future concerts in key cities as a way to inspire young Blacks to consider learning how to play classical music and stringed instruments.

For Saviours’ Day 2002, The Final Call also produced a special commemorative magazine highlighting Minister Farrakhan’s 25 years of rebuilding the Nation of Islam.

2003 “America at the Crossroads: War Is Not The Answer”

With America on the brink of war with Iraq, Minister Farrakhan delivered a final pre-warning heard by the capacity crowd at the University of Illinois Pavilion and those viewing in 100 satellite locations across America, the Caribbean, Europe, Canada and Central America on February 23, 2003.

“The United States matches the nations styled in scripture as Babylon, Egypt and Rome and her prophesied downfall for rejection of God’s way begins with the war in Iraq,” said Minister Farrakhan in his message titled, “America at the Crossroads: War Is Not The Answer.”

2004 “Reparations: What Does America and Europe Owe? What Does Allah (God) Promise?”

On February 29, Minister Farrakhan challenged the European and the United States governments to give Black people full justice, or face God’s judgment in his keynote address titled “Reparations: What Does America and Europe Owe? What Does Allah (God) Promise?”

“My desire today is to reach the world with this serious message on the principle of reparations. What does America and Europe owe to Black people? What does Allah (God) promise? In the word “reparation” is the word “repair.” In this sense, repair today will be used not as a noun but as a verb, which means an action taken that will repair damage done. When something is repaired, you bring it from a broken state, back to its original state or its condition. The whole human family is in need of repair.”

2005 “He Came That We May Have Life”

As the Nation of Islam moved towards the 10-year commemoration of the Million Man March, Minister Farrakhan delivered a message of guidance that brought together different ideological streams and schools of thought about how to solve the problems affecting Black people in America and oppressed people worldwide.

“Allah (God) is elevating our consciousness beyond denomination, beyond organizational thrust and ideology to see, by His Grace, the bigger picture,” said Minister Farrakhan in his message titled “He Came That We May Have Life.” It was delivered before a capacity crowd at Christ Universal Temple, in Chicago, and viewed via satellite in over 100 locations worldwide.

A day earlier, Minister Farrakhan was invited to speak at the “State of the Black Union 2005: Defining the African-American Agenda” hosted by Tavis Smiley in Lithonia, Ga. Minister Farrakhan usually does not travel on February 26thor just before he is to deliver a major message. However, the problems facing Black America were so critical, after seeking guidance from Allah, he decided to attend the forum.

“My teacher, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said: ‘Our unity is more powerful than an atomic or hydrogen bomb.’ That’s the one thing we haven’t tried. We’ve kneeled-in, crawled-in, prayed-in, lied-in, slept-in, but still, we’re out,” said Minister Farrakhan as the crowd roared. “If you want to get what you want, we’ve got to start with a contract with us. A contract, a covenant, with us. We in leadership make a covenant with the people that we will never sell them out,” he said.

2006 “The Birth of a Nation”

Surrounded by an atmosphere of intense love and excitement, Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a 2006 Saviours’ Day keynote address titled “The Birth of a Nation” to nearly 20,000 at the United Center wrapping up an unforgettable weekend in the history of the Nation of Islam.

The weekend featured a “Family Reunion Dinner” hosted by Minister Farrakhan as he invited all the Believers to break bread together. Nearly 6,200 Muslims dined at the McCormick Place conference center, and nearly 2,500 who could not be accommodated received a complementary dinner at the Salaam Restaurant. They returned to hear Minister Farrakhan discuss “The Way We Were,” pointing out the sacrifices of the early followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who laid the foundation for what the Nation of Islam is today.

During Minister Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day keynote address, he was as strong as ever as his voice rang throughout the United Center.

In a fiery two-hour lecture, Minister Farrakhan spoke candidly about President Bush and his neo-conservative advisers, preachers who are mouthing words void of spirit and those who hypocritically praise God with their lips and songs, yet their actions are far removed from his will.

2007 “One Nation Under God”

February 26, 2007 marked the 130th birth anniversary of Master W. F. Muhammad. In Detroit, where He started the Nation of Islam among the descendants of slaves in America, the Nation returned to its roots.

Though still recovering from an intense 14-hour surgery in the first week of January, Minister Farrakhan delivered a message of unity and responsibility at Ford Field to a crowd of over 40,000 in a message titled “One Nation Under God.”

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This article does not include the days after 2007, and note that much of what is mentioned in this article above is sanitized for propaganda purposes, for to understand Farrakahn and his NOI followers you must remember well POINT NO. 12 of the official “Nation of Islam” website of Louis Farrakhan, the ‘Muslim Program’  page  concerning “What The Muslims Believe,” which reads in

Point No. 12:

“We believe that Allah (God) appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad July 1930: the long awaited “Messiah” of the Christians and the “Mahdi” of the Muslims.” [See ]

This  above is the official belief of Farrakhan and his NOI followers for decades until this very day, proudly displayed for all those that will search and read, regardless of the trickery which Farrakhan plays out in front of the gullible, the ignorant, or the facilitators.

Be aware. Be warned. Be ready.


For more of their beliefs and ideology from

their own words, See:

To see some more of their amazing foolish myths and beliefs about the man they call “God” – “Master Fard Muhammad,” the Twenty Four Scientists’, the Stranger in Detroit,’ THE NEW WORLD KING, etc, etc, see this link below:


Some recent (2010) sample articles from

“Final Call” Magazine,

Farrakhan’s official mouthpiece.

Note the dates and the “doublespeak” oratory trickery of Farrakhan about the so-called  “Master Fard Mohammed,” who is God for him and his followers, and about the so-called “Honorable Elijah Muhammad”, who is the Prophet for him and his followers, yet claiming to be a Muslim saying the Shahadah and quoting the Quran and Sunnah, and so on.

It may be that when Farrakhan speaks about current events, like the fraud of the Federal Reserve, US foreign policy injustices, and racism in America, etc, that he makes some correct statements and observations and explains them in his skillful and forceful  manner, but that is not the point here concerning his belief, his ideology and his theology concerning who he defines as his God and his Prophet, about his celebration of “Savior’s Day” for his God and Prophet being the so called “Master Fard Mohammed,” and so called  “Honorable Elijah Muhammad”

Do not be fooled.

Don’t just follow the crowd of those that gloss over these  repeated obvious statements of blasphemy and disbelief.

Just read the complete speeches and articles to see this oratory trickery of a master of deception, of stirring emotions and of doublespeak.

Note that the featured columnist of the “Final Call” newspaper are nowadays, as they always have been, no 1 and no 2, …. who else but ,,,,,,,

See and judge for yourself!

Read and reflect!



Atonement, Reconciliation and Responsibility

By the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Last updated: Oct 21, 2010 – 3:38:01 PM

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[Editor’s note: The following article contains excerpts of the message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan on October 17, 2010 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Fla. on the occasion of the 15th Anniversary Commemoration of The Million Man March and Holy Day of Atonement.]

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

Every human being has the possibility of reflecting God. Every human being has the possibility of achieving unlimited heights during the time of our life on this planet. And every human being should be afforded that human right “to know,” for whenever a human being is deprived of knowledge, they are deprived of that which evolves them to be what God created them to be.

So, the Bible teaches that God created the heavens and the earth with wisdom; and the Holy Qur’an introduces Allah to all of us in these words: “I, Allah, am the Best Knower.” How could anyone serve God in ignorance? Ignorance is The Enemy of God. Knowledge will make us The Friend of God, and it will allow us to befriend one another. Therefore all the prophets taught us to get knowledge.

The Holy Qur’an contains not only wisdom, but The Key to unlock The Wisdom of this Creation; a marvelous book! But after the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, revealed this book to the Arabs; in one of his “sayings” or hadith, he said: “Get knowledge even if you have to travel to far off China.”

Well, he has given us the book, why should we have to travel to far off China? Evidently everything that we would need is not always in the book. But what’s in the book is a Key to every bit of knowledge that exists! So no human should be afraid to “know more.” No human being should feel threatened by one who possesses knowledge.

The Three Most Hated Persons

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

I heard the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say that the three most hated persons are those who are: 1) rich, and give away their riches to the poor; 2) the wise man who shares his wisdom with the ignorant; and 3) The Man to whom The Holy Qur’an is revealed.

Why should a rich man who sees poverty, and wants to spend his wealth to reduce poverty, be hated? See, he’s hated by the other rich men, who don’t want to share their riches. And that’s why Jesus said, “It would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” There’s something about “having money” that can make one think he is untouchable.

Why would somebody hate a wise man who would share knowledge with the ignorant? Because most wise men like to stay wise, in their own eyes, by keeping a group ignorant; so that they can use the ignorant as a tool and a slave. So a wise man that wants to make others wise by sharing wisdom is an enemy to the so-called wise, because once you free a human being from ignorance, he can no longer be made a slave.

The Holy Qur’an is so powerful that the man to whom this Book is revealed is rich with wisdom, and his knowledge of the Book can get him the riches that God has put in the world. And he loves to share that knowledge, that when “you know,” you can turn knowledge into material things; when “you know,” you can remove impediments in your pathway to progress; when “you know,” nobody can ever make you a slave, or make you feel inferior! When “you know”—and know that you know—then indeed you’re free. And that’s why Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”

Knowledge and Responsibility

In the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, there was a man in Medina who urinated in the mosque; and some of the Companions ran to the Prophet, saying: “One of the helpers here—he, he urinated in the mosque!” Some of his Companions wanted to go and beat the man up, but the Prophet said: “Take some water and wash down the urine, and teach the brother. He’s just ignorant.”

Now when you see ignorance, that is a “teaching moment.” And, because so much ignorance exists, then all of us who “know,” with whatever degree of knowledge we have, we have a responsibility to those who “do not know” to share that knowledge! Not seeking to make them our followers or slaves, but share knowledge to improve them spiritually and mentally. That they may improve themselves socially, politically, economically and otherwise.

Knowledge places upon all of its bearers a heavy responsibility.

How could I be a Christian, and know Jesus, and walk by the dope addict, or the dope dealer? Or the sister who doesn’t realize her value, who is a prostitute? Or walk by the pimp? How could I be a true follower of Christ, and see people in a degraded state who have the potential to reflect God, and leave them in that state, and walk by as though I saw nothing, and yet claim Jesus as our guide?

How could I be a Muslim, and just go to the masjid and say my prayers? How could I be a Muslim, and fast during the month of Ramadan; and pay zakat, or charity; and attend Jumu’ah Prayer Service, and not attempt the Uphill Road?

“And what is the Uphill Road? It is to free a slave.” Too many human beings are in bondage, and need to be set free.

The Million Man March

What was the intent under the Million Man March? What was the result of it? Andwhat has happened since? Can we regain the spirit of the Million Man March?

I make no excuse for my love for Black people; I don’t apologize. All my life, my love was for God and for you. When I was a child, I was displeased with God, because it seemed as though He sent somebody to deliver other people, but didn’t send anybody to deliver us. I was only seven—but I was fixated on two things: God and you. I was 11 when I went to my uncle’s home and saw a picture of this Black man above the mantlepiece. I asked, “Who is that man?” My uncle said, “That man came to unite Black people.”

I said, “Get a chair,” because I was a “shorty”; and I got on a chair to drink in the features of this man that I felt I’ve been looking for all my life, because he came to unite you! And that’s what I cried over as a child. When I stood on that chair, I said, “Who is he?” he said, “That’s Marcus Mosiah Garvey.” I said, “Where is he that I may go and follow him?” and he said, “He’s dead.” The tears rolled down my eyes, because I had come so close to what I was looking for, and he was gone.

Now why is this important? See, when you love deeply you have patience with what you love. When you love deeply, you can suffer the abuse from those that don’t love you like you love them.


Some of you may wonder: “Why does Farrakhan say the things he says? Why does Farrakhan do the things he does? Doesn’t he know he’s upsetting ‘the powers’; and they may come down on us?”

But if it is God in Whom you put your trust, then the fear of men will leave you. If it is God in Whom you put your trust, then nobody is bigger than God! That’s why when we pray, as a Muslim, we say: “Ashadu an la ilaha illallah”—I bear witness that there is no force, no power, worthy to be over my life but He Who created my life.

I’m telling you brothers, sisters: When you think like that, you can’t be moved. See, that’s an unshakeable, immovable, invincible “Stable Datum,” meaning it is the very thing you can lock onto! It removes fear, doubt, uncertainty, suspicion, and you’re on your way to freedom!

Out of love for you, God showed me what the government was planning against you. Love gives you “eyes” that are beyond these eyes! Love gives you ears that are beyond these ears! Love puts you in The Circle of God.

When I spoke to 20,000 people at the Jacob Javits Center, at the end of my lecture, I said to the people: “Would you mind if I came back to New York and talked only to Black men? Would you come out?” With a thunderous applause, they said, “Yes!”

When I came back, we were at the 369th Armory. Out of my mouth that night came the words: “We’re going to take a million Black men to Washington.” The words shot out, and I looked at them! Then I had to run and catch the word.

I told the men: “When you come, you don’t bring a knife, you don’t bring a gun. That day will be a day of complete peace where you will feel, experience, the Spirit of God.” I said, “I’m not going to pay your way. I don’t want you to ask anybody to pay your way! It’s happening on a Monday, when people have to work and go to school! I want you to forsake school; forsake work, and meet me in Washington, D.C.!”

Some of my Civil Rights brothers said, “Farrakhan, you don’t know nothing about ‘marching’! There ain’t nobody ever had a march on a Monday! We always have a march on Saturday!” I said, “Well this time, this march is going to be on a Monday.” I wanted to test the heart of men, because the only way we can get relief, and the Help of God, is that we have to be willing to sacrifice something to get His Support!

The day came, and there were Black men stacked together, shoulder-to-shoulder; bolder and bolder! Sober Black men! Loving Black men! Peaceful Black men! And on that day: No crime in the city of Washington. For that weekend, there was no crime. The armed forces were all down in the tunnels. The president left town. The Supreme Court and city government closed down. The Senate and the Congress closed down. Everything in Washington was shut down because the “N-words” were coming to town! That’s the way they were thinking, but they saw peace; they saw tranquility.

Go and get my talk that day of October 16, 1995. When a Black man, who has been the victim of oppression, can make a call for a million, and two million men show up, see, that’s an army.

God was behind that Call, and God put it in the hearts of those men to answer that Call!

The Atonement Process

God showed me Eight Steps in a Process of Atonement. When you look up in the dictionary “atonement,” it means “reparation for injury or harm.” Do you think that we as a people need repair? Do you think that humanity is in need of repair?

Why? Because as human beings, created in the image and likeness of God, we are all so far away from our potential because of circumstances over which we had no control.

The hardest step in the Process of Atonement is the first step, which is called “pointing out the wrong.” In all our marriages, and in all relationships, there’s “offense.” As Muslims, in our prayers we say: “I have been greatly unjust to myself, and I confess my faults,” so if we are unjust to ourselves, then in our social relationships we’re going to be at some point unjust to somebody else. So in our relationships, there has to be a Spirit of Forgiveness.

If somebody is doing you wrong, forgiveness cannot come just by you saying, “I forgive.” Sometimes that’s cowardly. How can I “forgive” if I haven’t even approached you about what you said or did that offended me? It takes courage of a subordinate to talk to one in a position of authority, and say, “You wronged me.”

Now when somebody points out wrong, the defense mechanism is what comes up; you don’t want to admit anything! When you are too arrogant, too self-assured, to admit to your children, your wife, or your husband; your friend or associate when you are wrong when they pointed it out, that wound cannot be healed. As you go up the ladder in life, somebody is going to do you wrong, or, you are going to do somebody wrong.

But if there’s “dialogue,” or “communication”; if you can humble yourself to listen to somebody who wants to correct something in you, then you have to have a good ear. That’s why Jesus said the Kingdom of God comes through hearing.

When you hear the word, and the word touches you, and you act on the word, then you can begin to become a changed person. But if your ear is closed to any criticism; and you feel you have to defend yourself because your ego is so bruised that you cannot even admit that you did something to offend somebody else, then that produces differences that soon become irreconcilable.


Atonement. Reconciliation. Responsibility. There isn’t anyone who is going to do something for us. We’re going to have to do it for ourselves.

I ask you to accept responsibility for your life: Go home, and atone with your wife, your children, your fathers, your mothers. Sit down and iron it out, and come away stronger!

The Modern Moses and His Helper

We had a Modern Moses among us. You must get acquainted with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and with what that Great Man said, taught and did.

Some will say he’s not a “real Muslim”; that he’s “guilty of shirk,” and his followers “hypocrites.” Terrible thing to say! If it were not for Master Fard Muhammad, Who gave us Elijah Muhammad, Islam wouldn’t be in America like it is, and you wouldn’t even be a Muslim!

You say, “Well, he talked about White people. That ain’t Islam!” Why isn’t it? What kind of “Islam” do you have that you can’t point out an enemy when an enemy is in your face? If White people were our friends, we wouldn’t be in this condition! It’s not hate! Just a fact!

You say, “Well, that man, Elijah Muhammad, taught hate.” No. He told us the truth of our condition. And the truth of our condition made us hate alcohol, so we put down the bottle! We put down the reefer; we put down the cigarette; we put down the cocaine and the heroine, because we hated the condition that our oppressor had put us in!

We started respecting our women! We started coming home, making a family! We started learning How To Eat To Live!

Don’t tell me that that man was not from God!


We all were in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s Class together. I never knew the role that I was going to play, but we were in The Class! I never thought that much of me, but he taught me. I didn’t even know what he was putting in me when he was wisely teaching me.

And when I would come and sit with him some days, he would say: “I saw a man climbing up a mountain late in the evening, carrying a heavy load.” And he said, “When will my help come?” I’d come back to the house another time, and he’d go in it again: “I saw a man climbing up a mountain, carrying a heavy load! When will my help come?” I would wonder why he kept saying that to me.

It is because I was The Help, and I had to arrive to a level of consciousness that I could carry out my duty to him and to you. You may not like me, and you may have doubts about me, but I am that man that my Father made for you! You can take it, or let it alone! You don’t have another one!

In the Holy Qur’an, Allah (God) told Moses: “I’m giving you 30 nights and I’m strengthening you with 10 more.” And after the 40 years, Moses summoned Aaron, saying, “Aaron, take my place among the people. And act well, and follow not the way of the mischief makers.” In the late ’60s, I was sitting at his table, and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to me: “God has made me to take His place. And I am making you take mine.” And when the 40th year came, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad departed from us.

Allah says in the Qur’an to Moses and Aaron: “I have given you both an authority, so both of you go to Pharaoh!” Read it for yourself! There isn’t anyone else doing that—I am the one calling the government out! I am the one calling the Modern Pharaoh out! I am the one making Satan manifest! You don’t have another Black man in America like this, or in the world!

I was made by God for my leader and my teacher, to be his helper. And if you love him, then come on and help me! And if you love him, and you believe that he is who he is; and he told you that: “Wherever he tells you to go, you go! And wherever he tells you stay from, stay from.”

He trusted me with you, and I will not fail him! Nor will I fail you!


Here we find an amazing admission by Farrakhan in his finalcall magazine in 2010, for he says “Allah (God) is Present and He is with me.”

Now what does he mean by this statement?

Most probably this is to be interpreted – as the study of historical hagiography shows us with numerous examples – that Farrakahan means just as he says and just like so many other esoteric Shia and Sufi megalomaniacs, that he is so great a person, so important a leader for his followers, that God has come down to dwell in him and work thru him etc etc , and thus he is “divine” and with the “spirit” and so on with the “Batani” expositions. We have seen if before and we see it here and will see it again and again since history repeats itself, albeit with slight tweaks and twists.

An Open Letter To Black Leadership by Minister Louis Farrakhan

By The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Last updated: Jul 20, 2010 – 11:18:59 AM

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Minister Louis Farrakhan



July 19, 2010

To the Spiritual, Political, Educational, and Economic Leaders and to our Sports and Entertainment Giants:

May this open letter find you well and in good spirit as we search for a solution to the many problems that we face as a people.

Most of you have benefited in some way from a relationship that you have with members of the Jewish Community. Some of you have become very wealthy and are able to live in the best manner that you choose because of this friendship. However, have you ever noticed that no matter how rich and powerful some of us have become, we have never been shown how to network with the wealthy and learned of our people, pooling our resources that we may produce for our people that which would grow us from a begging position as little children to become masters of our own destiny?

The Jewish people have maximized their wealth by networking with their people and others in America and the World, thus they have become masters in banking, trade, commerce and have parlayed their wealth to become masters in every field of human endeavor. At the same time, we as their friends amass wealth for ourselves, our families and a few people who benefit from us but never have we done anything collectively to benefit the masses of our people.

It is not that we would not desire to do this; it is because we have not been shown how. Our distrust and disunity prohibits us from doing what the Jewish people have done.

These books that the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam has published, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews: How Jews Gained Control of the Black American Economy Volume 2” and “Jews Selling Blacks” are being shared with our people to show us how we were completely undone and how others have benefited from what has happened and continues to happen to us. We cannot deal effectively with our so-called friends as men and women without this vital knowledge.

Whenever the Light of Truth has been shone on them, they reach for you to defend them against the Truth that uncovers the horror that has been done to us. They have always been successful pitting us against each other thus keeping them from facing the Truth of their real relationship with us. As they call upon you to denounce me as an anti-Semite and, because of the favor you believe you owe them for what they have done to help make life comfortable for you; I am asking you to stand down. I am asking you to read this research and then discuss it with your Jewish friends. Would you condemn me as an anti-Semite for exposing the research that shows them as being anti-Black? I am asking you to stand down and let them come out to me to defend their record and history of their relationship with us that we compiled from that which was written by their own scholars, historians, and Rabbis.

If you become an apologist for them in this hour, you will be seen by the masses of our people as a modern day Uncle Tom who believes you owe more to them than to the masses of our suffering people. If you attack me at their insistence you will be seen as an enemy of the rise of our people as well as an enemy of your own rise; for you can never be free to rise above the limitations placed on you by them until you know the absolute Truth of your relationship with them. Being an apologist for them will be dangerous for you as the masses of our people are awakening and are increasingly angry at the reality of our condition. No matter how popular you may be and desirous you may be to defend your so-called friends, it is dangerous for any of us to defend those who are the architects of White supremacy and are the architects of the destruction of us as a people.

Most of you are afraid to face such a formidable and powerful enemy. So, I implore you to stand to the side and let them come out to defend themselves and argue against the Truth that I and we speak and write.

I will prove to you and them that Allah (God) is Present and He is with me. As David went out to Goliath and defeated him in the face of the fear of King Saul and the Children of Israel, likewise, I can assure you that I will be victorious over your and my enemies with the Help of Allah (God) and His Christ (Mahdi).

Thank you for reading these words.

I Am Your Brother and Servant,

Respectfully and Sincerely Submitted,

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Servant to the Lost-Found
Nation of Islam in the West


Note: See related links:

Minister Louis Farrakhan’s Letter To ADL’s Abraham Foxman (06-24-2010)

Jewish leaders demand Farrakhan denounce “Secret Relationship” book (07-11-2010)

Can you guess what does the J, F E, I mean around the official NOI red flag?


And this article below  shows that Farrakhan seeks to take his movement to new heights in this time of opportunities. Note the date and references to “Master” and “Honerable” not to mention the costumes, stagecraft and pageantry of this and the other NOI productions  .

A New Beginning, Part 2 Our Broader Mission

By the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan | Last updated: Aug 29, 2010 – 10:24:02 AM

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[Editor’s note: On November 2, 2008, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan addressed an audience at Mosque Maryam in Chicago, Illinois and a live Internet webcast for Part 2 of his message “A New Beginning.” The following article contains excerpts from this message. Click here to order CD/DVD of full message.]

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

I’m very thankful to Allah (God) for this privilege to come before you once again to talk about the “New Beginning.” It is always a blessing when you’ve run a certain course, and God, out of His mercy, grants a chance for a new beginning.

For people who have had the unfortunate experience of being incarcerated and paying their debt to society, when they’re released from that, their hope is that they can make a new beginning. Society is so unkind that even when someone has paid their debt to society, society keeps reminding them of mistakes and errors of their past, and continues to punish them without ever recognizing that human beings, no matter how depraved at one stage of our development we might be, we all, within us, have the possibility for change.

The Nation of Islam is like a rose that began very thorny. It is interesting to me that the scriptures teach the man that the world is looking for is called “The Rose of Sharon,” and, “The Lilly of the Valley.”

Lilies grow in silt; and roses come up with many thorns. As you handle the rose, if you are not careful, you will get pricked by the thorns; and sometimes those thorns will draw blood. But as the rose grows and evolves, then comes a beautiful bud. And when the bud opens, a sweet fragrance comes forth that literally can change the odor of a room. So it is with the man called “The Rose of Sharon” and “The Lilly of the Valley.”

This man that the scripture speaks of also grows up among thorns; and he evolves. When he is fully evolved, even that which he produces is just like him: A thorny beginning. As it evolves, what this man produced turns into a beautiful bud. Then, into a flower that opens, bringing forth a sweet fragrance that can change the foul odor of a society.

“Behold,” the scripture teaches, “I make all things new.” We can’t make all things new until and unless we start like it was in the beginning to make a new human being; a new man. And from a new man, all other things will be made new. This is why from the biblical point of view the scriptures teach, “In Christ we become new creatures.”

The problem is making sure you have a good knowledge and understanding of him who makes things new. Not spending your life talking about him, but you getting into him, and allowing him to get into you. And when that one that Allah (God) has made new enters into you, by your permission, then he in you begins to renew you. That is a beautiful picture.

Well, how does he get into you? Both the Bible and Qur’an teach that the vilest of creatures are “the deaf” and “the dumb.” The vilest of creatures are those who refuse to hear because that’s the way the one who makes things new, enters you: He enters in through the ear by your being receptive to a word.

The Bible teaches “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God,” and all things were made by Him. So this word is so powerful that when we allow God’s word to enter us, it has the power to give all of us who receive it a new beginning.


To appreciate this stage of our development, we have to appreciate the coming of One Who came to us from the Holy City of Mecca in Arabia: Master Fard Muhammad—a man who had a Black father and a White mother which gave Him a complexion that allowed Him to easily mix with the Caucasian people of this nation and other places of the world.

Master Fard Muhammad said he visited every inhabited part of our planet. He said he spoke 16 languages and wrote 10 of them. He said he pictured and extracted the language of the people on Mars and taught us that there was life on Mars, and life on every planet in our universe. The difference is that each planet has different water, but wherever you find water, you will find life. He taught us this 78 years ago, and now the Caucasian has developed an instrument that they sent to Mars and they believe now they have discovered ice, water.

Master Fard Muhammad taught us that we had arrived at the end of the present world and that a new world was coming in. He taught the nature of our selves and the nature of the Caucasian people. He taught us the profound knowledge of others and he taught us that Islam was the nature in which we were created and are created; and that submission to the Will of God is the true religion of God and all his prophets no matter where they appear on the earth.

Master Fard Muhammad was somewhat of a mystery in that He didn’t readily make himself known for whom he really was, but He assumed many different names or titles. He came among us as the Bible teaches he would, as “a thief in the night.” He came among us to do a work of transformation of us fulfilling what is written in the scripture that the Son of Man would come out of the East even unto the West, and He would search and find His people who were lost and revive them from their state of mental death and ignorance.

All of the mosques set up by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad are committed, first and foremost, to the resurrection and transformation of the Black people in America and throughout the world, for it is our condition that is worse than any member of the human family of our planet. So, He comes to the worst to start His work of redemption. Who is this man that came among us, the Black people of America?

When you start in the Bible from the Genesis and move through the Old Testament, you read of God’s judgment of the wicked in the days of Noah; and in the days of Lot, it was Sodom and Gomorrah. As you carefully read these histories, the scripture teaches, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

In the 24th Chapter of the Book of Matthew, it says, “As lightning shineth from the East, even unto the West; so shall the coming of the Son of man be.” The Son of Man would come having the knowledge, wisdom and power to give light to a dead people that were living in the West among another people who had robbed them and spoiled them and made them other than themselves. The Son of Man—what a title.


This man who came, He pointed out to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad a dreadful looking plane in the sky. He said it was a manmade mechanical object measuring a half-mile by a half-mile; and in it were 1,500 little planes made like the sphere of spheres—the universe. But these are “little wheels” that Ezekiel saw 595 B.C. He had a vision of a wheel in the middle of a wheel, in the middle of the air that was a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

And today, The Wheel that Ezekiel saw, that Master Fard Muhammad pointed out to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad around 1931, is a reality that is being talked about by governments and scholars and scientists all over the world. They call them UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects).

They’re not from another planet, brothers and sisters. They’re not aliens. They’re human beings just like you with superior wisdom to the wisdom of this world. That is why the government of America calls it “Top Secret,” because it cannot bring itself to admit that there is another Power; that there is more wisdom greater than any wisdom that they have. And that this sphere of spheres that is up above our heads, this government has no power to defeat it. It is there for two reasons: One, is the destruction of the wicked; and, two, is the planting of a brand new civilization on the earth.

The scripture teaches, “And I looked, and I saw a New Jerusalem come down from heaven as a bride adorned for the bride groom.” This is not talking about “old” Jerusalem; the New Jerusalem it is speaking of is The Wisdom that is coming down to the earth from Allah (God) that will give ordinary human beings power to do extraordinary things.

No matter how wise you think you are with the many degrees that you have received from this world, God looks at all of the wisdom of this world, and calls it foolishness, because with all of the wisdom that we have achieved, none of it is strong enough to change the reality of the present world. The complexities of the problems of the present world cannot be solved with the present-day wisdom.

One of these Sundays, I want to set it aside just to teach Caucasian people, because I want to teach you what God has revealed about your origin in this world and the purpose for your existence. And why now, with the manner in which you have been living your life, you will not be able to see what God makes new except you submit yourselves to become new, as the Bible teaches. We have to be born again.


For over 30 years I have been saying that America’s policies are off, and I have been persecuted as though I was saying something that shouldn’t be said. I live here; I’m not anxious to see the country that I live in, fall, but we are a witness of power being displayed in the force of nature that no president has power over. If they did, they would stop the fires from the West Coast, the floods on the East Coast, the drought in the South. Open your eyes and know that God is present! We don’t hate the country in which we live! We hate the injustice that is bringing America to the bar of judgment. But both Barack Obama and John McCain are saying now that America’s policies are wrong.

The next president will have to lead America in a time of tremendous crisis. Jesus talked about wars and rumors of wars—all these things which are happening now. It’s written in the Book of Luke how men’s hearts will be failing them with fear for the things that they see coming upon the earth; and the Qur’an says, “The shock of the hour, when it comes, little children will become grey-headed at the horror of what they see.” We’re on the verge of a great change. America does have the potential to change the world—but America, itself, has to be changed.

What a trial for America today, but in this equation is a young man with a Black father and a White mother. Who, in his DNA, all he’s thinking about is how to bring Black and White people together with mutual respect. What a trial for America, because Barack Obama is bringing out the best in White people. And unfortunately, he’s also bringing out the worst. You listen to some talk shows—there are people outright talking about killing the brother.

My God … what will that say to all of the people—Black and Brown and White and Asian—who stood in line for three, four, five hours to vote for this young man; or, to vote for Senator McCain and Sarah Palin?

What will it say to the children, who have been energized in a way that they have never been energized by this brother and his brilliant march for the presidency of the United States, if he is hurt? What will that do to the hope that is in the breasts of so many?

Here’s my counsel to you: If brother wins, there will be more joy in the hearts of so many, more than we have ever experienced probably in our lives. People my age and older, who have lived 75, 80, 85, 90 years, will not mind dying because they will say in death, “I saw what I never thought I would see in my lifetime.”

But then others are going to go out in the street and celebrate with wild joy and revelry as though it was the Philadelphia Phillies winning the World Series. But that’s not wise, because your joy is somebody else’s sadness. And in your moment of revelry, there are those who will be so angry they can’t get to him—but they can get to you. So my counsel to you would be if he wins, rejoice intelligently. The 110th Surah of the Holy Qur’an says it like this: “When Allah’s help and victory comes, And you see men entering the religion of Allah in companies, celebrate the praise of thy Lord, and ask His protection …” I’m not talking about a victory in terms of men and women coming to the ranks of Islam in companies; I’m talking about a victory that we never expected, but now we’re full of expectancy of, because we heard the polls.

If Barack Obama wins, celebrate the praise of God Who brought us from a mighty long way, and made us in a time like this to ascend to the highest post in one of the greatest countries in the history of the world. Don’t act foolishly, because Obama’s rise is the rise of all of us who would be risen by his rise; who would be inspired by his rise.


On October 19, I said that America has lost a lot by disconnecting politics from religion. God sent prophets, and He raised kings. The prophets had a relationship to the kings, and the kings knew that relationship. And as long as the prophets could say to the kings, “Thus sayeth the Lord,” and the kings obeyed, then they could produce a political kingdom that showed the signs of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The corruption that came into the spiritual world ill-affected the political world. This led to all kinds of breakaway religious sects, because Satan had corrupted the church, the mosque and the synagogue. So every time somebody broke away from the parent church, they made another one and put the name of the breakaway leader on that phase of their religion.

The Founding Fathers of America separated the functions of government from the institutions of religion, but they never meant that religion should be denied in politics. One should be the outgrowth of the other.

Did you know that on July 4, 1776, the day when the American colonies declared their independence from Great Britain, which ignited the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams to design a seal of the new nation?

And guess what that design was? It was to be a picture of Pharaoh sitting in an open chariot with a crown on his head and a sword in his hand, passing through the divided waters of the Red Sea in pursuit of the Israelites. And hovering over the sea was to be shown a pillar of fire in a cloud, expressive of the Divine Presence and Command. Rays from the pillar of fire were to be shown beaming down on Moses standing on the shore, extending his hand over the sea causing it to overwhelm Pharaoh. And the motto for the seal was, “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”

Of course, we know that this seal was not accepted because of America’s involvement in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. But they always knew that our presence in America as slaves would one day be a great trial for this country.

In the Book of Deuteronomy, God says to Moses: “I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren like unto thee, Moses.” You wouldn’t need a new Moses if you didn’t have a similar condition of oppression, slavery and torment. “And I am going to put My words in his mouth, and he is going to speak unto them all that I shall command him.” What I am saying is that we are the modern slave in need of a modern Moses.

I present to you a man—the Honorable Elijah Muhammad—whom this Great One Who came from the East, taught. Master Fard Muhammad is not the Originator of the heavens and the earth, but He is The Best Knower among all of the nearly 6 billion on the planet. And soon, you are going to come to know it because He is going to make His Power known right here in America! When you see His Power manifested, all of those who are fearful are going to say, “Something mighty is going on among the slaves!”

There is healing in His wings not just for us, but also for the White people who wish to be purified from that which they were taught to make them rulers in the earth not based on the principle of justice. He has healing in His wings for you.

And so, my beloved brothers and sisters, I thank you so much for reading these words. I thank you—the Believers—for being patient with me as we try to move the Nation of Islam into its broader mission. But before you can move out into the broader mission, the scripture teaches that you can’t put new wine in an old wineskin, lest the wineskin break and the new wine spill out.” We need to make a new person to receive that mission.

As-Salaam Alaikum.


And read for yourself this amazing article from a follower, seeped in Farrakhan’s strange theology of obvious disbelief.

The Patience of Job and the Sobriety of the Prophets — The Light Bearing Friends of Allah!

By Mother Tynnetta Muhammad | Last updated: Oct 8, 2010 – 8:23:26 AM

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“And remember Our servant Job, When he cried to his Lord; The devil has afflicted me with toil and torment. Urge with thy foot; here is a cool washing-place and a drink. And We gave him his people and the like of them with them, a mercy from Us, and a reminder for men of understanding.” –Holy Qur’an, Surah 38, verses 41-43

It is astounding to observe the magnitude and severity of world events flushing out life on our planet while man and society are dubious to what man’s hands have wrought on land and on sea. Men and nations are reaching out to each other’s throats fighting like animals, like cats and dogs,

The location of the National Museum of African American History and Culture is to be located as the 19th museum on the Washington mall, adjacent to the Washington Monument and near the Lincoln Memorial.

as canine adversaries and beasts of the field, wildly roaming the good earth seeking whomever they can devour. At the same time, more and more discoveries are being made in worlds above our heads in the largeness of our environment in space. We are ever being reminded of the Divine Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and those of his greatest Helper, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and the truths that they contain that covers the sphere of our thinking on this present world order of Satan.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us that his Divine Teacher, Master W. Fard Muhammad, is capable of creating a whole new galaxy, a whole new universe and worlds while we are constantly contending one with another for a place in Satan’s world and the possession of material gain in this world’s life. The dominant world of Satan’s reign, being aggressive by nature, has gone to war with the inhabitants of the earth, robbing and killing ruthlessly to take possession of what belongs to Almighty God Allah and the Righteous. This attack of Satan against Almighty God is casting the die for their own self-destruction. I am reminded of a recent statement that was made by President Obama in a publicized interview held in the White House by longtime journalist, and author, Bob Woodward, in which the President stated that his worst fear is that a terrorist would strap himself with a nuclear bomb and explode it over some city or area of the United States, killing and maiming thousands, if not millions of citizens. This being said, while ignoring the threat that is being reported everyday over our heads, pointing to the presence of unseen worlds coming into view which exhibits superior and advanced technology to our own. Powerful telescopes mounted by astronomers and astrophysicists are continually revealing in their studies, at an extraordinarily rapid pace, the nature of Allah’s Divine Creation as He, Allah, has allowed them to peep into some of his Divine secrets in an ever-expanding universe.

When America made and designed the first Atomic and Nuclear bomb and exploded it over the devastated populations of Japan’s cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, which ended World War II, that very act was the beginning of the end of America. All her greatest scientists known at the time, including Albert Einstein, contributed to this greatest holocaust in known history. Ever since the explosion and making of the atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico, there have been increasing sightings of what the military and the government are calling UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) near military installations of the United States government and throughout the world. One would think that with this activity taking place in our airspace above, that this would be the greatest concern of the United States government would. However, within living memory, the era of the atomic bomb explosion in 1945, certainly haunt the thinking of the President and the present world’s military that such an act would visit America taking a toll in the Western Hemisphere.

In my previous articles, I raised the question pertaining to the Honorable Minister Farrakhan’s Vision-like experience on the Mother’s Wheel, and what connection might this have to the recent discovery and publication of the findings of a cache of some 1,000 historical documents in Detroit, Michigan, that outlined the fastidiously organized skills used by Master Fard Muhammad, the Founder of the Nation of Islam in 1930. The documents placed great priority on education and the part that women played in its development. I also raised the question regarding the Smithsonian’s interest in exhibiting some of the documents and why? I also pointed out that early in the 1930s the temple grounds in Detroit, Michigan, were invaded by U.S. agents who confiscated certain documents of the Supreme Wisdom literature, which included drawings on some of the details of the Great Mother’s Wheel showing some of its operational mechanics.

Within the last two years I had a dream of Master Fard Muhammad and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad appearing together as one in which I could not clearly distinguish one from the other. The Master was dressed in a new styled white suit, without a fez, as he walked across the front part of the Sanctuary of Mosque Maryam moving towards the podium with a very determined and serious focus. In his right hand he was carrying a book; and in his other hand, he held a document containing columns of printed information. When I realized that I was so near this Brilliant Light emanating from His Person, I became uneasy and greatly startled so that I was speechless. In a timing that seemed like several long seconds, I ventured to ask him if there was anything I could do to help. He replied very sternly, without turning to me or in any other direction, replying “Yes.” “I want you to get the deeds and the papers to the Smithsonian.” The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan also appeared in this Vision-like dream and I said to him that “The Messenger is Back.” When I awakened I was very shaken, particularly over the Master’s words about the Smithsonian.

I shared this dream with the Honorable Minister Farrakhan and a few others and began my preliminary research on the Smithsonian Institution. During that time in 2008, a meeting was arranged for me through the assistance of Sister Anita Muhammad from Washington, D.C., to meet a special lady at the Smithsonian Institution. This meeting took place with great success which led to an unfolding discussion on Genghis Khan and the Mongolian Nation being highlighted and exhibited on the Washington Mall. In that meeting in which Sister Anita Muhammad and myself were present, we were later introduced to scholar and educator, Mr. John W. Franklin, who was anxious to meet with me and stated that he was the Program Manager to prepare the grounds for the “National Museum of African American History and Culture, which will be the 19th museum on the mall to be located adjacent to the Washington Monument and the statue of Abraham Lincoln. He stated that it was time for the history of the Nation of Islam to be an integral part of the collective efforts on the part of the museum staff to share with the entire world.

“And take in thy hand few worldly goods and earn goodness therewith and incline not to falsehood. Surely We found him patient; most excellent the servant! Surely he (ever) turned (to Us).”–Holy Qur’an, Surah 38, verse 44

To be continued.


NOI notes:

for instance,

See the Opening Page of the website


The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad                         Almighty God Allah, In The Person
Messenger of Allah                                             of  Master W.D. Fard Muhammad

There is no God but Allah Who appeared
in the Person of Master W.D. Fard Muhammad
our Saviour, Messiah and Great Mahdi.
We forever thank Him for giving to us
His Divine Messenger
the Last and Greatest Messenger of Allah to the world
in the Person of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

I am Melchisedek Shabazz-Allah, The Universal High Priest
of the Nation of Islam on earth and in the universe
having no mother, no father, no descent, no beginning of days and no end of life
but walk in the footsteps of Almighty God Allah
Who came in The Person of Master W.D. Fard Muhammad
and His Divine Messenger The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad
I am that I am
he who always lives and never dies


Table of Contents


Welcome all visitors to this site
we pray that you be enlightened with Supreme
Knowledge Wisdom and Understanding.

Then in “instructions” we find as below





to His Servant,







Originated By Our Saviour,



ORIGINAL RULES OF INSTRUCTION..……………………………………………………………….1
Section 1A: The Explanation Of The Thirteen Original Rules Of Instruction
Given By Our Saviour, W. D. FARD MUHAMMAD

PROBLEM NUMBER THIRTEEN.…………………………………………………………………………6
Section 1B: The Greatest Desire Of Your Brother And Teachers

ACTUAL FACTS.………………………………………………………………………………………………..7
Section 2: Twenty Statements Of Actual Facts

STUDENT ENROLLMENT…………………………………………………………………………………..9
Section 3: Ten Rules Of Islam

LOST-FOUND MUSLIM LESSON NO. 1.…………………………………………………………..11
Section 4: The Student’s First Assignment

LOST-FOUND MUSLIM LESSON NO. 2.…………………………………………………………..15
Section 5: First Term Examination Assignment Of Mr. Elijah Muhammad

ENGLISH LESSON NO. C1.………………………………………………………………………………25
Section 7A: Introduction To Our Saviour, W. D. FARD MUHAMMAD

THE PROBLEM BOOK.…………………………………………………………………………………….38
Section 6: Thirty-Four Problems To Solve


THE FOLLOWING is the Original Rules of Instruction to the Laborers of Islam
and the TITLE OF MUSLIM  Given by OUR SAVIOUR before HIS Departure,
With a Footnote of a few words of Explanation to lay Pressure Upon their Minds of
their many Errors in the Past and Present, that they may see the Light and Walk therein.
I thank you.                                       Elijah Muhammad




The student must study his Assignment–Lesson #1.
Each Student should copy the Answers of Lesson of Minister, Elijah Muhammad, and study until the Student is able to memorize, By Heart, all Answers to, of said, Lesson #1.
NOTE:    Here, Lesson #1 is said to be the Student’s Assignment-“First.”
LESSON #1 lays the Base of our Work today; and gives the Student a Clear
Knowledge of Himself and His Heavenly Home, the Best Part of the Earth;
and who is the enemy to him and his Nation; and why the enemy and
Righteous could not live together; and why was the Righteous able to Cast
Out his enemy.
THIS Teaches the student what he must do with the enemy of the Righteous
THE Righteous Nation is, now, Living in every part of the planet Earth.
Therefore the enemy must, now, be removed in every part of the planet Earth.
Why is Stress made to the Muslims to Copy, the Minister, Elijah Muhammad’s Answers?

The past History shows that the ALMIGHTY ALLAH sends Prophets and Apostles for the people’s Guide and Example, and through them HIS Mystery was Revealed.  And those who follow the Apostle’s would see the Light.


Each Student must qualify his or herself for Positions awaiting them.
Assignment of Office will be made immediately after Examination, and on Completion of his or her Labor Course.
Consideration for the Laborers of Islam will be taken, and Analysis, in the near future by ALLAH!

NOTE:    THIS PARAGRAPH puts a stop to all Quarreling and Arguments among the
Laborers over their Offices in ISLAM until he or she have been qualified
and their qualification Examined to see if they are Fit to be used in the
Respective Position.
THE past History shows that the First Examination of Laborers is made by
the Apostle, whom the Laborers are to work with.

According to the Holy Qur’an 59:7, the Muslims were very poor when they first started to Teach ISLAM and all contribution was given to ALLAH’s Apostle for him and his Family’s Support.  And what the Apostle could spare, he gave to help take care of the Poor Muslims that were unable to help themselves and the other part was given to those who were confined to the Labor of ISLAM.

And soon, there arose an argument among the Hypocrites about the use of the money because they thought that they should share equally with the Apostle.  Then ALLAH cast these Hypocrites out and ounished them for the false accusation that they had spread against the Prophet, that he was seeking to enrich himself and acting unjustly to the poor and needy.

And, then ALLAH, told the other Laborers that HE would soon enrich all of them but, at present, every effort should be to maintain the Prophet and his household.

The enemy, then, tried to stop every Muslim from helping the Apostle and said he should be killed.  Then ALLAH Challenged the enemy to do so – to leave not a stone unturned in trying.
This is in the 34 Problems that you have, if you understand.

So this is what is meant by ALLAH taking, under Analysis, the Consideration of the Laborers in the near future.  The student could practice his or her Labor while under study if they wer sincere, and Submit themselves to Obey and Follow the Apostle.And it is written that all who Reelled against the Apostle, ALLAH made it impossible for them to live in Peace until they would Submit.

The Holy Qur’an does not contradict a Muslim to Swear his Allegiance to his Brother so long as he does not break his Allegiance – nor does the Bible in this case.




The Laborers must Speak and Use grammatic pronunciation of words and syllables in Past, Future, Present and Perfect Tense.  the Laborer’s answers to All Lessons must be in the above Language.  Others will not be considered.

Note:    The Dumb must speak Plainly.  the Stammering Tongue is Speaking
Clear. (He covers the Prophecies of the Bible and, also, the Holy
Qur’an in a word).
NO man can be Successful in Teaching a People that cannot speak,
Clearly, the People’s Language.
But there is more to be understood in the words.  That the Laborers’
Pronunciation of words and syllables must be in the Past, Future and
Present Perfect Tense – Otherwise will not be considered.

What is meant by the Laborers’ answers to all LESSONS in the Past, Present and Future being PERFECT is that we must know and be Able to Prove, at all times, to the New Converts that the LESSONS that OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) gave us to Study and Learn is the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of All the Former Prophets concerning the Beginning of the Devils, and the Ending if the Civilization, and of our Enslavement by the Devils, and Present Time of our Delivery from the Devils by OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH).  PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!  There is No God but ALLAH.  How that ALLAH would separate us from the Devils and, then destroy them; and Change us into a New and Perfect People; and Fill the Earth with FREEDOM, JUSTICE and EQUALITY as it was filled with wickedness; and Making we, the Poor Lost-Founds, the Perfect RULERS.

Therefore if we have not this Understanding, we are Yet Blind to HIM that has come to SAVE us.  For this is OUR SAVIOUR’S Desire – that we should Know HIM as OUR GOD AND Saviour, and that Besides HIM there is NO SAVIOUR for us.

Why should the Lost-Founds Disbelieve and Dispute with one another about OUR SAVIOUR (ALLAH) and HIS Work of Delivering?  Cannot a Fool see that a Mighty Change is in Progress in every Living Creature?


The Laborers must practice the above Language with all new Converts.

The Laborers are liable to punishment if found using Baby Language at any time.

The Laborers must greet a Registered Muslim in his own way.


Mistakes shall not exist among the Laborers of Islam at NO time.


The MINISTERS’ CLASS must study and prepare themselves for Examination as soon as they are able to.

Everyone’s FINAL EXAMINATION will be before ALLAH (OUR SAVIOUR), which will include all of the Forms of Lessons, #1’s Answers, and all the Problems, and a General Review of the three and one-half years of Labor.

Absence in the Ministers’ Class must always be investigated.

Each Muslim should know all of this By Heart.  It is all his and her own.

The Time is ripe for us to Re-claim our own, which is knowledge, understanding and a high civilization. We all are equipped physically and mentally to accomplish the said, above, with little study – young, old, men, women and children.

The M.G.T. & G.C.C. should study along with the Training.  Report their progress along with the rest.


The TEMPLE READING CLASS:    The Reading Class shall include all of the
History.  Report the Reading Class along
with the regular School Report.

The Secretary must report once a week
of the Educational Department and a
general report of the Temple.


All Students if the University of Islam must use Official paper for their Lessons at all times.  Quickness, fast moving, cleanliness – Internally and Externally – right down to the modern times.

The LAW OF ISLAM does not approve continuation of Laborers with Devils’ names.

The Register must be clear of Devils’ names.

ENGLISH LESSON NO. C1:    Spelling must be used by all Muslim girls and
mothers to their children for Bedtime Study;
also, in regular Courses.

Muslim girls must get away from reading that
Devil’s Bedtime Story to their children.


Application For Enlistment in the Fruit of Islam will be accepted on the Approval of their Holy Names.  Names of Devils are not counted of any value in the Fruit of Islam.

Devils must stay away.


The RESTRICTIVE LAW OF ISLAM is our Success at any time.

Any one who fails to be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT to the LAW shall be dismissed from his or her Post.


Brothers and Sisters, you all get busy and help to Arise the dead Nation, and place them on top of civilization.  My dearest Desire is to give everyone his or her own.

I do not want importance among the Officials nor the Laborers.

Do not do other than yourself.

Do not take on Mixed Instructions other than OUR ASSIGNMENT.


The M.G.T. & G.C.C.:    I can sit on top of the world and tell everyone that
the most beautiful Nation is in the wilderness of
North America.

But do not let me catch any sister other than herself
in regards to living the Life and weighing properly.


Big fields are awaiting for the wide Awake man to work out.

Arise the Dead by the thousands!

The dead Nation must arise – for the Time is at hand.

Look in your Poison Book.

Work cheerfully and fear not!

You are the Righteous, the Best and the Powerful.


After learning Mathematics, which is Islam, and Islam is Mathematics, it stands true.  You can always prove it at no limit of time.  Then you must learn to use it and secure some benefit while you are living, that is – luxury, money, good homes, friendship in all walks of life.

Sit yourself in Heaven at once!  That is the greatest Desire of your Brother and Teachers.

Now you must speak the Language so you can use your Mathematical Theology in the proper Term-otherwise you will not be successful unless you do speak well, for she knows all about you.

The Secretary of Islam offers a reward to the best and neatest worker of this Problem.

There are twenty-six letters in the Language and if a Student learns one letter per day, then how long will it take him to learn the twenty-six letters?

there are ten numbers in the Mathematical Language.  Then how long will it take a Student to learn the whole ten numbers (at the above rate)?

The average man speaks four hundred words – considered well.


  • The total area of the land and water of the planet Earth is 196,940,000 square miles.
  • The circumference of the planet Earth is 24,896 miles.
  • The diameter of the Earth is 7,926 miles.
  • The area of the Land is 57,255,000 square miles.
  • The area of the Water is 139,685,000 square miles.
  • The Pacific Ocean covers 68,634,000 square miles,
  • The Atlantic Ocean covers 41,321,000 square miles.
  • The Indian Ocean covers 29,430,000 square miles.
  • The Lakes and Rivers cover 1,000,000 square miles.
  • The Hills and Mountains cover 14,000,000 square miles.
  • The Islands are 1,910,000 square miles.
  • The Deserts are 4,861,000 square miles.
  • Mount Everest is 29,141 feet high.
  • The Producing Land is 29,000,000 square miles.
  • The Earth weighs six sextillion tons – (a unit followed by 21 ciphers).
  • The Earth is 93,000,000 miles from the Sun.
  • The Earth travels at the rate of 1,037 1/3 miles per hour.
  • Light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second.
  • Sound ravels at the rate of 1,120 feet per second.
  • The diameter of the Sun is 853,000 miles.

(Rules of Islam)

The following questions must be answered one hundred percent before submittance of Student to said, Lesson No,1.
1.  Who is the Original man?
2.  Who is the Colored man?
3.  What is the population of the Colored people in the wilderness of
North America, and all over the planet Earth?
4.  What is the population of the Colored people int he wilderness of
North America, and all over the planet earth?
5.  What is the area in square miles of the planet earth?
How much is the land?
How much is the water?
6.  What are the exact square miles of the useful land that is used every
day by the total population of the planet Earth?
7.  How much of the useful land is used by the original man?
8.  How much of the useful land is used by the Colored man?
9.  What is the birth record of the said, Nation of Islam?
10.  What is the birth record of said, others than Islam?


1. The original man is the Asiatic Black man; the Maker; the Owner; the
Cream of the planet Earth – Father of Civilization, God of the
2. The Colored man is the Caucasian (white man).  Or, Yacub’s grafted
Devil – the Skunk of the planet Earth.
3. The population of the Original nation in the wilderness of North
America is 17,000,000.

  • With the 2,000,000 Indians makes it – 19,000,000.
  • All over the planet Earth is 4,400,000,000.

4. The population of the Colored people in the wilderness of North
America is 103,000,000

  • All over the planet Earth is 400,000,000.

5. The square mileageof the Earth is 196,940,000 square miles.

  • The land is 57,255,000 square miles.
  • The water is 139,685,000 square miles.

6.  The useful land that is used every day by the total population of the
planet Earth is 29,000,000 square miles.

7.  The Original man uses 23,000,000 square miles.

8.  The colored man used 6,000,000 square miles.

9.  The said, Nation of Islam, has no birth record.  It has no
beginning nor ending.

10. Buddhism is 35,000 years old.

  • Christianity is 551 years old.


Another example of NOI foolishness

from the NOI Muhammad Mosque of Charleston, SC

under “founders”

Master Fard Muhammad

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Master Fard Muhammad was born on February 26, 1877 in the Holy City of Mecca. He studied for 42 years to prepare him for his mission among the Lost-Found Original Blackman in America. He was in and out of America for 20 years before he began his mission. Master Fard Muhammad taught at Berkeley University in California from 1910 – 1930. He started selling silk door to door in Detroit Michigan, teaching Islam in the homes of his customers. On July 4, 1930, Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad established the Nation of Islam in America. In 1931, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad heard the teachings of Master Fard Muhammad for the first time and accepts Islam as the true nature and religion of the Blackman. The Saviour taught the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad intensely for 3 1/2 years (1931 – 1934) on the Theology of Time, God, the devil, the knowledge of self and others, the origin of life and the creation of the universe, the period of time of the rule of the White race, the coming of Allah, the resurrection and the judgment. Master Fard Muhammad gave the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad the Maulana Muhammad Ali and the Yusef Ali translations ‘of the Holy Qur’an to read and study. He also recommended 104 books for him to read out of the Library of Congress to help prepare him for his mission. Master Fard Muhammad appointed the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the head or leader of the Nation of Islam in 1934 and leaves him to begin his phase of the mission.The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad A Man Who Raised A Nation:
By the grace and permission of Allah (God) Nearly three decades after President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was born on or about Oct. 7, 1897. Mr. Muhammad was born the 7th child of 12 to William (later named Wali) and Marie Poole, in Sandersville, Ga. Due to poor record keeping by government officials, the exact date of his birth remains unknown, according to historians and family members. Nevertheless, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said his birth took place some time between the first or second week of October 1897 and established Oct. 7 as the anniversary date of his birth. His life’s accomplishments and achievements have made a major impact on both Black and white America. Like few other figures in American history, he quite simply reconstructed society like no one else. The accomplishments of the Muslims, under his direction, achieved dramatic, never before seen results in the areas of religion, politics, social interaction, economic development, and international affairs for the so-called American Negro at that time. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in the dawning of the 21st century, remains a pivotal world policy maker and key figure whose program and position will shape the destiny of the new century and millennium, his supporters have determined.THE HONORABLE MINISTER LOUIS FARRAKHAN
The Nation of Islam under the leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is the catalyst for the growth and development of Islam in America. Founded in 1930 by Master Fard Muhammad and led to prominence from 1934 to 1975 by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Nation of Islam continues to positively impact the quality of life in America. Minister Louis Farrakhan, born Louis Eugene Walcott on May 11, 1933, in Roxbury, Massachusetts was reared in a highly disciplined and spiritual household. Raised by his mother, a native of St. Kitts, Louis and his brother Alvin learned early the value of work, responsibility and intellectual development. Having a strong sensitivity to the plight of black people, his mother engaged her sons in conversations about the struggle for freedom, justice and equality. She also exposed them to progressive material such as the Crisis Magazine, published by the NAACP. Recognizing her son’s artistic talent, young Louis was given a violin before his sixth birthday and began years of formal training financed by his mother’s hard work as both seamstress and housekeeper. By age 13, he had played with the Boston College Orchestra and the Boston Civic Symphony. The talent of young Louis was given national exposure at age 14 when he won the Ted Mack Amateur Hour. He was also one of the first blacks to appear on the popular show. Graduating from high school at age 16, he earned an athletic scholarship for his prowess as a track sprinter and attended Winston-Salem Teachers’ College in North Carolina, excelling in the study of English. During his senior year in September 1953, he married his childhood sweetheart. Shortly thereafter, he left college to begin a family, making a living by using his talent as a performing artist. Popularly known as “The Charmer,” he achieved fame in Boston as a vocalist, calypso singer, dancer, and violinist. However, February 1955 marked a turning point in the life of Louis Walcott. While headlining a show in Chicago entitled “Calypso Follies” the young virtuoso received rave reviews. During this engagement one of his friends from Boston invited him to attend the Nation of Islam’s Saviours’ Day Convention, to be held at the newly purchased Muhammad’s Temple No. 2 at 4335 S. Greenwood Avenue. Minister Malcolm X was informed that the popular musician would attend the convention. While listening to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from his balcony seat, Louis thought to himself, “This man can’t speak,” referring to Mr. Muhammad’s grammar. As these thoughts crossed the future leader’s mind, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad looked up in the balcony and said, “Don’t pay no ‘attention to how I say it. Pay attention to what I say, then take it and put it into that fine languag e that you know.” Although music had been his first love, within three months after joining the Nation of Islam in 1955, Minister Malcolm X told the New York Mosque and the new convert Louis X that Elijah Muhammad had said that all Muslims would have to get out of show business or get out of the Temple. Most of the musicians left Temple No. 7 but Louis X, later renamed Louis Farrakhan, chose to dedicate his life to the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. After moving to Boston at the request of Malcolm X, Louis X proved himself a capable, disciplined, and a well-mannered soldier and eventually rose to the rank of Minister. He worked faithfully from 1956 as the Minister of Muhammad Temple No. 11 in Boston, Massachusetts, building it to become one of the strongest Temples in the Nation. In May of 1965, three months after the death of Malcolm X, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad appointed Minister Farrakhan to Temple No. 7 in New York City. When he arrived in New York the atmosphere was very hostile because of allegations of Muslim involvement in the assassination of Malcolm X. Minister Farrakhan worked night and day in the Harlem community and around New York restoring respect for the Nation. The departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975 and the assumption of leadership by Wallace D. Muhammad (now known as Imam Warrithuddin Mohammed) brought drastic changes to the Nation. After approximately 3 years of wrestling with the changes to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan, after a re-appraisal of the condition of black people and the program of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, decided to return to the teachings and program with a proven ability to uplift and reform blacks. His tremendous success is evidenced by mosques and study groups in over 80 cities in America, Great Britain and a mission in Ghana devoted to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Minister Farrakhan has renewed respect for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, his teachings and program, in rebuilding the Nation. Literally millions of listeners have attended his lectures and he has been welcomed in church after church, sharing pulpits with Christian ministers from a variety of denominations showing the power of the unity of those who believe in the One God. The father of 9, with 23 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, Minister Farrakhan still maintains a grueling work schedule. He has addressed diverse organizations, been received in many Muslim countries as a leading Muslim thinker and teacher, and been welcomed throughout Africa, the Caribbean and Asia as a champion in the struggle for freedom, justice and equality.

browse the entire website and see for yourselves


For some background:

see Wikipedia;

but know this is mostly propaganda by supporters.

Wallace Fard Muhammad

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elijah Muhammad

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Louis Farrakhan

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


and read this speech below ,

Note that Farrakhan mentions in the speech and article below :

“This powerful human being, Master W. Fard Muhammad, is the Supreme Being and raised the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the position of Christ, the first begotten of the spiritually, mentally, economically and morally dead so-called American Negroes, Min. Farrakhan declared.”

Note also that he also mentions:

“…human built planet that has the power to destroy the current civilization … The Wheel …”

The Great War

By Richard B. Muhammad -Editor-in-Chief | Last updated: Mar 16, 2010 – 1:28:30 PM

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Farrakhan concludes powerful series on the judgment of America and wicked forces controlling country

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan Photo:

CHICAGO | Mosque Maryam ( – In a four-hour March 14 message, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan concluded a major lecture series, “The Time And What Must Be Done,” that started with his Saviours’ Day address two weeks earlier.Though the Minister finished his three-part series, the final fight between those who have afflicted Blacks for centuries and ruled the world versus the Supreme Being has just begun. Black America has a ringside seat in the final conflict, in which a prophetic figure is waging war on her behalf, he said.

The Nation of Islam minister again warned of Zionist efforts to force a war between the U.S. and Iran and growing impatience with President Obama’s failure to act. The Minister told these same forces and others to do the president no physical harm—and to contend with him at the ballot box. An election loss is acceptable, but death plots against the president are out of the question, he warned emphatically.

Overflow crowd fills Mosque Maryam for March 14 lecture. Photo: Michael Muhammad

“Allah (God) is angry over America’s mistreatment of the Black man and woman of America who are His people,” said Min. Farrakhan. The standing room only crowd in the sanctuary of the Nation of Islam’s flagship mosque exploded into applause at his declaration. Others watched downstairs and next door at the Muhammad University of Islam gymnasium.This final battle was forecast in the 1930s when the founder of the Nation of Islam made himself known and had Nation of Islam ministers write on blackboards, “Which One Will Survive the War of Armageddon?” with Islam and its flag on one side and the U.S. flag and Christianity on the other.

Just as Jehovah destroyed Pharaoh and made the children of Israel his people and nation, the same is happening today through a powerful being known in scripture as the Messiah and the Mahdi, said the Minister. This powerful human being, Master W. Fard Muhammad, is the Supreme Being and raised the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the position of Christ, the first begotten of the spiritually, mentally, economically and morally dead so-called American Negroes, Min. Farrakhan declared.

Master Fard Muhammad is “anointed with the power of the Originator to set justice in the earth and sit down every tyrant. One would have to be anointed with the power of the Originator to sit down every tyrant to set justice in the earth. Both the Bible and Qur’an tell us of the coming of Allah, the days of Allah … that he would be master of the law of recompense,” said the Minister.

The Mahdi controls a human built planet that has the power to destroy the current civilization and its rulers, the Minister declared. The enemy calls The Wheel and its smaller baby planes UFOs, but they are from this world, but not controlled by this world.

This great Wheel was seen by the Prophet Ezekiel in a vision 500 years before Jesus was born, but it is real now, the Minister continued. The Wheel and fire will be used to destroy this world of wickedness as water was used in the days of Noah, Min. Farrakhan noted. Scripture says fire would be used in the last days of the wicked, he said .

There is no need to fear fire after death, but “if you live through these next few years, you would be wise to try to escape the fire that was not prepared for you, but was prepared for Satan and all his hosts,” Min. Farrakhan said.

The Wheels have been seen over Lake Erie for 10 days the Minister observed. “Chicago newspapers are not talking about it because it verifies what I say,” he said.

Shaped in iniquity

Blacks have suffered over 450 years of torture and oppression in the United States and the first Black president, Barack Obama, cannot change that reality, the Minister said. “He (the president) cannot save America, he would like to, he has a good heart. But unfortunately he has come at the time of the fulfillment of the judgment spoken of in both these books,” said Min. Farrakhan, holding up the Bible and Holy Qur’an, the Islamic book of scripture.

Satan has deceived the entire world through religion, causing followers of all the faiths and righteous teachings to deviate once the prophet or enlightened figure departed, he explained. The slave master taught Jesus was the White son of God so that when the prophetic one showed up Black his own people would reject him—as written in the Bible, Min. Farrakhan said.

“You are legally bound to your slave master. You wear their names and you confess their religion. You’re a White person in Black skin. They have made us into themselves so the wickedness that we do every day of our lives is because of our sojourn with wickedness, with wicked rulers that we have looked up to,” he noted. Our behavior is not in accord with the names of righteous men uttered from the lips because we have been deceived, Min. Farrakhan explained.

The time of the separation of the wicked and righteous has arrived and Blacks have qualified people and can govern themselves if separated from their enemies in a territory, Min. Farrakhan said.

Dark days ahead for America

“The coming of God is the beginning of the final war,” said Min. Farrakhan, referring to scripture where Jesus comes with a sword.

With graphics projected on a huge screen at the mosque and a smaller flat screen nearby, the Minister showed the global position of American military bases, personnel and her naval fleets. America spends billions on weapons of war and is not a peacemaker, he said. Muslims are killing one another and Christians since the U.S. went into Iraq in 1991, he said.

America is leading the nations of the West in the fight against Islam, the Minister said. But as America moves against Islam, her own country continues to fall.

High unemployment, millions without health care, record-setting home losses, financial crises in states across the country, a growing income gap, increased hunger and homelessness, bank failures and bad economic conditions will continue, said the Minister.

What is happening to the minds of people as their country unravels? he asked. There have been record gun sales since Mr. Obama took office and over 100 new militia groups have formed and are prepared to battle the U.S. government, Min. Farrakhan said. While Blacks multiply in gangs angry and killing one another, Whites are growing militias and ready to assault their government, he added.

“America is under the hand of God and her society is unraveling before our eyes and before the eyes of the entire world, God through that man is taking her world down,” said Min. Farrakhan referring to the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. “He’s not dead, he’s alive and in power.”

The Minister repeated his Sept. 17, 1985 experience aboard The Wheel where President Reagan’s plan to attack Libya was revealed and the Hon. Elijah Muhammad instructed him to tell the world “you got it from me, Elijah Muhammad, on The Wheel.” My teacher has divine power and I am an extension of that power and divine authority, said the Minister, who shared his repeated reluctance to talk about himself in such terms. “That’s why I can say something and he (Elijah Muhammad) will bring it to pass. Today I am calling Satan out, he is real,” Min. Farrakhan boldly stated.

The United Nations has failed as a peacekeeper and as Libyan President Muammar Gadhafi said 65 wars have been waged since its inception, the Minister said. Mr. Gadhafi also said the UN Security Council is a terror council against small nations, while Israel is allowed to act with impunity, he continued. But Israel’s time is short, said the Minister.

Zionists are “pressing President Obama to try to put a Black face in front of your evil plans against Iran. You are pressuring President Obama to sanction sanctions that will cripple the Iranian people,” said Min. Farrakhan. The media has labeled Iranian President Ahmadinejad a new Adolph Hitler and the U.S. president has been called the same, he noted. Mr. Obama is unpopular in Israel because he has not conceded to the wishes of Zionists, said Min. Farrakhan. Members of Jewish organizations recently went to Washington to press for sanctions and a nuclear attack if necessary on Iran, the Minister added. Vice President Joe Biden recently went to Israel to patch up the damaged relationship, but failed, he noted.

Jewish anger over criticism of behavior that violates the law of Moses is wrongheaded and “irreligious Jews” cannot claim to be the children of Abraham and violate divine law, he said.

Jewish merchants were involved in the transatlantic slave trade and Jewish managers often profited from Black entertainers who were often left penniless at the end of careers, he said. Some Jews and Whites still see Blacks, including the president, as property, Min. Farrakhan added. Today Jewish control of Black entertainers and artists restricts their activity, he said.

“Why is Farrakhan called anti-Semitic? What have I done to the Jewish people?” the Minister asked. “Show me one Jewish person we have denied education to, show me one Jewish person that we have bombed or burned their places of worship, not one. … They are angry with me because I am attacking now that which the Bible calls the synagogue of Satan.”

“Abraham Foxman, of the ADL, the Anti-Defamation League, he’s the attack dog for the synagogue of Satan, he and these irreligious persons who defile the good name of Jews,” he said.

“The Federal Reserve is the synagogue of Satan, the Rockefellers, the DuPonts, the House of Rothschild, these are the people that have corrupted the entire world and I am here to pronounce your doom.”

Can you be a good Jew and make movies that celebrate what God condemns? Min. Farrakhan asked. “Some of these so-called Jews run the entertainment industry and they make you (Black entertainers) wealthy as long as you degrade yourself and your people.”

“There are good Jewish people, there are Jewish people who love the word of God, who love the law of God and even through their dispersal throughout the world they have tried to be faithful to that word,” said Min. Farrakhan “If you take what (God) taught you in his way, you don’t have anything to fear, but if you have taken the wisdom of God and used it to create a world in opposition to God, I am here to announce the end of your time on our planet. The good Jews must separate themselves from the Jews that besmirch the name.”

He warned those who might try to harm or assassinate the president because he has not done their bidding.

“Let me say this to you America, you better do everything in your power to keep Barack alive, if you don’t like him, vote him out. We can stand to lose an election, but we can’t stand to lose our brother that his wife and children will be like the wife and children of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X,” the Minister said, as applause exploded again from the audience.

He cautioned the president about moving against Iran, saying it would be the wrong decision.

Presidents in the past have used lies to bring America into war, the Minister said. The bombing of the USS Maine was used to justify the the Spanish-American War in 1898; a ghost attack on a U.S. ship on Aug. 4, 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Incident was used to justify American involvement in Vietnam and Bush administration lies about weapons of mass destruction in the lead up to the 2003 Iraq invasion.

The Minister warned against rising fascism, a combination of fierce nationalism and corporate power, in this country. Facists advocate for one party. Do you think the Democrats and Republicans are different? he asked.

The politicians are in bed with the insurance industry, special interests and Israel, with many congressmen honorary Israeli citizens and members of the Knesset, Min. Farrakhan said. “There is not a president that is the real power; the real power are those moneyed people. Barack is not in power. How dare you think that he could give you what no other president before him has been able to give you even if they desired to do it.”

Fascists rule by fear and there is growing hatred of Islam, surveillance of Muslims and plots to charge believers with terrorism, but no Muslim needs to be a terrorist, if he knows God, he said.

Come after us and God will destroy you and what you think you love, the Minister said. He acknowledged that his message would mean increased hatred and targeting of him and those with him—but there would also be consequences for his enemies and America. “He (God) is going to multiply your calamities. There’ll be more wind, more unusual rain, violent storms, earthquakes,” Min. Farrakhan said.

America is falling fast and murder and bloodshed will be in the streets, he said. The powerful are relentless in their willingness to do anything to achieve their ends.

The horrific events of Sept. 11, 2001 and the bombing of the World Trade Center was done by people inside the U.S. government and banking system to use fear to move the people to create an endless war on terror—which is really a war against Islam, he said.

“There are many who are saying the official government version of events is not what really happened,” the Minister noted.

Among many questions he asked: How could someone with who failed flying a single prop plane execute a complex maneuver and crash a jetliner into the World Trade Center tower; how did the towers collapse so quickly; why were lucrative investment bets placed on United and American-Airlines and some corporate offices in the World Trade Center that yielded profits if their stock prices fell; why have at least five alleged hijackers been reported alive and how did the government know their identities so soon after the attack; what happened to the debris from the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania and why didn’t damage at the Pentagon appear to match destruction commensurate with the size of the 757 jetliner, laden with fuel, that reportedly struck? How did the U.S. end up in Afghanistan and Iraq if the alleged attackers were Saudi Arabian? he asked. When the Bush administration said Osama Bin Laden was responsible and the Afghans asked to be shown the proof, President Bush arrogantly said turn Mr. Bin Laden over or else.

Six months before the 9-11 attacks the World Trade Center was purchased by the Silverstein Group for $3.2 billion and Larry Silverstein took out insurance which included acts of terrorism, the Minister noted. The potential payout was $4.6 billion and a huge profit was made off of the attacks based on a court decision, Min. Farrakhan said.

The Minister urged Blacks to morally repent, reform their lives and separate from those who are involved in wicked behavior, to be saved. “May Allah open your hearts to hear the truth,” he said. “The Time And What Must Be Done has been completed and now I leave you with Allah.”


And more foolishness from another well known

NOI website

Explanation of Master Fard Muhammad

By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Transcribed from an audio-cassette tape of the same title.

...You are surrounded with water. The Great Pacific Ocean stretches out several thousand square miles. Millions of square miles. Here you thinks that you were safe. No Nation could attack you between these two great oceans. You was long ways from any attacker. This was in the heads of your fathers. But today you find that the earth is very narrow. With modern transportation. Circling around the earth in less than a days time. You have learned that you are not out of the reach of God, Who can find us wherever we may be. As The Book teaches you, even though you may go an ascend above the clouds or into the heavens,  or at the bottom of the ocean, nevertheless He will get us just the same. No way to hide. The Judgment has come. Who shall be the Judge. According to the Bible in the 25th chapter and the 30th verse to the 34th verse of the 25th chapter of Matthew (the Bible), it teaches us like this, according to the prophecy of Jesus, at least its put here as the words of Jesus. Goes something like this. When the Son of Man shall come in His Glory and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of  His Glory. Here. Let’s take a look at this. When the Son of Man shall come in His Glory. In His Time. And in the Day or Year that He should take for Himself to rule the people in righteousness and Judge the unrighteous and give to the righteous, their reward and bring upon the unrighteous, the consequences of their doings of evil. He shall sit upon the throne of His Glory. He shall, not say have a seat, sitting down, but He has the power that He is now ready to execute within His own hands. Within His own Person, to do according to Justice and righteousness as it was predicted for Him to do before His appearance. Thirty-second: And before Him shall be gathered all  Nations. Think over this. Before Him shall be gathered all Nations. Not one but all the Nations. And He shall separated them, one from another.

Did you say you didn’t want to be separated, my poor Black people, here in America? But here, it is written that you shall be separated. It is prophesied and written in the Book of Moses, that in the beginning God separated the sons of Adam. The sons of Adam meaning the various colors that was made through grafting the color white out of Blackman, so God, Almighty, To Whom Praise is due, has taught me, Master Fard Muhammad. Try and dispute anything. You can’t do it today. Everything is made manifest. You can’t do no disputing. You’d only make a fool of yourself, trying to dispute truth, when it has made its’ appearance.

Here we have, that before Him shall be gathered all Nations. All the Nations of the earth, today, we bear witness, is now at war with each other. We bear witness that all the Nations today is now gathered before God, Almighty. Who shall Judge us? The Son of Man. Who is the Son of Man? Now, you ask the big question. It shall be answered. He’s not a spirit. HE IS A MAN, HIMSELF! And only Man can judge or dictate or confer or have any sympathy in the affairs of a man. There is no interest that man takes in no life on the earth, as he takes in another man. He have no interest in trying to take in another life, a beast life, a fowl life, sea life, beast life, as He, Himself and His kind. He has great interest in the affairs of his fellow man. But not any  other life. He will treat other life fairly, but He has too much superiority over other lives, therefore He looks upon them as a low creature to Himself and His Kind. The interest in the affairs of man. So The Son of Man must be the Judge of man. It takes Man, who are interested in man to sit as judge over man and man’s affairs. I want you who has been taught that the Son of Man is some kind of  spook or the Coming of the Son of Man is spooky and not flesh and blood, or matter, that we can see and  feel, you have been made to believe other-than the real truth. Almighty God to Whom Praise is Due Forever, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad demands you and me today  to prove that God is such thing that has been taught to you and me, some kind of spirit or spook. He demands us to prove these things. He demands our teachers who have deceived us to prove such teachings, as God is something other than man. His appearance. His name should have taught us that God is a Man. His Name, the pronoun used for Masculine, should have taught us that God is a Man. His hearing. His seeing. And His thinking. And His revealing things to us in our language and His tender care for us. And His part taken in our affairs should have taught us that God is a Man. He sees. He hears. He knows. He acts like we and He is a Person. His wisdom is taught to us, Whom He pleases. He is a Man. The Son of Man. Why is He mentioned as The Son of Man, instead of just saying A Man shall sit and Judge the Nations of the World? But why He’s referred to as Son of Man? It is to teach us this lesson. That He is part of a made man and part of an Original man, who had no beginning, nor ending. He’s part of the two. He’s part of the people, Whom He comes to Judge and to destroy. And He’s part of the people that He comes to Save. This gives Him that particular good and merciful love for that people, the Aboriginal People of Whom He is part of. It gives Him that anger and that warlike spirit and that merciful like spirit of the enemy, whom He’s part of. As you it in the Bible, He’s made from both.

Let’s take a look in the Revelation here. “And I saw a woman sitting in heaven, with a crown upon her head and the elders was  with her and she had the moon under her feet.” These are symbolic things that is said to you, but nevertheless, she had a son. The woman was there with the son. Not a literal son. This woman is the mother of the Man. The Son of Man, born in heaven from a woman taken from the Caucasian people. But nevertheless was made pure. As  you used to hear it said that Mary, God taking seven devils out of Mary in order to make her fit to bear Jesus.

I want you to know that this is not referring to Mary in Palestine, 2000 years ago. This is the mother of the Mahadiah, The Mahdi, as He’s called by the Arab and by the Qur’an. The name Mahdi, or Mahadiah, means One coming at the end of the world, self-independent and self-guided and comes to guide others. He, Himself, is Self-Guided. This is God in Person. You find this in the 22nd Surah of the Qur’an.

Let us take a look, again. Since you have known that the Son of Man, as you made it Jesus 2000 years ago, that He was to be born and given a body suitable to condemn the wicked and to get among the wicked so that He could get a first-hand their evil doings. He comes among them, as the Jesus prophesied, without observation. This is a good way to not recognize a Man, when He looks like you. When He came among us, He looked something like us. He favored our people. We could let Him in. And I was one who let Him in my home. He ate with me for many days. I listened to His knock on my door. At that time, I had no doorbell. It was just a door. And He knocked on my door and I…

The Revelations, how it teachings of how He will knock on the door, whosoever let Him in and give Him food, He also would eat with them. So, now, I’m dining with Him. Because in those days, I was very hungry. Had not good food to eat.

Let’s take another look at it. (Coughing) Pardon me. “And He shall separate them, one from another.” “As a shepherd divides his sheep from the goat.” Here the sheep, as you know, represent the righteous. The goat represents the wicked. Again, you know this to be true. Because you have read this time and again and again. And the nature of a goat is mischief-making. And the nature of a sheep is peace and harmony. This is two animals very very good to describe the righteous and the wicked.  And we know that Black people are not mischief-makers. They are very peaceful. If we are to ourselves, we do not seek to lynch and burn one another. We can always agree, if we are left alone. And keep the white man out of our home and out of our presence. And out of our problems that we want to solve for the makings of peace.

The Judgment, as this, you will find another album on the same subject, because this kind subject cannot be put on one album. It takes hours to bring you into the real of the Judgment that is now prevailing over the white world of man. It’s a sad time and its a mean, wicked time. It’s a time of anger. A time of warring, one against the other. A time of no spirit of God working among the evil-doers. They are let loose like wild animals to do all of their hearts desire of evil. Everything that they can imagine is evil, as it was in the Day of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Bible teaches us, that God said the very imagination of them was to do evil. And in the Days of Noah’s flood, the same. The people’s whole heart had gone over to the doings of evil. So it is today, as you see it.

The Son of Man, “Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand…” He’s, now, the King. He was The Son of Man … but when He gets them separated, He becomes the King. He shall say, to them on His right hand, “Come ye blessed of my father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, inherit the Kingdom prepared for  you from the foundation of the world.” It was already the Kingdom of the Righteous. They were before the foundation of the evil race. They ruled in righteous. The earth was theirs. The earth still belongs to them. Come now, after the King conquers, this is what is said here. After He conquers the goats, put the goats to themselves, out of the pasture of the righteous, He says now, “This is  your Kingdom. It was yours in the Beginning. And now take your kingdom and be at peace. Enjoy it. It was created for you.” Wonderful my people! There is no beginning to Black. We have no birth record of Him. The earth belongs to the Black people. It is not something they have to fight for. It’s already theirs. They just take for themselves now and rule it. And become the entire power of it, as it is already their home. Their fathers made it for us to enjoy. An enemy came in and made us an enemy. But this is the end. This is the Judgment of the enemy.

We are going to move further and further into this subject. He says, that it was prepared for the righteous from the beginning. Then He comes in the 35th verse, in a Time of the Judgment, for this work is in the Time of the Judgment. When He made His appearance among them, He sometime was hungry. Sometime He was naked. We bought him clothes. We gave Him food. This is true. For I was hungry and he gave me meat. I was thirsty, he gave me drink. I was a stranger and you took me in. I was a stranger in the country in the country. No one knew who I was, but you took me in. So, now, enter into the joy of your Lord. Be happy. I have conquered the world. In words He’s saying now. And I want to pay  you for your kindness to Me, when I was not known. Only you, I revealed Myself to. Now, I want  you to know, that I want to reward you for feeding, and clothing and sheltering me in the days when I was not known by this world. Enter into the joy. I want to make you happy. It is all yours.

Let’s see what the Holy Qur’an has to say about this.  The Holy Qur’an also mentions the Judgment as being a time when all the nations would be gathered together. He says, here, which makes it a little more plainer to us, under the title of ___________ in the fourth section, 28th verse of the Chapter or Surah 45 of the Holy Qur’an. The 28th  verse says, “And you shall see every Nation kneeling down. Every Nation shall be called to it’s Book. Today you shall be rewarded for what did”. Think over that.

Every Nation kneeling down. Every Nation submitting to the Record that they kept themselves in their own Book. Every Nation has a Book of records. They call it the History of that Nation. All God wants man to do, and that Day and in this Day and time we are living in, to submit to your own doing. As the Holy Qur’an teaches us, around the 76th or 75th Surah, that man will be made to confess his own doing and will not charge his own evil to another. It goes something like this, “The spirit of self, the self-accusing spirit, or self accuses self of it’s shortcomings.” I say to you. It says here in the 29th verse of the 45th Chapter…This is our book that speaks against you with Justice. He comes to do justice. See the finishing of this on the second album, The Judgment. Buy both for the same price. Thank you.

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P.O Box 44261
Detroit, MI 48244
Phone: 313-371-7033

For this partuclar article see


and this speaks below for itself

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad


We Thank Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad For Raising Up His Last and Greatest Messenger, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad!!

Before any Black person in America can intelligently talk about “accomplishments,” by, of, and for Black people, that person — be he Muslim or not — must look at the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah.

Those of us who are blessed to be registered followers of Messenger Muhammad are doubly blessed, but those other Black people who have not yet recognized the wisdom in His Divine leadership are blessed just the same, because whether we like to admit it or not,   we are following His great example, program,  or some parts of it — that is if we are having  any success at all.

And while we, the Muslims give credit first to Almighty God, Allah, Who came in the Person of  Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are Due Forever, Who is personally responsible for any success we have,  We forever give praises and thanks to Almighty God, Allah, for such a wonderful gift and accomplisher, as His own Messenger, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who gave more than 44 years of his life to raise Black men and women in America up to be respected by civilized societies as a Nation of people.

Why did we need Elijah Muhammad?

Because of slavery in America, separations occurred; fathers from families, mothers from daughters and sons — Beatings, killings, tortures. Life for the Black man in America was suffering, shame and death.

The Emancipation Proclamation, after the Civil War brought about the Black man becoming a WILLING servant or slave for his former slavemaster, NOT a return to his name, language, country or God.

The Black man in America truly fitted the people described in Genesis Chapter 15:13:

“And He said unto Abraham, know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs. And they shall serve them and they shall afflict them 400 years. And also that Nation whom they shall serve will I judge and afterwards shall they come out with great substance.”

After the Civil War, the Black began calling himself in the names of his slave master. Practicing the religion of the slavemaster, speaking the language of the slavemaster. He was given nothing by the slavemaster to go for self.

Slavery, suffering and death was, now, the lifestyle for the Blackman of America, now called; Negro, nigger, coon, pickininny, shine, boy, uncle, etc…

There was work from sun up to sun up. No pay! or very little pay. More suffering, more misery, and more death!

Those in the KKK and those out of the KKK kill the Black man for nothing other than the color of his skin being Black.  Torturing and killing the Black man was a pleasurable thing –A SPORT–for the white man.

The Black man called our for relief. The Black man prayed to the mystery God for relief from his pain, misery, suffering, shame and death, but no relief came.

The NAACP was organized in the early 1900’s by a group of whites and blacks but still no relief for the Black man.

The Black man took up arms to fight for America in World War I, as he did in the Spanish-American War and the Civil War but, still, no relief  for the Black man.

More lynchings and burnings. More work and no pay — still no relief for the Black man.

In the 1920’s,Marcus Garvey organized the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), which attempted to instill Black pride and to return Blacks to Africa. Garvey was jailed and deported. No relief for the Black man.

Now the Black man hated himself. He hated his color. He hated being Black or even being called Black. He joked:

“If you’re white, you’re right; if you’re yellow, you’re mellow; if you’re brown, stick around; but if you’re Black, GET BACK!”

He began calling himself anything but Black; names such as: olive-colored, creole, bronze, chocolate, tan, Indian. He had no money, no clothing, nor even a home.

The Great Depression of 1929 arrived. Blacks lived, mainly in the South doing sharecropping, land-renting or even in bonded slavery. Some migrated to the North to seek improvement as janitors, porters, maids, cooks, mammies, mail carriers, street cleaners and to face even more slavery, suffering and death, as the brothers in the South.

No relief to their cries or prayers for justice until about 1930, when a man –A Saviour-Master W.D. Fard, began teaching and searching among Blacks in Detroit, Michigan for a man of the Black condition and experience to LEAD and TEACH the Black man in America and put him on the road to Freedom, Justice, and Equality.

Elijah’s Coming Foretold in the Bible!

It was written of and foretold by God in Deuteronomy 18:18:

“I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brotheren, like unto thee and I will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.”

As it was prophesied, now it was fulfilled and true.

In Malachi 4:2

“Behold I will send you ELIJAH – The Prophet – just before the coming of the Great and Dreadful day of the Lord, and he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and children’s hearts to their father less I smite the Earth with a curse.”

Our Leader and Teacher, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Last and Greatest Messenger of Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad was born the second week of October, 1897 to William and Marie, who went in the name of their former slavemaster-Poole. They lived in an area near Sandersville, Georgia and Desoto, Georgia, which is about five miles into the woods, in a community known as Bold Springs, GA. Bold Springs was a 100 militia district of Washington County, Georgia.

The Messenger’s father, at that time, was a Baptist preacher  and taught sometimes in his church. He sharecropped to earn money for his family, as a farmer.

The parents loved their children –eight sons and five daughters. But one son –ELIJAH– even as a child was unusually different. He had a yearn for learning. He studied ways of nature. He would study the Bible and would practice on his Brothers and Sisters as a preacher. He was destined for the future.

In the back of the church his father preached in, is a family cemetery.

The family of Messenger Elijah Muhammad moved to Cordell, Georgia about the time when he was about six years old. There, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad worked in the fields, along with his brothers and sisters, planting and plowing behind a mule; reaping and harvesting, picking, planting and chopping crop.

Schooling was not a required thing for Elijah and the other Blacks in the South, only work, day and night — night and day.

The family  of our Leader and Teacher, moved to Cordell in the early 1900’s, in an area known as Winona, about five miles south of Cordell.

The Messenger’s family was very poor. They lived across the road from the train depot, where one train a day passed through, which they called: ‘The shoe-fly:.

Messenger Elijah Muhammad would walk down what was called:  The Rock House Road: to visit Sister Clara Muhammad.

The Messenger and his family attended Zion Hope Baptist Church, which was located on old Highway 41 below Winona.

Messenger Elijah Muhammad met Sister Clara Muhammad, one of three daughters and two sons of the Evans family, in about 1915 at a church meeting house in the country.

Sister Clara Muhammad, the Messenger’s one and only wife, was born in Houston, County just outside of Unadilla, Georgia. Her father always rented land.

Sister Clara Muhammad’s sister, Rose, remembers the Messenger always coming to their house on a Sunday afternoon, just after church; around 6:00 pm; leaving around 9:00 pm because he had to work in the fields the next day. He always visited wearing a blue suit and tie, but never a hat. But he did wear a straw hat when plowing.

After two years of courtship, they were married (eloped) on May 2, 1917. Sister Clara’s father was furious because of their elopement. They lived in a rented room. Their first son, Emanuel was born February 3, 1921 in Sister Clara Muhammad’s parents home, as the Messenger left, going to Macon, GA, seeking better employment and higher wages to support his family.

The Messenger sent for his wife and their 1-1/2 month old son, to join him in Macon, Georgia, where he worked for the Cherokee Brick and Tile Company, as a section hand and for the Southern Railroad and other jobs.

At all of his jobs, his co-workers, themselves, chose him to be their spokesman or his employer chose him to supervise others.

Blacks were poor and suffering with no jobs or jobs with very little pay. The beatings, lynchings and tortures of Black people was a frequent and seemingly legal affair.

Segregation was a way of life. Some Blacks tried to escape by changing their color, using bleaching cream on their skin to lighten it and using lye, other chemicals and hot combs to straighten their hair.

Our Leader, Messenger Elijah Muhammad moved to Detroit, Michigan. There he worked at American Canning Factory, and Chevrolet and other places. Almost always being chosen by his co-workers or employers as a Leader of men — to be foreman or supervisor.

He was always kind and considerate and concerned for his fellow brothers.

Blacks were still suffering all over America.

The Poole family, as our leader did not, yet, have the knowledge of his self, nor God, and was yet going in the slavemaster’s name. They were living at 8474 Manhattan Street in Hamtramck, an area surrounded by Detroit, Michigan with an outside toilet.

The Messenger meets The Saviour

In Detroit one day in the latter part of 1931, our leader met with Master W.D. Fard –THE SAVIOUR–Who was Teaching among Blacks at 3208 Hasting Street.

Our Leader immediately recognized the POWER of THE MESSAGE and THE MAN (MASTER W.D. FARD) Who said that He was God in Person.

Our Leader, right away, accepted the Truth of the Message and the giver of the Message, seeking more insight, more wisdom, knowledge and more understanding.

Our Leader’s family was poor and suffering. The children; Emmanuel, now 10, Ethel, Nathaniel and Lottie, had little clothing, mostly wearing clothes given to Sister Clara by the people she worked for.

Emmanuel, remembering said, “They did not know the original color of the clothes as they had so many patches.”

Their shoes were reinforced with cardboard and their father could not afford shoe repair.

No toys for the children. Only an old tricycle, which their grandfather found and gave to Emmanuel. Ethel had an old rag doll and Emmanuel would wear his mother’s shoes to school, only to take them off at the railroad crossing to hide them before continuing on to school, barefooted.

Meat was on the table about twice a month. Elijah was too poor even to by the poison meat — The Pig–or pork. Their meat purchases were chicken feet, clipping the toenails before cooking. Sometimes they were able to buy and kill chickens and saved the feathers to make pillows and mattresses. Sour spoiled bean soup was sprinkled with vinegar to kill the taste and odor for eating, but never thrown away.

Emmanuel would pick thrown away vegetable leaves to feed the family and picked coals along the railroad tracks to burn in the stove for cooking.

This was the condition then and yet today the Black man in America, to which our Leader and Teacher sought relief had now had a solution.

Immediately upon accepting the Message of our Saviour, MASTER W.D. FARD, the condition of our Leader and Teacher, who was now called Elijah Karriem, began to be improved. He moved into a home at 3050 Yeamen Street in Detroit, which was owned by Mr. & Mrs. Butler, where Master W.D. Fard paid the first months rent.

Later he (Messenger Elijah Muhammad) moved to 283, E Hancock Street, in a 2-family home where his brother Kalat and family lived on the first floor.

The Temple of Islam was located at Chene and Chestnut Street, now a vacant lot. Then 3408 Hastings Street and later at Adams and St. Antione Street.

In 1931, Sister Clara Muhammad wrote and told her mother that they had met A SAVIOUR. Sister Muhammad’s mother did not want to believe her, but Sister Muhammad was very stanch in her belief.

Always interested to reach the, then 17,000,000 of our Black people, in the wilderness of North America, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad started up a weekly newspaper called the Final Call to Islam, to give the message of his mission a larger audience.

On September 5, 1934, Messenger Elijah Muhammad and his family took up residence in Chicago, Illinois at 5830 South Wabash Avenue. Later they moved to 3735 South Giles.

In the late 1930’s they moved to 5308 they moved South Wabash.

In he meantime, as the Messenger was chased by enemies to be killed, his family and followers held fast to the handle of Islam. The men, known as the Fruit of Islam, worked. Their wives an daughters stayed home to cook, sew, and take care of their home and raise their children.

Sister Clara Muhammad, the one and only wife of the Messenger, carried out instructions of her husband, assigning work duties to the children, requiring that they completed their work; keeping a close discipline, loving family at the accepted ridicule for attending the Muslim school classes in homes and for even being clean and self-respecting and wearing long dresses and covering their heads.

During World War II, Messenger Elijah Muhammad was jailed for not registering for the draft, (even though, according to the U.S. law, he was too old to register) from 1942 to 1946, in a penitentiary at Milan, Michigan. There, he continued to Teach what Allah (God), Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, had taught him.

Upon his release, Messenger Elijah Muhammad made double time in building a NATION of Black people out of the down-trodden Black man and woman in America.

For the first time in the history of the Black man and woman in America, we were becoming independent of white people.

At the announcement of the death of Messenger Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him) — on February 25, 1975, at the age of 78, in a Chicago hospital, reportedly, of congestive heart failure — with no aid from white people, he left behind, an empire, estimated to be worth $60,000,000, which included LAND and cattle holdings in Michigan, Georgia and Alabama, along with grocery stores, restaurants, mosques, schools and newspapers, homes, clothing stores and many other things that a NATION must have to survive.

Information About Muhammad Speaks Newspaper Click on picture Muhammad Speaks
P.O Box 44261
Detroit, MI 48244
Phone: 313-371-7033



And this article from those that claim  that Elijah is the last and greatest messenger of “Allah” meaning Fard according to their esoteric theology

The Man of the Century:
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
The Nation of Islam began in 1930, following the coming of Master Fard Muhammad in the city of Detroit. The Nation of Islam is the most fascinating and progressive black institutions in America; and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the most significant and misunderstood leader in the twentieth century. This article focuses on the life and works of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from 1950 to 1975. Elijah Muhammad (formerly named Elijah Poole) was born in Sandersville, Georgia in 1897. Master Fard Muhammad (Allah in Person) appointed him, Messenger of Allah, in 1934. “We believe that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad on July 4, 1930, the long awaited Messiah of the Christians and the Mahdi” of the Muslims”, according to point twelve of “What the Muslims Believe”. His mission was to give life to a mentally dead people, the so-called American Negro.The 1950s for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad came on the heels of the Great Depression of the 30s and World War II of the 40s. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had faced many trials and hardships in the early days. From 1935 to 1942, he fled the cities of Chicago and Detroit, running up and down the east coast of America evading two enemies. One enemy was the United States government and the other, former Nation of Islam members disgruntled at his selection as Messenger of Allah. These former Nation of Islam members, more popularly known amongst the Muslims as “hypocrites” sought to take the life of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad; among them, one of his own blood brothers. On May 8, 1942, the police arrested him in Washington, D.C. on a false charge of draft evasion. At 45 years old, Muhammad exceeded the Armed Forces draft age of 44. He would serve 5 years in the Milan Michigan Federal Penitentiary. Later, he served another eleven months for teaching his children.

During the 1950s, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began to reap the benefits of the seeds planted in prison and his journeys throughout the east coast. Muhammad’s Temples of Islam began to spring up in Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, Hartford, New York, New Jersey, Cleveland, and San Diego to name a few. In 1957, he published an easy to read booklet, The Supreme Wisdom. He continued to write his column, “Mr. Muhammad Speaks”, in the Pittsburgh Courier and Chicago Crusader newspapers while on the road. His teachings had taken root in the lives of his followers. The Messenger’s program for self-development and his economic blueprint had come into fruition. The opening of a variety of small businesses such as dry cleaners, clothing shops, barbershops, restaurants, and bakeries demonstrated the faith and work of the followers.

Prior to 1959, the masses of Blacks in America viewed the Muslims as strange people in America. They dressed differently; lived clean lives, didn’t use tobacco or alcohol, and didn’t eat pork. That image changed following an address at the Uline Arena in Washington, D.C. on May 20, 1959. He returned to a city that the police arrested him 17 years earlier. The city provided him with a presidential escort down Pennsylvania Avenue by the capital police; an honor never given to a Black man. In a thunderous and authoritative voice, he delivered an electrifying speech to a capacity crowd of ten thousand Black men and women. He challenged the manhood of Black leadership in America: “Don’t demand a job! Demand some earth!” he exclaimed.

Alarmed by the growing number of blacks attending Muslim rallies and conventions, the Nation of Islam became the victim of an onslaught of attacks launched by the government and the mainstream media. Many in the white media began to label Muhammad and his followers as hate-teachers. Leading the charge was journalist Mike Wallace, hosting the television special “The Hate That Hate Produced”. Other programs soon followed, such as specials on News Magazine, and NBC’s “No Whites Allowed”. Orthodox Muslims and Negroes received forums for the sole purpose of denouncing him.

In December of 1959, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made the pilgrimage to Mecca Arabia. Received with love and admiration for his works, Muhammad traveled throughout the Muslim World, visiting Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Egypt; where Egyptian President Abdel Nasser offered to build the Messenger a palace, if he would move to Egypt. It was in the country of Sudan where Muhammad received his warmest reception. After speaking for only fifteen (15) minutes through an interpreter, the Sudanese people joy-filled frenzy nearly crushed the five feet seven inches and one hundred thirty-five pound Elijah to death, trying to shake his hand and hug him. He destroyed the lie that the Muslims in the East do not recognize the Nation of Islam. “The common Muslim may not recognize us, but the scholars and scientists of Islam, they recognize us,” Muhammad told Chicago journalist Irv Kupcinet.

Returning to his headquarters in Chicago in 1960, the Nation of Islam leader published the first edition of “Mr. Muhammad Speaks”, a weekly newspaper. In 1968, the Nation of Islam purchased a massive four-story, sixty thousand square foot building that served as the newspaper printing plant, cold storage, and tractor-truck storage. In the same year, the Salaam Restaurant and Your Supermarket opened. The Nation’s farms in Michigan, Georgia, and Alabama supplied most of the products. The Muslim followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad flourished during the 1960s. But their success was not without persecution at the hands of armed local police officers most notably in the Louisiana and California mosques. In Los Angeles, a Muslim brother, Ronald T. X was shot down in cold blood.

The influence of Muhammad could indirectly be seen and felt outside the Nation of Islam as new Black radical and nationalist groups dissatisfied with the progress of integration began to form, advocating self-help and Black power. People from around the world found their way to the doorsteps of Muhammad. Visitors from China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the continent of African came to see for themselves the miracles being formed by the man from Sandersville, Georgia with a third grade education. The F.B.I. in a document dated January 7, 1969, concluded that the Nation of Islam was the personal fielder of Elijah Muhammad and that they should wait until he dies and then infiltrate the Nation and change the philosophy.

The world would witness the Nation of Islam reach it’s apex of glory and success during the 1970s. During this time, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad entered into international trade with the government of Peru. Up to three million pounds of fish per month were imported and stored in the Nation’s storage facilities. It was the Messenger’s plan and desire to feed the masses good food at economical prices.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s love for his people extended beyond his followers and he demonstrated this in his hiring practices. Many non-Muslims managed Muslim ventures and businesses. One such venture was the Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. acquired in 1973 and managed by Oscar Williams. John Woodward became Editor-in-Chief of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper, and Christine Johnson became the principal of the University of Islam. He also provided financial support to numerous Black political candidates he felt had the Black community’s interest at heart.

His love and friendship with President Naseer of Egypt convinced Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi to loan the Honorable Elijah Muhammad three million dollars to purchase a mosque on Chicago’s Southside at 7351 S. Stoney Island Avenue. Governors and Mayors of major cities throughout the United States began to pay homage to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Most notable, here in the City of Chicago, Mayor Richard J. Daley’s proclamation of 1974 declaring March 20th, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Day.

During his last sermon, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad urged his followers to respect those who respected them. He also stated that if we qualified ourselves and attempted to do something for ourselves, the world would respect the Black community. Stating that the white man was no longer hindering us as a people, he urged the Black Nation to “Get Up and Go to Work!”

At the time of his departure on February 25, 1975, the news reports stated, the empire amassed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad estimated at eighty million dollars. While the monetary value of the Messenger is significant, it is more important to place him in the proper context in which he operated. The commission by Allah (God) to raise a mentally dead people and bring them into the knowledge of themselves, God, and others was the prime directive. The monetary accomplishments were incidental. Provided with the foundation; the acquisition of land, money, good homes, friendship, banks, hospitals, restaurants, international trade and commerce automatically followed. For the followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, they bore witness to these and many other miracles.

As many discuss the men and women of the Millennium, a name has not been mentioned that accomplished what the Messenger achieved single-handedly with the knowledge he received from whom he said was Allah (God) in Person. His belief and commitment to his God raised a mentally dead people. I humbly submit that my man for the Millennium and beyond is the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

© 2006 The Coalition for the Remembrance of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (CROE)

© 2006 The Coalition for the Remembrance of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (CROE)



And we find on various forums the likes of these statements below, from


Quincy_X , and , Hardworker Warrior

Join Date: Apr 2009


Premium Member Location: Norfolk, VA

Premium Member There’s no God but Allah and The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is His Messenger!

There is no God but Allah and The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is His Messenger!

And this Hardworker Join Date: Jun 2009

Location: Los Angeles


This is true… this is true.

Master Fard Muhammad is Allah and His Messenger is Elijah Muhammad.

“I am with Allah to convince the world that He is God in the person of Master Fard Muhammad and that idols are things, not persons. According to the Bible and Holy Qur’an, god is referred to by the pronoun “He,” never as “She” – always in the masculine term.”

~Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah~

“Some so-called Negroes, who are in love with the devils, do not like to see nor hear it being made manifest. We could lose them without ever missing them; for all who are found believing in, and in love with, the devils will be destroyed with the devils. “

Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah



Note this article below from a Christian Perspective.

As if they understand some of the idolatry and blasphemy that some of our Muslim brothers do not understand… ouch


Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam:

Part One

Eric Pement

Cornerstone, vol. 26, issue 111 (1997), p. 10-16, 20
ISSN 0275-2743

Part One of a Two-Part Article

In Part One, we will examine the history of the Nation of Islam, the lives of its leaders, and some of the things which make it attractive to African-Americans. In the next issue, we will investigate its belief system, comparing it with traditional Islam and with Christianity.

The growth of the Nation of Islam (NOI) and the increasing influence of Louis Farrakhan demand our special attention to this movement. Louis Farrakhan, now sixty-three, has been promoting the teachings of the late Elijah Muhammad (founder of the Nation of Islam in the 1930s) for over forty years. “Minister Farrakhan,” the preferred term to designate the leader of the revived Nation of Islam, has twice been on the cover of Time magazine and been the featured subject for hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles worldwide.

Chief organizer of the Million Man March on Washington, D.C. (October 16, 1995), Farrakhan found begrudging recognition and admiration even among his longtime critics. While many thousands said they attended the March for black people, not for Farrakhan, still Minister Farrakhan’s ability to organize the March, gathering close to one million peaceful black men, gave him a unique position in the eyes of black America.

Long before the March, Louis Farrakhan had become established as a role model for tens of thousands of blacks. His dynamic preaching and his stance for a drug-free society, moral fidelity, black potential, and for blacks to share their material and moral gains with their fellow blacks—all positive and commendable individually—served to give him credibility and moral leverage.

Yet the growth of the Nation of Islam is cause for concern because its doctrines challenge the Christian truth claim on every major front: on the nature of God, the validity of the Bible, the person and work of Christ, and the idea of life after death. Many people believe Farrakhan’s teaching is basically theistic or Islamic. As we shall see in the next installment, this is not the case.

Another development stands to make the Nation of Islam an impending challenge to the Christian church: money. On February 25, 1996, at the annual “Savior’s Day” conference in Chicago, Louis Farrakhan described his recent visit to Libya and various nations of Africa. Farrakhan told thousands of listeners that Libyian leader Mu’ammar Gadhafi promised to give the Nation of Islam a grant of one billion dollars to build schools, industries, mosques, and other facilities to advance the cause of Islam under Louis Farrakhan.[1] Given the size of this gift, plus the fact that Libya is considered a “terrorist nation” by the United States State Department, in March 1996 the federal government suggested that Farrakhan register as an agent of a foreign government.[2] This never materialized. However, if the offer is legitimate, that amount of money would have a serious effect on the political and religious landscape of America by anyone’s reckoning.

(Sidebar) NOTE:

The fundamental philosophies of Western civilization are rooted in white supremacy. You can’t bring a black child into that kind of educational environment and produce a child who loves and respects itself. You produce a child who bows down to white people and looks at white people as being God. . . . This is why Malcolm X left school and went into criminal life.

—Louis Farrakhan,
A Torchlight for America

Origins of the Nation of Islam

The Nation of Islam began in 1930 with the arrival of Wallace Dodd Fard to the black ghetto of Detroit. To the black underclass, Fard presented himself as a merchant allegedly from “the holy city of Mecca.” He sold silks, hats, and other artifacts allegedly imported from his homeland, though Elijah Muhammad once stated that Fard was not a silk peddler but a tailor of custom-made clothes.[3] Poor black families would invite Fard to their homes, where he who assumed the role of a Muslim teacher, reading to them directly from an Arabic edition of the Qur’an.[4] At the dinner table Fard warned his hosts against pork, polished rice, and other foods: “Now don’t eat this food, it is poison for you. The people in your own country do not eat it. Since they eat the right kind of food they have the best health all the time.”[5]

In various ways Fard undermined his hearers’ faith in Christianity and the Bible, which for generations had sustained downtrodden black families. He encouraged his followers to listen to radio broadcasts of Jehovah’s Witness president Joseph Rutherford, whose rallying cry at that time was “Religion is a snare and a racket.” Fard also used Jehovah’s Witness literature to teach his followers that the time of “Gentile” (i.e., Caucasian) domination had come to an end in 1914; that the resurrection of the “so-called Negro” had already occurred as a mental and invisible fact, and that the coming New World was just around the corner. In just a few years, he claimed, the oppressed black man would receive the kingdom and the New World would arrive by 1936 at the very latest.[6]

When Fard arrived, Elijah Poole was an unemployed migrant laborer from rural Georgia, suffering, together with his wife and eight children, the consequences of the Great Depression. Though interested in Negro improvement, Elijah testified that before meeting “Master Fard,” he often took refuge in drunkenness. Within a year of Fard’s arrival, Elijah Poole and two of his brothers joined the new movement. Very quickly, Poole became Fard’s most trusted and ardent follower; Fard renamed him Elijah Muhammed, now the “chief minister” of Islam.[7]

Fard told his eager listeners that black America had been craftily deceived by the dominant Caucasian society, a perverse race of “blue-eyed devils” who used the Bible to enslave black people. The white man’s heaven, he often said, was the black man’s hell.[8] Elijah Poole had witnessed a vicious lynching when he was a small child, and this saying rang true. For many years, a painting of a Negro hung at a lynching adorned the front podium at NOI temples and meeting places.

The true religion of black people, Fard said, was Islam; their God was Allah, and their book the Holy Qur’an. His audience was keenly aware that the white culture which professed Christianity was the same culture that (in spite of its positive accomplishments) sired the Ku Klux Klan, the Jim Crow laws, racism, murder, castration, and unrestricted exploitation of Negro workers. His logic was simple. If Christianity was the religion of the white society, then its god must be Satan. The alternative offered by “Master Fard” was a complete rejection of Christianity and conversion to Islam.

In fact, Fard’s religion was not Islam, but a contradictory blend of Islam, Jehovah’s Witness doctrine, gnosticism and heretical Christian teachings. Fard’s doctrines were transmitted orally in The Secret Ritual of the Nation of Islam, which had to be memorized verbatim, and also in book form in The Teaching for the Lost Found Nation of Islam in a Mathematical Way, distributed only to registered, loyal followers. His followers were required to give up their surname, or slave name, and he would give them a new name—not an African name, but an Arabic name, such as Sharrieff, Muhammad, or Karriem.

Fard taught that the black man was not African, not even Arabic, but “Asiatic” in origin (on Malcolm X’s draft card, under the category of race, he wrote “Asiatic”).[9] According to Elijah Muhammad, Fard taught that black people, both individually and as a race, were God. Furthermore, there were a series of special Gods who would live for hundreds of years at a time. Besides Fard’s claims about the origins of the white race, one of his more exotic stories was about the “Mother Plane” or “Mother Ship,” an aircraft built by black scientists in Japan many thousands of years ago. This aircraft, undectable by radar, still circled the earth and carried powerful weapons which would be used on white America if she dared to harm the members of the Nation of Islam.[10]

Both Fard’s origins and disappearance are topics of debate. Ethnically, Fard was probably biracial; surviving photos show a man with very straight hair and dark, Caucasian features. Elijah Muhammad said Fard “taught me that His Father was a real Black Man. His Father went up into the mountains (governments of the Caucasians) picking out a white woman to marry so that she would give birth to a son looking white but yet the Father is Black.”[11] Though some NOI critics have confidently asserted that Fard was white, he “passed” as black and was probably of mixed parentage.

There is also no unanimity regarding Fard’s real name or true identity. Certain authors spell his name as if he were an Arab, Wali Farad. Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X spelled his name Wallace D. Fard, born in Mecca in 1877.[12] FBI files from the 1950s say that Fard’s fingerprints identify him as Wallie D. Ford, a white ex-convict from San Quentin, born in Portland, Oregon, in 1891. Ford’s former common-law wife claimed his real name was either Fred or Wallace Dodd, born in New Zealand in 1891 of Polynesian and English parents. Not to be outdone by alleged FBI disinformation, a recent author maintains that he was really Arnold Josiah Ford, a black rabbi from a kabbalistic Black Hebrew group in New York.[13]

After a bizarre human sacrifice in November 1932 involving two NOI members in Detroit (one of them a willing victim), three NOI members were arrested: Robert Karriem (the confessed sacrificer), Wallace D. Fard, and Ugan Ali, an NOI teacher. The following day over five hundred NOI members marched on the police headquarters in protest. Karriem (whose real name was Robert Harris) thought he was carrying out NOI teachings, and the police were suspicious of a black voodoo cult. Fard told them, “I am the Supreme Ruler of the Universe,” though his followers were dismayed that he told the police so much more than he told NOI adherents.[14] Fard and Ali were finally released, and Harris was committed to an insane asylum.

Further investigation by police led to the discovery that “Lesson 1” of The Secret Ritual included statements such as, “All Moslem [sic] will murder the devil because they know he is a snake and also if he be allowed to live, he would sting someone else.”[15] Fard was ordered out of Michigan in May 1933. He moved to the newly-built Chicago Temple no. 2, and was arrested again in Chicago. However, in June 1934 W. D. Fard mysteriously disappeared, leaving no explanation for his followers. At the time, people speculated that Fard fell victim to foul play, but nobody had hard information until 1963, when a sensational article appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner claiming that Fard was really Wallace Ford/Dodd, the ex-convict from San Quentin. The reporter asserted that after leaving Chicago, Ford returned to Portland, visited an ex-wife and child briefly, and then moved back to New Zealand.[16]

Elijah Muhammad countered by publicly offering the newspapers $100,000 if they could conclusively prove their claim; this challenge was not accepted by the media. After all the interest devoted to Fard’s origins over the past sixty years, it is unlikely that any single explanation will prove unassailable.

Shortly after Fard’s disappearance, Elijah Muhammad expanded the movement, strengthening its radical emphasis on race and openly professing that Master Fard (whom he pronounced “Far-ad”) was Allah in human form. After 1935, Elijah Muhammad and his family moved to Washington, D.C., then traveled from city to city spreading the message which he had been taught by “Allah” (i.e., Master Fard). In September 1942, Elijah Muhammad and his son, Emmanuel Karriem, were arrested along with many other leaders of black nationalist groups. Elijah was charged with sedition and failing to register for the draft. It is true that Elijah had urged his followers to avoid the white man’s war; World War II was seen as the first stage of the Battle of Armageddon, and the (“Asiatic”) Japanese were seen as the heroes of the battle against whites.

When the FBI interrogated Elijah Muhammad in 1942, he replied, “Allah has taught that blueprints of a plane which carries bombs was given to the Japanese from the Holy City of Mecca, and that these blueprints had been there for thousands of years. These bombs would go into the earth for at least a mile and would throw up the earth to a distance of one mile, so that it would make a mountain. I have reminded registered Moslems of this [sic] teachings.”[17]

Elijah Muhammad and his son were released from prison in 1946. The following year Malcolm X would join the Nation of Islam, and his efforts would catapult it into a national phenomenon.

Malcolm X

Malcolm was born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1925. Malcolm was the son of Earl Little, an occasional Baptist minister who was killed by a streetcar (or, Malcolm believed, was murdered) when Malcolm was six. Malcolm’s mother, Louise, was a light-skinned woman from the West Indies; she never saw or met her father, a white man.

Malcolm’s Autobiography tells the story of his upbringing in poverty, the breakup of his family after his mother was institutionalized in Michigan, his move to Boston and his descent into crime, and his conversion to NOI-style Islam in 1948 while in prison in Norfolk, Massachusetts.[18] Malcolm was introduced to their teachings by two of his brothers, then members of the Detroit Temple. Like other Black Muslims, when Malcolm joined the movement he gave up his slave surname, Little, and took on the name X, signifying the unknown tribal name of his ancestors. Malcolm’s formal education never went beyond the eighth grade, but his studies while in prison more than compensated for this lack. He went on to achieve an influence with both the man on the streets and the media that few men have possessed.

Very quickly, Malcolm became the leading spokesman for (by now) “the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah.” In 1959 a documentary, “The Hate That Hate Produced,” was aired on national television, presented by Mike Wallace and Louis Lomax, an in-depth look at the racist movement led by Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. This documentary created a firestorm of controversy, exposing how white racism had created a black reaction of resentment. A portrayal of the ugly side of Malcolm X appears in the chapter on Black Muslims in the first edition of The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin (1965). However, in the mid-1960s Malcolm X experienced another conversion.

Malcolm, the national spokesman for the Nation of Islam, who told newspaper interviewers to use a stock photo of “Mr. Elijah Muhammad” instead of an on-site photo of Malcolm, found himself slowly becoming disillusioned with Elijah Muhammad. Certain contradictions gnawed at Malcolm: the incredible teachings about the Mother Plane and “Mr. Yakub” (founder of the white race), the doctrine that white people are irredeemably evil and there is nothing they can do to change. These didn’t square well with what Malcolm learned of human history and human nature.[19]

Malcolm discovered that Elijah Muhammad had fathered several children through his secretaries, who were then expelled from the mosque when they became pregnant. Malcolm interviewed three of these women and later questioned Elijah Muhammad privately about these changes. Elijah Muhammad replied, “I’m David. . . . When you read about how David took another man’s wife, I’m that David. You read about Noah, who got drunk—that’s me. You read about Lot, who went and laid up with his own daughters. I have to fulfill all of those things.”[20]

Malcolm had thought that Elijah Muhammad would explain or face up to his moral failures, which were already whispered scandals in Chicago where Elijah lived, as the sins of a prophet like David. Instead, Elijah privately tried to discredit Malcolm as a false accuser. “What began to break my faith was that, try as I might, I couldn’t hide, I couldn’t evade, that Mr. Muhammad, instead of facing what he had done before his followers, as a human weakness or as fulfillment of prophecy—which I sincerely believe that Muslims would have understood, or at least they would have accepted—Mr. Muhammad had, instead, been willing to hide, to cover up what he had done.”[21]

Malcolm did not openly disavow Elijah Muhammad. A few months later, in November 1963, President Kennedy was assassinated. Interviewed by the press for his reaction to the assassination, Malcolm made a careless remark about the assassination being as a case of “the chickens coming home to roost,” implying that Kennedy had brought his death upon his own head. Then Malcolm added, “Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming to roost never did make me sad, they’ve always made me glad.”[22]

The next day Elijah Muhammad, who was no fool about the negative impact this statement would have, suspended Malcolm for ninety days from all speaking and official duties. He could not even teach in his own mosque. Elijah Muhammad suggested that Malcolm would not be reinstated, and one of Malcolm’s personal assistants told Malcolm he had been ordered to kill him.[23] But Malcolm was too well known and respected to be disposed of easily. In 1964, Malcolm founded two new organizations, the Muslim Mosque, Inc. (religious), and the Organization of Afro-American Unity (secular). He also extensively toured Africa and the Middle East. While overseas he took the classic Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, which changed his life.

From Mecca, Malcolm (now El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz) wrote a letter to his loyal assistants in Harlem.

Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and the overwhelming spirit of true brotherhood as is practiced by people of all colors and races here in this Ancient Holy Land, the home of Abraham, Muhammad, and all the other prophets of the Holy Scriptures. For the past week, I have been utterly speechless and spellbound by the graciousness I see displayed all around me. . . .

America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, and even eaten with people who in America would have been considered “white”—but the “white” attitude was removed from their minds by the religion of Islam. I have never before seen sincere and true brotherhood practiced by all colors together, irrespective of their color.

You may be shocked by these words coming from me. But on this pilgrimage, what I have seen, and experienced, has forced me to re-arrange much of my thought-patterns previously held, and to toss aside some of my previous conclusions. . . .

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds.

El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz [24]

In January 1964, Elijah Muhammad expelled his own son Wallace Muhammad, who had also been one of Malcolm’s closest friends. Wallace and Malcolm had both concluded that W.D. Fard could not have been Allah and that Elijah Muhammad had misrepresented Islam and Fard’s own doctrines. Wallace had also been the one of the people to confirm his father’s sexual infidelity to Malcolm. Malcolm eventually helped one of Elijah’s former secretaries, a woman whom he had recommended to work for Elijah, to file a paternity suit against him. Elijah Muhammad told his followers Malcolm’s days were numbered. The NOI newspaper, Muhammad Speaks, even carried a cartoon of Malcolm’s severed head bouncing down a street.

Both threats and attacks were made against Malcolm and his followers. He had bodyguards accompany him everywhere and spoke often of his impending death. On Sunday, February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated by at least three members of the Nation of Islam while he was at the podium of the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, New York.[25] That night Malcolm’s followers bombed Temple no. 7, Malcolm’s former temple, in retaliation.

The Coming of Louis Farrakhan and

the Breakup of the Former Nation of Islam

The modern “Louis Farrakhan” was born in the Bronx, New York, on May 11, 1933, as Louis Eugene Walcott. His real father was a light-skinned Jamaican cab driver, Percival Clark, whose infidelity split up the marriage before Louis was born.[26] His mother would move herself and her two sons to Boston by the time Louis was four, and there Louis was raised. Four years later, Malcolm Little would also move to Boston, and there he would begin the road which led to his transformation from nominal Christian to Muslim.

In 1955, Malcolm X introduced Louis Walcott to the Nation of Islam. Louis was then twenty-two years old, eight years younger than Malcolm. Louis Walcott changed his name to Louis X, as Malcolm had done, and he (Louis X) is the talented, articulate, and angry playwright seen in the opening pages of C. Eric Lincoln’s The Black Muslims in America.

Louis X went on to become one of the leaders of the Boston Temple, a playwright for the Nation of Islam, and a contributor to the NOI’s national newspaper, Muhammad Speaks. After Malcolm X left the movement and made public the infidelities of Elijah Muhammad, Louis X wrote in the December 1964 issue of Muhammad Speaks that “only those who wish to be led to hell, or to their doom, will follow Malcolm. . . . Such a man as Malcolm is worthy of death . . .”[27] When Elijah Muhammad expelled Malcolm X as leader of Temple no. 7 in Harlem, Louis X was chosen as his replacement.

The next decade would see the current Nation of Islam draw to a close, focusing largely on Elijah Muhammad’s seventh child, Wallace Muhammad. Wallace ping-ponged between acceptance and rejection in the Nation of Islam. Expelled in 1964, a fully repentant Wallace appeared on the platform at the annual Savior’s Day convention in 1965, just five days after Malcolm X’s assassination.[28] Later that year, Wallace would be expelled again, this time for four years. According to C. Eric Lincoln, “he was exiled from all contact with friends and family inside the Nation of Islam” until his readmittance in 1969.[29] However, even after his readmittance, he cold not resume his full clerical privileges until 1974. Despite these problems, Elijah Muhammad, relying partly on the numerological mystique of the “seventh child,” designated Wallace Muhammad to be the supreme minister of the Nation of Islam and his authorized successor after his death.[30]

On February 25, 1975 (ten years and four days after Malcolm X’s death), Elijah Muhammad died of congestive heart failure. After his death, Wallace Muhammad immediately began making changes in the focus and beliefs of the Nation of Islam, moving it closer to those of traditional Islam.

First, he changed the organization’s name from the Nation of Islam to the Bilalian Community (1975), then to the World Community of Al-Islam in the West (1977), then to the American Muslim Mission. Wallace changed his own name to Warith. The newspaper was changed from Muhammad Speaks to the Bilalian News, as Warith Muhammad rejected the terms colored, Negro, black, or Afro-American in favor of “Bilalian,” and appealed to blacks to use this new term instead. Bilal was the name of an Ethiopian Muslim martyr, allegedly killed by Trinitarian Christians. In the early 1980s, the Bilalian News changed its name four times and is currently called Muslim Journal. In 1985 the movement became fully incorporated into traditional Islam.

Louis Farrakhan remained with the Bilalian Community for two years under Wallace’s leadership, but left in 1977 when it became apparent that Wallace was no longer following the footsteps of his father, Elijah Muhammad. Since Wallace/Warith had discarded “the Nation of Islam” as it had been, Louis Farrakhan took up the abandoned identity. Since Minister Farrakhan had been a long-term and popular leader, many members who preferred to keep the teachings of Elijah Muhammad left with him.

Over the past twenty years, Louis Farrakhan has generally remained true to older teachings of Elijah Muhammad. Farrakhan’s newspaper, The Final Call, still reprints “What the Muslims Want” and “What the Muslims Believe” on the back pages of each issue, textually identical to what Elijah Muhammad printed in the 1960s. Reading these statements evokes memories of newspapers printed by the Black Panther Party or by other “Black Power” groups.

According to these statements, the Muslims (i.e., members of the Nation of Islam) want freedom, justice, and equal opportunity for people of all color (“Want,” items 1-3). They want reparations, preferably a large tract of land set apart from the United States and given to black people, plus “our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years” (“Want,” item 4). They want the release of all black Muslims convicted of any federal crimes, and the release of all black people convicted of any capital crime requiring the death sentence (“Want,” item 5). The Muslims are against racial integration (“Believe,” item 9) and against interracial marriage or race mixing (“Want,” item 10).


We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for all Black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South.

We want every Black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master’s children and establish a land of their own.

—Elijah Muhammad
“What the Muslims Want,” item 5

The Final Call newspaper carries an ever-present emphasis on black supremacy, on white conspiracies, on white people as devils, and on the Jews as a special enemy. In this context, there is a certain irony to learn that in September 1985 Louis Farrakhan invited the infamous Tom Metzger, leader of the White Aryan Resistance (a neo-Nazi white power group), to attend an NOI gathering. The Washington Times reports Metzger’s words of praise: “They speak out against the Jews and the oppressors in Washington. . . . They are the black counterpart to us.”[31] Yet when one realizes that both groups would like to see black people leave the United States and move to another country, it becomes clearer how well their beliefs mesh together. Metzger, agreeing with this general principle, donated one hundred dollars to the Nation of Islam.

What Attracts Blacks to the Nation of Islam?

According to Dr. Jerry Buckner, a black Christian pastor and an authority on the Nation of Islam, several factors attract young black men to this movement. To begin with, the Nation offers positive social programs to the community. Its members are active in jails and prisons, recruiting men behind bars and dissuading them from a life of crime.

They have a strong emphasis against drugs, against prostitution and pimping, and against violence and gang involvement. They urge blacks to set up black-owned and black-operated businesses, thus working to raise the standard of living in poor neighborhoods. They also look with disfavor on black reliance on the government welfare system, which they perceive as often perpetuating the cycle of poverty.[32]

The Nation of Islam look to restaurants and food service industry as one focus for economic growth. The Nation of Islam owns thousands of acres of Georgia farmland, and has operated countless restaurants, bakeries, clothing stores, bookstores, hair care shops, and other enterprises. In 1995, the NOI opened the Salaam Restaurant and Bakery on the south side of Chicago, at a cost of five million dollars. Their fundamental ideology is to avoid reliance on government subsidies or white business partnerships and to “Do For Self.”

Perhaps their most successful venture has been in providing building security at apartments and housing projects across the nation. Since 1991, the federal government has paid over twenty million dollars to NOI security teams in cities such as Baltimore, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The U.S. News & World Report acknowledges that in some places, such as Baltimore and Washington, D.C., hiring of the NOI Security Agency by the Department of Housing and Urban Development was an unqualified success for the tenants. However, there were drawbacks: when paychecks were late one week, some NOI leaders blamed “the Jews” for putting a virus into the computer. NOI security guards will also hawk newspapers or proselytize for Farrakhan while on duty. Still, NOI security teams, which do not carry guns, are looked on with favor and have been generally effective at reducing crime and increasing tenant safety. In order to maintain a sharp appearance, a fine of ten dollars is levied against NOI security guards whose hair is too long.

Dr. Buckner notes that the Nation of Islam also emphasizes mentoring, taking a younger person under one’s wing to model moral principles. Its members do not (or are not supposed to) use drugs, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or eat pork. Their use of profanity is supposed to be limited, but this guideline is bent fairly often. They emphasize fidelity to one’s spouse, and have built self-esteem and self-confidence among people badly in need both.

Furthermore, as C. Eric Lincoln observed in 1961, black men are attracted to the Nation of Islam over against the black church because of the preponderance of black men in the movement. In the average black church, over 60 percent of the congregation is female. Those percentages are fine if one is looking for a wife or a girlfriend, but for young black men looking for strong male leadership, the Nation of Islam is more attractive, with about 80 percent of its constituency being male.

Two other things make the Nation of Islam attractive: the discipline, and the power they have to externally “clean up” a neighborhood. In an NOI mosque, members are told very strongly that they have to abide by the rules of the mosque. Infractions could be dealt with by public tongue-lashing before the Muslim congregation, or even by physical violence or beating of the offenders. A Muslim who has sex out of wedlock may find himself and his girlfriend hauled before the congregation and publicly rebuked for disgracing Islam before the world. In a white, Christian setting, much lighter “church discipline” has been instant grounds for a lawsuit against the church and its pastor; whereas in a black Muslim setting, severe public corrections are looked on with favor as positive discipline.

Along similar lines, a Detroit pastor told this reporter how the NOI “cleaned up” a neighborhood: they physically beat up the pimps and drug pushers in a two-block region, forcing gang activity and prostitution to entirely leave. Area residents were thrilled with the results, which the Christian churches had not able to accomplish in years of prayer and low-key “witness.” The Nation of Islam had a much more aggressive approach, and was under no obligation to turn the other cheek if attacked for their deeds. They got credit for the results.

This illustrates the vast difference between Christian and Muslim ethics. From the New Testament framework, Christians are morally forbidden from using violence or force to accomplish such goals. We are told to “turn the other cheek” when smitten (Matt. 5:39). Externally, our society expects that Christians ought to behave in such a manner. If the elders of a Christian church forcibly beat up drug sellers from a street gang, they could expect a stack of lawsuits from the victims of the beating, not to mention public castigation by the print and broadcast media. Yet a Muslim group can commit the same action with relative impunity, since a pacifistic response is not part of their internal system of ethics and thus the surrounding society does not expect it of them.

Finally, many blacks can relate to the Nation of Islam for some of the reasons mentioned by Malcolm X (see sidebar). Many blacks feel targeted by white society or by law enforcement. Current U.S. statistics say that by the age of twenty-nine, 30 percent of American black men will either have been under court supervision or been sentenced in a criminal case: drugs, theft, rape, violent crime.[33] This percentage is far higher than that of white men under twenty-nine, so many blacks are more receptive to Farrakhan’s rhetoric of a white conspiracy against them.

(Sidebar) Why the Nation of Islam Grows So Quickly in Prisons

According to Malcolm X, writing in 1963,

The Muslim teachings, circulated among all Negroes in the country, are converting new Muslims among black men in prison, and black men are in prison in far greater numbers than their proportion in the population.

The reason is that among all Negroes the black convict is the most perfectly preconditioned to hear the words, “the white man is the devil.” . . .

. . . You let this caged-up black man start realizing, as I did, how from the first landing of the first slave ship, the millions of black men in America have been like sheep in a den of wolves. That’s why black prisoners become Muslims so fast when Elijah Muhammad’s teachings filter into their cages by way of other Muslim convicts. “The white man is the devil” is a perfect echo of that black convict’s lifelong experience.

—Malcolm X, Autobiography, page 183

Today as well as thirty years ago, blacks in prison are more likely to convert to the Nation of Islam, and fully one-third of all federal prisoners today are Muslim of one variety or another. Thus, the Nation of Islam seems geared to reach the underclass, and its message emphasizes and capitalizes on the racial inequities and disparities between black and white people in America.

The Language of Anger

While the NOI undoubtedly draws a higher percentage of people on the margins of society, an underclass who has felt anger toward the legal system, it is also true that its rhetoric tends to inflame that anger. Farrakhan’s speeches often paint American society in terms of oppressed and oppressor, of slaves and slavemasters. While it is understandable that blacks can relate to a movement which “addresses” racial problems, sometimes leaders of that same movement call for bloodshed.

For example, Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, who is head of the NOI mosque in Washington, D.C., and also the NOI Minister of Health and Human Services, told a black audience in 1992 that they could find “healing” in killing white people: “When you let [your anger and anxiety] out, there’s healing in that. And if in the process, some of your oppressors and slavemasters die, so what? Everybody has to die some time, don’t they? So why shouldn’t your slavemaster die now? They got to die anyhow!”

At this point, the congregation responded with their agreement. “If you’re white today, it ain’t worth living anyhow,” Alim said. “Would you shoot a dog and put it out of its misery? Or a horse? Well, certainly white people is equal to dogs and horses.”[34]

On November 29, 1993, Khallid Abdul Muhammad, then the second-in-command in the Nation of Islam, gave a lecture to one hundred forty students at Kean College in Union, New Jersey. Entitled “The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews,” his talk suggested that the Jews had brought the Holocaust upon themselves. Turning to South Africa, he said that when blacks gain political power there, they should give the whites exactly twenty-four hours to leave the country. And if they can’t leave fast enough? “We kill the women, we kill the children. We kill the babies. We kill the blind, we kill the cripples, we kill ’em all. We kill the faggot, we kill the lesbian, we’ll kill them all. . . . And when you get through killing ’em all, go to the [expletive] graveyard and dig up the grave and kill them a-[expletive]-gain. ‘Cause they didn’t die hard enough.”[35]

Khallid was not initially ashamed of that talk. The Muslims duplicated the tape and sold copies for ten dollars apiece when Khallid spoke at other colleges. Complaints came from many quarters to condemn Khallid’s speech; when Farrakhan finally responded, he said his minister had spoken “truth” but in a “repugnant” fashion. Farrakhan eventually did relieve Khallid of his post, and Farrakhan himself never uses language which calls for bloodshed (except in self-defense). However, his ministers do not always follow this same path, and sometimes take his rhetoric about resisting the “oppressors” and “slavemasters” to their next logical conclusion, in summoning oppressed blacks to “kill ’em all.”

While national NOI leaders do properly raise the problems of racism to many blacks who have been outraged by the system, they will also use the language of blame and revenge. For those of us who are Christians, revenge, even for unjust crimes brought upon innocent people, is not an option for Jesus’ disciples. This teaching is emphasized in Romans 12:17-21 (“Recompense no man evil for evil”) and throughout the first epistle of Peter. “For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing than for evildoing” (1 Pet. 3:17, KJV).

What separates Minister Farrakhan from black Christian pastors is not primarily his plain manner of speaking or addressing a problem. Rather, it is that the Islamic sense of how problems should be “addressed” is very different from the Christian principle. Minister Farrakhan and other NOI speakers frequently miscast the New Testament teaching as a trick of the “slavemasters” to lull the black community into blind submission and further bondage.

To be continued next issue.


1. Louis Farrakhan’s Savior’s Day Speech, Cable News Network (CNN) broadcast, 25 Feb. 1996. [return]

2. Basil Talbott, “Farrakhan Unfazed,” Chicago Sun-Times, 15 Mar. 1996, p. 1. [return]

3. Elijah Muhammad, Master Fard Not a Peddler, audiotape of a radio broadcast (n.p., n.d., distributed by Secretarius MEPS, Atlanta), quoted in Magida, 217 n.49. [return]

4. Benyon, 900, quoted in Lincoln, 119 n. 31. [return]

5. Benyon, 895, quoted in Lincoln, 11. [return]

6. Wallace Deen Muhammad, 19. [return]

7. Technically, at first Fard named him Elijah Karriem, but soon changed his name again to Elijah Muhammad. See Lincoln, 15, 181. [return]

8. “White Man’s Heaven is Black Man’s Hell!” is also the title of a song recorded by Louis Farrakhan in the 1950s. See Lincoln, 108; Malcolm X, 250. [return]

9. Goldman, 42. [return]

10. Elijah Muhammad, Fall of America, 236-42; Gardell, 158-160; Magida, 54, 221 n. 28. [return]

11. Elijah Muhammad, Our Saviour, 183. [return]

12. Authors who sometimes spell the name “Farad” include Lincoln and Gardell; Goldman spells it “Farrad.” The spelling “Wallace D. Fard” and his birth year of 1877 comes from Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman, 16-17 and 237, respectively. [return]

13. Additional details about Fard as W. D. Ford, Wallace Dodd, or Arnold Ford can be found in Gardell, 50-58, and Magida, chap. 3. [return]

14. E. D. Beynon, Master Fard Muhammad: “Detroit History” (Newport News, Va.: United Brothers and Sisters Communications Systems, 1990), 6, 9, 15, quoted in Magida, 46, 49. [return]

15. Gardell, 56. [return]

16. “Black Muslims’ Founder a Fake; Posed as Negro,” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 28 July 1963, p. 4, quoted in Magida, 51, 220 n. 20. [return]

17. Gardell, 71. [return]

18. Malcolm X, 157-60. Lincoln, 190, cites a different date for the conversion. [return]

19. “Yakub” in Elijah Muhammad’s books is spelled “Yacub” by Malcolm X and Alex Haley. In Malcolm’s Autobiography, 164-168, he describes Elijah Muhammad’s teachings and alludes to him as a “faker”; on the impossibility of white change, see the story of the blonde co-ed on p. 286. [return]

20. Malcolm X, 299. [return]

21. Ibid., 306. [return]

22. New York Times, 2 Dec. 1963, quoted in Lincoln, 191. [return]

23. Malcolm X, 308. [return]

24. Ibid., 339-42. [return]

25. For the best summary of the men behind Malcolm’s assassination, see Gardell, 76-85; for a full-length treatment, see Goldman’s The Death and Life of Malcolm X. [return]

26. Magida, 9-10. [return]

27. Louis X, “Boston Minister Tells of Malcolm—Muhammad’s Biggest Hypocrite,” Muhammad Speaks, Dec. 4, 1964, pp. 11-15, quoted in Magida, 83, and Goldman, 269-70. [return]

28. Magida, 89. [return]

29. Lincoln, 264. [return]

30. Gardell, 101-2. [return]

31. Washington Times, quoted in Free Inquiry, Feb. 1995, 11. [return]

32. Dr. Jerry Buckner, interview by author, 13 Dec. 1995. [return]

33. Ted Gest, “A Shocking Look at Blacks and Crime,” U.S. News & World Report, 16 Oct. 1995, 53-54. [return]

34. William Gaines and David Jackson, “AIDS Hope or Hoax in a Bottle?” Chicago Tribune, 14 Mar. 1995. [return]

35. Magida, 176. See also Fred Bruning, “Nothing Produces Hate Like Hatred,” Maclean’s, 28 Feb. 1994, 13. [return]


Benyon, Erdmann D. “The Voodoo Cult among Negro Migrants in Detroit,” American Journal of Sociology 43 (July 1937-May 1938): 894-907.

Brackman, Harold. Ministry of Lies: The Truth Behind the Nation of Islam’s “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.” New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1994.

Farrakhan, Louis. A Torchlight for America. Chicago: FCN Publishing Co., 1993.

Gardell, Mattias. In the Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1996.

Goldman, Peter. The Death and Life of Malcolm X. New York: Harper & Row, Perennial Library, 1974.

Lincoln, C. Eric. The Black Muslims in America. 3d ed. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1994.

Magida, Arthur J. Prophet of Rage: A Life of Louis Farrakhan and his Nation. New York: Basic Books, 1996.

Muhammad, Elijah. Message to the Blackman in America. Chicago: Muhammad’s Temple no. 2, 1965.

——. Our Saviour Has Arrived. Newport News, Va.: United Brothers Communications Systems, [1969?].

——. The Fall of America. Newport News, Va.: The National Newport News and Commentator, 1973.

Muhammad, Wallace Deen. As the Light Shineth From the East. Chicago: WDM Publishing Co, 1980.

X, Malcolm, with Alex Haley. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. New York: Grove Press, 1966.

original filename: CSM1111A.TXT
“Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam: Part One of a Two-Part Article”
Release A, 25 Apr. 1998

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Copyright © 1997 by Eric Pement. This file may be reproduced on electronic media and communications services without charge or permission from the author, so long as the wording of the text remains unaltered. For additional information about our publications, please write to: Cornerstone, 939 W. Wilson Ave., Chicago, IL 60640-5706, U.S.A.


Taken from

Also cited from the terribly anti Islam website full of lies and deceits called

Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam

Part Two

Eric Pement

Cornerstone, vol. 26, issue 112 (1997), p. 32-36, 38
ISSN 0275-2743

In part 1 (published in issue 111 of Cornerstone), we looked at the history of the Nation of Islam (NOI). This installment will examine the belief system of the Nation of Islam and evaluate it from a Christian vantage point.

The belief system of the Nation of Islam is a curious mix. On the one hand, Louis Farrakhan claims to preserve the teachings of “the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.” In many ways, Minister Farrakhan fulfills this promise by distributing tapes and books of the late Elijah Muhammad (1897-1975). Yet over the past decade, as Louis Farrakhan has enjoyed closer contact with traditional Muslims and achieved wider entrance into Christian churches, the “classic” beliefs of Elijah Muhammad are being seemingly modified, so that the NOI appears less sectarian and more like a bona-fide Islamic movement.

To start with, the Nation of Islam identifies itself as Islamic. Members call God “Allah,” they call themselves Muslims, they teach and worship in mosques, they appeal to the prophet Muhammad, they recite the Muslim creed, and they view the Qur’an as inspired Scripture.

The chief leaders of the NOI (Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and Minister Farrakhan) have all made pilgrimages to Mecca, and at the present time NOI members are instructed to fast during the Muslim month of Ramadan and to consult the hadith or traditions ascribed to Muhammad to determine proper conduct and doctrine. Thus, for broad purposes of classification, it seems reasonable to place the NOI somewhere within the Islamic camp.

Yet despite these outward appearances, it can also be argued that the NOI is in fact pseudo-Islamic—just as many Christians would argue that Mormons are pseudo-Christian (though wearing the trappings and emblems of Christianity, they deny certain of its basic tenets).

To illustrate: evangelical Christians would say that Mormons must possess more than the Bible, the name of Jesus, baptism, and good works to be considered genuine Christians. They also must not deny one of the fundamental essentials of Christianity, namely, monotheism. Since the Mormons believe in the existence of Creator-Gods both prior to and in addition to God the Father, this heresy alone is sufficient to exclude them from the circle of bona-fide Christianity.

In like manner, the NOI also has some polytheistic beliefs which deny the fundamentals of theistic religion. According to the Institute of Islamic Information and Education, “Islam and the so-called ‘Nation of Islam’ are two different religions. The only thing common between them is the jargon, the language used by the both.”[1] The Muslim Student Association at the University of Southern California affirms that the NOI is “misusing” the word Islam and is “in fact clearly and absolutely in violation of certain basic principles contained in the Qur’an and Sunnah.”[2] Many other orthodox Muslims would agree.

The principal heresy of the NOI that both Muslims and Christians find objectionable is Elijah Muhammad’s teaching on the nature of God. Elijah Muhammad taught that there are many Gods (polytheism); that some of these Gods had a beginning and later died; that one of them was Wallace D. Fard who literally was Allah; and that God is a man, the black man in general and Master Fard in particular. Throughout his teaching Elijah Muhammad gives credit to W. D. Fard (whom he also calls “Master Fard Muhammad, God in Person”) as the true and praiseworthy source for his teachings.

In many respects, Louis Farrakhan perpetuates these errors, though we acknowledge that Minister Farrakhan’s writings are noticeably less heretical than those of his predecessor. However, he maintains that Elijah Muhammad was a divinely commissioned Messenger of God, and to that degree he becomes culpable for promoting the errors of his spiritual father.


According to Elijah Muhammad (who claimed he learned it from Master Fard), the universe began seventy-eight trillion years ago when God created Himself from a single atom which formed itself from nothing. Out of a universe of darkness, an “atom of life” appeared: “He was the only One in the whole entire dark Universe. He had to wait until the atom of life produced brains to think what He needed. How long was that? I don’t know, Brothers. But He was a Black man, a Black man! . . . The Black God produced Himself; He’s Self-created.”[3] Not only that, but “Allah (God) was created on the very earth that we are on today.”[4]

However, according to Elijah Muhammad, the Black Creator was not eternal and at some point He died. “There is no God Living Who was here in the Creation of the Universe, but They produce Gods from Them and Their Wisdom lives in us.”[5] For the past sixty-six trillion years, he claimed, the universe has been ordered by a council of twenty-four black deities. Twenty-three are described as Scientists; the twenty-fourth as God or Allah over the others.[6]

The history of the world is determined in advance by these Scientists, and “every twenty-five thousand (25,000) years, each God Coming After the Other God made a new civilization. His Belief, Teaching, and Theology were Different From the Other God Who Preceded Him.”[7] Occasionally, these time cycles may be stretched to thirty-five thousand years.[8]

As we might expect, Elijah Muhammad teaches that these Gods are not eternal, and in fact they even die after a few hundred years. “Allah . . . taught me that there are not any gods Who live forever. Their wisdom and work may live six thousand or twenty-five thousand years, but the actual individual may have died within a hundred or two hundred years, or the longest that we have a record of, around a thousand years.”[9]

It is clear that the Nation of Islam believes that many Gods have existed. (That’s an understatement: if only one God appeared every twenty-five thousand years, after sixty-six trillion years we have had over 2.6 billion Gods come and gone.) Furthermore, we’re told that several Gods can exist in the same time cycle. For instance, the founder of this time cycle is different from the black God Yakub, who created the white race over 6000 years ago.

Finally, Elijah Muhammad’s doctrine of Allah, complex as it is, boils down to the belief that Allah is a man. As we read a few paragraphs earlier, Allah, the first Creator of the universe, was “a Black man.” Furthermore, Allah is also a corporate name for all Muslims generally: “Allah Is all of us. . . . He Is rooted in all of us. Every righteous person is a god. We are all God. When we say ‘Allah’ we mean every righteous person.”[10]

The first five chapters of Message to the Blackman in America attempt to reinterpret biblical statements that “God is a Spirit” (John 4:24), that God is invisible and “not a man” (Num. 23:19, 1 Sam. 15:29, Job 9:32, Hos. 11:9). Elijah Muhammad wrote, “In the past, we have been taught that God and the devil were something other than human, while the truth from Almighty God, Allah, who is now among us in Person, makes it clear that these two characters are human beings.”[11] “God is a man and we just cannot make Him other than man . . . if I would say that God is not man, I would be a liar before Him and stand to be condemned.”[12]

For Elijah Muhammad, the name Allah not only covers the original Black God and the generic Black Man, but it especially designates one particular man:

When we say “Allah,” that Name means God and covers all Muslims. All Muslims are Allahs, but we call the Supreme Allah the Supreme Being. And He has a Name of His Own. This Name is “Fard Muhammad.”

“Fard” is a Name meaning an independent One and One Who is not on the level with the average Gods (Allahs). It is a Name independent to itself which actually means One whom we must obey, or else He destroys us. This honorable, Majestic Person comes in the last day. The reason why we call Him the Supreme Being is because He is Supreme over all beings and or is wiser than all. The Holy Qur’an teaches: He is wiser than them, meaning all the Gods before and all who are now present.[13]

Thus, Elijah Muhammad taught that there is a succession of Gods, that these Gods are always mortal human beings with a physical body, that the sacred name “Allah” can be applied to human beings, and that though these Gods write human history for thousands of years to come, they themselves usually die like men in two or three hundred years.

The Supreme God of all is Master W. D. Fard, who is wiser than all previous Gods and who should be worshipped. Elijah declared, “I say to the world of Islam, Bow To Him. The Holy Qur’an teaches us that, ‘You shall see all nations bowing down to him,’ Who Makes All Things New, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever.”[14]


In the Nation of Islam, both God and the devil are human beings. Elijah Muhammad identified the devil as the white man, the Caucasian race. According to Elijah, though the black race is many trillions of years old, the white race began a mere six thousand years ago with Yakub, one of the Black Gods of this time cycle.[15]

Elijah explained, “The white race is not equal with darker people because the white race was not created by the God of Righteousness. . . . They were made by Yakub, an original Black Man—who is from the Creator. Yakub, the father of the devil, made the white race, a race of devils—enemies of the darker people of the earth. The white race is not made by nature to accept righteousness.”[16]

According to Elijah Muhammad, Yakub was born 20 miles from the Holy City of Mecca about 6,600 years ago. From the age of six he knew he was “born to make trouble, break peace, kill and destroy his own people with a made enemy to the black nation.” He had a very large head and grew up to be called “the big head scientist.” He decided to conquer and subdue the black race, and through lies he gathered 59,999 followers, whom the King of Mecca exiled to the island of Patmos. There Yakub worked to create the white race by allowing marriage only between brown or lighter-skinned Negroes and by killing all newborn black babies. His followers obeyed him; the penalty for disobedience was decapitation.[17]

Yakub died after 150 years, but his project to make a race of lawless criminals lived on (Elijah’s term for this misguided eugenics project was “grafting”). After two hundred years, only brown people were left alive. After another 200 years, Patmos was home to only yellow and red people. At the end of “the six hundredth year, Mr. Yakub had an all-pale white race of people on this Isle,” said Elijah Muhammad.[18]

The white race left the island and returned to Paradise (Mecca). But in less than six months they had caused warfare and controversy among the people, so the King of Mecca had them escorted to Europe by “a caravan, armed with rifles, to keep the devils going westward.” Here begins the white man’s history, for he was granted six thousand years to rule the earth.

The first two thousand years were squandered while the whites lived as naked savages in the caves of Europe, eating their meat raw and without even a knowledge of fire. They tried to “graft” themselves back to black by reverse breeding, but succeeded only in making gorillas (this is the origin of the monkey and gorilla family).[19] Then Moses came to them. He taught them how to wear clothes, use fire, cook their food, and to believe in Allah. The whites rejected Moses, who set a trap and blew up three hundred of them with dynamite,[20] but it was through Moses’ efforts that the teaching of civilization gradually seeped into the mind of the white man. Over the centuries, the white man used this knowledge, combined with his innate craftiness and “tricknology,” to dominate the world.

The twenty-four God-Scientists who wrote the history of this world foreordained that the period of white rule should be limited to six thousand years. To accomplish this, “the Black Man or Gods were put to sleep in order that the Wisdom of the Black Man did not interfere with what the white man is made for (to rule us under wickedness, enslavement, deceit, murder, and death for six thousand years).”[21]


Elijah Muhammad taught that two thousand years after the coming of Moses, Jesus came to the Caucasian race to reform them, but they rejected His rule. Jesus was not miraculously born of a virgin, as the Bible and the Qur’an teach. Rather, said Elijah, “The real truth that the Christians hate to confess is that Joseph had gotten the child, Jesus, by Mary while he was married to another woman and at that time had six children by the first marriage. So Master Fard Muhammad (God in Person) has taught me.”[22]

Elijah also stated that the angelic prophecy, “He shall save His people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21), does not refer to Jesus of Nazareth saving His people (in Muhammad’s mind, the white people) from sin. Rather, it refers to “a modern-day Jesus,” Fard Muhammad, who comes to save the black man.[23] Much of the New Testament was not just reinterpreted by Elijah Muhammad, but totally rewritten.

He claimed that Jesus died, not by being crucified on a cross, but by being stabbed in the heart by a police officer in Jerusalem with a large hunting knife or small sword. Elijah claimed that Jesus was standing in a spread-eagle position, with His back to the wooden wall of a storefront. The Jewish authorities offered twenty-five hundred dollars in gold to anyone who brought Jesus to them dead and fifteen hundred dollars if He were brought in alive. The officer told Jesus, “They are going to kill you anyway, so why not let me kill you and make the twenty-five hundred dollars as I am a poor man and have a wife and family to care for?” Jesus agreed. He “knew that he would be killed but did not care.”[24]

The sword blow through the heart literally pinned Jesus to the wall. The blood stopped circulating so quickly that Jesus’ arms were frozen in the stretched-out position. Thus, Elijah corrects a popular misconception: Jesus “died in the form of a cross and not on the cross!”[25] Afterwards, His father Joseph (not Joseph of Arimathea) “mortgaged all of his little land and embalmed Jesus in a liquid in a glass tube. As long as the air does not get to him, he will be there just as he was the day he was killed two thousand years ago. He is buried in Jerusalem.”[26] Any talk about Jesus’ resurrection is dismissed by Elijah Muhammad as ignorant foolishness.

The six thousand years of white rule was said to have ended in the year 1914 (a year which is also important to Jehovah’s Witnesses). However, no visible changes occurred that year. Elijah explained, “A few years of grace have been given to complete the resurrection of the Black man,” because “they (so-called Negroes) have been made so completely mentally dead by the enemy (white race) that the extra time is allowed.”[27] He did not say how much extra time is permitted, but his books (written in the 1960s and early 1970s) state several times that America should be destroyed by the 1970s or 1980s.

Elijah’s books read much like those of Jehovah’s Witnesses, warning that the total destruction of America and the literal removal of the wicked (for the NOI, the white race) will come any time now. The devils who have overrun America will be utterly destroyed, swiftly and irretrievably. “The black nation and our God, Who is the Originator of the universe, have decided to remove the troublemakers from our planet Earth, as there is no way of the black nations getting along in peace with this wicked, grafted race known as the white race.”[28]

Elijah stated that after the white race has been decimated, the black race will resume its former position as world rulers: “The Black man is the true owner of the earth. Now the God of Justice Has Risen up to Deliver the rule back to the Black Man and give him a place in the sun that justifies his ownership.”[29]


According to Elijah Muhammad, salvation is achieved by recognizing the true God (the black man) and the true devil (the white man). For the black man, Islam is his religion by nature and righteousness is his natural condition. For the white man, Christianity is his religion by nature, and sinfulness is his natural condition.

Virtually without exception, statements about Christianity are applied to the white race, and Christianity is seen as an invention of the white man: “There is no hope for us in Christianity; it is a religion organized by the enemies (the white race) of the Black Nation to enslave us to the white race’s rule.”[30]

As taught by Elijah Muhammad, salvation has nothing to do with forgiveness of sins or the promise of heaven. Life after death is a myth, he claimed, and no one goes to heaven or hell after death. “I have no alternative but to tell you that there is no life beyond the grave! There is no justice in the sweet bye and bye! Immortality is now, here!”[31] Biblical and Qur’anic references to heaven were reinterpreted as peace of mind, safety, and material comfort in this life.[32]

The NOI taught that “salvation” requires conforming to a standard of righteousness: living in truth, shunning immorality, detesting theft and slavery, practicing justice, worshipping Allah, and taking on one of the names of Allah (the NOI renamed incoming members). The white man would find this course of action much more difficult than the black man, since, according to NOI beliefs, the white man has an innately sinful nature and the black man does not: “The white race was born and made to be an enemy of Allah (God). The Black Man is not born to be an enemy of Allah (God).”[33] Though it is difficult, a few individual white people can escape destruction if they become Muslims.[34]

But who is Allah, the Savior, whom Muslims must believe in? According to Elijah Muhammad, it is W. Fard Muhammad: “You will have to be punished, divinely beaten and destroyed until you accept Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are Due forever, as your God and Saviour, as I and thousands of my followers are doing.”[35] One of Elijah Muhammad’s best-known books is entitled Our Saviour Has Arrived, which refers to W. Fard Muhammad. On February 26 of each year the NOI celebrates Saviour’s Day, honoring the purported birthday of W. Fard Muhammad.

W. Fard Muhammad was viewed as Allah, Almighty God, the Savior, the return of Christ, the Mahdi, and the Messiah to the Jews.[36] Yet in addition, Fard’s disciple Elijah Muhammad also served in a role as Savior or intermediary between the black man and God. Using imagery lifted from the Gospel according St. John, consider the following statement from Elijah Muhammad:

I am the Door. By no means can you get by except you come by me. Your prayers will not be heard unless my name is mentioned in them. I am saying that you cannot get a prayer through to Allah (God) unless you mention me in your prayer. Try it and see. I am satisfied that those who know this will bear witness.

I have the key to your salvation, and I have the key to your hell. I can, if you will let me, pull you out of hell and set you into heaven. Then I can keep you in heaven; or I can keep pushing you and push you into the punishment of hell until you acknowledge that there is no God but Allah Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, and that Elijah Muhammad is His Servant.

There is no escape for you today. The only way is through me to Allah (God). Me first, for you cannot get to Allah (God) without getting to me first.[37]

Thus, Elijah Muhammad taught that there were two Saviors: W. Fard Muhammad in the 1930s, and Elijah himself. Elijah does call W. D. Fard “my God and my Saviour” several times, but Elijah saw his own position as so important that he, Elijah, functioned as the black man’s Savior alongside of Fard himself.


Once again, we recognize that Minister Farrakhan has reinterpreted some of the teachings of Elijah Muhammad to bring a different message, as we shall see shortly. However, since he still promotes Elijah Muhammad as a divine Messenger and as “the Messiah,” we must respond to these teachings. Our use of the Qur’an here is only because NOI leadership claims to believe it.

First, the Bible and the Qur’an both affirm that only one God exists. Not just that only one God exists at the present time, but that only one God has ever existed. God is eternal (Deut. 33:27), “the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End” (Rev. 1:8), who has been God “from everlasting to everlasting” (Ps. 90:2). Moreover, God declares, “I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after Me” (Isa. 43:10).

This is fundamental monotheism. The two facts that God is eternal and that no Gods have existed before Him nor will come after Him are together sufficient to refute the idea that a series of Gods have lived and died by the billions.

Second, the Bible affirms that “God is Spirit” (John 4:24, Greek). Spirit is God’s essence and nature. Elijah Muhammad tried to construe this to mean that God is a man with a spirit, but the Bible says that God is Spirit. It is also contradictory to say that God (or one of the Gods) was created on this earth. A God who suddenly appeared on the earth could not have been the Creator of the earth.

By identifying God with a man, the NOI propagates the sin of idolatry (Rom. 1:25). Even to orthodox Muslims, the NOI teaching that Master Fard was Allah is the sin of shirk, associating a human being with Allah. If the Nation of Islam had promoted these same beliefs in a country with an Islamic government (such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia, or Afghanistan), Elijah Muhammad would have been executed for blasphemy and apostasy.

It was said to me by one Muslim that the NOI is doing nothing worse than the Christians have done. That is, Christians associate God with a man, Jesus; and the NOI also associates God with a man, W. D. Fard. So if the NOI theology is implausible or idolatrous, that criticism should apply to the Christian community as well.

To this charge, several replies must be made: Christianity teaches that there is one God, not a series of Gods. The Bible’s testimony to the deity of Christ and the Holy Spirit maintains at the same time that only one God exists, not two or three. On the other hand, the NOI’s teaching leads to billions of Gods.

Next, in the Incarnation of Jesus, we have the one God taking on human form; the eternal God becomes a man. We do not have the newest or “greatest” Allah suddenly coming into being. As God the Son, Jesus existed before the beginning of time.

Moreover, the Bible predicts that God would appear as man in Isaiah 9:6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Micah 5:2, Zechariah 12:10, and so forth. Though orthodox Muslims may not accept these verses from the Bible, they were part of Jewish scripture over one thousand years before the composition of the Qur’an. Thus, the possibility of God appearing in human form is not unscriptural. Indeed, it is predicted.

Finally, it is one thing to claim to be God; it is another to prove it. Though both Jesus Christ and W. D. Fard claimed divinity, their lives differed immensely. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, from the tribe of Judah, from the house of David, according to the Scripture. He fulfilled prophecy throughout His life and God the Father validated His ministry with miracles and mighty works (“Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’?”). W. D. Fard fulfilled no definite prophecy from the Qur’an or the Bible (except 2 Peter 2:1), and he did no miraculous works such as walking on water or healing the blind. (Anticipating an NOI response, I would add that Fard did not heal “mentally blind” black people either, since he and Elijah left them in deception, believing that they are Gods, rather than sinners.)

In many other ways, Elijah Muhammad showed himself to be a false teacher. For example, the Bible and the Qur’an both agree that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus (Matt. 1:23-35, Luke 1:27-35; Sura 3:47, 19:20, 21:91, 66:12). Elijah Muhammad denied this.

On life after death, the Bible and the Qur’an both agree that the resurrection of the dead is a physical (not a mental) reality which will occur at the last day. “But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is vain and your faith is also vain . . . [and] you are still in your sins” (1 Cor. 15:13-14, 17). Jesus showed Himself alive after His crucifixion, even inviting the disciples to handle His body (Luke 24:39, John 20:27). The Bible says that God shall raise our “mortal bodies” (not our “minds”) from the grave (John 5:28-29, Rom. 8:11, Phil. 3:21).

The Qur’an portrays God pointedly asking those who doubt that literal resurrection is possible, “Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones? Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers” (Sura 75:3-4).

The Bible and the Qur’an both describe a future Day of Judgment followed by conscious life after death in either Heaven (Paradise) or Hell, in an abundance of passages too numerous to list here. Elijah Muhammad denied this also and taught his followers that permanent nonexistence follows death.[38]

Generally speaking, Elijah Muhammad’s rewriting of ancient history is so fantastic that it’s difficult to take seriously. Whether it’s Jesus Christ being stabbed by a police officer in a storefront, or His body being preserved in a glass tube, or Moses blowing up rebellious whites with dynamite four thousand years ago, or gorillas being produced by intermarriage of dark Caucasians five thousand years ago —the whole tale contradicts science, logic, and history.

Whatever term the reader prefers to apply here, our point is that Elijah Muhammad presented these fabulous stories to his constituents as if they were true, a “real” history of mankind never known before. There is no evidence that he intended them to be taken metaphorically or as teaching symbols. They were presented as new revelations from Master Fard, and Elijah Muhammad never questioned their validity.


In the past twenty-two years since Elijah Muhammad’s death, Minister Farrakhan has been seemingly revising aspects of his predecessor’s theology. Before different audiences, Minister Farrakhan will preach conflicting messages, which makes it more difficult to determine what he “really” believes. Yet overall, some sort of progress in his teaching can and should be charted.

Louis Farrakhan has increasingly found acceptance before Muslim audiences and been recognized by several nations as a Muslim leader. He is familiar with the shahada, the Muslim confession of faith: “I witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Apostle [or Messenger] of Allah.” Reciting this creed is all that is necessary to convert to Islam. When Muslims say this creed, the Apostle they mean is Muhammad ibn Abdullah of Mecca, the founder of Islam who died in A.D. 632.[39]

Twenty years ago, Louis Farrakhan taught “that there is no God but Master Fard Muhammad, Who is Allah, and that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is His divine Messenger.”[40] (To orthodox Muslims, this is crude blasphemy.) If Farrakhan still believes this, he doesn’t say it anymore, and when he quotes the shahada, he now uses the orthodox formula listed above. A review of the introductory words used by Minister Farrakhan each Saviour’s Day since 1973 reveals a progressive abandonment of references to Fard as Allah and to Elijah Muhammad as the Last Messenger of Allah, and (by the 1990s) a shift to introductions acceptable to orthodox Muslims.[41]

Minister Farrakhan now describes Master Fard as “the Mahdi,” one of the terms Fard used to identify himself. In Islamic thought, the Mahdi (Arabic, “the guided one”) was a Muslim imam (leader), Muhammad ibn al-Askari, who went into hiding in the ninth century A.D. and whom the Shi’ite Muslims believe will return prior to the Day of Judgment.[42] This designation is more tolerable to the orthodox Muslim mind, since the Mahdi is not equated with deity. Likewise, Minister Farrakhan now describes Elijah Muhammad as “the Messiah” and avoids referring to him as the Last Messenger of Allah, since this would infringe on the finality of the Prophet Muhammad.

In the past few years, Louis Farrakhan has rarely mentioned the term “Gods” in the plural, nor made references to the Gods dying (at least, that I am aware of). Minister Farrakhan often describes the living God as the Creator of the Universe, Creator of heaven and earth, or by the Qur’anic term “Lord of the worlds.” This also is a change from Elijah Muhammad’s original doctrine (which we saw earlier) that the Creator of this universe died and another God is in His place.

One area where Mr. Farrakhan has not changed is the assertion that God “started as an atom of life” who “created Himself out of the material of the darkness.”[43] For Christians, this means that Minister Farrakhan’s God is not truly an eternal God because He “comes into existence” at some point in the remote past.

As Minister Farrakhan has increasingly been invited to speak at Christian churches, he tailors his message to the audience, liberally quoting from memory New Testament passages that even contradict NOI doctrine, such as John 1:1, Romans 5:19, or Colossians 2:9.[44] He quotes passages on the deity of Christ, the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, salvation by grace through faith, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which no other Muslim in his right mind could deliver to a Christian audience—doing so with a passion and panache marvelous to behold.

His punchline is that a true Christian, a true Muslim, and a true Jew all worship the same God, and though we each may be separated by theology, if we sincerely and wholeheartedly serve God according to the best examples of our Scriptures, we will all fare well in the end. He called the Christian ministers “the People of God.” This accords well with liberal and ecumenical Muslim perspectives in America, but again, it was not Elijah’s perspective.


Those who admire the Nation of Islam because of its stance on traditional morality or social involvement must be given sound reasons for looking elsewhere for spiritual leadership. There are many:

Primarily, the NOI is an unbiblical sect laden with false teaching. Jesus asked, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Even if the NOI provided its followers with material blessings and an external appearance of righteousness, the loss of one’s salvation is sufficient to outweigh all the external benefits it might offer.

The NOI does not believe in an eternal, infinite God. Its founder taught a crude polytheism, and led his followers into the worship of man, especially Master Fard. Its founder instructed them to deny Jesus’ divine origin, His miracles, His sacrificial death, His resurrection, and His return. The Jesus of the Nation of Islam came (allegedly) for the white man, not the black man. Jesus is virtually irrelevant to the Nation of Islam, except where His denunciation of hypocrites and Pharisees can be applied to white and Jewish people.

According to Elijah Muhammad, Jesus’ death on the streets (not on the cross) provided no salvation or real change of life for either white people or black people, so Christ is fundamentally irrelevant to the NOI thinking. Elijah said Jesus is cold and dead in the grave, so “another Jesus” must come at a later time to do for black people what Jesus of Nazareth failed to do for white people. Who is the Jesus who is to come? NOI leaders have variously identified this “Jesus” as Master Fard, as Elijah Muhammad, or as Louis Farrakhan.

As Christians, we warn that a counterfeit Jesus will bring the Muslims a counterfeit salvation. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). He did not add, “temporarily.” He did not say He was the way only for Caucasians. He said “no one” (not “no white person”) may come “to the Father except through Me.” The NOI concept of salvation bypasses Jesus Christ as the one Mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5) and substitutes personal obedience to the commands of Allah. Though we agree that God’s law is holy, just and good (Rom. 7:12), we also warn that “by [obeying] the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight” (Rom. 3:20, Gal. 2:16). Trying to achieve salvation through law-keeping is an impossible task.

Black churches and white churches need teaching on Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. White Christians must remember that the Nation of Islam would probably not even exist had it not been for the racism that dominated the black experience in this country since the first slave ship arrived 378 years ago. Both white and black Christians must provide practical answers to the problems of racism which have allowed Minister Farrakhan’s message to find fertile soil.

In practical terms, the church needs to solicit more male participation and membership. We need to provide workable solutions in areas of jobs, employment, housing, education, and the reclamation of people in the prisons and under court supervision. Many of us like the idea of a youth ministry but don’t like the inconvenience and the “trouble” of reaching out to gangs or crossing racial boundaries. We will find that other groups such as the Nation of Islam will play the good Samaritan to the neighbor we prefer to walk past and ignore.


Bible quotations from the New King James Version.

1. Asim Mughal <>, “(Part 10/15): Islam: Farrakhism & Malcolm X,” Islam FAQ, 27 March 1995 <>. (Capitalization and punctuation in text have been altered.) [return]

2. Muslim Student Association, University of Southern California, “Abusing the word Islam,” USC Muslim Students Association Islamic Server, 11 Apr. 1997 <> (25 Apr. 1997). The “Sunnah” are the customs or habits of Muhammad and of his early Muslim followers. [return]

3. Elijah Muhammad, Our Saviour Has Arrived (Newport News, Va.: United Brothers Communications Systems, 1969[?]), 39-41, 96. [return]

4. Muhammad, Our Saviour, 146. [return]

5. Ibid., 97. [return]

6. Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman in America (Chicago: The Final Call, Inc., 1965), 108-111. Elijah Muhammad was not consistent in reckoning this group of Scientists. In Our Saviour, page 12, he says the total is 25, not 24. [return]

7. Muhammad, Our Saviour, 119. [return]

8. Muhammad, Message, 109. [return]

9. Muhammad, Our Saviour, 96. [return]

10. Ibid., 26. [return]

11. Muhammad, Message, 210. [return]

12. Ibid., 6, 7. [return]

13. Muhammad, Our Saviour, 56-57. [return]

14. Ibid., 135. [return]

15. The full story of Yakub is told by Elijah Muhammad in Message, 110-126. Also note Muhammad, Our Saviour, 12, 110-126. [return]

16. Muhammad, Our Saviour, 90. [return]

17. Muhammad, Message, 110-115. [return]

18. Ibid., 115-16. [return]

19. Ibid., 117, 119. [return]

20. Ibid., 120. [return]

21. Muhammad, Our Saviour, 99; parenthetic statements in the original text. [return]

22. Ibid., 157-158. [return]

23. Elijah Muhammad, The True History of Jesus as Taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, compiled by the Coalition for the Remembrance of Elijah (Chicago: Coalition for the Remembrance of Elijah, 1992), 20. Note that in this reference, Muhammad wrongly cites Matt. 1:23, which the author correctly refers to as Matt. 1:21. [return]

24. Muhammad, True History, 13. [return]

25. Ibid., 14. [return]

26. Ibid. [return]

27. Muhammad, Our Saviour, 13. [return]

28. Ibid. [return]

29. Ibid., 200. [return]

30. Muhammad, Message, 221. [return]

31. Elijah Muhammad, The Fall of America (Newport News, Va.: The National Newport News and Commentator, 1973), 14-15. [return]

32. Elijah Muhammad, How to Eat to Live, Book One (Chicago: Muhammad’s Temple of Islam No. 2, 1967), 58. [return]

33. Muhammad, Our Saviour, 129. [return]

34. Ibid., 83, 89-91. [return]

35. Muhammad, Fall of America, 143. [return]

36. For example, Muhammad, Fall of America, 143; Message, 16, 294; Our Saviour, 191. [return]

37. Muhammad, Fall of America, 205. [return]

38. Technically, Elijah Muhammad contradicted himself on the afterlife. He seems to teach a “hereafter” or an afterlife in Our Saviour, 89, and elsewhere, but in his chapter on “The Hereafter” in Message, 303-305, he explains that this term refers to the next generation of people living on the planet. [return]

39. Technically, Muslims do not believe Muhammad was the “founder” of Islam. They believe God founded Islam and Adam was the first Muslim. Muhammad might be called the putative founder of Islam. [return]

40. Louis Farrakhan, Seven Speeches by Minister Louis Farrakhan (1974; reprint, Chicago: WKU and the Final Call, Inc., 1992), 74. [return]

41. Mattias Gardell, In the Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam (Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1996), 192, 193. [return]

42. John Gilchrist, Muhammad and the Religion of Islam (Benoni, South Africa: Jesus to the Muslims, 1986), 372. Shi’ites comprise about 10 percent of the Muslim population. [return]

43. Louis Farrakhan, “The Name of True Religion? Obey God!” The Final Call, 11 Mar. 1997, 21. Excerpts from Louis Farrakhan’s Saviour’s Day message given at University of Illinois-Chicago Pavilion, Chicago, Ill. [return]

44. Louis Farrakhan, “Proper Preaching: The Way to Revive and Restore the People of God,” sermon given at Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, Chicago, Ill., on 3 March 1994. [return]

original filename: CSM1121A.TXT
“Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam: Part Two”
Release A, 25 April 1998

Electronic version contains minor changes and corrections from printed version.

Copyright © 1997 by Eric Pement. This file may be reproduced on electronic media and communications services without charge or permission from the author(s), so long as the wording of the text remains unaltered. For additional information about our publications, please write to: Cornerstone, 939 W. Wilson Ave., Chicago, IL 60640-5706, U.S.A.


Taken from

Also cited from the terribly anti Islam website full of lies and deceits called


Note another amazing piece from a Christian perspective that seems decry some of their Christian brethren that  since L Farrakhan quotes the Bible so much, etc etc, he is secretly a Christian moving with the “Holy Ghost” and so on blah blah blah,,,, read it below


The Farrakhan Controversy-A Wolf in Sheep Clothing

By Detective Sergeant Sam Smith


And see another “Sergeant Sam Smith” articles

Good Works vs. Eternal Salvation

(The Farrakhan Controversy-Part III)

By Sergeant Sam Smith

The Origins of the Nation of Islam

(The Farrakhan Controversy-Part IV.)

Sergeant Sam Smith

Master Fard’s Deceptions and Doctrines

(Farrakhan Controversy Part V.)

Sergeant Sam Smith

Eight Heads in a Duffle Bag

The Farrakhan Controversy, Part VI.

By Sergeant Sam Smith

How a White Confidence Man Became God

And Savior to a Black Cult of Racists and Separatists

The Farrakhan Controversy Part VII

By Sergeant Sam Smith

The Threat of the Nation of Islam to African-American Churches

By Detective Sergeant Sam Smith

The Growth of Islam in the United States

Sergeant Sam Smith II

A Response to “Wrong Idea About Islam”

And of course these website is vehemently anti Islam

Sergeant Sam Smith II

The Tears of Jihad

And seek more articles of similar thread of Christian thought on the website


And an interesting news about an encounter between the  “Fruit of Islam,” the paramilitary group that protects Farrakhan and NOI interests,   and Obama’s secret service guards, for more study and investigation.

Louis Farrakhan’s “Fruit of Islam” Paramilitary Thugs Skirmish With Obama’s Secret Service Back In The Old Neighborhood

May, 30, 2010 — nicedeb

As you’ve no doubt heard, rather than stay in DC and visit Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day,  the President opted to travel to Chicago, back to his house in the old neighborhood:

Byron York covered a minor bruhaha that occurred while the Obama family was enjoying  BBQ at friend and treasurer for Organizing For America, Marty Nesbitt’s house

President Obama’s home is in the same Chicago neighborhood as Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  On Saturday night, the overlapping of Obama’s and Farrakhan’s worlds made for a strange, and sometimes testy, encounter between the Secret Service, the press corps covering the president, and the paramilitary security force, the Fruit of Islam, surrounding Farrakhan.

The encounter was written up — for distribution to the press, not necessarily for publication — by the New York Times’ Jackie Calmes.  It began a little after 4:00 p.m. when Obama and his family walked to the nearby home of longtime friend Marty Nesbitt for a backyard cookout.  It just so happens that Nesbitt lives across the street from Farrakhan.

After an initial misunderstanding,  one of the Secret Service guys explained to the Fruits of Islam guys that they weren’t interested in what was going on at Farrakhan’s house…

The man is back to pacing and talking on his cell, walkie-talkie in hand.

A co-pooler searched the Internet for the address and found it listed on a Web site called NotForTourists and another called Indeed, another pooler found a county Web site that confirmed this property is tax exempt for being a religious institution.

Reinforcements arrived — three men in T-shirts reading “Wide or Die!” One surly man has been staring daggers at us. Asked if this is Minister Farrakhan’s house, he just stared at your pooler. Asked again, he said, “I don’t have no comment.”

At nearly 8 p.m. local time we are still holding while POTUS and family remain at the Nesbitts.

More time passed.  The men in T-shirts were joined by even more men,  from the Fruit of Islam, Farrakhan’s security force.

Continue reading at The Examiner.

The bizarre standoff finally ended at 10:33 pm.

Gabriel Malor summed it all up quite nicely at AoSHQ:

Paranoia? Check.
Paramilitary? Check.
Religious? Check.
Not paying taxes? Check.

I think the press found Napolitano’s extremists.


Flashback: Obama 1995: (Obama goes to the million man march).

Radicals, Terrorists And Tyrants Of The World Root For Obama


another interesting background article for investigation:


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Have Minister Farrakhan and Nation of Islam Changed Direction?”


The Nation of Islam was founded on July 4, 1930 in Detroit, Michigan by one W.F. Muhammad (Master Fard Muhammad) who by 1933 had reincarnated and transformed himself into a messianic and Christ like figure. Thus, his student Elijah Poole who later became known as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad eventually elevated W.F. Muhammad (Master Fard Muhammad) to the status of Allah (God) in person and created a counter theological perspective to Christianity. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad asked what he believe to be the number one (1) Essential Question, was God a Spirit, Spook or some Mystery? (Reference: Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman in America; pgs 1-16) Muhammad through a comparative religion study process ascertains that God was a man and that the unique historical experience of the Black man and Black woman in America qualified us for the coming of a Savior (Reference: Jabril Muhammad, This Is The One, and The Most Honored Elijah Muhammad: We Need Not Look For Another.

Muhammad taught and it had become a tradition that all his ministers opened their speeches with salutations giving “all praises are due to Allah (God) who appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad”. He did not teach his ministers and followers to give praise to the Arab mystery God concept nor was Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah of 1400 years ago considered the last messenger of Allah (God), this lofty position was held for Elijah Muhammad only. Muhammad taught that our history was shrouded in Biblical prophecy under the symbolic name called Jew and Israel (Reference: C.I Scofield, The Holy Bible; the book Genesis 15: 13-15). Muhammad taught that our 400-year sojourn in America was foretold and that Allah (God) would come to rescue his chosen people who are none other than the Black afflicted in America and persecute our White tormentors. Muhammad taught that the White world rule ended in 1914, but Allah gave the White race a 70 year grace period (Reference: C. Eric Lincoln, The Black Muslims in America), in which the white race rule ended in 1984 and we were supposed come up out of America with great substance.

It appears Minister Farrakhan has strategically demoted W.F. Muhammad status to that of Mahdi (redeemer and reviver of the faith) and the context of the original theological status of Allah (God) has been removed; thus, Muhammad taught that “we believe that Allah (God) appeared in the person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July 1930; the long-awaited “Messiah” of the Christians and the “Mahdi” of the Muslims (Reference: Nasir Makr Hakim, The True History of Master Fard Muhammad). The majority of top national laborers which include: Abdul Akbar Muhammad, Donald Muhammad, Kemal Muhammad, A’ishah Muhammad, Charlene Muhammad, Abdul Arif Muhammad, Abdullah Muhammad, Frank Muhammad, Shelby Muhammad, Claudette Muhammad, James Muhammad, Eugynee Muhammad, Ishmael Muhammad, Ava Muhammad, Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, Jabril Muhammad, Tynnetta Muhammad, Jamil Muhammad, Nisa Islam, Abdul Khadir Muhammad, Rasul Muhammad, Tony Muhammad, Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad, Mustafa Farrakhan, etc., I have not read or heard them open with salutations to speeches in the name of Allah who appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad in quite sometime. What is the reason for negating such an important theological plank? Does Nation of Islam hierarchy still believe the Master Fard Muhammad is the Supreme Being and Allah in person? Moreover, if so, why do not they openly teach it anymore?

Muhammad taught that his teachings could be summed up in six
words “accepted your own and be yourself”. Elijah Muhammad warned Minister Farrakhan “not to change the teachings” the Messenger stated “although he was going away, but if he (Minister Farrakhan) is faithful, when I (Muhammad) return Allah would reveal the new teachings through him”. The new teachings can not be Sunni Orthodox Islam because in 1977 Bernard Cushmere (Jabril Muhammad) and Minister Farrakhan severed their religious relationship with Imam Warithudeen Mohammed (Wallace D. Muhammad) and his World Community of AL-Islam In The West who had taken Elijah Muhammad’s followers toward Sunni Orthodox Islam (Reference: Clifton E. Marsh, From Black Muslims to Muslims: The Transition from Separatism to Islam 1930 –1980).

Minister Farrakhan vehemently disagreed with Elijah Muhammad’s son, and then named Wallace D. Muhammad for betraying the programmatic and theological foundation of the original teachings. W.D. Muhammad stated, “this man (W.F. Muhammad) came with reverse psychology and he began convincing people of the black community in America that he was a saint or mystic or perhaps even God in the flesh. I am convinced that he himself, never told anyone that he was God in the flesh, but strongly believe that he hinted it intentionally so that others would say he was God in flesh” (Reference: Wallace D. Muhammad, As The Light Shineth From The East).

Farrakhan who served as an international ambassador to W.D. Muhammad and was known then as Abdul Haleem Farrakhan raised an organizational challenge and eventually reestablished the Nation of Islam based on the original tenets of Elijah Muhammad. Minister Larry X (Abdul Akbar Muhammad) wrote in Saviour’s Day 1981 Historic Souvenir Journal that “the departure of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad brought many drastic changes to the Nation and Minister Farrakhan in particular in that he was viewed as a threat to the new leadership. After approximately 3 years (30) months) of wrestling with himself and the turn around from the Messenger’s teachings by
Wallace Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan turned back to the Messenger’s teaching and decided that if he was truly to serve his own and work like his leader and raise the Blackman from the mud of civilization that he would have to teach the message that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught.”

Although Minister Farrakhan and Jabril Muhammad was well aware that Minister Silis Muhammad of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam In the West was the first to openly oppose Wallace D. Muhammad In 1977 (Reference: Mattias Gardell, In The Name of Elijah Muhammad: Louis Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam) and declared a “Spiritual War” against the teachings of Wallace D. Muhammad (Reference: Silis Muhammad, The Wake of the Nation). Minister Farrakhan had adopted a puritanical and loyalist position to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, which was juxtaposed to the so-called new
ideological changes being initiated by W.D. Muhammad; moreover, he (Minister Farrakhan) told the Muslims that 1). That he believed with all his heart in the divinity of God who appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. 2). He believed in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad being the last messenger of Allah (God) and the exalted Christ. 3). Minister Farrakhan said he believed the entire white
race was a grafted race of devils made by Yakub. 4). He said there could not be Black-White unity and that separation was the only solution to the 400 year old problem in America. 5) (Reference: Steven Barboza, American Jihad: Islam After Malcolm X).

Minister Farrakhan promised his earlier followers, if they supported him, he would never deviate again from what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had taught. The work to rebuild the original Nation of Islam began on these convictions and many gave of themselves based on these premises. What happened to the original intent, vision and the path Minister Farrakhan so passionately and eloquently convinced his followers and supporters to accept when he stood back up to reconstruct the Nation of Islam in 1977? (Reference: Haki R. Madhubuti, Claiming Earth Race, Rage, Rape, Redemption; Blacks Seeking a Culture of Enlightened Empowerment).

Farrakhan in the early reestablishing days (1977) often told a public account of how depressed he was and he was contemplating going back in to show business, but his long time minister friend from Temple #32 Phoenix, Arizona Bernard Cushmere (Jabril Muhammad) in a West Coast restaurant gave him a manuscript written by himself titled, Is It Possible That the Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive?). This manuscript helped Minister Farrakhan to reassess the work of his mentor Muhammad and he committed himself to rebuilding the Nation of Islam as a nationalistic and separatist
organization (Reference: Arthur J. Magida, Prophet of Rage: A Life of Louis Farrakhan and His Nation. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad blood brother John Muhammad wrote, “Bro. Cushmere (Jabril Muhammad), why do you write such claims of signs and use old prophecy from different books trying to prove the living life of my brother, Elijah Muhammad, when you know he is dead, and he was only a messenger sent by Master W.F. Muhammad whom you never saw, but I did, and many times I was in his presences at the home of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. How do you feel to guide people to such belief which is false?” (Reference: John Muhammad, The Journal of Truth).

Muhammad taught separation for over 44 years he said, ” since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contribution to this land and the suffering forced upon us by whites America, justifies our demand for Complete Separation In A State or Territory Of Our Own” Does Minister Farrakhan still believe and openly teaches separation? If he does not, then he has truly deviated from the political teachings of Muhammad who never compromised his true beliefs on separation. Muhammad asked for some states or territory inside the United States or outside the United States. Did not Qadafhi, leader of the Nation of Libya offer the Nation of Islam a 1 billion dollar monetary gift; although, the United States Treasury Department blocked the gift, Why did not Nation of Islam keep the money overseas and use it to buy land in Africa as a small step toward our plight for separation?

Minister Abdul Akbar Muhammad has lived in Ghana, Africa since 1990 and serves as the international representative of the Nation of Islam, other than touring Africa and visiting cultural sites and having dinner with heads of states, he has not capitalized off the tremendous trade opportunities that exist on the continent. All nations have import/export needs. Africa buy western products sugar, grain, oil, automobiles, building materials, medical supplies, meats, etc., the United States banks will honor letters of credit in various forms and even has a program called Export Credit Insurance where EXIMbank will underwrite 98% of the value of an export loan. Minister Farrakhan went on three (3) World Friendship Tours to different parts of the world establishing diplomatic ties with heads of states. Yet, the Nation of Islam has no International Trade Department in order to capitalize off Minister Farrakhan’s foreign influence.

Minister Farrakhan convinced his earlier followers (between 1977- 1985) of the Nation of Islam that Muhammad teachings were “right and exact” and in 1981 his first Savior’s Day he subtitled his speech, “The Rebirth of a Nation”; moreover, those earlier followers believed with all their hearts that Minister Farrakhan would restore the original image, work, and legacy of Elijah Muhammad that was destroyed by W.D. Muhammad and Federal Bureau of Investigation. Minister Malcolm X paved the way for Elijah Muhammad to make Hajj (the holy pilgrimage to Mecca) in 1959 (Reference: Claude Clegg, An Original Man: The Life and Times of Elijah Muhammad); thus, this experience did not change Muhammad’s convictions to the plight of Black people in America. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad saw the entire Hajj as nothing but mere ritualism and symbolism. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “All the world of Islam has to learn what has happened here in America. Islam of Muhammad of 1,400 years ago served that time. We need a new Islam to serve this day. My mission is to convert all Black people on earth into the knowledge of God. Acquaint them all with a new Islam and God. There will be a new world all together” (Reference: Nasir Makr Hakim, The True History of Elijah Muhammad: Messenger of Allah).

Did Minister Farrakhan take Shahada (confession of faith) by stating, “there is no God, but Allah (not W.F. Muhammad) and that Muhammad (not Elijah Muhammad, but prophet Muhammad of Arabia) is the last messenger of Allah?” Elijah Muhammad did not advocate that his followers to give any such confession or declaration of faith outside writing the Savior’s Letter and asking W.F. Muhammad for a holy name in the form of an X and to be recorded in the book of life. In addition, Muhammad required all his followers to past the “Student Enrollment” examination at a 100% satisfaction rate. Elijah Muhammad did not use Muhammad’s Temple #2 now known today as Mosque Maryam as setting for Jummah Prayer nor as Masjid to accommodate, Arab oriented Sunni Orthodox Islam and to show the universality of the life giving teachings.

We have witness since the early 1990’s Sheikh Ahmed Tijani Bin Omar leading the Nation of Islam in a form of prayer that is deeply steeped in the “spook God” concept. The Nation of Islam and The World Islamic People’s Leadership on July 3-6 1997 co-hosted a Sunni Orthodox Islamic conference, where Minister Farrakhan allowed Sheikh
Muhammad S. Bello of Cyprus, Sheikh Alaa Al- Azayem of Egypt, Sheikh Ibahhim Al-Wazir of Egypt, Sheikh Abu Ghazela of Jordan, and Sheikh Abdul Razak Tahir Muhyideen of Nigeria crown him as a Sunni Orthodox Islamic Imam. Farrakhan in 1985 made Hajj to Mecca, but he was a well international traveler from 1965-1975 as the National
Representative of Elijah Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan unlike the Nation of Islam’s rank and file members has been well aware of the Sunni Orthodox Islam’s theology for a very long time. He has said in his public speeches “one day we will teach the Arabs in the east”, but it appears he has accepted the Arabs teaching the Nation of Islam their form of Sunni Orthodox Islam.

Why is Minister Farrakhan slowly moving the Nation of Islam toward Sunni Orthodox Islam; in particular knowing how unsuccessful this transition was for Wallace D. Muhammad? Minister Farrakhan knows that even in Mecca you will find the African-Arab Muslims as servants to the white Arabs Muslims and throughout the Middle East where ever there is a Black-White dynamic, the White Arab Muslim is seen as superior to the Black-Arab Muslim (Reference: Chancellor Williams, The Destruction of Black Civilization); hence there is no such teachings of universality under the banner of Sunni Orthodox Islam, it is only an illusion. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad also was well aware of Sunni theology, he sent his youngest son, Akbar Muhammad to study Islam abroad at the prestigious Al Ahazar University at Cairo, Egypt, but the Honorable Elijah departed us in 1975 as a true believer according to the teachings giving to him by W.F. Muhammad, he did not waiver.

Minister Farrakhan in 1983 convinced himself and the Nation of Islam that we had a moral obligation to participate in electoral politics and back Reverend Jesse Jackson’s bid for the presidential nomination (Reference: Jabril Muhammad, A Special Spokesman), which was unprecedented in the history of Nation of Islam and went very contrary against the original teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Muhammad taught against voting and did not allow his followers to participate in the electoral process. Muhammad never gave a political endorsement to any candidate, although he liked the late Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. The Nation of Islam who had giving Jesse Jackson money, man hours, security and only to witness this “Negro” betray Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam in order to be in the political bed with his former slave master and gain support from reactionary blacks. The United States Secret Service Agency initially would not even provide this “Negro” with security, but the Fruit of Islam put their lives on line for a politician who has never come back to apologize to the young innocent Black men who was willing to die for Jackson because they believed in the righteousness of Minister Farrakhan’s cause.

In 1988 the Nation of Islam’s Fruit of Islam (the military training of the men who belongs to Islam in North America) got into a conflict with a gun toting dope dealer in Washington, DC and the unarmed Muslims were able to beat and apprehend this thug, but the incident was caught on camera and Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, the minister of Muhammad’s Mosque #4 used the incident as a public relations ploy. The Nation of Islam began receiving praises from conservative politician Patrick Buchanan and Jack Kemp of Housing and Urban Development and United States Government later entered into government backed security contracts with the Nation of Islam; however, this relationship between the United States Government and the Nation of Islam ran contrary to the original teachings of Elijah Muhammad.

Muhammad did not receive grant monies from the U.S. Government nor was the Nation of Islam’s financial records open for government scrutiny. Henry Cisneros the former mayor of San Antonio, Texas who replaced Kemp as HUD Chairman continued this relationship with the Nation of Islam until Congressman Peter King (R-NY) began to expose the HUD and Nation of Islam improprieties as it pertains to government tax based grant rules and conditions. Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad (William X Johnson) former Supreme Captain of Nation of Islam and his buddy Akil Muhammad (Rodney X) the two mindsets behind NOI Security contracts perhaps had no real experience managing government grant money nor understood 501C (3) R nonprofit conditions and requirements.

Congressman King’s actions was far from him being a good political steward of public tax based money, he is a Zionist Jew perhaps a member of Anti Defamation League who was opposed to Farrakhan’s organization raking in millions of dollars, which to support a
movement that the ADL did not approve. We need to be clear that the Nation of Islam security teams did a tremendous good job in Baltimore, Washington, DC, Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Los Angles, etc., ridding the said public housing
communities of crime and drugs. But Nation of Islam did not realize that the government grants had legal conditions attached such as: non-discrimination clause, nonpolitical clauses, employee wage requirements, fiscal management requirements, non-proselytizing clauses, IRS filing requirements, government oversight requirements, US Veterans stipulations, etc., these were the areas that Congressman King exploited in the name of a US Grant recipient (Nation of Islam) failing to comply with United States law and policy. King’s political lobbying led to all the Nation of Islam Security contracts being terminated and rescinded. King even declared that Minister Farrakhan was the invisible CEO of the NOI Security contracts and he should have been held financial and criminal liable for any conduct that was deemed unethical. Most Black observers of this recent history knew that King’s attempt to bring Farrakhan in to a court of law was mere nonsense.

This writer was also disappointed in the lack of political objectives that came out of October 16, 1995 “The Million Man March”. This was a great day in the history of Black America, but at the same time, it was equally a sad day. Minister Farrakhan’s theme “A Holy Day of Atonement and Reconciliation” for the march was conciliatory at best and non-threaten to say the least, it was no different from Dr. Martin Luther King 1963 “I Have Dream” march. At least out of King’s march Blacks got passed the 1964 Civil Rights Bill and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, two political goals that were met along with a host of other public accommodation legislation. Minister Farrakhan spent a great majority of his speech decoding Masonic symbolism and talking about the inner symbolic mystery of the Capitol’s architecture layout (Reference: Tynnetta Muhammad, Million Man March, 1,000,000 (10,000 X 100) One Ten Thousands part of one equal: Women In Support of the Million Man March), in reality it was one of the poorest speeches I have every heard Minister Farrakhan deliver.

Farrakhan on that day, had the attention of the world, and sadly to say he made no demands. He did not address reparations and separation, leaders like the late Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad and Minister Silis Muhammad who would have address these issues were precluded from speaking at this historical event. Minister Farrakhan could have just read and quoted the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s Program titled, “What the Muslim Want and What the Muslim Believe” this would have been more than sufficient in addressing the political, economic and social conditions of the 30 to 50 million so- called American Negroes in the United States.

The Nation of Islam is dying a slow death, not because of the correctness of the theology nor is the theology antiquated, but the leadership has become corrupted by unchecked petty-materialism, undisciplined laborers, and scandalous behavior, which has reduced a once respected organization to the level of a cult. The organization has always been required to support a very heavy top Chicago leadership, who has acquired huge sums of money, upscale vehicles, mansions, expensive clothing, jewelry, businesses and the majority of the Nation of Islam hierarchy live petty bourgeoisie life styles. This is done at the expense and sacrifices of the tithes giving by the poor Believers and very few of the organizational material perks ever trickle down to the Believers who worked so hard in the name of their faith (Reference: Vilbert White, (Inside The Nation of Islam: A Historical and Personal Testimony By A Black Muslim).

This writer can recall at the completion of five (5) million dollar Salaam Restaurant, Minister Farrakhan announced in 1997 that he would establish a chain of Salaams in cities such as: New York, Newark, Baltimore, Washington DC, Richmond, Va, Durham, NC, Detroit, Boston, Houston, Los Angeles, Atlanta, etc., we are five (5) years removed and not one (1) city other than Chicago has a Salaam Restaurant that is financed by the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam in 1998 even decentralized the organization, it is interpreted as legally meaning that Nation of Islam headquartered in Chicago bears no direct or indirect connections to its local mosques, membership and all other entities described as local Nation of Islam; thus, each mosque shall function as an independent and sovereign corporate entity. This new legal status absorbs and indemnifies the Nation of Islam Chicago of any responsibility and liability to those who pay the high salaries of the Chicago administration. Who dare to question the actions that run contrary?
to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad?

Minster Farrakhan’s Chief of Staff and son-in-law Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad he did not pay any rank and file dues and was never a foot soldier, how and why did he become so powerful, so quick as the top, laborer in the Nation of Islam? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said you should try a man under authority before you make him the authority. Benjamin F. Muhammad (Benjamin F. Chavis) who became the leader of Mosque #7 did not have the slightest idea about the new faith that he embraced in 1997 nor did he understand Muslim politics, how did he become chosen over qualified ministers to head New York Muhammad’s Mosque #7? This is not to say Minister Conrad Muhammad and Captain Dennis Muhammad should not have been removed from their respective leadership positions because both of them were corrupted to the core. How and why was convicted Malcolm X killer Norman X Butler (Abdul Aziz Muhammad) giving the captain’s post over New York Mosque #7 and made the East Coast Regional Captain after serving twenty-five (25) years in prison?

However, in February 1994 Minister Farrakhan suspended his perhaps most loyal recruit Khallid Abdul Muhammad (Harold X Vann) for so-called insensitivity remarks toward Jews, Whites, homosexuals and the Pope. Khallid in this writer’s opinion was only preaching his radical version of Islam as taught to him by his leader Minister Farrakhan. This is not to say that Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad was some Nation of Islam moralist who was without fault, because even he had deviated from what the Muslims calls “the life given teachings”. Minister Khallid Muhammad joined and help founded the New Black Panther Party and in the name of self-defense pick up guns and went around the country advocating a violent retaliation against the white man. Minister Khallid Muhammad understood best that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad did not advocate violence, in fact Muhammad advise his followers not to even carry a penknife. What led
Minister Khallid Muhammad to such a desperate and unwise decision?

Khallid Muhammad died feeling like the organization that he once helped rebuild and had giving his life to, had betrayed him and most of all had had betrayed the true principles teachings of Elijah Muhammad. In May of 1994 Muhammad was giving a speech at the, University of California at Riverside and a Muslim gun man by the
name of James Edward Best attempted to assassinate Khallid Muhammad, he riddle Muhammad’s legs with bullets before being subdued by his followers. Who was really behind the attempt assassination on Khallid Muhammad’s life, was it the U.S. Government or the zealots from the Nation of Islam?

However, all of the above said decisions have left this writer and thousands of others baffled and the above represent serious tactful, strategic, and unexplainable errors on behalf of the Nation of Islam’s hierarchy that has affected the organization’s ability to win new recruits and new allies. In essence, organized religion has failed humanity. Minister Farrakhan has to understand and at least be honest with his followers and either tells them that Wallace D. Muhammad’s transitions to embrace Sunni Orthodox Islam twenty seven (27) years ago was correct and perhaps he was wrong, in particular if Minister Farrakhan is now leading the Nation of Islam to Orthodox Islam.

Lastly, this writer can remember at the departure of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975, it left the Nation of Islam in complete organizational chaos. Muhammad appointed no successor to head the organization at his death and the worst of it all organizational
assets were being described as part of Muhammad’s personal assets because he left no Will or Estate. Moreover, millions of dollars in real and personal property was eventually contested in a Chicago Cook County Probate Court by Muhammad’s so-called illegitimate children, where lawyers were given the titled as Muhammad’s twenty-second heir because the bulk of the money went to them. The poor people who believed in righteousness of the organization lost millions as a community.

Who will be chosen to succeed Minister Farrakhan at death? Oftentimes successors of “great men” sometime arrive from family blood linage and certain sectors within the organization start covertly priming blood members to start thinking about succession. In reality, more than not, the only thing a man from God may have
with those who claim family is blood. This will lead unqualified family members to start jockeying for organizational recognition within, because for them blood validates and overall predisposition for them to rule. They are quick to claim “I am the Messenger’s or leader’s son, daughter, wife, brother, sister, uncle, niece, nephew, cousin, grandchild, etc.,”thus, I should be afforded supreme organizational rights and privileges because of my biological kinship with the man of God. No, one questions nor challenge whether
these bloodline throne seekers are ideologically and philosophically connected to the leader, because most of us have accepted their unjustified claims.

However, the prerequisite to being true kinship to a Messenger of God lies in the likeness of mind that exists between the Messenger and his blood family. What are the ultimate goal, objectives and ulterior motives of the bloodline throne seekers? Many of them have become comfortable with extravagant and material life styles, i.e., lavish upscale automobiles, palaces, mansions, jewelry, unlimited expense accounts, travel accounts, organizational aura, etc., and they will do anything in their power to maintain this status. When the “Messenger” or leader die normally infighting starts over inheritance rights and family members are looking to steal the personal and real property from the community who worked so hard in the name of their faith. The bloodline throne seekers has only one interest and that is maintain the status quo and to fulfill their self-interest, these positions can often lead to murder, grand thief of organizations resources, civil judicial procedures, and ultimately organizational destruction.

Bloodline throne seekers view themselves as part of a chosen divinity only because they had bloodline ties to the leader or Messenger. Who dare to question their ideological loyalty or human integrity because even we assume that they must be good human beings because they are blood related to the Messenger or leader? The ingredients for hypocrisy lies in envy and jealousy and the bloodline throne seekers have always desired to take the place of the so-called Messenger or leader even prior to their death. The bloodline throne seekers desire the unconditional love, commitment, and admiration giving to leader for themselves and most of them think they could do a much better job than the “chosen one”.

The bloodline throne seekers will always claim that the Messenger or leader ignited them with private lessons, in which they swore to convey to the people at the Messenger or leader’s death and no one questions the credibility of such claims. Thus, no one else was privy to such pristine and secretly preserved scrolls with the exception to a bloodline throne seeker. Who will question their intent after all they share kinship with God’s man? In the majority of our religious organizations, it is your blind devoutness that wins you favor in these organization’s not your ability to reason and draw critical analysis. The bloodline throne seekers are a dangerous reactionary sector because they shared in the Messenger or leader’s personal lives and they know his/her strengths and weaknesses. Bloodline throne seekers are quick to come public with false allegations in order to defame the Messenger or leader’s character after death. Who will question their lies, after all they are bloodline throne seekers? Then the final discord leads to bloodline throne seekers dividing amongst themselves based on nuclear bloodline verse extended family bloodline. The former claiming a higher hierarchical right to divinity, meaning they are due more rights and privileges and the latter charging them with trying to hoard and not willing to divide the spoils of war in a just manner. The Nation of Islam will be left to choose between the bloodline throne seekers, who will they choose after all both of the above sectors are blood tied to the Messenger or leader? At Minister Farrakhan’s death the Nation of Islam will be forced to contend with the family bloodline throne seekers and believe me they do exist. However, the advantage this present day Nation of Islam has is the history of the former Nation of Islam headed by Elijah Muhammad and the affect his physical departure had on the Nation of Islam. When will Minister Farrakhan
heed the call?

There are so many similarities between the present and past Nation of Islams. In both inner circles of hierarchy, there exist key personnel who blood lineage connects them to the Messenger and Minister Farrakhan. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad had his son Elijah Muhammad, Jr. serving as the Assistant Supreme Captain to his son-in-law National Supreme Captain Raymond Sharrieff; thus, Minster Farrakhan’s son Mustafa Farrakhan once served as the Assistant Supreme Captain under ousted Supreme Captain Abdul Sharrief Muhammad. Under Elijah Muhammad, Herbert Muhammad (Jabir Muhammad) was the top business representative in the Nation of Islam. Minister
Farrakhan has appointed Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad his son-in-law as his chief of staff interprets by many as meaning the second in charge of the organization’s affairs. In addition, Minister Farrakhan’s daughters are active in the movement.

The Muhammad and Farrakhan family have relied on family members from their bloodline to function in key positions for organizational logistics, financial managers, ministers, organizers, business liaison officers, protocol officers, etc. most of the bloodline throne seekers ties to the movement is strictly business related, than they fully believing in the organization’s goals and objectives. Minister Farrakhan has never proclaimed messianic prophet hood or having some divine linage to God, but that is not to ignore the often-subtle suggestions and intentional inference spoken in his public addresses, that he is from a divine essences. Unlike the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who taught openly that he was a direct Messenger from God and his immediate family felt and Muslims made them feel that they were part of a royal priesthood.

Minister Farrakhan has said he owns very little as far as personal estate and the Nation of Islam assets belongs to the community. But in the past, as I have stated above, we have witness the bloodline throne seekers seeking judicial civil procedures, contesting organizational assets and have in the past seized them as part of their own personal estate. How protected is the Nation of Islam against these bloodline throne seekers who will rise at the death of Minister Farrakhan? They will lie in front of white judicial officials, thus manipulating the blood, sweat and tears of the grassroots membership who struggled to make their number 2 Poor charity and was consistent with complying with the financial
obligations required per the Nation of Islam Three (3) Year Economic Plan. Many believe in the moral correctness of this movement for human salvation and no bloodline throne seeker has the right to steal the organization’s collective dreams, hopes, and aspirations in the name of family greed.

Many of these bloodline throne seekers never sold a “Muhammad Speaks” nor a “Final Call newspaper, they only benefited from the fruits of others labor. These are just some of the challenges that will be facing the Nation of Islam at the death of its patriarch Louis Farrakhan. What about the Nation of Islam “Provisional Constitution” and the lines of authority established as by-laws proposed in this document? Like all great documents, it will be subject to interpretation or misinterpretation by silver tongue lawyers and deceitful followers.

There is another sector within the Nation of Islam that this writer considers reactionary claimers to the organizational throne, they are as equally dangerous as the bloodline throne seekers, this writer refers to them as the ideological loyalist. This sector claim to be fundamentalist and the original intent scroll documenters, who hears everything the leader says and interpret everything he did not say, but let them tell it, they possess special inner powers to read into the Messenger’s message in order to ascertain higher meaning. The ideological throne seekers are constantly searching the Holy
Scriptures to find where everyone is in scripture; moreover, always searching for prototypes, similes, metaphors, allegory, etc., in order to draw divine approval or divine damnation on individuals.

The ideological throne seekers in the Nation of Islam claim to always know the next step after the death of the Messenger or leader because of their so-called innate spiritual powers. They divide the organization into two categories—-those who are spiritually
centered and the hypocrites(disbelievers). The ideological throne seekers and the bloodline throne seekers are always in a cold war with each other, hence each is seeking and quietly fighting for the approval of the Messenger or the leader’s approval. The ideological throne seekers after the death of the Messenger or leader will always setup splinter movements proclaiming spiritual heir to the vacant leadership position. We have seen this happen at the physical departure of Elijah Muhammad and twenty-seven (27) years later, there are perhaps fifteen (15) different groups called the Nation of Islam.

Many of the ideological throne seekers shared in the perks of being part of Muhammad’s inner circle and they too enjoyed petty bourgeoisie and materialistic life styles, they flaunt their given titles as symbols of prestige as a mandate to insure that the believers keep them in a superior class. The ideological throne seekers often preserve public and private text from the leader showing him bestowing praises on them. They tell the organization, it was them who the leader confided in and some even erect themselves as equals and in some cases superior to the Messenger or leader after his death. Who will question and oppose these ideological throne seekers, after all they were seen on stage with the leader and appeared to be close to the Messenger or leader?

Minister Farrakhan renamed many of his top laborers with holy attributes and righteous names such as: Jabril Muhammad bestowing the name Jabril, it having an Arabic translation from the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible that originates from the Angel Gabriel. Minister Farrakhan chose this name Jabril for his friend drawing a direct
parallel from the history of Prophet Muhammad of 1400 years ago, thus it was the archangel Gabriel (Jabril) who instructed Muhammad to read in the name of his lord. It was Jabril Muhammad who came to Minister Farrakhan in 1977 at a time that the minister was in spiritual darkness and instructed him what he need to do in order to reclaim his lord and savior. He would be considered an ideological loyalist.

Tynnetta Muhammad one of the so-called wives of Elijah Muhammad who is a theologian in her own right and has drawn a lot of her concepts from Sufi Islam, astrology, numerology, freemasonry, esoteric and has infused them in a body of thought that this writer refers to as mystic “Black Muslim theology”. She has become over infatuated with the number 19 and is always search in a metaphysical method in order to ascertain higher spiritual interpretation. She also had children by Elijah Muhammad and has many followers in side the Nation of Islam who believes in her astrological predictions. She also would be considered the chief ideological loyalist.

Abdul Alim Muhammad, a native of York, Pennsylvania, former Minister of Washington, DC Mosque #4 and CEO of the Abundant Life Clinic who specializes in AIDS treatment. He is a surgeon by trade and one time was on the faculty of Howard University Medical Hospital School. This writer likes Dr. Muhammad he seems to genuinely believe in tenets of Nation of Islam and he possess integrity and credibility. Moreover, would make and excellent choice to succeed Minister Farrakhan as the leader of the Nation of Islam. Muhammad’s low dose alpha interferon AIDS treatment has drawn criticism from western media, but in my opinion, he is a solid individual. Will Minister Farrakhan ego blind him or will he allow the bloodline throne seekers and ideological throne seekers to sway his decision against such as common sense decision? Appoint Dr. Muhammad as his successor.

Ishmael Muhammad, the oldest son of Tynnetta Muhammad and the biological son of Elijah Muhammad. He is the minister over Farrakhan’s Mosque Maryam in Chicago. His is loyalty is to Farrakhan, but he tries to imitate and mimic his leader to much and do not have any leadership originality; moreover, he is cross between ideological throne seeker and definitely fit in as a bloodline throne seeker, but even he would have to contend with Minister Farrakhan’s nuclear family, if something was to happen to Farrakhan. Ishmael Muhammad did not get his fame from his father and I think that at his father’s departure he was too young to have remembered Elijah Muhammad. Farrakhan has been very generous and kind in this area; he has included a sizable amount of Elijah Muhammad’s so-called “illegitimate children” in his Nation of Islam’s inner circle. What Minister Ishmael Muhammad has is youth and he seems to be quite intelligent, but does those two quality alone translate into him being a good national leader, is at best questionable.

Then you have that old group of ministers such as Abdul Allah Muhammad, Abdul Rahman Muhammad, Don Muhammad, etc., who labored under Elijah Muhammad and now function as ministers emeritus under Minister Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. Many of them have been affiliated with the Nation of Islam as long as Minister Farrakhan and if they out live Farrakhan, how will they respond to the bloodline throne seekers or the ideological throne seekers upon them seizing control over the organization? The youth movement may not have any loyalty to the old pioneers.

Ava Muhammad who is a very charming and articulate lawyer has held top positions in the Nation of Islam, but she constantly confronted by a majority Black male organization who has little respect for women leaders. Ava Muhammad became perhaps the first fulltime female minister over a mosque ever in the history of the Nation of Islam in the late 1990’s when she was appointed to head Atlanta’s Mosque. This appointment by Farrakhan destroyed over sixty-eight (68) years of sexism that had been practiced by the organization. Although Muhammad taught that seventy-five (75) percent of his teachings was for the Black woman.

Farrakhan’s other lawyer Abdul Arif Muhammad who is originally from East Baltimore, Maryland, brothers from the streets knew him as George Cure, and a graduate of the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus has also been loyal to the Nation of Islam and perhaps could have made more money in a private law practice. There are other top rated ministers in the Nation of Islam such as Jamil Muhammad, Rasul Muhammad, Khadir Muhammad, Tony Muhammad, Benjamin F. Muhammad, etc., Which one of the said individuals will betray Minister Farrakhan’s mission? Minister Farrakhan is obligated go ahead and name his successor, and not leave this organization guessing about what the future may hold.

This is our third KEEPING IT REAL article, without constructive criticism, we cannot grow, and no one should view our position as being anti-Nation of Islam nor anti-Minister Farrakhan. However, perhaps the Nation of Islam is suffering because of not receiving honest critique and the organization will die a slow death, if no one challenges its inconsistencies and require its leadership to be better human beings. We ask that you share this article with the Black community and with Nation of Islam members. I, Fahim Knight can be reached by email at and we welcome your


Now here below is a very polemical anti Farrakhan article from an atheist, but an interesting read for the references he provides, for investigation and comparison.

The Screwy World of Louie Farrakhan

Of all those afflicted with that common form of voluntary dementia called religion, some of the queerest are members of the Nation of Islam (NOI), who are commonly referred to as “Black Muslims.” In view of the nature of the Black Muslim beliefs, well documented in numerous books, articles, and even movies and television programs, the furor a few years ago over remarks made by now deceased Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Abdul Muhammad must be attributed only to the fact that his most inflamatory words were printed in a daily newspaper as opposed to an obsure book, tract, or the Nation’s newspaper. This came at a time when some leaders, particularly prominent African Americans, were trying to ignore the fact that the Nation of Islam is, after all is said and done, a lunatic fringe group, founded on the premise of black racial superiority, with a history liberally sprinkled with violence and threats of violence. True, very few of its members are truly lunatic. The overwhelming majority, like the constituents of so many religions, conveniently choose to ignore the underlying dogma of their “faith.” Khalid Abdul Muhammad is an example of one who wouldn’t. He is, you might say, true to his faith, which is a frightening thing. Khalid’s comments, directed against Jews, Catholics, gays, and white South Africans, were nothing new and represented what must be considered mainstream rhetoric among the leaders of these self-styled Muhammedans. What is surprising is how, time after time, the Nation of Islam, through the efforts of its enigmatically charismatic leader, Louis Farrakhan, has been able to divert attention away from the basic nature of its philosophy. That nature is, without a doubt, as unflaggingly racist as that of any contemporary white group with which it might be compared, such as Ku Klux Klan organizations or Christian Identity groups. Farrakhan’s ability to dissemble the true nature of his organization to those who might find it offensive truly qualifies him as a black David Duke.

In his mission to present an acceptable face for the Nation of Islam, Minister Farrakhan has had a lot of help. For instance, on September 16, 1993, the Congressional Black Caucus held a forum of African American leaders. This gathering had a decidedly religious caste, thanks to the presence of the ubiquitous Reverend Jesse Jackson and the NAACP’s Reverend Benjamin Chavis. Also speaking were Representatives Maxine Waters and Kweisi Mfume, who seemed to trail their ordained colleagues only slightly in their references to God. While these persons are unarguably leaders of one sort or another among the black community, I was dismayed when Rep. Kweisi Mfume referred to them as “the clearest of thinkers.” It would be difficult for me to describe any religious leader in such terms, but to assign such a distinction to an irrational racist such as Farrakhan is to indict the intellectual standards of the black community, and certainly the judgment of the person making that assessment. Farrakhan’s mere presence among such more accomplished leaders was certainly in itself far more legitimacy than his checkered history merited.

Unfortunately, “men of the cloth” such as Farrakhan are usually granted an exemption from the normal rules by which rational people live. When you criticize Farrakhan’s racism, you are criticizing his religion, a no-no in polite society. Ironically, Farrakhan’s haven of religion is shared by the Zionists he so despises. The deference with which he has traditionally been handled by many leaders and media figures, even outside the black community, is a serious error which is reflected in the popularization of the Black Muslim message of hatred. Even the most cursory objective study of the Nation of Islam’s philosophy reveals it to be one of blatant racism, founded upon what just might be the most absurd collection of divinely revealed gibberish that has ever been presented to a modern people. Elijah Muhammad’s book Message to the Blackman (Muhammad’s Temple No. 2, Chicago, 1965), contains the essential elements of the Black Muslim creed. It would make for humorous reading, were it not for the constant and sinister references to whites as “devils” and “the enemy of the Muslims (the black man).”

The history of the world, as reported by Elijah Muhammad, did not begin with Adam, as traditional Muslims would contend. Adam was, despite his primary position in the Bible, only the first white man. He was, furthermore, not created by God, but was the invention of a black man, Yacub, a mad scientist who “using a special method of birth control law . . . was able to produce the white race.” Although Yacub is described as a black man “born out of the 30 per cent dissatisfied,” Muhammad also refers to him as “another God” (p. 110). This confusion is typical of Muhammad’s writing, and complements the character of Black Muslim doctrine, which is murky and implausible even by religious standards. At one point Muhammad denies Yacub was a “devil,” (p. 118), then later concludes that he indeed was a devil (p. 134). Black people, “the so-called Negroes,” are identified by Muhammad as “the original man.” Muhammad seemed to believe that black people are of great antiquity, at one point bafflingly referring to “our 66 trillion years from the moon” (p. 110). The white race only dates back 6,000 years. Even younger still are “the monkey family,” who were created from white people as they “tried to graft themselves back to the black nation. A few got as far as what you call a gorilla.” (p. 119) Elijah Muhammad’s account of world history is as bizarre as any religious myth. When the white race first appeared among the “Holy people of Islam” they created havoc for six months, until “the King” ordered them shipped off to Europe, or as Muhammad calls it, “West Asia.” The King sent a complement of guards, “armed with rifles, to keep the devils going westward” (p. 117).

The use of rifles 6,000 years ago is an interesting detail, but Muhammad advances technology even further when, 2,000 years later, Moses “took a few sticks of dynamite” to dispatch 300 whites who had frustrated his efforts to civilize them (p. 120). Although Louis Farrakhan has attempted, like David Duke, to moderate his racist philosophy when addressing wider audiences, he continues in the tradition of absurdities exemplified by Elijah Muhammad and so many “messengers of God” before him. While Muhammad claimed to have received his revelations directly from God, in the form of the mysterious Master Wali Farrad Muhammad, Farrakhan distinguished himself by claiming to have conferred with the very dead Elijah Muhammed while “on a wheel that you call a UFO.” Click here to hear this with your own ears (350K). This fantasy was relatively harmless. Most of his delusions are not so innocuous. In his well attended speeches Minister Farrakhan has amplified Elijah Muhammed’s message, and added a few frightening twists of his own. His rantings are certainly no worse than those for which he disciplined his disciple Khalid. In a taped speech distributed by the Nation he heaps abuse on whites, urging his listeners to smell whites, referring to them as “crackers” with a “flat glutemus [sic] maximus.” While this observation brought approving laughter from the audience, Farrakhan soon changes the tone, and proclaims that “Muhammad and any Muslim will murder the devil. It’s putting to death time today. If you don’t have the courage to do it, it’s going to be done anyway.”

This is nothing short of encouraging murder, but Farrakhan has a history of making such statements, sometimes against other blacks. In the December 4, 1964 issue of Muhammad Speaks, Farrakhan wrote regarding Malcolm X: “Such a man is worthy of death.” Two months later, Farrakhan’s wish was fulfilled. Farrakhan played no small part in establishing the atmosphere of internecine violence that haunted the African-American Muslim community during the sixties and seventies. That same message of violence was still being broadcast in the eighties, even as Farrakhan posed as representing the darkest hue in the Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition. The newfound acceptance among a wider audience has made Farrakhan, oddly enough, the apparent heir to Malcolm X’s mantle of leadership among younger, more anti-establishment African Americans. As a deeply religious man, Farrakhan feels little obligation to produce facts to support for his views. Why go to all that trouble when, despite his outrageous teachings, he is greeted as a benefactor of the black community and a leading light for troubled black youth? His successful formula of racism and alarmism is evident in his ridiculous assertion, voiced in one of his recorded speeches, that whites have developed an “ethnic gas” that only kills those of a certain “genetic makeup.” He also promotes, again without substantiation, the theory that AIDS is actually the result of an intentional biological assault on the central African population: “[They’re] not drug users nor or they homosexuals. How did they get AIDS?”

This sort of ignorance is much more of a threat to the black community than to the white. Oddly enough, Farrakhan has of late positioned himself as a leader who can communicate a message of peace to black youth, and bring about an end to the gang violence that has been a scourge in recent years. He has addressed a number of “Stop the Killing” rallies, urging an end to black-on-black violence. Farrakhan’s opportunistic adoption of the role of peacemaker is ironic because the violent component of his message has for some time been reaching many of the same black youths who fill the ranks of inner city gangs, and its effect has been anything but soothing. Aspects of the Nation of Islam’s philosophy have been propagated by “gangsta” rap artists such as Ice Cube, Gang Starr, Sista Souljah, and Public Enemy. Rather than being known for their promotion of peace and love, these musicians have all too frequently echoed the Black Muslim themes of violence and bigotry. Many people have charged that the gun play, misogyny and anti-Semitism served up by these Muslim-inspired works has contributed to the very problem which Farrakhan now proposes to solve. Regardless of the effects of gangster rap, its manifestation of violent racial themes demonstrate that the Black Muslim philosophy has become a breeding ground for racism within the black community. Whatever Farrakhan may do to reduce this violence will be no more than taking his knife out of the back of the black community.

While Farrakhan makes unsubstantiated claims of African racial superiority, he fails to recognize one area of documented superiority. In the book Back Where We Belong, a collection of Farrakhan speeches, Farrakhan makes a pitch for his “Clean ‘N Fresh Herbal Essence Shampoo and Conditioner” by admonishing “Don’t have your hair in the condition where the lice like you, stay with you, cling to you, because you are unclean.” Such advice would be better suited to a white market, since black people, having oily scalps, are poor hosts for lice, which find it difficult to attach their eggs to the hair shafts. Infestations of head lice are virtually unknown in the black community. This is just another case of facts being ignored, this time for commercial rather than religious reasons. But sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. The fact that Louis Farrakhan has achieved a degree of popularity within the black community hardly legitimizes the racist character of his dogma. The Black Muslim religious beliefs are essentially racist at their core, and anyone why promotes such a creed must be termed a racist or incapable of making the most elemental logical analysis, or both. While it is not difficult to find sections of Judeo Christian sacred literature that parallel Elijah Muhammad’s revelations in their bigotry and violence, we have to look to the fringes of modern Christianity and Judaism to find adherents that preach such hatred as a matter of course. This is why Farrakhan’s closest analogs are to be found in religious and quasi-religious groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Aryan Brotherhood. Anyone who claims to oppose racism and violence should rebuke Farrakhan without the slightest reservation. It is our responsibility to do so. This is especially true for those in positions of leadership. Instead there is fawning and acquiescence. In an attempt to justify cozying up to Farrakhan, they talk about the Black Muslim efforts to rid inner city neighborhoods of drugs. One might as well enlist the Nazis for the same purpose. Those who concern themselves with the welfare of the black community must begin to realize that Farrakhan’s racism does not elevate blacks. It only adds more confusion, more ignorance, more resentment, and more violence to an environment already suffering from these plagues.

Farrakhan is a mirror image of white racism, no more and no less. Black leaders jump all over Ross Perot for referring to blacks as “you people,” yet sit quietly while Farrakhan advocates the extermination of a race. Farrakhan suggests killing the reporter who disclosed the “Hymietown” remark of Farrakhan’s friend, Jesse Jackson, and receives only muted criticism from the black community and leadership. How can anyone responsibly legitimize such a man? How can he be provided with a forum which may lead some to interpret his message as representing anything other than the rantings of a deeply disturbed and quite likely psychotic individual? While the contributions of the Black Muslims to the black community are scant, it is quite likely that their racist messages have been widely heard and internalized. Reversing this damage should start with the unqualified rejection of Minister Farrakhan’s message of hate. Farrakhan is not just a racist and a sexist but also a segregationist, despite his admiring words, in recent years, for the civil rights movement and its heroes.

It has been observed that the Black Muslims seem to see eye-to-eye with many of their white counterparts, such as the Ku Klux Klan and many of the quasi-religious white supremacist organizations, and indeed they do. Louis Farrakhan is in many ways David Duke’s doppelganger. Their similarities are perhaps more significant than their differences. Both Duke and Farrakhan have said that Hitler was, in Farrakhan’s words, “a great man.” They have both called for the blacks and whites to be separated in different parts of the country, blamed Jews for many of society’s problems, and promoted the superiority of their own race. The two groups mirror each other in many ways, and it is easy to see how Elijah Muhammad’s visions may well have been formed in reaction to and inspired by European concepts of race. Black Muslims believe that their race is the true chosen people of God. So do many white racist. Black Muslims and white racists agree on the subject of racial segregation. Both groups would prohibit interracial marriages, and would make any interracial contact much more difficult. The similarities between the likes of Farrakhan and Duke are much more significant than their differences.
Copyright 1998 by Patrick Inniss.  All rights reserved.

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“Proof that Master Fard Muhammad is not Allah”


Of course the NOI denies that Wallie Ford is Fard, as seen below in the NOI propagada

Master W. Fard Muhammad and FBI COINTELPRO

By Dr. Wesley Muhammad -Guest Columnist- | Last updated: Jan 4, 2010 – 2:51:44 PM

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The U.S. Government’s targeting of the Nation of Islam Historical Analysis


( – The July 28, 1963 issue of the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner contained an “exposé” on W.D. Fard, the founder of the Nation of Islam whom members affectionately refer to as Master Fard Muhammad. The article by Ed Montgomery entitled, “Black Muslim Founder Exposed as a White,” read in part:

Black Muslims by the thousands pay homage to Wallace Farad, their “Prophet From Mecca,” in the mistaken belief that as founder of the black supremacy cult he is one of their own…Yet Wallace Fard is, admittedly, an enterprising, racketeering fake. He is not a Negro. He is a white man masquerading as a Negro.

His true name is Wallace Dodd. He was born in New Zealand, on February 26, 1891. His father was British – arriving in New Zealand via Australia on a sailing schooner. His mother was a Polynesian native.

Dodd’s police ‘rap sheet’ includes conviction for bootlegging and a San Quentin Prison term for the sale of narcotics.

Muhammad Speaks, Aug. 16, 1963

Needless to say this article, which was syndicated, was not well received by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Muslims of the Nation of Islam. The former argued that the story was a complete fabrication and that this “Wallace Dodd” character had no relation to Master Fard Muhammad, who was in fact an Arab born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 1877. On July 29 the Honorable Elijah Muhammad sent some of his followers to the Hearst newspaper with a $100, 000 check. He offered to pay all expenses to bring Wallace Dodd to the US and air nationally a debate between he and Dodd over the latter’s claim to be the ‘Fard’ that Muhammad was representing to the people. The offer was printed in the August 16, 1963 edition of the Muhammad Speaks newspaper in its on exposé entitled “Beware of Phony Claims.”Despite Muslim protests this image of W.D. Fard Muhammad as a semi-literate, felon convicted on drug charges who served time in San Quentin Prison was mainstreamed in academnic circles, due in no small measure to the writings of Karl Evanzz of The Washington Post (especially his Judas Factor [1992] and The Messenger [1999]).

Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, July 28, 1963

Evanzz, like Montgomery before him, based his ‘biography’ of Fard on the declassified FBI files produced during the FBI’s multi-decade search for the founder the Nation of Islam, an effort which would prove to be, in Evanzz’s words, “one of the most exhaustive and expensive searches on a noncriminal matter in (the FBI’s) history.” The fact that these files were produced largely in the course of the Bureau’s counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO) against the NOI – a program infamous for is propensity to deploy dirty tricks such as misinformation – in no way dissuaded Evanzz from building his entire ‘history’ of the movement’s founder from these clearly hostile sources. He thus stated confidently:

During the investigation, the FBI discovered that Master Fard Muhammad was actually Wallace Dodd Ford, a Californian with an extensive criminal record…Ford, as the FBI later learned, was born in 1891 in Hawaii on February 25…Though most Muslims have refused to look at the evidence, the Bureau correctly concluded that Wallace D. Fard and Wallace D. Ford were one in the same (italics added – WM).

The language employed by Evanzz – the FBI discovered and the Bureau concluded – suggests that Evanzz’s identification of W.D Fard with Wallace Dodd Ford is an identification that the FBI itself made consequent to their investigation. He even claims that the FBI “proved the dual identity beyond a reasonable doubt.” However, a close and careful reading of the 816 pages of the FBI Files on Master Fard Muhammad made available through the Freedom of Information Act (re: Wallace D. Fard) demonstrates unambiguously that not only is Evanzz guilty of poor historical-critical method by relying on hostile sources to write a biography, but he is also guilty of completely misrepresenting those sources – making them ‘do what they don’t’. That is to say, even though the FBI did deploy this ‘Fard=Ford’ biography as part of a public misinformation campaign directed against Elijah Muhammad and the NOI, privately (as revealed by the now declassified documents) they concluded that no such identity is evident.

The FBI’s Search for the Seditious Arabian

Master W. Fard Muhammad,

The FBI initiated its search for Fard in 1942 shortly after arresting the Hon. Elijah Muhammad in Washington D.C. on May 8th. In his oral statement to special agents Muhammad mentioned that W.D. Fard instructed his followers not to register for Selective Service. The Bureau’s Washington Field Office then contacted Detroit and suggested checking the Detroit Police Department records for a criminal record, photographs, or any information they might have on Fard and his whereabouts. The Detroit Field Office checked the records of the Identification Division of the DPD and discovered that a Wallace Fard was arrested in Detroit for “conversion” on May 26, 1933. His serial number there was 45138. He was described as “White Male, 33, 127 lbs, 5’6″, Slim build, black hair, maroon eyes, Arabian.” W.D. Fard was thus recognized by the DPD as a white skinned Arab.On May 16, 1942 the Detroit office raided NOI Temple #1 located at 623 Medbury Street; agents confiscated a picture of the Flag of Islam and of Master Fard Muhammad. These would help, the Bureau hoped, to “positively identify Fard.” On September 20, 1942 the FBI raided the Hon. Elijah Muhammad’s Chicago home and confiscated two more images of Fard. These photos along with the mug shot from the Detroit arrest made available to the FBI on August 8, 1942 were displayed to individuals in hopes of making identifications and of locating Fard.


J. Edgar Hoover, Former FBI Director

This 1942-43 search turned up very little, however, and was subsequently closed. After receiving reports of the continuous “explosion in the Nation of Islam membership,” the Chicago field office requested that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover renew the investigation on W.D. Fard.Based on a review conducted in April/May 1957 of the files on Fard, the Chicago Office inspector suggested that “an exhaustive effort be made to fully identify and locate W.D. Fard and or/members of his family” and then confessed that, according to their investigation since 1942, “It appears that Fard may have been of Arabian descent, rather than an American Negro, and may have spent some time in Arabia or the Middle East (FBI File CG 25-20607 May 16, 1957).” Thus, again, the Bureau’s investigative efforts suggested to them that Fard was an Arab, just as the Hon. Elijah Muhammad had claimed, not a New Zealander.

Enter Wallace Dodd Ford

It is important to note that in the files for this period (1942-1956) no mention is made of Wallie Dodd Ford. The latter wasn’t discovered by the FBI until 1957. When the Bureau conducted a search on Fard’s various aliases, they submitted “Ford” based on a reference in a 1938 study of the nascent Nation of Islam by sociologist Erdmann D. Beynon who listed “Professor Ford” as an alias of Master Fard Muhammad, though he does not identify his source for this information. The search turned up two “Wallace Fords”. After searching INS records in early 1957, the FBI found a Wallace Ford born February 12, 1898 at Bolton, England. He entered the US at San Pedro California on July 25, 1937 having resided in London. This was not their man, however, as a November 29 memo confirmed: “It would appear the above individual is the former prominent movie actor.”

Another Wallace Ford of California came up in the search. He is Wallie D. Ford, arrested by Los Angeles PD, #16448, as Wallie Ford on November 17, 1918 on a charge of ADW (assault with a deadly weapon); by the LAPD January 20, 1926 for violation of the California Wolverine Possession Act; and LAPD, February 15, 1926 for violation of the State Poison Act. Wallie Ford was sentenced to six months to six years at San Quentin Penitentiary on June 12, 1926. The FBI concentrated its efforts for the next year on finding Wallie Ford. He had a common-law wife, Hazel Barton, with whom he had a son, Wallace Dodd Ford, born September 1, 1920. In the Los Angeles County Birth Index 1920 listing for the boy the father is listed as having been born in New Zealand. On October 14, 1957 three San Quentin photos of Walli D. Ford SQ #42314 taken in June of 1926 were forwarded to the FBI. At this time the Bureau would only say, in a file dated October 3, 1957, that “W. D. Fard may be identical with one Wallie Ford, FBI #56062, who was arrested on February 15, 1926, by the Los Angeles Police Department”. After suggesting a search in Hawaii for Walli Ford’s family or Ford himself, the FBI said again, “If any relatives or if Wallie D. Ford are located, consideration should be given to interviewing them to determine if Wallie D. Ford is identical with W.D. Fard.” Clearly there was no rush to judgment.

On October 17, 1957 the FBI located and interviewed Hazel Barton-Ford, Wallie Ford’s common-law wife, who described Wallie Ford as a New Zealander, 5’8″, 140 lbs., slender build, black curly hair, black eyes, Caucasian features but “extremely swarthy complexion, (he) had the appearance of a very dark skinned Mexican.” This description provided by the mother of Ford’s child is critical, for Wallie Ford’s “dark-skinned Mexican” look, curly hair and 5’8”, 140 lb build contrasts markedly with that of Master Fard Muhammad, of whom Mother Clara Muhammad, wife of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and the first of the two to actually see Fard said that he looked to her “like a poor white man.” Imam Warith Deen Muhammad, Elijah’s son, also described Fard Muhammad as having “straight hair and very light features.” Nor do the physiques of the two men agree, as the Hon. Elijah Muhammad pointed out in his response to the Herald-Examiner article. While Ford was 5’8” 140 lbs, Fard was around 5’6”, 127 pounds. According to Jesus Muhammad-Ali, a grandson of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Master Fard Muhammad and the Hon. Elijah Muhammad had the same height and build and were therefore able to wear the same suits. Now Elijah was a very small-framed man, not at all resembling the taller and heavier Wallie Ford.

These physical discrepancies were not missed by the Bureau. In February 1958 Hoover forwarded to the Chicago SAC (Special Agent in Charge) a 52 page “Correlation Summary on Wallace Don Ford (Wallie D. Ford), summarizing the investigation and all of the evidence up to that point. The FBI admitted: “It was not definitely determined whether the individual referred to as W.D. Fard…was identical with the subject of this summary (i.e. Wallie Ford).” In April Hoover terminated the investigation. On April 15, 1958, he sent a memo to SAC in Chicago stating:

The Bureau feels that continued expenditure of investigative time in this matter is not warranted. Therefore, this matter is being closed by the Bureau. You should take similar action in your office.

In a note added to this memo after the fact, the FBI admits, after listing possible records of Fard: “Actually, since birth has not been verified, subject’s true identity unknown (emphasis added).” Thus, at the conclusion of the FBI’s year long investigation of Wallie Ford and its broader search for Master Fard Muhammad, the Bureau conceded that Master Fard Muhammad’s true identity remained unknown! They were not able to identify Walli D. Ford with Master Fard Muhammad.

COINTELPRO Against W.D. Fard and the NOI

After the infamous documentary called The Hate That Hate Produced aired in 1959 the ranks of the NOI swelled with new recruits. As a result, the FBI initiated its “second major counterintelligence offensive aimed at destroying the Nation of Islam,” according to Karl Evanzz. Since “Fard’s true identity (is) unknown” the Bureau decided to discredit the movement by publishing a fabricated biography of its founder. The FBI fabricated a piece of biographical propoganda according to which Fard Muhammad was a Turkish born Nazi agent for Hitler during World War II. This ‘biography’ indicated that Fard and Elijah Muhammad had concocted the idea of the Nation of Islam while they both were in prison together in Milan, Michigan in 1943. The FBI sent this propagana to its “friends in the media.” One such friend was the New Crusader newspaper of Chicago. On August 15, 1959, Mohd Yakub Khan published the innovated ‘biography’ under the title “White Man Is God For Cult of Islam.” As Evanzz himself admits in his book, The Judas Factor, Khan “had gotten his information from a selection of the FBI’s file on Wallace Fard, which it released in response to the surge in the NOI membership”.

This first attempt at disinformation was very sloppy and backfired. The article was “riddled with demonstrable errors and obvious contradictions.” Such sloppiness allowed the Hon. Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X to successfully discredit the “white Nazi from Turkey” story with articles of their own in both Muhammad Speaks and The Los Angeles Herald Dispatch. Notice here that the FBI’s first attempt at discrediting the Nation of Islam through an ‘exposé’ on Master Fard Muhammad did not use the Wallie D. Ford file. If the Bureau identified the two men, they would surely have used this file instead of spinning a biography from whole cloth. The FBI would, however, learn from this tactical error which led to the subsequent failure of their first counterintelligence offensive.

On August 14, 1962 South Carolina Congressman L. Mendel Rivers held a press conference on the steps of the Capital Building and promised to “open up the unsavory history of the Black Muslims for all America to see.” On his urging, the congressional House Rules Committee recommended a congressional investigation of the Nation of Islam. After gaining support for the probe by the House Un-American Activities Committee, hearings on the NOI were scheduled to begin in September. Subpoenas were issued to the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and other top officials of the NOI. Congressman Rivers’ crusade was apparently inspired by a meeting he had weeks prior with top FBI officials, including Hoover. Congressman Rivers, having been supplied the Wallie Dodd Ford file by the Bureau, “contemplated building the hearing around Wallace Farad, aka Willie D. Ford,” according to FBI documents dated August 3, 1962. During the short (a couple of hours) hearing, Rivers revealed what he received from the FBI.

The Bureau closed the Walli D. Ford file in 1958 admitting being unable to identify him with W.D. Fard. What then was the FBI’s intention in sharing the Ford file with the Congressman for presentation at the hearings on the NOI? Fortunately, it is not necessary to speculate on the Bureau’s motives, as they are laid out explicitly in a Chicago memo dated February 19, 1963:

In connection with efforts to disrupt and curb growth of the NOI, extensive research has been conducted into various files maintained by this office (Chicago). Among the files reviewed was that of Wallace Dodd Ford…It is felt that if the whereabouts of Allah could be inconclusively determined, the impact on Elijah Muhammad and his followers would be tremendous and could well serve to make Muhammad appear ridiculous (emphasis added – WM).

The release of the Walli D. Ford file to Congressman Rivers was a part of the FBI’s counterintelligence offensive against the Nation of Islam designed to “make Muhammad look ridiculous” and thus curb the growth of the NOI. But feeding the file to the House Un-American Activities Committee was just the beginning of what will end up being, in the words of Karl Evanzz, “among the most successful COINTELPRO actions against the NOI.”

In an effort to “inconclusively determine the whereabouts of Allah,” the FBI followed the leads suggesting that Walli Ford was born in New Zealand and that, according to his common-law wife, he was returning to New Zealand. The Bureau traveled to New Zealand with photos of Fard Muhammad. They had hoped to be able to finally identify Fard and Ford by tracking down the latter’s family. On December 7, 1962 the Bureau received answers to their queries in a letter from the Willington, New Zealand Chief Commissioner of State Police. The letter read in part:

In the course of these inquiries I spoke to a number of men in Willington [unintelligible] with Maori affairs and welfare. One such person –a Mr. Steve [unintelligible] informed me of the fact that it is most unusual to discover a Maori family named Ford, but he was able to recall that such a family lived in the Thomas District some years ago. He was also able to recall that a relative of this family had, many years ago, traveled to California in the United States of America. Further inquiries by the Thomas Police established that this person was Walter [D. Ford]. His brother – [unintelligible] is now residing at 843 Weeton Road…and when interviewed recently he gave the following particulars concerning his brother: Full name – Watana (?) [unintelligible] (usually known as Walter [Ford]) – born at Thomas in October, 1881 and went to America about 1912; that he joined the American Forces during the 1914-18 World War; that in 1957 he returned to New Zealand for about six months; that he returned to New Zealand for a further six months in 1959; that he married and is at present residing at 1103 Pacific Avenue, [unintelligible], California. From the photograph supplied, however, those persons who knew ‘Walter [Ford]’, say that he is not identical with Ford, alias Farad. [FBI File, Wallace D. Fard, LA 105-2604, August 29, 1963, page 13]

This is vitally important: the FBI tracked down Wallie Ford’s family in New Zealand, showed them the photo of Fard Muhammad (‘Farad’), and they denied that he is Wallie Ford! Nonetheless, the FBI would move forward with its counterintelligence offensive against the NOI, hoping still to ‘make Elijah Muhammad look ridiculous.’

In February 1963 the Chicago field office learned that the Hon. Elijah Muhammad would not be speaking at the upcoming Saviours’ Day due to health complications. On February 19 Hoover sent a memo to the Chicago field officer stating “now [is] the time to use the dossier on Fard to neutralize the NOI.” The FBI sent the Ford file to several large newspapers on July 4, 1963. On July 28, 1963 Ed Montgomery of the Los Angeles Evening Herald-Examiner printed the story under the title “Black Muslim Founder Exposed As White,” as quoted above. Through wiretaps and a system of informants the FBI closely monitored the reaction to these stories from Muslims. It was noted that during a conversation with National Secretary John Ali about the article “Elijah was quite riled up about the story (File dated July 31, 1963).” Informants were asked to update the Bureau on “discussions at the NOI Temple or by individual members.”

FBI Documents Prove Hoax

The newspaper story was a hoax. In Bureau documents at the time the FBI confessed the spuriousness of the history written in Montgomery’s article. According to Ed Montgomery, Fard Muhammad’s “true name is Wallace Dodd. He was born in New Zealand, on February 26, 1891. His father was British – arriving in New Zealand via Australia on a sailing schooner. His mother was a Polynesian native.”

But in a July 30, 1963 memo concerning the Montgomery article the Bureau admits: “We have not been able to verify his (W.D. Fard’s) birth date or birth place nor identify his parents. W.D. Fard has not been seen or heard from since 1934.” In an internal note appended to an August 6 letter Hoover sent to an inquirer regarding the Montgomery article it was affirmed: “Farad has been reported to be both Negro and white; however, fingerprint cards and Identification Division records at time of arrests show his color was white and of Arabian descent.” The FBI thus knew that Master Fard Muhammad was a white skinned Arab, not a “dark, Mexican looking” New Zealander. These FBI confessions completely contradict not only Ed Montgomery but also Karl Evanzz who claimed in his book, The Messenger,

During the investigation, the FBI discovered that Master Fard Muhammad was actually Wallace Dodd Ford, a Californian with an extensive criminal record…Ford, as the FBI later learned, was born in 1891 in Hawaii on February 25.

This is a blatant misrepresentation of what the FBI file on W.D. Fard actually indicates. As noted above, in the 1958 “Correlation Summary” on Wallie Dodd Ford the FBI admitted: “It was not definitely determined whether the individual referred to as W.D. Fard…was identical with the subject of this summary (i.e. Wallie Ford).”[2] And in another memo that year the Bureau admits: “Actually, since birth has not been verified, subject’s (W.D. Fard) true identity unknown.” The Bureau thus admits that W.D. Fard’s “true identity” remained unknown. Later in 1974 in an August 12 memo from the Chicago SAC to the Director regarding Montgomery’s LA Herald-Examiner article, it is even more explicitly confessed: “As the Bureau (i.e. Director) is aware, efforts were made in 1963 to verify the birth and identity of Wallace Farad or Wallace Dodd, these attempts met with negative results.” The Chicago SAC says also regarding the Montgomery article: “this document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI.” The FBI is here admitting failure in their attempt to identify W.D. Fard.

This too contradicts Evanzz’s claim that: “Though most Muslims have refused to look at the evidence, the Bureau correctly concluded that Wallace D. Fard and Wallace D. Ford were one in the same (The Messenger, 399).” The Bureau in 1974, in fact, specifically noted that these were not its conclusions and in 1958 admitted that “It was not definitely determined” whether W.D. Fard and Wallace Ford were identical. Thus, on what basis does Evanzz claim that the FBI “proved the dual identity” of W.D. Fard/Wallie Dodd Ford? Nowhere in the 816 pages of documents does the FBI make this clear. In 1963, after tracking down Walli Ford’s relatives in New Zealand and showing them a photo of Master Fard Muhammad, the Bureau actually discovered that they were not identical. On December 5, 1963 the Bureau closed its file on Ford.


This picture first appeared in Ed. Montgomery’s 1963 article, but it is not identified as Fard’s Detroit mug-shot. However, in a 1965 follow-up to his original article in the San Francisco Examiner (February 28, 1965 A13) Montgomery does present this photo as the 1933 Detroit mug-shot. Indeed, scribbled on the left-hand corner of the photo are the numbers “45138, 5-26-33.”

The Photo HoaxKarl Evanzz, in his book, The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad, displays what he claims is the 1933 Detroit mug-shot of W.D. Fard (see photo at right). This picture first appeared in Ed. Montgomery’s 1963 article, but it is not identified as Fard’s Detroit mug-shot. However, in a 1965 follow-up to his original article in the San Francisco Examiner (February 28, 1965 A13) Montgomery does present this photo as the 1933 Detroit mug-shot. Indeed, scribbled on the left-hand corner of the photo are the numbers “45138, 5-26-33.” This is the date Fard Muhammad was arrested and booked in Detroit (May 26, 1933) and his identification number there (45138). But why is it scribbled on the photo as if an afterthought? No doubt because it was surely an afterthought. It was scribbled on the photo decades later. Why?

In Montgomery’s original 1963 article the photo was not identified as Fard Muhammad’s 1933 Detroit mug-shot. On the contrary, in Montgomery’s Boston Record American article “Muslim Founder, White Masquerader” (July 28, 1963), he displays this same photo with the scribble lacking (below) and correctly


Boston Record American Photo with caption: “Profile features of British father and dark eyes and complexion of Polynesian mother was evident in these Los Angeles Police shots of Wallace Dodd, alias Farad. Pictures were taken just prior to his confinement in San Quentin for the sale of narcotics.”

identifies it:The caption reads:

Profile features of British father and dark eyes and complexion of Polynesian mother was evident in these Los Angeles Police shots of Wallace Dodd, alias Farad. Pictures were taken just prior to his confinement in San Quentin for the sale of narcotics.

These are thus not 1933 Detroit photos of W.D. Fard; they are 1926 LA photos of Wallie Ford. While Montgomery’s original 1963 article made no attempt to pass the 1926 LA photo of Walli D. Ford off as the 1933 Detroit photo of W.D. Fard, by 1965 this false identification was being made. The ‘scribble’ was added to the photo in an obvious attempt to ‘confirm’ the identification. We have a good idea what inspired the hoax evident in this “scribble.” On July 30, 1963, two days after the first Montgomery article appeared in the papers, Elijah Muhammad was interviewed concerning the story and the photo in particular by a Mrs. R. Simmons from the California Eagle. The following exchange took place according to FBI file CG 100-33683 dated July 30, 1963:


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad talks with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during 1966 meeting in Chicago. Photo: Final Call Archives

E (Elijah Muhammad): It is not the picture of Mr. Farard Mohammed.R (Mrs. Simmons): It is not?

E: It is not, I know the other person well, and it is not his age.

R: Not his age. How old is he?

E: It is not Farard Mohammed. He is 86 years old and he was born in the city of Mecca and he is an Arab. This is not an Arab and he speaks 16 different languages.

R: Then the whole story is false?

E: It is completely false…

R: Do you have a picture of (W.D. Fard)?

E: I certainly do. I have lots of them…

E: I know him perfectly well and we have pictures of him and if they want to prove this why don’t they write and get his picture from the Detroit police Court there or send for it from Washington.

A photo was taken of W.D. Fard in Detroit during booking before his release from police custody on May 26, 1933. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad’s challenge here to prove their “Fard-is-Ford” claim by obtaining the Detroit mug shot clearly inspired the “scribble” on the 1926 LA mug shot of Ford identifying it with the Detroit arrest of Fard. What happened to the authentic Detroit mug shot? When this author requested the W.D. Fard file from the Detroit Police Department in the summer of 2002 I received the same doctored 1926 LA mug shot. The answer to this mystery is likely provided in a June 2, 1971 memo to the Chicago SAC concerning a “Destruction Project” during which pre-1961 files and photos associated with the Wallace Fard investigation were destroyed. The memo notes: “In re 1-A file, only one photo and/or negative was retained of photos prior to 1961.” Thus photos from the W.D. Fard file were destroyed. According to an Indices Search Slip dated May 5, 1957, on April 5, 1957 the file numbered 65-411-706 on Wallace D. Ford was destroyed. File 100-11506-531 on Wallace Fard was destroyed on the same day. Indices Search Slip October 20, 1957 notes that File 100-7006-979-24 on Wallace Ford destroyed. Thus files and photos of Fard and Ford were destroyed by the Bureau. The Destruction Project and the scribble on the LA mug shot are evidence of an FBI hoax and cover-up.


There is thus no justification for Karl Evanzz’s confidence in the W.D. Fard/Wallie Dodd Ford identification. The FBI documents upon which he admittedly relies offers no such warrant. The short, small-framed white-looking, Fard Muhammad and the taller, heavier, dark-complexioned, Mexican-looking Wallie Ford are clearly two different individuals. The FBI closed its search admitting failure in the efforts to identify the two men. In addition, the Bureau’s investigation did lead them to suspect that W.D. Fard was actually an Arabian. In this case, the FBI‘s position agreed with that of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. It is bad enough to base a biography on hostile sources, but to go so far as to distort even those in order to maximally discredit the subject makes one wonder if COINTELPRO is still operative with new “friends in the media” – Karl Evanzz of The Washington Post.

Related links and news:

Nation of Islam Targeted by Homeland Security (FCN, 12-24-2009)

The FBI-Manufactured Plot to Kill Minister Farrakhan (03-1995)

Nation of Islam’s “COINTELPRO Reading Room” (

The Murder of Malcolm X and the Effect on Black America (Min. Farrakhan, FinalCallMedia)


see a picture of the  c so called fruit of Islam, 1974


About Farrakhan – The Gullibility Index by M Amir Ali PhD

The Gullibility Indexby Dr. M. Amir Ali, Ph.DPrimary Gullibility Index or PGI: The Gullibility Index represents the number of times a person allows a deceiver to deceive him. If a fasiq comes to you and tells you something, which you believe but it turns out to be a lie and a deception to get something from you, it represents a Primary Gullibility Index or PGI of one. If the same fasiq makes you believe the same or another lie and you believe him, your primary gullibility index or PGI is two. If the same fasiqtells you a lie for the third time and you believe him, your primary gullibility index or PGI is three. Higher the gullibility index the weaker is your Iman (faith) in Islam provided that you are a proven intelligent person with education and acceptable credibility in the society. Iman represents your understanding and knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Allah provides wisdom to those who are deserving of it and a wise person is expected to have a PGI of one or less because the Messenger of Allah said that a believer is never stung from the same hole twice. The Gullibility Index may also be used as an error index.Applied Gullibility Index or AGI:Applied gullibility index or AGI is derived from the PGI by using a multiplier. The multiplier is derived from the number of people directly affected by the gullibility of one person. For an individual whose gullibility does not affect anyone but himself (or herself) has the same AGI as PGI because the multiplier is one. The head of a family with four other family members who are affected by his gullibility has a multiplier of five. His first gullibility would have AGI of five; and a PGI of two, that is, his second error of gullibility, would be converted into a AGI of 10, that is 2 x 5, two representing his PGI and five representing the number of people (his family members only) affected by his gullibility. For a boss in an office with 100 employees his PGI of one will become AGI of 100; and his PGI of 2 will become AGI of 200. For Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) leaders, such as President, Secretary General or member of its Shura, a PGI of 1 will be 30,000 because that many people are directly affected by one gullibility. The PGI of 2 of an ISNA officer will become AGI of 60,000. AGI is a hurt index.Real Gullibility Index or RGI:The RGI is a much less precise index of the gullibility of a person because it takes into account how many people have been affected (or hurt) by the gullibility of this person. An individual without a family may indirectly influence his relatives and friends that will insert a multiplier. A company boss may influence bosses of other companies by his gullibility and they in turn influence their own employees thereby magnifying the multiplier. In case of a leader, such as an ISNA executive, his gullibility goes beyond the borders of the U.S. through the media and affects hundreds of millions of people around the globe adding a multiplier of hundreds of millions. RGI emphasizes that the bigger the leader the more careful he should be because his small mistake is not small but it has a multiplier and a magnifier.Allowable gullibility index: A Muslim with in depth knowledge of the Qur’an and Sunnah is expected to have gained God-given gift of wisdom and is expected to have the PGI of zero. However, a PGI of one is tolerable for the most intelligent and wise person because imperfection of the human state of knowledge leads one to misjudge and err once in a while. However, it is worth remembering that a mistake of an ordinary person is small even if it may be a big mistake personally because it does not affect others. A mistake becomes bigger as it affects more and more people. A small mistake of a ruler is a big blunder because it affects a lot of people. The gullibility of Saddam Hussein in 1990 when he believed U.S. Ambassador Gillespie and invaded Kuwait, caused the death of almost 500,000 Iraqis. Iraq was bombed back to the stone age, the suffering of the Iraqis continues after ten years, the Gulf area governments became debtor countries with their economies shattered and the saga seems to have no end in sight. Saddam Hussein, the Fasiq believed another fasiq. Biggest tragedy of the Muslims is that we ignore the teachings of the Qur’an:“O you who believe! If a fasiq brings you a news, verify it, lest you harm some people in ignorance and afterward repent of what you did. (49:6)

In the case of Farrakhan, the easiest thing to do is to verify from his weekly newspaper, The Final Call, whether has he sanitized his column on the inside back cover, WHAT THE MUSLIMS BELIEVE, items 5 and 12. No change means Farrakhan is a liar and a deceiver. All his fanfare is showmanship to deceive the Muslims in a grand way. Stay away from him and let the world know that the Muslims do not accept him as a Muslim and his organization, the NOI is abhorrent to the Muslims.

Lessons from the past: At the time of Prophet Muhammad there were hypocrites with their leader Abdullah ibn Ubai ibn Salool. He was always working against Islam while remaining among Muslims. However, he gave his pledge of allegiance to the Prophet, he prayed with them as Muslims prayed and he went out on various expeditions with the prophet. He was tolerated by the Muslims because he never contradicted the Muslims on aqeedah. However, the Muslims tolerated Abdullah ibn Ubai as one may tolerate a snake with great caution and keeping a clear eye on him.

Musailama declared his messengership after the death of the Prophet of Islam. Abu Bakr Siddique did not try to negotiate with him, he did not send a delegation to talk to him and teach him true Islam but he sent an army to crush him despite the fact that the Muslims had many other great challenges. Musailama’s army was defeated and he was killed in the war. The war with Musailama cost great many lives of Sahaba.

Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani declared himself a prophet in the early 20th century. Muslim scholars talked to him, debated him and declared him an apostate. In America Qadiyanis have satellite TV and radio broadcasts and hold large conventions and conferences, claiming 10 million adherents, I do not see Muslims running to speak from a Qadiyani stage. The fact is that Muslims have their differences with Qadiyanis mainly on the one point of the finality of the prophethood. Whereas with Farrakhan Muslims have differences on all points of aqeedah, particularly the bedrock of aqeedah: Tawheed, Risalah and Akhira.

Louis Farrakhan prints his beliefs every week in his weekly newspaper THE FINAL CALL, which is distributed all over the country. The Muslim fundamental creed is tawheed, risalah and akhira. Every week Farrakhan makes a mockery of the Islamic creed when he prints that Allah came in the person of W.D. Fard in 1930 that means W. Fard Muhammad was God-incarnate. He makes a mockery of Islam when he publishes that there is no physical resurrection. He makes a mockery of Islam when he promotes that Elijah Muhammad was the Messenger of God and he himself became a Messenger of Allah in 1997. Islam is at variance with Farrakhan on all three components of basic creed. With Qadiyanis, Islam is at variance on one component of the creed, that is risalah. Farrakhan repeatedly declared his Shahadah and repeatedly made a mockery of Islam in front of big audiences, that he was going to bring thousands of his followers into Islam, which he never did. How many times does he have to break promises before ISNA and other Muslim leaders stop being beguiled? The gullibility of some Muslim leaders has no bounds.

May I request a Muslim mathematician or a statistician to develop a gullibility index? Parameters would include time, number of promises broken and number of times Muslim leaders believe in liars and deceivers again and number of people affected.

Reportedly, the Messenger of Allah said that a true Muslim is never bitten by the same snake twice. What can we say about those Muslim brothers who have been bitten by the snake Farrakhan three or more times and they run to him again?

What is your gullibility index? Know your gullibility index for your own good and good of the people you influence. Try keeping your PGI at zero.

Farrakhan deceives again: In his conference of deception held in Chicago, February 24-27, 2000 Farrakhan pulled wool over the eyes of seasoned leaders of ISNA, scholars from the East and Imam Warith Deen Muhammad. Regarding the Prophet Muhammad, Farrakhan said that Muhammad ibn Abdullah was the last prophet but Farrakhan never said that Muhammad ibn Abdullah was also the last Messenger of Allah. This is a semantic deception because Farrakhan never claimed that Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan were prophets. Farrakhan always claimed that Elijah Muhammad was the Messenger of God and Louis Farrakhan himself being God’s Messenger. Some of the gullible Muslim leaders are rationalizing on behalf of Farrakhan that his claims of Messenger of God are metaphorical not real whereas Farrakhan never claimed that it was a metaphor. Secondly, Farrakhan never denied explicitly that W.D. Fard was God in person. His newspaper, THE FINAL CALL is not changing the section of WHAT THE MUSLIMS BELIEVE; items 5 and 12 remain the same that Farrakhanis do not believe in physical resurrection and that Allah appeared in the person of W.D. Fard in 1930.

Farrakhan’s declaration is no different from Qadiyanis who believe that Prophet Muhammad was the last Messenger but not the last Prophet. Rashad Khalifa declared that Prophet Muhammad was the last Prophet but not the last Messenger. Qadiyanis claim that Mirza Ghulam Qadiyani was the Nabi (Prophet not Rasool or Messenger). Louis Farrakhan is playing the same game and our seasoned leaders are being duped. ISNA leader, Dr. Syyid Muhammad Syeed was reported to have paid $1,000 from his pocket and $5,000 from ISNA funds as a donation to help Farrakhan in his work; naively he is helping the work of deception. Gullibility, gullibility and more gullibility. Imam W.D. Muhammad proved to be smarter than the ISNA leader because he did not donate any money; he played with words in response to words.

Are the Muslims going to accept cosmetic changes by Farrakhan or are they going to demand real change of aqeedah to bring Farrakhanis (so called NOI) in harmony with Islamic aqeedah. Muslims may accept variations in fiqhi matters but cannot accept variation in aqeedah.

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Nation of Islam – Down the Road of Lies and Contradictions
Anon…writes “Wallace Fard Muhammad is considiered to be God incarnate to the Nation of Islam loyalists and Elijah Muhammad.Right off the bat, this completely and utterly shatters the very idea that Jesus is God. So for me, I can throw that out as completely misguided and false. Others may not see so clearly. As this article progresses I will display the contradictions that lay within the Nation of Islam and maybe help you understand how backwards the Nation of Islam.It becomes measuring apples and oranges. Not only does it contradict the Bible, but the Qu’ran as well, the very book of Islam. Later on you will see quotes from Elijah Muhammad and from Louis Farrakhan, who is in effect the current leader of the Nation of Islam movement, that clearly display how they view creation and the Supreme Being or Being’s I should say.Elijah Poole as he was originally called before Wallace Fard changed his name to Elijah Muhammad, was originally born in Georgia but later moved to Detroit. While there, meeting Carla Muhammad, Wallace Fard’s wife, he befriended Fard and accepted his teachings readily and started preaching them. While preaching these beliefs he traveled throughout the country setting up mosques naming them in the order they were created. In New York, to this day, there is still the number 7 Mosque. Over time Elijah Muhammad’s efforts had reached people and attracted followers which then took that message to the streets and to correction facilities.Elijah Muhammad, on September 17, 1985, “had a vision-like experience where I was told of the secret plan of President Ronald Reagan who had met with his Joint Chiefs of Staff in early September 1985 to plan a war. I was not told whom that war was against, but, within a few months it became clear to me that the war was against Libya and its Leader, Muammar Gadhafi.” Interesting to me how he parodys Allah’s last messenger, Muhammad’s visions of things. You will see later in this article just how cult-like the NOI really is. It becomes a strange tail of spaceships and succession of Gods.The Nation of Islam teaches that black people were the original humans. Louis Farrakhan has stated that “White people are potential humans?that haven?t evolved yet.” (Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/18/00). How is it we haven’t evolved yet? It sounds harsh at first, but think about it. The definition of evolution is to become something usually more complex. If we haven’t evolved yet why is it that black people were slaves? One would think it would be the other way around. To note also, while keeping in mind what you just read, one of the Nation of Islam’s core beliefs is that the so-called “American Negro” has been miseducated by public schools with the actual intent of preserving a system of white domination.Please visit

As the original statement continues, “The Black man is the original man. From him came all brown, yellow, red and black people. By using a special method of birth control law the Black man was able to produce the white race. This method of birth control was developed by a black scientist known as Yakub, who envisioned making and teaching a nation of people who would be diametrically opposed to the original people. A Race of people who would one day rule the original people and the earth for a period of 6000 years. Yakub promised his followers that he would graft a nation from his own people, and he would teach them how to rule his people, through a system of tricks and lies whereby they use deceit to divide and conquer, and break the unity of the darker people, put one brother against another and then act as mediators and rule both sides.” (Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman in America, Muhammad’s Temple No. 2, 1965 & Dorothy Blake Fardan, Yakub & The Origins Of White Supremacy, Lushena Books, 2001.)

As it talks about unity being torn apart by a system of tricks and lies let us not forget where most of the troubles in the black race lay. Imean are we really dividing this people? Slavery has ended, there is no more segregation. One can come to a logical conclusion in believing that they just don’t believe in personal respopnsibility. If the original people could just stop committing crimes perhaps they could unite and once again. All of what the white man has done has passed.

Just look at the statistics.

“Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.” (Justice Department Statistics)

Louis Farrakhan alreaedy stating that whites have not evolved yet and that the original people were black, has also said in an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press with Tim Russert in response to a question on the Nation of Islam’s teachings on race that:

“You know, it’s not unreal to believe that white people?who genetically cannot produce yellow, brown or black?had a black origin. The scholars and scientists of this world agree that the origin of man and mankind started in Africa and that the first parent of the world was black. The Qur’an says that God created Adam out of black mud and fashioned him into shape. So if white people came from the original people, the black people, what is the process by which you came to life? That is not a silly question. That is a scientific question with a scientific answer. It doesn’t suggest that we are superior or that you are inferior. It suggests, however, that your birth or your origin is from the black people of this earth; superiority and inferiority is determined by our righteousness and not by our color.” FCN/NBC, 1997

Pressed by Russert on whether he agreed with Elijah Muhammad’s preaching that whites are blue-eyed devils, Farrakhan responded:

“Well, you have not been saints in the way you have acted toward the darker peoples of the world and toward even your own people. But, in truth, Mr. Russert, any human being who gives themself over to the doing of evil could be considered a devil. In the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, it talks about the fall of Babylon. It says Babylon is fallen because she has become the habitation of devils. We believe that that ancient Babylon is a symbol of a modern Babylon which is America.”

Louis Farrakhan is now quoting the Bible to make his defense. So far, these supreme leaders of the Nation of Islam and authorities of its teachings draw from several sources. One being, obviously, the Qu’ran which proves their story of how the “original people” came about and that we ultimately came from them. The second source is the Bible which coincidently proves and defends their ridiculous thinking that America is the new Babylon and will ulimately fall due, in part, to their treatment of the original people. That, in part is just some of the teachings of the NOI that draw from those books.

Can you see the danger in this thinking? How are you going to represent the Nation of Islam and have teachings based on two books that consistently contradict each other and at the same time contradict the very teachings they are trying to get credibility for? It is ridiculous, Louis Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad have carefully crafted their masterful cult by what adds up to the picking and choosing of stories from two extremely influential books to continually prove points that support their movements core principals and beliefs.

Here is another quote from Malcolm Little, or Malcolm X, his non-slave name. As a member of the Nation of Islam he also preached that black people were genetically superior to white people. He later repudiated this belief saying that, “Thoughtful white people know they are inferior to black people. Even Eastland knows it. Anyone who has studied the genetic phase of biology knows that white is considered recessive and black is considered dominant.” (The Playboy Interview: Malcolm X, interviewed by Alex Haley, Playboy Magazine, May 1963)

This is where it starts getting perhaps a bit to much, look at these quotes very carefully.

The Nation of Islam teaches that the universe was created seventy-eight trillion years ago. At this time the first God was self-created on Earth. They say that “He was the only One in the whole entire dark Universe. He had to wait until the atom of life produced brains to think what He needed. How long was that? I don’t know, Brothers. But He was a Black man, a Black man!” (Our Saviour Has Arrived). One question that comes to my mind after reading that is, who created the entire dark Universe? The Bible teaches that God was forever, and He created all things. Obviously his teachings are not consistent with the Bibles.

In contrast to the beliefs of all other monotheistic faiths, Elijah Muhammed taught that the original physical manifestation of God in man died, however the essence of God is infinite. Since then our entire universe “has been ruled by a council of twenty four black scientists, the head scientist being known as Allah or the Supreme Being.” (Elijah Muhammed, Message to the Blackman in America). He is literally discrediting his teachings as he trys to teach them as it says, “…our entire universe has been ruled by a council of twenty four black scientist…” One would ask, why would the people ruling our universe, if they are black, making them of the same race of the people oppressed, make them oppressed in the first place? It just doesn’t add up for me.

One god would come after another, and every 25,000 years these gods would create a new civilization. These gods were finite and would eventually die. However their spirit is ever-living and does not pass away. Elijah Muhammed writes “Allah . . . taught me that there are not any gods Who live forever. Their wisdom and work may live six thousand or twenty-five thousand years, but the actual individual may have died within a hundred or two hundred years, or the longest that we have a record of, around a thousand years.” (Muhammad, Our Saviour p.96)

Apparently there have been a succession of gods, each a black man and in our current time the God was Wallace Fard. Wallace Fard disappeared in 1933, but is believed to be still alive, and will return with a final holy book.

Elijah Muhammad also taught about a belief in a “Mother Plane” or UFO as whites call it. This plane is linked to the visions seen by the prophet Ezekiel in the Book of the same name by Louis Farrakhan and while commenting on it said this.

“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us of a giant Motherplane that is made like the universe, spheres within spheres. White people call them unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Ezekiel, in the Old Testament, saw a wheel that looked like a cloud by day but a pillar of fire by night. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad said that that wheel was built on the island of Nippon, which is now called Japan, by some of the original scientists. It took 15 billion dollars in gold at that time to build it. It is made of the toughest steel. America does not yet know the composition of the steel used to make an instrument like it. It is a circular plane, and the Bible says that it never makes turns. Because of its circular nature it can stop and travel in all directions at speeds of thousands of miles per hour. He said there are 1,500 small wheels in this mother wheel which is a half mile by a half mile (800 by 800 m). This Mother Wheel is like a small human built planet. Each one of these small planes carry three bombs.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said these planes were used to set up mountains on the earth. The Qur’an says it like this: We have raised mountains on the earth lest it convulse with you. How do you raise a mountain, and what is the purpose of a mountain? Have you ever tried to balance a tire? You use weights to keep the tire balanced. That’s how the earth is balanced, with mountain ranges. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that we have a type of bomb that, when it strikes the earth a drill on it is timed to go into the earth and explode at the height that you wish the mountain to be. If you wish to take the mountain up a mile (1.6 km), you time the drill to go a mile (1.6 km) in and then explode. The bombs these planes have are timed to go one mile (1.6 km) down and bring up a mountain one mile (1.6 km) high, but it will destroy everything within a 50 square mile (130 km?) radius. The white man writes in his above top secret memos of the UFOs. He sees them around his military installations like they are spying.

That Mother Wheel is a dreadful looking thing. White folks are making movies now to make these planes look like fiction, but it is based on something real. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Mother Plane is so powerful that with sound reverberating in the atmosphere, just with a sound, she can crumble buildings.” (Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Divine Destruction of America: Can She Avert It?, FCN, 199)

He must not of thought I was going to do my research because this “Motherplane” that Elijah Muhammad saw and Louis Farrakhan tries so cleverly compare the vision that Elijah Muhammad saw of a “Motherplane” to what Ezekial saw in the Old Testamant. It maybe a UFO to them, but in reality Ezekial didn’t even see anything of that sort. This particular passage Louis Farrakhan is quoting is not from Ezekial, although Ezekial did see wheels but not a “pillar that looked like a cloud by day but a pillar of fire by night” but the author of Exodus, Moses, writes about something quite similar. In chapter 13:21-22 of Exodus it states clearly; “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the temple.” Again his credibility drops because of the outright falsehoods of his comparisons between what Elijah Muhammad saw and what Ezekial saw. He is again quoting, quite blasphmesouly, the Bible to support the NOI teachings.

To me, after reading that, the NOI becomes a textbook cult. The leaders of the Nation of Islam have thus far said that Wallace Fard was God in person and Elijah Muhammad was the prophet. The Earth was created seventy-eight trillion years ago, there have been many gods in succession and the latest was Wallace Fard Muhammad. They were all black and 24 black scientists rule the entire universe. There is a “Motherplane” in the sky that Elijah Muhammad had visions of and while summing up the beliefs of the NOI you can start to see how they completely contradict the Bible and even the Qu’ran’s teachings, the very books they try to defend their beliefs with. Louis Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad quote from different religious books that cloud the original point of them. They pick and choose different ideas and beliefs put forth in those books to suit their goal, which is to gain followers to further perpetuate thier movement or cult.

C. Eirc Lincoln agrees as he describes how religious services use myths and over-generalizations to indoctrinate NOI adherents.

“Often the minister reads passages from well-known historical? sociological or anthropological works and finds in them inconspicuous references to the Black Man?s true history in the world…. Occasionally the minister chides the audience for its skepticism: “I know you don’t believe me because I happen to be a Black Man. Well, you can look it up in a book I?m going to tell you about that was written by a white man.” He then reads off references which his hearers are challenged to check for themselves. A single documented statement, however, may become the basis of a wide range of generalized non-sequiturs.The fact that a North Carolina slaveholder had an Arabic-speaking Moslem slave of unusual mathematical ability may be offered as evidence that all slaves brought to America were Moslem, Arabic-speaking and learned. Similarly, historical facts may be indiscriminately mingled with myths and countermyths” (The Black Muslims in America, pp. 120-121).

Don’t think that mainstream Muslims except this bizarre and irrational thinking for a second. NOI is viewed by almost all Muslims as a heretical cult. Traditional Muslims know that the NOI has taught that God would manifest himself in a human being (Fard, Muhammad). In Islam, the most central part of there faith is, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet.” In the NOI version of Islam, is the belief that one race (the black race) is superior to other races, whereas Islam believes in the total transcendence of God, and that people of all races are created as equals and viewed as such by God.

The NOI’s far off views on a wide range of topics discredits them in my eyes. With that in mind, the next time you hear the “honorable” Louis Farrakhan suggesting that the American government bombed the levees in New Orleans or that they were responsible for 9/11, please remember that what he stands for are extreme and irrational views on a wide range of topics. “

Posted on Thursday, October 20 @ 17:36:30 MST by woodb01


A Question Regarding the Farrakhan Fitnah

Posted: October 7, 2010 by Abdur-Rahman Muhammad in Questions and Answers
Tags: Zaid Shakir, Louis Farrakhan, CAAM, Sherman Jackson, NOI, Elijah Muhammad


As many people know by now, I was once an Imam of a small masjid in Washington, DC during the mid nineties, along with being an early organizer and leader of the Muslim student association at Howard University. I led that masjid at precisely the time of the Million Man March, and preached as strongly as I could against Muslim participation in it for the three weeks leading up to it. Now as a consequence of the recent controversy that has developed around the formation of the Coalition of African-American Muslims (CAAM), wherein a once respected group of Black American Imams have chosen to embrace Louis Farrakhan and the NOI, I now feel compelled to tackle some of the grave doctrinal issues and confusion that this catastrophe has generated.

Also, many people have expressed sincere concern over the harshness of the tone of my criticism of these “leaders”, for which I am deeply grateful, but after reading what follows they will certainly understand why. I must constantly keep reminding myself that many younger Muslims have no real knowledge of the NOI, Louis Farrakhan, or Elijah Muhammad and the damnable heresies he taught. But these Imams know better, so they should be strong enough to take the heat. This is especially true of people like Zaid Shakir and Sherman Jackson, who fashion themselves as classically trained Islamic scholars, so to embrace dangerous heretics like Louis Farrakhan, Larry 4X Prescott, Wesley Williams (who tries to take the name Muhammad) and the rest of that ilk is absolutely unforgivable and defies explanation! It is dangerous because in order to pass Farrakhan and the NOI off as Muslims one must do extreme violence to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunna, and replace mis-guidance where guidance once stood.

So because of the questions I’ve gotten about all of this, I don the Imam’s kufi once again to answer them here in hope that others may derive benefit.

“Abdur Rahman

I am not trying to be contentious, but I am curious as to what is your perception of the Prophet working with his uncle( until he died) who is reported to have died a polytheist? This has nothing to do with the dialog with you on here.

I do thou agree that some how the African-American Muslim” leaders” have in some way or another disengaged from the responsibility of their own people. Particularly the ones named in your piece. While I may not agree with your approach( and I am not suggesting you change) I would encourage you to speak as you have, for it is always good deal with reality, than to live in the shadows of some distorted positivity( that is ineffective to us having success). I am not suggesting that any one person has THE REALITY but it is nice to hear what other people view of reality is. I found your piece very intriguing and passionate.

I would also like to know if you think that what is happening is what these “leaders” intend to happen or are you suggesting some area of incompetence among leadership that is not be objectively critiqued?”

From Bro. Rais Mujahid of Minnesota

Answer: Brother Rais, if I understand your question correctly you seem to be asking that if it was permissible for the Prophet (s) to receive protection and support of his uncle Abu Talib, even though he was a polytheist, then why do I believe it to be wrong to accept the support and assistance of Louis Farrakhan and the NOI who are also polytheist?

Not just Abu Talib, but the Prophet and early Muslims received support from many other of the polytheists of Mecca. For example when the Muslims were being boycotted in a valley for three years to the point of starvation, it was the non-Muslim family members who secretly violated the boycott and smuggled in food to the believers. But neither they nor Abu Talib ever:

1) claimed any new prophethood after Muhammad (s) or,

2) ever claimed that their pagan gods were “Allah in Person” and that the ignorant religion they believed in was the very same religion of Prophet Muhammad (s), to the point of even calling it “Islam”.

That then is the crux of the matter. Louis Farrakhan and the NOI are not merely unIslamic – like Abu Talib – but positively ANTI- Islamic, like Musailimah the Liar, the false prophet who appeared in the life time of Rasulullah (s) and who he raised an army against and fought the Khilafa. It is impossible for the Prophet (s) and his followers to receive help, support, and cooperation from the claimants of a false prophethood, which is one of the gravest evils imaginable. Allah says (meaning):

Who can be more wicked than one who inventeth a lie against Allah, or saith, “I have received inspiration,” when he hath received none, or (again) who saith, “I can reveal the like of what Allah hath revealed”? If thou couldst but see how the wicked (do fare) in the flood of confusion at death! – the angels stretch forth their hands, (saying),”Yield up your souls: this day shall ye receive your reward,- a penalty of shame, for that ye used to tell lies against Allah, and scornfully to reject of His signs!”  Holy Quran (6:93)

Elijah Muhammad preached for decades that God is a man, and what could be a greater lie against Allah than that!

The Christians and most old world muslims are alike; not having a true knowledge of the supreme one, referred to as Allah, and God makes most people believe that God is something other than a man.

Elijah Muhammad, Our Savior Has Arrived, pg 61

We have a great subject before us to open up to the world. So have patience and, by the help of Allah, I shall prove to you that God is man.

Elijah Muhammad, Our Savior Has arrived, pg 64

God is a man and we just cannot make Him other than a man, lest we make Him an inferior one…

Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman, pg 6

We believe that Allah (God) appeared in the person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited ”Messiah” of the Christians and the “Mehdi” of the Muslims.

Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman, pg 224, Final Call newspaper, point 12 of What the Muslim Believe

And then Elijah put forth the evil claim of being a Messenger after our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s), The final prophet and messenger to humanity and the seal of the prophets.

So I say to the Arab world of Islam, prepare yourself for all that you hear coming from the mouth Messenger Elijah Muhammad here in America. You can accept it or reject it. It would be good if you accept it. Otherwise you can reject it and meet the fate of those who before you rejected a messenger because of pride, for they wanted to be that which they were not to be.

Elijah Muhammad, Our Savior has Arrived, pg135

Elijah continued in his blasphemies by claiming that Fard Muhammad will create a “new Islam”.

He, Master Fard Muhammad, God in Person, will create a new heaven and a new earth, a new Islam and a new government and people.

Elijah Muhammad, Our Savior Has Arrived, pg 11o

So there you have it from their own literature. It should be quite obvious now to all sincere Muslims that the NOI’s teachings are in and of themselves an aggression against the religion Islam, so much so that whenever they are allowed to win, Islam loses. That is because their brand of religion is a fraud masquerading as Islam, and all whom they take off to the path of hell are people who could have gone to paradise had the matter been made clear. For that reason we must hate them in our hearts and oppose them with all the means at our disposal, all the while calling people to the truth.

Because I went on a little long here I will respond to Brother Rais’s question about the Muslim leaders in another post insha Allah.


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  1. Kwame Madden says:

October 7, 2010 at 10:17 pm

Bottom line is Elijah Poole and Louis Pharoah Farrakhan are Black Americians Muslims Ghulam Ahmad In Surah Tawba the Prophet [pbuh]is told O Prophet!strive hard aganist the Unbelievers and the Hypocites.And be firm aganist them.Their abode is Hell An evil refuge indeed.Is the {CAAM] leadership sanctioning being in coaltion with the modren day Musalimah the liar.Shame on them!


  1. True Believer says:

October 8, 2010 at 1:20 am

The Blackman in America knows nothing of Islam expect for The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. They took Islam to Europe and left you in a destroyed condition in America. All Praises Due To Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. He was the only one from the east to come and set up a continuing process so that we can evolve into a reflection of himself as the scriptures bear witness to. Don’t fall victim to the hypocritical thinking and actions of our enemy.

If you have two people with different sicknesses. As a doctor will you prescribe the same medication. Absolutely Not!!! The arabs had a totally different sickness from the blackman in America. So Allah gave us the proper medication for our sickness. Brother you must reevaluate your position on Minister Farrakhan. He is the door of salvation for the entire world. Take it or let it alone. he constantly tries to unite us with the Muslim world. The Muslim world loves him. This is why he is accepted as a head of state in the east. They know that the Sun is going to rise in the west. So stay tuned the sun is rising. AS-Salaam Alailkum!!!


  1. Hajji Muhammad says:

October 8, 2010 at 12:37 pm

This person who gave a lengthy Khutba for Iyd al-Fitr on the Washington Mall recording the entire service and then posting on the web made as his central point Tawhid, specifically speaking about the fact that Allah is not a man and that Muslims worship the Omnipotent (Al-Qaadir), Transcendent (Tanzih), Creator (Al-Khaaliq), etc. etc.
Now after all this “rhetoric” reading from the Quran, etc. this same person is seen sitting at the same table along with Zaid Shakir, Siraj, Bray, etc. providing a forum and validating Farrakhan. They have all fallen into the spider web and therefore there entire platform is now questionable.
How are they going to defend the so called “first Islamic College” when every media outlet in the world is going to question you about your association with Farrakhan, a coup on his part?


October 8, 2010 at 3:54 pm

@Hajj Muhammad

Excellent observations brother!!! They have no principles whatsoever, so its time to start anew without these “celebrities”. We just can’t get anywhere with these unprincipled people!!!


  1. Hajji Muhammad says:

October 8, 2010 at 11:44 pm

Here’s some info from a historical perspective?


  1. Free Sister says:

October 29, 2010 at 11:37 pm

Reading this blog the past few weeks has made me sad. Sad because I know that he is right and I don’t like it. I have literally cried when I reflected and looked at our condition. Our lives are melting down. Many of us can’t pay rent or struggling to do so in spite of working. Our masjids are not sufficiently built because we can’t afford to fix them and our Muslim establishment is melting down with it.Meanwhile our leaders are running around with Farakhan instead of rolling up their sleeves and getting involved. I for one feel very alone and abandoned by everyone with no one to turn to for help. Our masjids have no zakah to give and many of us can’t afford to ride out into the suburbs to the rich immigrant masjids to get any money. And besides, they will treat us like criminals because they don’t know us.

I’m married. I have a husband. He’s just never around because he has to work 12-16 hour days only to stay afloat. He gets up and leaves before I do and returns late. Many are in this situation or worse because they don’ t even have a job. my husband returns home exhausted and usually falls asleep. I cook. I clean. I do the shopping. I take care of the children. Its gettig more frustrating as the weeks go by.
Marriage is really hard when you never see the other person. It’s near impossible sometimes. I just keep telling myself it will be better once he stops working so much. Every day. And those days are turning into weeks which are turning into months…with no end in sight. I’m really unhappy and I’m not sure what to do anymore. Many others are like me and we have no one to turn to.


October 31, 2010 at 1:15 am

@ Free Sister

Sister, I was very sad myself, but the situation won’t change until we confront the truth, acknowledge it, and determine to grow some new leadership. We have to once and for all decide that these guys are finished. I know they have broken your heart because they have broken mine as well, far too many times to count. May Allah ease your condition. Perhaps you and your husband would like to be a part of a new effort to turn this ship around. It is for people like you that I wrote these articles, not the brain-damaged losers who are invested in the dysfuction. I did not mean to make anyone cry, but the situation is absolutely pitiful and “Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves”. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

I and a group of other like-minded brothers and sisters are forming a new initiative to build a better future for African-American Muslims. Is that something you would be willing to be a part of? If so please post your answer in this comment section and someone will get back with you in a very timely manner. Stay strong good sister, “verily with difficulty comes ease”.



An amazing book below – buy on Amazon to see the amazing beliefs

The name says it all –almost unbelievable, but here it is before our eyes, in print, on Amazon!

The True History Of Master Fard Muhammad (Allah In Person) [Paperback]

Elijah Muhammad (Author)

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

Since the Nation of Islam has been known to the public, the question of Elijah Muhammad’s teacher has been at the top of the inquirer’s want to know list. His disappearance and the never ending insistence by Elijah Muhammad, that his teacher was in fact God in person. This title examines Elijah Muhammad’s historical, empirical as well as theological positions regarding Master Fard Muhammad’s birth and whereabouts. The arguments are quite enlightening.

About the Author

Elijah Muhammad was born on October 7, 1897 in Sandersville, Georgia. He met his teacher, Master Fard Muhammad in Detroit, Michigan after migrating there in the early 1930’s. Upon the departure of his teacher, Elijah Muhammad became the Leader, Teacher and Guide of what went from The Lost-Found Nation of Islam in North America to what is known today as the Nation of Islam. Notable students of the Messenger were Malcolm X Little, later named Malik El Shabazz, Cassius Clay, also named Muhammad Ali, and Louis Wilcox, later named Louis Farrakhan. Given the profoundity of the writings of Elijah Muhammad, it would be an injustice to attempt to put it in a small synopsis; therefore pasting this link in your browser and visiting, will render the best and most accurate information available about Messenger Elijah Muhammad.

One reviewer says

1 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

5.0 out of 5 stars ginger AZ, August 26, 2008

By Virginia L. Allen “Ginger AZ”See all my reviews

This review is from: The True History of Master Fard Muhammad (Volume 0) (Paperback)

This is an excellent book in explaining how and that God in person has walked and taught among us. This book points out the relationship between God in person and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. It clears up false information about the Master Fard Muhammad.


About the murder of Malcolm X (Malik Shabazz), and role of Farrakhan

“…..The current leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI), Louis Farrakhan was born Louis Eugene Walcott on May 11, 1933 in Roxbury, Massachusetts. As a young man in Boston, he became a popular entertainer as a calypso singer, dancer, and violinist. While in Chicago in February 1955, he was invited by a friend to attend a Nation of Islam Saviours’ Day Convention at a local mosque. Soon thereafter Farrakhan joined NOI.

In the 1960s Farrakhan developed a strong enmity toward fellow NOI member Malcolm X, who backed a more moderate vision of black civil rights than did Farrakhan. When Malcolm in 1964 publicly revealed that NOI leader Elijah Muhammad had impregnated several of his teenage secretaries, Farrakhan, outraged at what he perceived to be Malcolm’s disloyalty, called him a traitor and denounced him in the NOI newspaper Muhammad Speaks: “Only those who wish to be led to hell, or to their doom, will follow Malcolm. The die is set, and Malcolm shall not escape, especially after such evil, foolish talk about his benefactor; such a man is worthy of death and would have been met with death if it had not been for Muhammad’s confidence in Allah for victory over his enemies.” Ten weeks later, on February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was killed in Harlem’s Audubon Ballroom by three gunmen with ties to NOI.

As recently as 1993, Farrakhan tried to justify Malcolm X’s assassination when he said in a speech, “Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with [Malcolm] like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? A nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats.” In May 1995, however, Farrakhan spoke for the first time in repentant tones about the slaying, and admitted to having “helped create the atmosphere” that led to it. “I may have been complicit in words that I spoke leading up to 21 February,” he said. “I acknowledge that and regret that any word that I have said caused the loss of life of a human being.” Immediately thereafter, however, he named the U.S. government as the real villain that had fomented zeal and bitterness inside NOI’s ranks….”

……and more from …..


The Greatness of Master Fard Muhammad
by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan


[FCN Editor’s Note: The following text is excerpted from an April 1 message delivered by Min. Louis Farrakhan at Mosque Maryam in Chicago]

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Those of you who do not know Master Fard Muhammad may think that we are in error for believing in Him as Mahdi. What I want you to do is to give Him a chance to tell you through The Honorable Elijah Muhammad what He reveals, then, you go and study it. If He (Fard Muhammad) lied, then, we can cast Him aside, but, if He told the truth, then, you are going to have to reason with this man.

Master Fard Muhammad came among us and He taught us “Actual Facts.” That which is actual, means it exists; it’s fact or real. A fact is that which, actually exists; it is reality; it is truth. Why did Master Fard Muhammad give us Actual Facts? It is because you can not build anything until you know the actual facts. The problem with us is that we have believed what others have told us, but, the actual facts, we may not be acquainted with. How could the enemy rule us if we had the same knowledge that he has? Regardless to your degrees, the enemy has never shared with you what he has of knowledge. That is why when you come out of college you go to him and look for a job. It is because you are not prepared to make a job for yourself.

Master Fard Muhammad was only among us three years and four or five months. He said He came to us from the Holy City of Mecca in Arabia. Master Fard Muhammad came to Detroit to a place called “Black Bottom,” where the people lived in the deep ghetto. He started teaching there, going door-to-door, like an ordinary salesman. This is what is meant in the scripture where it says, “He made himself of no reputation He and became obedient even unto death.”

The Bible says, “He stood and He measured the Earth.” Seventy-one years ago, when Master Fard Muhammad came, He told us that, The total area of the land and water of the planet Earth is 196,940,000 square miles.” He said, The circumference of the planet Earth is 24,896 miles, and, all of us had to memorize this. The diameter of the earth is 7,926 miles; the area of land is 57,255,000 square miles; the area of water is 139,685,000 square miles. He said the Pacific Ocean covers 68,634,000 square miles and the Atlantic Ocean covers 41,321,000 square miles. The Indian Ocean, He said, covers 29,430,000 square miles, and the lakes and rivers cover 1,000,000 square miles. The hills and the mountains cover 14,000,000 square miles; the islands are 1,910,000 square miles; and the deserts are 4,861,000 square miles. Mount Everest is 29,141 feet high, and the producing land is 29,000,000 square miles. The earth weighs 6 sextillion tons—a 6 followed by 21 zeros—and is 93,000,000 miles from the sun, traveling at the rate of 1,037-1/3 miles per hour. Light travels at the rate of 186,000 miles per second, and sound travels at the rate of 1,120 feet-per-second. The diameter of the sun is 853,000 miles.

We were just students under a Master Teacher who asked us to study. Then, Master Fard Muhammad began to tell us about the distance of the planets and the life that is on the planets. He taught Elijah Muhammad, who was from the cotton fields of Georgia, and, who only went to the fourth grade of school. If you compare what Master Fard Muhammad said 71 years ago with the dimensions that the scholars have given, every year they have gotten closer and closer, until now their computations are similar with Master Fard Muhammad’s—the man who taught Elijah Muhammad and came to raise us up from a dead level and make us rulers over those who once ruled us, not by guns and sticks, but, by giving us a superior knowledge.

Seventy-one years ago, before you knew anything about Mars, Master Fard Muhammad called Mars an inhabited planet. He said, “Mars is 141,500,000 miles from the sun, and she travels at the rate of 1,037-1/3 miles per hour.” He said, “Her diameter is 4,200 miles.” Master Fard Muhammad said, “Mercury is also an inhabited planet and is 36,000,000 miles from the sun. Her diameter is 3,000 miles and she travels at the rate of 1,037-1/3 miles per hour.” Think about that. No matter how close they are to the sun or how far they are from the sun, all of the planets travel at the same rate of speed.

Master Fard Muhammad said, “Jupiter is 483,000,000 miles from the sun. She takes eleven years and nine months to make one complete circle around the sun; her diameter is 88,700 miles; Saturn is 886,000,000 miles from the sun; Uranus, 1,782,000,000; Neptune, 2,793,000,000 miles from the sun; and the far planet Platoon, or Pluto, 4,600,000,000 miles from the sun.”

Pluto was first discovered in the year 1930, the same year that Master Fard Muhammad found you and me. How far is Pluto from the sun? Four billion, six hundred million miles. In this figure, you have the numerals four and six.

The book of Malachi, meaning, “My Messenger,” which is the last book of your Bible, tells us who we should be looking for. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.” I will send you who? Elijah! In what chapter does his name appear? The fourth chapter, from the fourth to the six verses. Now, here is the meaning. The first four represents four thousand years from Moses. Why Moses? Because both Bible and Qur’an teach us that the man that Allah (God) would send in the last days would be a man like unto Moses. How could you have a man like Moses unless you have a people like the Children of Israel, and, a wicked ruler like Pharaoh and his deceitful magicians? The second four represents our 400-years of bondage, and, the six represents the end of the 6,000-year rule of Caucasian people.

The far planet Platoon, or Pluto, is 4,600,000,000 miles away from the sun, yet, the light of the sun reaches her and has her spinning at the same speed of the other planets, 1,037-1/3 miles per hour. What does this mean? It means that when the Light of Allah (God) touches you, you will start turning and you will be going at the same speed of all the people of wisdom on the planet, as long as you stay in the light, acknowledge the light, submit to the light, bow down to the light and the God Who raised you and brought you to the light.

Master Fard Muhammad came and the authorities arrested Him in Detroit for teaching us the knowledge of ourselves. He submitted. He didn’t have to go to jail. That is why the book of Habakkuk says, “He had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power.” Malachi says, “He became obedient even unto death.” Death means the White man. He represents death, and, we live in the very shadow of death under his rule.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that when the White man tricked our fathers out of Africa, the first slaves came to America on a ship named Jesus. When our fathers got here, they would wander down to the shore looking for that ship, and, they would say, you can have all of this world, just give me Jesus, that ship that would return me to my native land and people. That is where our spirituals were born. “Swing low, sweet chariot, coming to carry me home.” America isn’t your home. This is a strange land and we are living among a strange people whose ways are alien to Allah (God) and the Prophets of Allah (God).

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Little did our fathers know that it would be 400 years before the real ship Jesus came to get us.” The real ship Jesus is Allah (God) in Person; The Mahdi coming to raise a Messiah. The Messiah did not live 2,000 years ago. Jesus of 2,000 years ago was a Prophet. The Messiah is more than a Prophet. He is a man in whom is the Indwelling Spirit, Wisdom, Knowledge and Power of Allah (God), Himself. Therefore, He opens the eyes of the blind. He makes the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak. He cleanses the leper and He raises the dead to life, by Allah’s (God’s) permission.

When Master Fard Muhammad went to jail, He sent for Elijah Muhammad. When Elijah saw Him behind bars, He looked at Elijah and said, “This is the price that you are going to have to pay if you want to free your people.” The price is jail. The price is persecution. The price is being evil spoken of, and, sometimes the price is death itself. Unless you are willing to pay the price, do not accept the assignment. Then He said to Elijah, “If you don’t accept the assignment, somebody else will. So why don’t you go ahead and get the big name.” The Book says that Elijah said, “Here am I, send me.”

I did not know Master Fard Muhammad, I only saw His picture, but, I listened to Elijah Muhammad teach me something about Allah (God), the Original Man, and, how the Qur’an and Bible were actually made. I want you to think. Either this is Revelation or it is some made up madness, but, tell me how made up madness could raise a man from the dead? Tell me how made up madness could take a fool like me and make me honored and respected all over the world? Tell me how could made up madness make Malcolm X? How could made up madness make Muhammad Ali?

Let us reason together.

Email our site: Click here!

Online Holy Quran to purchase a hard cover copy call 866-602-1230
Minister Farrakhan “Speaks” on our Saviour’ Master Fard Muhammad
Ministry of Science and Technology | February 8, 2009
Filming of a I.F.O. in Manhattan and Brooklyn, New York City

NY City headquarters of the NOI


And maybe you wish to buy this book from “cheap books for sale net, and see the description below


Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive?
By Jabril Muhammad

Price $14.00
Release Date:
Serial Number: jmuhammad1

see Book Review…

BlackElectorate’s Review
In Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive??? Jabril Muhammad, in a bold, reasoned and yet cautious manner approaches an explosive subject that, as an idea, has only entered into the mind of a few, and which as an issue of critical importance, has been seriously considered by an even smaller number of persons. In this patient and seminal treatise, Jabril Muhammad considers, explores and analyzes theological, anecdotal, circumstantial and first-hand evidence that supports the basis of the thinking, held by a growing minority, that Nation of Islam’s patriarch, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, escaped a death plot twenty-six years ago, and is in fact, still alive, today. Although the author, who lived in the home of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for six years, does not exhaust all that he currently knows of the subject today, or even that which he knew of the subject over 26 years ago, it is his stated aim, with this book, to only raise the possibility, that his teacher, though out of the sight of the general public, is still physically alive. Presented in an interesting and at times riveting fashion, Jabril Muhammad, a theologian and a registered member of the Nation Of Islam since January 1955, makes a compelling case that the actual events of February 25th 1975 may not at all correspond with the news accounts of that day, which included an announcement, circulated throughout the world, that Elijah Muhammad had died. That the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, over a period of years, discussed the subject of this book, before 1975, and that this book contains the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s own articulation of how his belief that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is physically alive motivates his work and success, makes this book essential reading for any person seeking to understand the Nation Of Islam. Furthermore, anyone who is represented as an expert on the Nation of Islam who omits Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive??? from his or her research process, is not only uninformed, but even worse, intellectually dishonest. This little book, the cogency of the arguments contained within it, as well as the demonstrated impact of its contents, are too important to ignore. Jabril Muhammad makes clear the motive and the implications of his work when he writes, “This comes to stimulate and deepen thought in an area of information dangerous to some, helpful to others, affecting everyone in America and throughout the world.” And while the subject is awesome in nature and scope, and possibly intimidating to some, the book is extremely reader-friendly, laid out in an easy-to-understand and convenient manner, with Minister Muhammad even providing, within the text, excerpts from numerous translations of the Bible and Holy Qur’an, as well as portions of several commentaries from religious scholars. By doing this, the author saves the reader and serious student valuable time, money and energy. That Jabril Muhammad is able to include so much information from a variety of sources in such a small amount of space, as he simultaneously writes from his own perspective, is quite an accomplishment and one that ensures that the reader explores this controversial subject with the benefit of more than one point of view. In just 96 pages the author makes a provocative introduction regarding the underlying logic, historical context, and tangible importance of considering the possibility that the man who visibly lead the Nation of Islam for 40 years did not die, and as a result, has not lost his guiding influence over the community that he gave birth to and taught and trained. The argument put forth in this book, that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, like the Moses of the Old Testament, left behind a believing community, but not due to physical death, should influence the thinking of the community of Believers in the Nation Of Islam, who have accepted Islam before and after 1975, as well as that community’s worst detractors. But in between those two points of view, the book should more than adequately engage students and educators of Black history; journalists in the Black and mainstream media; leading academics and intellectuals who have weighed the impact of Islam in the Black community in America; and the most serious of religious scholars, theologians and scriptural scientists. In fact, several chapters particularly lend themselves to an embrace from each of these groups, simultaneously. An example of a portion of the book that at once appeals to readers of different disciplines and backgrounds is the 2nd chapter called, “Update On The possibility : 1989” which deals with a particular spiritual experience of Minister Farrakhan, while he was in Mexico in September of 1985. The spiritual experience, which the Minister publicly revealed the contents of in February 1986, involved his being told by Honorable Elijah Muhammad that the President of the United States had met with the Joint Chiefs of Staffs and planned a war. As Jabril Muhammad describes, in 1987, the ,Atlanta Journal-Constitution, among other publications, reported that in fact, weeks before the Minister had his experience, President Reagan did in fact meet with his joint chiefs of staff and planned a war against Libya, confirming the truth of the information the Minister received in his spiritual experience involving the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The chapter, intimately connected with the subject and title of the book, and written in a methodical style, should impress both political scientists and scriptural scientists alike with the manner in which he handles the most serious of “political” and “spiritual”, and some may even say “metaphysical” of realities, without offending the sensibilities of other readers, of varying backgrounds and interests. For the student and educator in the field of history, the book is filled with anecdotes and facts that are not available in any other trade paper published on the Nation of Islam. In the book’s fourth chapter, “Minister Farrakhan And This Book”, the words of Minister Farrakhan are provided to explain his interaction and some of the impact that the original letter that grew into Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive??? had on the Muslim leader. With humor, candor and great attention to detail, Minister Farrakhan provides an informative chronology from 1977 to 1981 of his early thinking and work juxtaposed to the original written material outlining the possibility that his Teacher was still alive. As is evident, from the onset of the book, Jabril Muhammad’s work is actually part of the story that it tells, having grown out of a letter written to two men, one of which was Minister Farrakhan, begun on December 25, 1975. Through a very interesting turn of events, and some important encouragement, described in this final edition’s first three chapters, the letter evolved into a book. Properly placed in context, the fifth chapter of this final edition, entitled, “On The Possibility Of The Escape From A Death Plot By The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Messenger Of Allah”, is the letter, as it was originally titled. It was this letter, now presented as a chapter which was first published in 1983, in the first edition of this book. Although originally written, first to one person and then to Minister Farrakhan, this fifth chapter should be of great interest to all of its readers, particularly Muslims and Christians in the Black community and the Pastors and Imams that shepherd and educate them. Here, Jabril Muhammad makes the argument, with the Bible and Holy Qur’an, that the life of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Black people in America, in particular, is intimately connected, related and intertwined with the actual lives of the prophets of old as well as the narrative and storyline of the scriptures. That relationship, as Jabril Muhammad, argues throughout the book, but particularly in this chapter, was a central reality in the fate of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad 26 years ago. He writes, “Not many people know that there was ‘death plot’ talk during January and February, 1975… . Just as the ‘Jesus’ of the Bible expect a death plot, so did the Messenger…There are certain parts of the Bible that describe a situation so much like what happened just before and just after February 25, 1975, that will force you to wonder if you are not reading a word picture taken and written thousands of years ago…” and, “aimed and taken,” to paraphrase him, of these times in which we live. In this chapter, Jabril Muhammad explores and analyzes both the general and most intricate of details contained in seldom-studied portions of scriptures, particularly the Holy Qur’an that deal with the subject of the death and even the assassination attempt on God’s Messenger(s). A striking aspect of Minister Muhammad’s presentation is the manner in which his arguments provoke deep thought regarding the agreement between the Bible and the Holy Qur’an in reference to the Messiah. It is a subject that few deal with in public but one that this writer recognized the importance of in December of 1997, in a discussion that I had with a member of the prestigious Jesus Seminar – a group which, with painstaking detail, analyzes the words of Jesus contained in the scriptures from theological, scholarly and anthropological perspectives. The group’s work is covered annually, and is often featured on the cover of popular magazines like U.S News and World Reports and Time. Among other things, the Jesus Seminar has concluded that as much as 80% of what is written in the Bible as the words of Jesus were not stated by the man, Jesus, who lived 2,000 years ago. Beginning in December of 1997 and in our subsequent exchanges, a Jesus Seminar member, Mr. Art Dewey ( who is also a prominent Catholic theologian ) expressed his interest, to this writer, in the fact that the Holy Qur’an’s view of Jesus is almost identical to that of the earliest Christians, a fact rarely discussed in public. Those scholars who have intensely studied both the Bible and Holy Qur’an have formed the opinion that there is persuasive evidence that both books are in major agreement over Jesus, the Messiah, even the conspiracy against his life and his ultimate fate. It is a fascinating subject that Chapter 5 of “Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive???”explores and makes relevant to today. Chapter 6, “Minister Farrakhan’s Magnificent Answer” is one for the historical record as the author provides an interview in which the Muslim leader explains the importance and some of the process of his growth into the belief that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad did not die on February 25, 1975. In response to a single question from Jabril Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan not only explains the inspiration that such a realization has provided for him, personally, but he also explains what he believes the implications of such are for the Black clergy. The chapter provides a rare window into some of what has motivated the Muslim leader in his activities with the Christian community, which have included numerous speaking engagements in Black Churches. Chapter 7, entitled, “My Explanation” is the author’s response to a question that was first posed to Minister Farrakhan by Emerge magazine in 1990 that is related to the contents and purpose of the original letter begun on December 25, 1975, which Jabril Muhammad determined on December 26, 1975, that he would give to Minister Farrakhan, along with a much larger untitled work (which Muhammad had already determined he would give to Minister Farrakhan) Jabril Muhammad would give that letter and that larger book to Minister Farrakhan in Hollywood California, a couple of years later, in 1977. This chapter provides a definitive answer to a subject that not a single one of the major books regarding the Nation of Islam and Minister Farrakhan gets correct. This writer has met with at least three men, including Arthur Magida, author of Prophet Of Rage who have written popular books about the Nation Of Islam who wrote accounts in their books which provide an incorrect, confused or woefully incomplete account of the circumstances surrounding the meeting between Jabril Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan in September of 1977 and the information that was exchanged between the two followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad – a bit over 22 years from the time both men joined the Nation Of Islam in New York City. This chapter also includes a look at the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s view of the relationship between Minister Farrakhan and the Biblical figures, the apostles, Peter and Paul and Jabril Muhammad’s recognition of the relationship between Minister Farrakhan and the Biblical figure Paul, in September 1977. This chapter is a valuable contribution that sheds light on one of the most misunderstood and inaccurately described, yet important periods and events in the history of the Nation Of Islam. In “So What?”, the book’s riveting final chapter, which is actually an excerpt from an unpublished book, Jabril Muhammad writes a first-person account of a direct experience with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, regarding the Nation Of Islam leader’s confidence that he would narrowly escape a future plot on his life. With an attention to nuance and recollection that is striking, Jabril Muhammad describes his interaction, with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, beginning in 1966, in reference to the subject. The chapter highlight is a vivid description of an October 1967 discussion between the teacher and student concerning the relationship between the scriptures and the future event of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s escape from a death plot to once again be with his teacher, Master Fard Muhammad – a reunion which the leader of the Nation Of Islam publicly hinted at, in an article which appeared in the Muhammad Speaks newspaper in the 1973. The chapter’s description of the discussion, the setting and emotions felt and displayed by both men is so clearly depicted that one may feel they are present in the Phoenix, Arizona home of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad when this very serious discussion took place, almost 35 years ago. This chapter should be valuable to those who would like a rare glimpse of the more private side of the man who taught Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali and Imam Warith Deen Muhammad, along with Minister Farrakhan, but who is yet so misunderstood. The chapter also provides a window into a subject that many of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s own followers have not adequately looked into – that being the thoughts that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad held regarding his own future, even his ultimate “fate”. In sum, “Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive???” is an essential book for anyone seeking a deeper grasp of the history of the Nation of Islam, the implications of its existence and its contribution to the Black experience in America. The book also represents a formidable challenge to the world’s three major religions and the ability of their representatives to adequately relate the Supreme Being, the prophets, and scripture, to the 400-plus year history of Black people in the Western Hemisphere. Although Jabril Muhammad’s original intention for this writing was for a private purpose, nevertheless, it raises a provocative topic which not only challenges the historical record, but also confronts the most deeply held tenets and dogmas of the world’s three major religions. In the process of stimulating thought over whether or not the Honorable Elijah Muhammad died or departed on February 25, 1975, Jabril Muhammad unearths critical aspects of the buried relationship between race and religion and brings to view some of the most overlooked portions (in the case of some scholars) and even forgotten aspects (in the case of some who joined the Nation of Islam prior to 1975) of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. As he accomplishes this, Jabril Muhammad shows the relevancy of what has been both overlooked and forgotten, to the mission of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. College students, journalists, historians, theologians, older followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as well as newer members of the Nation Of Islam under the leadership of Minister Louis Farrakhan would all benefit from a reading and even deep study of this book, which is only “small” in terms of its physical size

And all this is believable to the NOI followers as the proof is here:

By Mother Tynnetta Muhammad
Updated Sep 10, 2009 – 1:15:53 PM

Under a Cover of Darkness

“And We never sent a messenger or a prophet before thee but when he desired, the devil made a suggestion respecting his desire; but Allah annuls that which the devil casts, then does Allah establish His messages. And Allah is Knowing, Wise—That He may make what the devil casts a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and the hard-hearted. And surely the wrongdoers are in severe opposition.” —Holy Qur’an Surah 22, verses 52-53

We have completed 34 years since the date of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s departure on February 25, 1975. Is there a connection with this number of years to the Supreme Wisdom Book of Lessons assigned to all new converts of the Nation of Islam in America? We have an assignment identified as the Problem Book, which contains exactly 34 problems. If we take each problem to represent a year in the calculation of time, then these 34 problems represents 34 years. The first 34 years of the 20th Century, tallies with the time in which Master W. Fard Muhammad made himself known and announced his appearance in America on July 4, 1930.

Within 3-1/2 to 4 years he raised the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as the 1st begotten of our dead nation. He departed exactly in the year 1934. Would this number 34 be calculated at the end of the time given for the mental resurrection of our dead Nation, which would include the grace period extended under the spiritual work of his greatest helper the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan? Was he not chosen by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to take his place in his absence? “And We appointed for Moses thirty nights, and completed them with ten, so the appointed time of his Lord was complete forty nights. And Moses said to his brother Aaron: Take my place among my people, and act well and follow not the way of the mischief-makers.”—Holy Qur’an Surah 7, verse 142

In 13 paragraphs given to the early laborers in Detroit, Michigan in the early 1930’s prior to the departure of Master Fard Muhammad in 1934 we are given instructions to guide us into a deeper understanding of our role and mission in the spiritual resurrection of our Lost Found Nation. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a sign to work exactly 40 years from the time he took flight from the City of Detroit on the heels of a death plot in 1935. This is the prophetic period in which he traveled up and down the east coast until his arrest in Washington, D.C. in 1942. In the Theology Time Lecture series by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad he appointed the Honorable Minister Farrakhan to take his place among the people until his return. If we count his return to tally with these 34 years, then the year 2009 in which we live could be the beginning period of his communication and preparation for his return.

The study of the 34 problems gives us the keys to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s escape from a death plot. Paragraph #2 gives us this key in which we read the following words: “The enemy, then, tried to stop every Muslim from helping the Apostle and said he should be killed. Then Allah Challenged the enemy to do so, to leave not a stone unturned in trying. This is in the 34 Problems that you have if you understand.”

Are these same words applicable to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan today? Returning to the Theology of Time, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made a reference to his escape but could only transmit to us some information concerning what was about to take place. In those lectures he makes several references to this event by stating that he was in the circle of the 12 scientist and of the 7 powerful angels, and furthermore, that they were present to let him know that when the time came they were there to protect him against his enemies.

In a letter that was written to Brother Jabril Muhammad from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on November 25, 1966, he shared words with him that describes an aspect of his departure. I will share some of those words at this time. “… and again in Daniel it says in the night they came and they took the prey away and in Isaiah he makes mention not of death, but of a taking away and escape of the Messenger from a death plot against him, by the angels (smile). … In the Psalms prophecy, he was taken under a cover of darkness while the enemies were after him, God made the heavens a dark thickness of clouds, and under cover of this darkness, God came down and picked him up…”

In the early of mid-1980’s, prior to 1984, I dreamed of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad seated at the head chair in the small dining room off from the kitchen in the Palace. Several persons were seated with him among them the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. When I entered the room in surprise he asked me to be seated in the chair next to him at his side. He then asked me to question him on any subject that I desired. I responded with the following question: “I have always wanted to know the scientific explanation of how you escaped?” He answered with a smile, “Oh that was easy, they came and took me away to a certain place and from there to yet another place.”

There is another part of this same dream that I will share with our readers at another time, but needless to say, one can see how this dream perfectly matches with his words written in the letter to Brother Jabril Muhammad on this same subject of how the Honorable Elijah Muhammad escaped from a death plot. Is this same reality about to visit the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?

“And that those who have been given knowledge may know that it is the Truth from thy Lord, so they should believe in it that their hearts may be lowly before Him. And surely Allah is the Guide of those who believe, into a right path. And those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt concerning it, until the Hour overtakes them suddenly, or there comes to them the chastisement of a destructive day.” —Holy Qur’an, Surah 22, verses 54-55


and this speaks for itself


The “Nation of Islam” or Nation of Kufr?

By Nida’ul Islam Magazine

Quotes of Apostasy by Louis Farrakhan
“The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said it would be 400 years before the real ship Jesus would come and deliver us from this oppressor and from the ignorance that this oppression had put us under. That real ship Jesus, he said, is God Himself. As it is written, Elijah must first come because Elijah is the trumpet that lets you know that the Messiah is on His way.”(1)“We call Him Master Fard Muhammad. What has He mastered? He has studied to become master of what He did not create. Allah created the heavens and the earth. We don’t know when, we just say in the beginning… But this man was born in 1877, born into a creation that is trillions of years old, yet, He has become its master, a master who has studied to master self and then to master the universe and to master all circumstances where when He come He’s called Maliki Yaumi-d-din–Master of the Day of Judgment. He is a human being, but He is a master of that time period. He masters it by the power and permission of Allah….When he left, He was a friend. His name was Wali Fard Muhammad. Wali means a friend, but a protecting friend. One that is your friend but can protect you from your enemies because he is your friend. And you sing that song, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus.”… Fard means one we are obligated to obey… He used the name Fard because He was telling us that He is one we are obligated to obey. And sooner or later every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that a Master came to North America, and with the master grip He pulled Hiram up out of the grave.”(2)A columnist in NOI’s “Final Call” magazine says: “…The kind of study this involves is related to my witness of Min. Farrakhan. The more you know about him and the more you know about prophecy, the easier it is to see those prophecies that refer to him, which he is fulfilling. This makes it easier to understand his words and acts.It’s surpassed only by that Qur’an which Master Fard Muhammad has written and given to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, according to the fifth chapter of Revelation, and otherwise. A portion of that book, by the power of Allah, will be granted to Min. Farrakhan. I am among those who pray that he is so blessed.”(3)

1) Jesus Saves, a talk by Louis Farrakhan on the Saviours’ Day, delivered at the International Amphitheater in Chicago on Feb. 26, 1995.)
2) After The Million Man March, Now What? (Part I), (From Farrakhan’s Saviours’ Day speech delivered February 25, 1996 in Chicago, Il.)
3) Farrakhan The Traveller, by Jabril Muhammad, The Final Call magazine, Online Edition – 24-3-98.

Although the ‘Nation of Islam’ still retains its original deviant beliefs, their popularity has remained dangerously high among many of the Muslim communities. This has only served to confuse the message of the real Islaam, and the following should clarify the position of the Nation in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

The religious doctrines of the NOI contradicts the essential teachings of Islaam, which includes the worship and recognition of One God, who shares His Dominion with no one and of Whom which there is non like Him. The Nation however believes that Allaah is a person in the name of Fard Muhammad who descended on Earth in July 1930. Elijah Poole Muhammad is recognised as their prophet, the Last Messenger mentioned in the Qur’an. In Point number 12 of their Testimonials of Faith, the Elijah Muhammad said: ‘We believe Allah (God) appeared in the person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July 1930, the long-awaited Messiah of the Christians and the Mahdi of the Muslims…'”

They also negate the reality of the Day of resurrection, claiming it to be mental rather than physical, and that the “so-called Negroes are most in need of mental resurrection; therefore they will be resurrected first.”

Prayer is not accepted without the mentioning of Elijah’s Muhammad name: “I am the Door. By no means can you get by except you come by me. Your prayers will not be heard unless my name is mentioned in them … I have the key to your salvation, and I have the key to your hell. I can, if you will let me, pull you out of hell and set you into heaven. Then I can keep you in heaven; or I can keep pushing you and push you into the punishment of hell until you acknowledge that there is no God but Allah Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever and that Elijah Muhammad is His Servant..”1

We need only refer to Louis Farrakhan’s words spoken at his ne plus ultra “Million Man March”, where he opened with the following invocation, “I am so grateful to Allah for his intervention in our affairs in the person of Master Fard Muhammad the Great Mahdi, who came among us and raised from among us a divine leader, teacher and guide, his messenger to us the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”

Final Call columnist Bernard Cushmeer, (Jibril Muhammad) states in his book, Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive? that Louis Farrakhan today publicly rejects the belief that Elijah Muhammad is dead, even though Farrakhan saw his teacher’s corpse in a coffin in February, 1975. According to Cushmeer, this belief is so well established, that Farrakhan has said that if it is “determined that the body in the ground reported to be that of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, was in fact his, he would stop teaching.”2 It is for this reason that every issue of Farrakhan’s The Final Call newspaper, prints the words, “He Lives” on the inside back page under The Muslim Program. Cushmeer also makes the following claim:

“If you will take the time and read the Qur’an, and look at the arguments of Messenger Elijah Muhammad on the subject of the identity of the person addressed by its Author (Allah), it will become clear that Muhammad of Arabia could not be the man for whom it was ultimately meant…The main thing to know is that the Qur’an was originally written with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad in Allah’s mind as the ultimate recipient.”3

On Sept. 1, 1985, Farrakhan’s wife, Betty, speaking in Chicago after her return from Mecca where she accompanied her husband on Hajj, began her speech with the statement “In the Name of Allah, in the name of His True Servant and His Last Apostle, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I greet you…” Thereafter, Farrakhan stated that while making Tawaf around the Ka’abah in Mecca, he had loving thoughts about the glorious Prophets Muhammad, Abraham, Isma’eel, and “my father the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.”

On Oct. 24, 1989 and February 28, 1990, Farrakhan declared that he traveled to the “top of a sacred mountain in Mexico where he was taken in a UFO to a “mother wheel” containing the late Elijah Muhammad”4

Furthermore, in an interview held on December 24, 1989 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, he still maintained that he accepted Islam in 1955 under the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, and that Fard Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad’s teacher was:

“…a means through which Allah presented himself to Elijah Muhammad in the same manner as the Angel Gabriel was a means through which Allah presented Himself to Muhammad (s.a.w) in the form of a man…”

This should leave no doubt in the minds of the Muslims as regards the true nature of the NOI.

  1. See The Fall of America, p. 205.
  2. p. iii.
  3. See Is It Possible That The Honorable Elijah Muhammad Is Still Physically Alive? pp. 26-27
  4. See The Washington Post, Oct. 26, 1989; p. B4; and March 1, 1990, page A1, see also ABC’s Nightline, October 15, 1996.


and on and on,,,,

More coming, insha-Allah, on this crucial issue for it is a “hot” current affair with wide implications for the message of Islam in America and beyond, concerning the testimony of faith and creed.


9 Responses to An American form of Idolatry and Blasphemy – Lies of Elijah and Farrakhan

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